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Comments for the week ending June 16, 2013

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btw, I'm pretty sure this one was a suggestion:


I meant it seems like most people are skeptical about a variety of things, such as what quality videos we'll be getting if it does come out. But okay, I retract what I wrote. Didn't mean to speak for anyone.
Gargoyles need not apply.


Here is something share worthy.

Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]
Obama eat's Dog!

Arlo > I'm not skeptical at all. Having had email discussions with employees at two Disney branches, I'm fairly convinced this is legit. If not, then it's one of the more elaborate hoaxes I've ever seen.
Matthew - [reginald_q_bumbershoot at hotmail dot com]

Thanks for the responses, everyone. I guess the general concencus is that we're all a bit skeptical, but still hopeful. Hopefully, some of the people who order this can post here and let us know if it's legit before we all go and buy a bunch of other DVDs that we don't need. That does suck about having to buy a certain number to get what you want, if I understood that correctly.

Like Todd, I also noticed the name "Johnny" on that e-mail. That was funny.

Gargoyles need not apply.

I'm curious if the next Sain'ts Row will be as good as the previous installment. It's a pity THQ is no more...

And now... A couple of weeks/months/idon'tremember ago I mentioned I was working on 2 projects. One of them is close to being finished and I'd like to share it with you (and any Gargoyle fan who might be out there).

I watched a few Gargoyles music videos but so far haven't found a single one which reached a certian level of quality. And that's a shame because there are a few videos out there with a great idea behind, but lack of execution. I'm trying hard to polish my take on a Gargoyle music video and I hope you like it when it's done.

So I brought this little teaser with me, maybe you can guess what this is about:

Thanks to everyone who's going to watch this!

Neill - [neillgargoyle(a)gmail dot com]

And further kudos for their saying "glide" rather than "fly".
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

A quote from one of the Senior Producer of Saint's Row IV - Andrea Rene from The Escapist asked if associated characters (in-game, your "homies") will also be able to acquire superpowers. Specifically, she asked if Vice-President Keith David, portrayed by Keith David, can acquire superpowers. His response?

"So yes, Keith David will be able to leap and glide through the air."

Now admit it...what immediately popped into your collective minds? Oh for a character mod...

Check the interview at http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/escapist-news-now/7512-Saints-Row-IV-E3-2013 - Keith David comes up about 7 minutes in.

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

ANTHONY - I hadn't known about the release date, actually, but thanks for sharing it with me.
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

@Todd Jensen, I'm sure you already know this but the 2nd half of Season 2 is going to be released on DVD a month and two days from today (July 16th). It appears that you've watched/reviewed the first 5 episodes of Season 2, so take your time with the other 5. :)

Also, I'm sorry you've been spoiled by coming here. When I read about the Season 1 mole reveal here because the episodes aired earlier outside the US, I was pissed, but you don't seem to concerned, which is cool. It probably gives you a different, possibly more open perspective while watching it. Allows you to see the bigger picture more readily.

Anthony Tini

SUPERMORFF - Thanks. As I mentioned in my last post, I should have written the names of those other planets and alien races down when I watched the episodes, rather than relying on memory.
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

Todd> Also, I think the planet is called Rimbor, not Rimnor. Maybe that was just a typo.

Also, when [SPOILER] Nightwing talks about the all-female squad, Batgirl's response isn't just whether Nightwing would pick an all-male team (because she knows he would). It's whether he'd feel the need to justify his decision picking an all-male team. That's a legitimate question that highlights systemic sexism - why are male superheroes (and superhero teams) the norm and female ones exceptions?

In this case, Nightwing might legitimately answer "Yes, I'd feel the need to justify it if there was a reason I needed to exclude women from the team." That is, if there was a villain who affected women the way Queen Bee affects men, I could see Nightwing explaining this in his briefing. While this answer might make him seem less sexist for that reason (because by the same logic, there might also be briefings in which he did not feel the need to justify an all-female team), it makes him seem more sexist for basically putting down a woman who highlighted his patriarchal privelege. Thus no correct answer.

Or such is my interpretation. (I gave this some thought when I first saw the episode.) [/SPOILER]


Masterdramon> Not every world was based on a feature film, at least not a theatrical film. Steamboat Willie was a short, Aladdin in Kingdom Hearts 2 was (loosely) based on The Return of Jafar video sequel, and the Hercules segment in Birth by Sleep drew from the Hercules animated series, to use just a few examples.
Matthew - [reginald_q_bumbershoot at hotmail dot com]

Todd: The Kroloteans are indeed minor characters from the comics, although "Young Justice" expanded their profile some.


