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Any word on when season 2 is coming out on DVD? I bought the 1st season the day it came out and I'm anxiously awaiting more!
Greg Weisman says:
"[B]oth the SEASON ONE DVD and the SEASON TWO VOLUME ONE DVD are currently available. Because of mediocre sales on the latter, there are no current plans to release SEASON TWO VOLUME TWO at this time. So we need to SPREAD THE WORD to people. Let them know that the DVDs are out there and available and raise the sales figures so that we can get that next release."
My DVD review.
The powers that be did a terrific job with this DVD. All thirteen episodes of the first season of "Gargoyles" uncut, unedited. Great picture and audio, nice transfer, the menus are great. They didn't let me down.
The episodes all look gorgeous, and after almost ten years of VHS tapes recorded off the TV, it makes a real difference. I'm even hearing sound effects and bits of music I never heard before, it's just wonderful.
The audio commentary on all five parts of Awakening by Greg Weisman, Frank Paur and Keith David was fun to listen to, they're all great guys... and I know as I've met and spoken to all three of them, and Greg I speak to a lot.
But first a little response directed at Greg... Was going through the fifth part of the "Awakening" commentary and when we get to the reveal of Demona's name, you go on about how you're not sure if it played well or not, if it was impressive enough for such a reveal.
Just thought you'd like a little feedback on that. I was thirteen when that episode first premered, and that scene made quite an impact on me, it was about then that she became my favorite character (up till just before Demona starts shooting at Goliath and playing out their 'little drama' Xanatos was the front runner, but as you know I love him too) but damn the reveal was dramatic, red smoke, her silhouette and she steps through it with her eyes flashing red holding the bazooka, and the character animation on her and the way Marina acted, and I knew her name was basically (demon) and that it was both well... demonic and beautiful, deadly and elegant all at the same time. I thought it was perfect.
So yeah, as far as this fan goes, the scene worked wonderfully.
The Gathering extra turned out very well also. It's 15 minutes, but it's well covered. I'm surprised at how much of me they use. And it's official, all these years of being a Demona fan boy, and now it's officially documented and I even appear on screen with her (split screen of me and her), just a little thing but it means something to me. Aaron and Mara are the other two Demona groupies in that part of the documentary. But lots of great stuff, lot of Greg W and Keith David. Sapphire appears just about every other shot (and I'm suddenly picturing the director of this documentary with a big blown up poster of her on his bedroom wall ;)). Everyone looked great, the bit where Aaron and Xanatos say the "Pay a man enough and he'll walk barefoot into Hell" line in sinc was just awesome.
My only complaint was that they didn't show Aaron's Demona tattoo, and that the Gathering website's URL was not flashed on the screen. Aw well.
Overall, I give it a 9.9 out of 10. Would have gotten a gull 10 but no tattoo and no Gathering URL... still, the set is terrific, and overall exceeded my expectations.
Both your complaints are mine as well. There's also one edit of MY interview that makes it sound like I'm taking credit for the entire show, when in fact, without the edit, my point was to give credit to the rest of my development team. And as much as I loved Montreal, the featurette gives the impression that the Gathering is held there every year. I know there was footage that indicated that we are a roving con, but none of that made the cut.
And still, I think it turned out well.
And I'm glad the Demona beat worked for you too.
Here's my DVD review:
First, the Power Rangers commercial made me laugh. Someone brought up how it was like the murderer speaking at the victim's funeral.
The animated menus were GORGEOUS!!! Absoulutely beautiful.
The clarity of the pictures were awesome. Ditto for the audio.
The commentaries, doc, and pitch were enlightening to me. It's a pity that they didn't make the Gathering featurete longer.
Anyway, that's my review. Short and sweet.
Thank you, Mr. Weisman, for creating such a good series.
You're welcome. I'm very glad you liked the DVD. I liked the current length of the Gathering featurette. Like you said, "short and sweet". There were a couple of things they cut that I wish they had kept in, but I've watched ALL the footage they shot that weekend, and I think they got most of the best stuff.
Hey Greg, any word from disney how well the sales for the season 1 DVD are so far?
Greg Weisman says:
"Sales on Season One were decent enough. Not stellar. But good enough to get us Season Two, Volume One. Sales on the latter were not decent enough for BVHE to schedule a release for Season Two, Volume Two. We need more sales. We need to SPREAD THE WORD."
Was thrilled when I found out that the first season of Gargoyles was coming to DVD, and was wondering if you knew of any plans for the seconed season (mainly beacuse it features my favoirt episode; "City of Stone")?
Greg Weisman says:
"[B]oth the SEASON ONE DVD and the SEASON TWO VOLUME ONE DVD are currently available. Because of mediocre sales on the latter, there are no current plans to release SEASON TWO VOLUME TWO at this time. So we need to SPREAD THE WORD to people. Let them know that the DVDs are out there and available and raise the sales figures so that we can get that next release."
I was wondering how sales have been to date thus far for the season 1 set? I work for a local retailer here in Toronto Canada and our sales have been modest so far. I'm hoping that sales have been better than I've been seeing as I am hoping and praying for seasons 2 & 3 sets. Please when you find time let us know. I'm sure everyone else would love to know. Thank you for your time.