Matthew: While that may be, "Kingdom Hearts" has also never adapted a world solely from a Disney television series; only feature films. And if they did move in that direction, I'd probably bet on the inclusion of "Phineas and Ferb" (among others) before "Gargoyles."

Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Gonna hitch a ride, head for the other side..." - Boston

Braniac> Never say never. Remember, they put Tron in the game, and that was before Disney decided to start using the IP again.
Matthew - [reginald_q_bumbershoot at hotmail dot com]

TODD> Glad you're still digging YJ. Hopefully the rest of Invasion will make it onto DVD for you, sometime in the near future.

And I'm glad I'm not the only one to make the Krolotean/Arquillian connection.


Oh, and I checked the "Ask Greg" archives, and it turns out that it's "Kroloteans" rather than "Krotoleans". (I should have written those alien names down while I was watching.) Sorry about that.
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

So the upcoming release might be legitimate after all - though I'm still waiting to find out more before I order it.

Checked out from the library and watched the first five episodes of "Young Justice: Invasion" on DVD today. I'd written a review of them, but then lost it when I pushed the wrong button by mistake - sigh. This will be a much shorter and simpler comment than what I'd originally written, rather than trying to reconstruct it from memory.

[SPOILER] This one was exciting enough that I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the episodes (and a pity that the second half of the season apparently hasn't been released on DVD yet). Lots of big questions, such as "Who's the Light's mysterious new partner?" "Why is Queen Bee kidnapping runaway teenagers?" "How will the Justice Leaguers' trial on Rimnor go?" (I assume they'll be acquitted, but probably not until almost the end of the season. Certainly one of the big purposes of that thread, I suspect, is to make things more challenging for the team by having some major super-heroes unavailable for a while - particularly with four of those Justice Leaguers being mentors to team members.)

Of course, we begin with the infamous "Time Skip". I'm not sure what to make of that yet. I can certainly sympathize with those who were upset by it; it shakes up the original regulars whom the audience has grown to know over the first twenty-six episodes. Suddenly, three of them are off the team; one has apparently gone over to the villains (though I've picked up from comments on the series here that Aqualad's only pretending to defect and it's all a clever infiltration scheme), and two have retired from the super-hero business (though I've also picked up that Wally and Artemis will be helping their old friends out as the season continues). It certainly uproots things. On the other hand, it does keep things fresh, and the universe is a big enough place that it probably would take a while for the ramifications of the raid on Rimnor to reach Earth.

The Krotoleans (if I got the name right) reminded me a bit of some of those aliens masquerading as humans in the animated "Men in Black" series (I haven't seen the movies, just the cartoon); I don't know if that was an influence, though. (I don't even know if the Krotoleans were from DC Comics or an invention of the production team.)

My favorite new characters were Blue Beetle (I got a kick out of his problems with the Scarab's ruthless streak - to put it mildly - and those arguments with it in public, resulting in everyone else giving him some odd glances) and G. Gordon Godfrey (wonderfully voiced by Tim Curry), who makes a great "civilian menace" to the Justice League.

A few comments on individual episodes:

HAPPY NEW YEAR: Great callback to the first season's opening two-parter with the Justice League showing up at the end in a "grand entrance".

EARTHLINGS: Adam Strange's reciting "Jabberwocky" to bewilder the Science Patrol, following that up with a few quotes from the White Rabbit (and the line about how his surname *is* "Strange"). And his "We're back to charades" line.

ALIENATED: Superman's attempt to save the Krotoleans, and failing because of their pride and stubbornness, were especially moving.

SALVAGE: Some great drama about Roy/Red Arrow going increasingly downhill (the guy clearly hasn't been anywhere near a razor for a while, and worse, pocketing some of the money the thief stole and not mentioning it).

I thought that the Intergang members were going to blow up the Hall of Justice at first, so it surprised me when instead they activated the trophies - and when the resulting "golem" finds its life to be painful and begs to return to the peace of being inanimate metal and rock. (It's impressive when you can make the audience feel legitimately sorry for a rampaging "monster"). And while I'm not sure just what Sportsmaster did to them - beyond that he left them somehow alive, but apparently as "vegetables" - it was certainly creepy.

The line about Wally forgetting Valentine's Day for the past five years.

BENEATH: I liked the way it tied the two plot-threads together, by revealing at the end that Blue Beetle's missing friend was one of the runaway teens that Queen Bee and her agents had been kidnapping.

The moment when, after Nightwing explains why they have to send an all-female team to investigate Queen Bee's schemes, Batgirl asks him if he'd ever pick an all-male team for certain missions, and Nightwing decides he's safest *not* answering that one.