I recently answered this question. Sales on Season One were decent enough. Not stellar. But good enough to get us Season Two, Volume One. Sales on the latter were not decent enough for BVHE to schedule a release for Season Two, Volume Two. We need more sales. We need to SPREAD THE WORD.
And if you think I never get tired of typing "SPREAD THE WORD", you're wrong.
Hey maybe if I post this now you'll read it in time for the 2nd season on DVD release.
Anyway I was just wondering, since you later came to regret how much info you gave away in the "previously on Gargoyles" segments, did you consider taking these out of the DVD or reediting them? I notice they are still on there. But I'm thinking you probably had no input.
Taking them out would sort of be like editing the episode I guess, which some people would view as bad, but really I think packaged as the entire complete season you really don't need the "previously" or "next time" tags. They could be eliminated entirely. Or, you could put breaks in the episode so that someone with a remote for their DVD player that lets them skip chapters could easily fast forward to the meat and potatoes of the episode. It gets really old watching the opening over and over again for every single episode, but the only breaks on the season 1 DVD are between episodes so there is no easy way to skip it you just have to scan forward like the ol' VCR days. I hope on season 2 maybe you can put some chapter breaks in right after the opening and before the ending credits. Maybe even at each commercial break if you want to go all out.
Anyway... my 2 cents..
I had imput, and I chose very consciously to keep them on. I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel. The "Previously" segments were an integral part of how the series was originally presented. I never considered cutting them.
Chapter breaks, on the other hand, as much as I would have liked them, were not presented as an option. More than BVHE wanted to pay to include them.
Hi Greg,
I recently bought four copies of the Gargoyles DVD on Amazon. I've encouraged other people I know to buy it as well. I've posted to various cartoon-related bulletin boards informing people about the release of the DVD. I wrote a glowing review at Amazon (one of about 140- the overwhelming majority of which are 5/5 and say something along the lines of "best series of all time"). I even wrote an e-mail to Harry Knowles at Aint It Cool News asking him to plug the DVD's release or have one of his editors review it, no response from him but oh well I tried. Anyway... I know this won't be answered for another year at least but I wish it was sooner, I just wish we had some idea of how good this thing has to sell to get us any attention at all. I was watching the DVD's performance at Amazon, I think it peaked at about 130 on the best-selling DVDs list unless I wasn't paying attention when it went higher than that. Right now it is down around 200. Not bad... but I wonder if that's anywhere near good enough. Have been checking in hourly to hear from you any thoughts about how well the disc is selling at this point, I know nothing about the economics of home video sales so I'm in the dark, just want to know if we should all be excited or depressed.
Anyway, thanks so much for the series, and now for the DVD, have watched the commentary track already and plan on sharing the whole first season with my nephews and a few friends whenever I can lure them over to the house. Maybe win a few converts that way. My nephews will be getting a copy for XMas. Hope you are well. By the time you read this we'll probably know for sure if the disc was a smashing success or total failure or something in between so, in any case, stay in high spirits. You made something great.
Season One was not a smashing success, but it did well enough. Unfortunately, Season Two, Volume One was something less than a success -- a fact which has discouraged BVHE from putting Volume Two on their schedule.
Having said that, BVHE is reluctant to give me hard numbers on either release, let alone a threshold of success in any concrete terms. The short answer is always that the first release (Season One) did well enough and that the second release (Season Two, Volume One) did not.
I do appreciate all the effort you put into both purchasing and promoting the first release. I am curious as to whether or not you did the same for the second? My sense is that on the whole, the fandom initially took for granted that everyone who bought Season One would both know about and purchase Season Two. And so less effort was made initially to SPREAD THE WORD. That may have been rectified in some degree, since. But whatever the old threshold was, we have to surpass that now to get Disney's attention all over again, since they now believe the property is a disappointment. That attitude, and BVHE's lack of marketing on either disk is of course disappointing, but this is the reality this fandom has always lived with. We have to do it ourselves!
is there some reason we have to wait until the 7th to buy the DVD in order to create a buzz? I want to help as much as I can and personally plan on buying 3 or 4 copies on that date but, wouldn't it be cheaper if we preorder it from Amazon? Maybe we could all preorder on the 6th and still create a spike while saving a lot of money? Just a thought.
This is a bit moot now. I only know what BVHE advised me, which was that buying on the day was the most helpful thing to do. Now, of course, assuming you've already bought both DVDs, the most helpful thing to do is SPREAD THE WORD.
Will the DVD of Gargoyles be released in Canada on December 7th also?
I don't know. Was it? It certainly could not have been too hard to get in Canada, I would think.
And again, both the SEASON ONE DVD and the SEASON TWO VOLUME ONE DVD are currently available. Because of mediocre sales on the latter, there are no current plans to release SEASON TWO VOLUME TWO at this time. So we need to SPREAD THE WORD to people. Let them know that the DVDs are out there and available and raise the sales figures so that we can get that next release.
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