All in all, I liked this one, and look forward to seeing the rest of the season. And it's still accessible to someone who's not that familiar with the source material, which is another good thing. [/SPOILER]

Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

I would love to see "Gargoyles" on Disney Infinity someday...


Anthony Tini

Brainiac> It's a possibility, but just wait and see.
KingCobra582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]

Matthew> I'd put higher odds on Pixar properties making an appearance than Gargoyles.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

On a completely different topic, with this week's official announcement of Kingdom Hearts 3, who else is keeping their fingers crossed that we get a Gargoyles stage? When I first heard about KH years and years ago, my very first question was, "Does it have Gargoyles?".
Matthew - [reginald_q_bumbershoot at hotmail dot com]

I emailed Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Consumer Relations, and they informed me that the box set WILL include the original broadcast versions of the episodes.
Matthew - [reginald_q_bumbershoot at hotmail dot com]

Hey all - I signed up for the Disney Movie Club a few weeks ago. I called DMC and they confirmed the 6/25 release date. For those interested, they also said they have DUCKTALES Vol. 4 in their system as a future release, with no date assigned yet. DARKWING DUCK Vol. 3 is currently NOT scheduled (unless the gentleman on the phone misspelled it in his search - he didn't seem like the brightest bulb).

I think it's pretty much a given that there won't be any features. This seems to be par for the course for both DMC exclusives AND all the Disney Afternoon shows (the prior two Gargoyles volumes being the exceptions). On the bright side, I think it unlikely the episodes with be censored/edited. The upcoming TalsSpin set (also scheduled for 6/25) includes the episode "Flying Dupes," which only aired twice EVER due to its terrorism plot. If they're including a full-fledged "banned" episode, I can't imagine they would censor anything...unless they just include the wrong versions through sheer inattention.

Once you're signed up, the selection of movies is much wider than what non-members can see. Gargoyles S1 and S2V1 ARE on there. So you could buy yourself two copies of S2V2, and buy the full series for a friend, and your required purchases are complete.

Craig - [craigmarinaro at yahoo dot com]

@Todd Jensen, it appears that "openvautldisney.com" has NO association with Disney whatsoever. On the other hand, "Disney Movie Club" DOES appear to be connected to Disney and its affiliates. After reading through some of the privacy policy, it outlines that the "Disney Movie Club" does enlist third party companies like the "Walt Disney Internet Group" to process requests and "Alta Resources, INC" to handle customer service calls.

Is it disconcerting that the infamous Jonny Modlin has broken the story on S2V2? Yes. But since that initial break others have confirmed it to be true by following up with the Disney Movie Club, specially the Admin over at toonzone.net and some of the moderators. I personally sent an e-mail to the "Disney Movie Club" this morning and I will report here on their response. I'm anticipating the same canned response e-mail that everyone has been posting. With ALL that said, I'll believe it when I actually see it on the site. Then I will be a true believer when I hold it in my hands.

Anthony Tini

I thought there is still one DVD set missing for Goof Troop to be complete? AFAIK TaleSpin and Gargoyles are suppossed to be the first completed DA series.
Neill - [neillgargoyle(a)gmail dot com]

Sorry for the double post...the other part of why I think that this is legit is because the Disney Movie Club has ALREADY released one of the only Disney Afternoon shows that got missed in the first wave. Around when Gargoyles came out, so did Darkwing Duck, Gummy Bears, Ducktales, and Chip N' Dale's Rescue Rangers Volumes one and two. (And three in the case of Ducktales.)

But "Goof Troop" got passed over.

Only now, the complete "Goof Troop" series can be found as a Disney Movie Club exclusive. Thus, the SECOND reason I think that this is a legit announcement. If I am wrong, I will publicly apologize here in the CR.

But I don't think I am.

Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
If you are on the wrong road, progress means.. walking back to the right road; ..the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man~~C.S. Lewis

Todd> That would be a stop-gap at best. The moment that said DVD didn't come out, Jonny would be right back to pestering them again.

No, I tend to think that this is legit. I can't speak for the quality of said DVDs, as I have picked up the Ducktales the Movie DVD from Disney Movie Club/Disney Movie Rewards before and it's a lousy DVD. It pretty much has the movie alone and no bells and whistles whatsoever. This is what I expect from S2V2. But at least it will EXIST. Which is enough for me.

Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
If you are on the wrong road, progress means.. walking back to the right road; ..the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man~~C.S. Lewis

After clicking on Neill's link, I noticed that they said the report came from a certain "Jonny". If that's the Jonny I think it is, whoever sent him the e-mail might have been lying in the hopes of getting him to stop pestering Disney with his requests.
Todd Jensen
Hufflepuffs are great finders

Also, I notice this domain (movieclubinfo.com) isn't registered to Disney, and doing a Google search on the e-mail address DMCQuestions@movieclubinfo.com turns up a number of "Consumer report" type things from dissatisfied customers complaining about this company repeatedly charging them for stuff they didn't order. So yeah, I'm skeptical.

Even best case scenario, I find it hard to imagine we'll get DVD quality, uncut episodes rather than just something ripped off of Toon Disney. Someone correct me if they have more info than I do.

Gargoyles need not apply.

Thanks, Neil.

If all we have is another "tentative" confirmation and nothing registered on Amazon about this yet, then I don't think it's quite worth getting our hopes up for. But I do definitely think we should start e-mailing/calling Disney again regularly, just to show our support.

Gargoyles need not apply.

Arlo> Here you go: http://openvaultdisney.com/2013/05/29/gargoyles-to-be-the-next-dmc-release/
Neill - [neillgargoyle(a)gmail dot com]

What's this I hear about S2V2 being released on June 25th? Is it for real, or is Taina just messing with me?

And is it "tentative" again, or definite this time?


I was thinking that since the Gargoyle's fertility cycle was somewhat trigured by the cycle of the Earth, the Avalon Clan would also be affected, but on a much more excelerated rate from their perspective. If females going into heat is trigured more by Earth then their biology, then while other females go into heat every 20 years, Avalon females go into heat roughly once an Avalonian year. The urge to mate and conceive may not be as strong, but I would think it would at least be possible for the Avalon Clan to still lay eggs every few years ( giving the females time for recovery). The eggs though would still require 10 Avalonian years to hatch or (240 real years) unless if taken off the island for some reason.

Harlan> It wasn't. TGC was aired as "TGC" (not Season 3") on another network. I would say the way it was presented was more consistent with a spin-off than a third season.

Of course, I don't understand how Anonymous could find this website and not find the answer to that question glaring at him on half a dozen pages after a three-minute look at the site.

Chances are I don't know what I'm talking about, and need to read more of the backlog to avoid looking stupid. But I'm too lazy to not look stupid right now, so you can consider me stupid.


Adam> In a word...math. It's the same reason Tachi was turned into Egwardo upon the return of the TimeDancers - the numbers have to balance.

As far as Avalon goes, an Avalonian couple, given no time off the island (which is likely not a valid assumption) would wait at least 12 years from our point of view before laying the fertilized egg resulting from a September mating and a further 240 years after that for said egg to hatch. Given that 252-year-run and the presence of Avalon eggs in the gathering on Queen Florence Island in 2198, I'm inclined to think there's time off the island involved here, not to mention eggs transferred to Avalon from other clans in the first place.

So again...math. Man, I'd love to get my hands on all the data necessary to plot out the hatching years of any egg on Avalon; it's the sort of geeky arithmetic that fascinates me!

Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Has Greg ever said what exactly how the time difference on Avalon will affect the Avalon Clan. It seems to change every couple of months. Right now, the gargwiki page on the Avalon clan says the beast pair has had one egg that has hatched, while previously it said that their first egg was do to hatch in either 2018 or 2038. So does anyone know what the deal is?
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

I've also guessed that the New Wyvern would be started by one of "Brangela's" bio-children. IMO most likely Artus, taking along his mate just before they lay either their second or third egg. While I agree that the majority of the clan will come from Avalon, I believe it will be Avalon eggs and not full grown members. Simply because Avalon seems to be in an unusual situation where they can have more then one generation of eggs laid before the previous one has hatched. I can see the Avalon clan sending this "second batch" of eggs off with Artus to be raised in Wyvern. Maybe one couple from Avalon would accompany the eggs and join Wyvern. Either the bio-son of Brooksbro or Second (I'm pretty sure they both were the right age to have an egg in the rookery at the time).
In many ways leadership is genetic, strength being one of the main "strengths" of a leader. But especially in Myths you can trace great leadership going back in nearly every heroes lineage.


Here's the real season three:


Greg Bishansky

"However, TGC is NOT a real Season 3."

You mean it wasn't physically produced and aired on TV as the third in a sequence of a television program's seasons?

Harlan Phoenix

Anonymous> Let me make a couple of points.

1. From the way you worded your post, you seem to count The Goliath Chronicles as Season 3. At least, that's the impression I got. Sorry if I'm wrong. However, TGC is NOT a real Season 3. It's not created by the same people (although the same voice-actors are back in it, granted) and is not considered canon, by either the fans or the original Gargoyles creators.

2. The real season 3 is available via comic format (from Slave Labor) and picks up following Season 2. It's not something you can 'watch' per se, but it's out there. And you can read it. And I highly recommend it. :)

KingCobra582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]

Anonymous> Third Season was redone. You can find them in the trade paperbacks "Gargoyles Clan Building Volume 1-2" and "Gargoyles Bad Guy".

Matt- Sorry, you are right. I was getting my TGS mixed up with what Greg has said again. My bad.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

I am a big fan of the gargoyles I watched all the episodes of all the seasons and I was wondering if you are ever goin to pick up where season 3 left off and make a season 4 (if so will it be in the near future) because the way it just ended was very disappointing and I know me and many other people would like to see it continue. I'm sorry if you have answered this question a thousand times before but I just found this site and I couldnt find the answer to my question

Matt > "And is leadership genetic?"

My short answer to that is yes, sorta. In my opinion anyway.

Personality has a genetic component. You see this when there are cases of identical twins who were raised separately and meet each other as adults and have remarkably similar personalities. I've seen it as a dog breeder--puppies would often inherit the temperament of one of the parents. I've seen it in my family. My personality is a lot like my aunt's and my brother's is a lot like my dad's. Personality certainly isn't ENTIRELY genetic but there's definitely a genetic component.

Leadership, IMO, is foremost a personality trait, but to some degree it's also a skill you can work at. Sorta like a sense of humor. Some people are born funny, some people are never funny, and some people become funny with a little work and practice.

I wouldn't be surprised if one or two of Angela and Broadway's kids were the de facto leaders in their rookeries and peer groups, same as Brooklyn was for the trio before he ever became Second in Command.


Adam> Why do you think Hudson's mate was his second? I've never heard that.

And is leadership genetic?

Anyway, I can see the possibility of one of Broadway and Angela's biological children forming and leading the new Wyvern Clan. But the bulk of the new clan's numbers will almost certainly come from Avalon methinks.

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" - Sevarius, "Louse"

So, in the future, there is a New Wyvern clan. I think that one of Broadway and Angela's kids will lead the cause to repopulate wyvern. I know biological parentage does not matter to gargoyles, Angela and Broadway come from couples who have had a great deal of leadership. Hudson was leader of Wyvern clan for many years (and probably second before that) and his mate was second as well. Goliath was second and then lead of Wyvern and Demona was second of Wyvern and then leader of her own clan for around 60 years. Plus, Angela was second of the Avalon clan. So I think it might be only natural that either Artus, Gwenyvere, or Lancelot would want to return to the clans roots. Just my opinion.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

Neill> Something they won't cancel, apparently.
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

I'm a huge Mega Man and Zelda fan, so that's good news for me. Capcom should really make a new Mega Man game... Damn it, it's E3 and Mega Man's 25th anniversary. What are you waiting for Capcom?
Neill - [neillgargoyle(a)gmail dot com]

Take your excitment and times it by 10 for me for "The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds".
Anthony Tini

I know this really doesn't have to do with anything here, but...


Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Gonna hitch a ride, head for the other side..." - Boston

Ok. When the SSM dvds came out a while back, my friend and I watched them, and I must say the show lived up to expectations and was, in one word, spectacular. We also started watching that Ultimate Spider-man, and we both said it was terrible. And now we are watching Gargoyles from the begining in anticipation of S2V2 being released.
Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

And 10th!


Adam - [carl006_1999 at yahoo dot com]

All Lucky Sevens!
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

Anthony Tini

The Empire Strikes Back, or FIFTH!
Masterdramon - [kmc12009 at mymail dot pomona dot edu]
"Gonna hitch a ride, head for the other side..." - Boston

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Matt - [Saint Louis, Missouri, USA]
"For science, which, as my associate Fang indicated, must move ever forward. Plus there's the money... and I do love the drama!" - Sevarius, "Louse"

Clocking in at #2 here...

Thurman B.> "I've heard back and forth arguments that Season 3 of Gargoyles is non-canon and that the events do not tie in with the rest of the universe. Is there any truth to that or does s3 tie in with s1+2.

Personally I hope not for the clones sake"

If by Season 3, you mean The Goliath Chronicles, then no, it's not canon. However, the REAL Season 3 is available in comic book form (courtesy of Slave Labor graphics) and, assuming you haven't already, I advise you picking them up for yourself.

KingCobra582 - [KingCobra582 at gmail dot com]

PRIMUS amor Phoebi Daphne Peneia quem non
Fors ignara dedit sed saeva cupidinis ira...

Sorry. The FIRST love of Phoebus was Daphne Peneia...

Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]