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Can you define your idea of true sentience?
Probably not. But I'd start with Descarte...
If you can say "I think therefore I am" and grapple with its meaning, as opposed to its mere pronunciation...
Well, that's a starting point.
Hi mr. Weisman! Yet another ASK GREG question...
I was wondering about what Sevarius said in Metamorphosis. He says that a geneticly engineered creature will take years to develop, so he created a mutegen to inject on human host.
1.Just how long does it take to create genticly a creature?
2.Did you ever plan to have artificial creatures created by mankind in Gargoyles?
Thanx, and have a nice day!
1. As I've said before, I'm not big on quantifying things.
2. Eventually. The clones were a first step.
What's your theory on time/time travel. Do you believe that it is possible to go back in time and change history, or do you think that whatever was done in the past would have to contribute into the future because it has already been done. I don't know if I'm making sense anymore, but I think you get the general quesion here, oh well. Thank you for your time.
If we're talking GARG UNIVERSE, obviously I believe in the closed system. History can't be changed. Any and all time travel has already been figured into the equation.
If you're asking me what I think... Well, I don't pretend to know. But a non-closed system doesn't make any logical sense to me. If one can stand outside of time to travel in it, then logically time exists. And I refer you to my first paragraph -- back in the past...
Who is Desdemona and Iago? Why are desdemona's wings weird looking like she has four of them?
You seem to know the answer to your first question.
Desdemona and Iago were off-camera names that we gave to Coldfire and Coldsteel, i.e. Coldstone's other two personalities, the other gargoyles that were used to make up his body.
And Desdemona simply has a different wing-type than most of the others. As does Lex. And Griff. Etc.
Okay, let me ask the 'faster-than-light' question in a different way: As far as I know, current scientific theory holds that all faster-than-light travel is to some extent time-travel as well, which can lead to paradoxes, etc.
So... my question is: In your universe is there faster-than-light travel which is *not* time-travel in any sense?
Even faster than light travel isn't instantaneous (though it may seem to be depending on the distance travelled). So by definition, any journey takes one not only through space but also through time. Forward, at least.
I realize that isn't the kind of answer you were looking for.
And that amuses me.
You have stated that newly hatched gargoyles need to be nursed. How did Katherine, Magus, and Tom manage to handle that when the eggs hatched on Avalon?
Good question. Somehow Avalon provided.
Dear Mr. Weisman,
First, simply, thank you for your continuing effort to revive the Gargoyles series and the attention you pay to its fans. as a stockholder of Disney, I send my proxy ballot in with "Bring back the Gargoyles" written under my vote. My annual write in for Goliath as board of directors has failed so far, but there is always next year.
I am preparing a poster presentation on the evolution of gargoyles (lower case "g")for the Gathering 2000 as an art display. Let me apologize for the assertion that gargoyles, due to anatomical features such as otic (ear) structure, mammae, hair, and others are in the Class Mammalia. The oviparous (egg laying) character places them with the Subclass Protheria (1 extant and 3 extinct orders). Their Order, Family, Genus and species classifications are yet to be determined. My audacity is based upon the excess of letters which follow my family name.
Now the questions
1) Should apterylus (without wings) gargoyles be considered parthenogenic (lays fertile, viable eggs without a mate)?
2) Proposed Genus and Species name: Diurnosominus lapidermis (stone skinned day sleeper). Apterylus lapidermic for Bronx. Sound OK?
Your delightful characters have also resulted in a few stories of my own, but let's not go there.
Uh, some of this is over my head, but...
As I've said before (see the Gargoyle Science Archive here at ASK GREG), Gargoyles aren't Mammals, though they share some traits in common. We've dubbed them Gargates. A whole other class. (Which frankly frees me to create them as I see fit.) Gargoyle Beasts are also gargates. Is that what you're referring to in your first question? Cause Bronx is a male, and would need to mate with the female Boudicca to have any offspring.
2. Uh, I guess it sounds OK, but I'm not going to accept it as canon without doing some research on my own.
I collected some "Official" Gargoyles trading cards, and on the backs they gave the heights and weights in in stone and flesh, but they gave all these details sparingly. would you consider these weights, Etc. "Official"? If not, I guess I can discard these as not true.
I just don't know. I'm not good with numbers. So they may be right, if, for example, Frank Paur provided them. But I don't know if he did.
Hi Greg!
I was thinking about gargoyle aging... it's been well established that because gargoyles turn to stone during the day, they are ultimatey in stone hibernation for half of every year and so, age at one half the speed of humans. But here's a thought: humans grow physically while they sleep- all our bodily functions still operate- but we don't grow intellectually or learn anything, right? So, since humans age physically and not mentally while they sleep and gargoyles do not age either way, wouldn't a twenty-year-old gargoyle *look* like a ten-year-old, but be as developed and intelligent as a twenty-year-old?
Only experientially.
Greg, thanks for taking these questions. I'm sure you've answered this before, but I can't find any mention of it in the archives.
You've stated that female gargoyles have a worldwide 20-year fertility cycle.
1. Does Demona conform to this cycle, or does her being forever 70(35) short-circuit that?
2. The last question applied for about nine hundred years. But now, what effect do Demona's daily transformations have on her reproductive cycle? I remember a question about this, but I think all you said was that Puck didn't design the spell with pregnancy in mind.
3. When Demona changes to a human, is it simply an exterior, cosmetic change, or does she become fully human internally? I'm betting the former, since she doesn't seem to have a belly button in human form, but that could be either an animation glitch or simply a detail too small to pick up.
4. If she does make a full change, does she have a human reproductive system, and all the monthly fun that comes with it?
Thanks again.
1. Yes. She does. After all, until Puck, she conformed to the day/night cycle. But that doesn't mean she HAS to mate.
2. No. But as I said, I think the magic would compensate for a pregnancy... ON THE HUGE ASSUMPTION that she ever gets pregnant.
3. Fully human.
4. Yes, during the day.
In "Hunter's Moon" one of the requirement for Demona's spell to work was that it should be cast in "holy ground". For that reason she uses an abandoned church... The question I'm going to ask is a bit vague, but hopefully you'll understand it: what does this place's "holiness" as pertaining to the spell, derive from? Is it something all places of worship would have, even "pagan" ones? Does it derive from people considering it 'holy' or is an objective "gift" (so to speak) from the deity in question and thus unrelated to belief?
It's almost certainly something which you couldn't answer within the series (I think), but perhaps you could answer it here... :-)
I want to posit that some ground just is holy. Or perhaps more clinically, these locations act as a nexus of mystic energy. The fact that churches temples, etc. are often built on such spots is no coincidence. There may be a guiding force. A sense that this is a place of prayer. Of connection to God, or the Great Spirit or the Earth or WHATEVER.
Anyway, that's how I see the Gargoyles' Universe working.
You've stated that gargoyles, in your vision at least, came about naturally in the way that all other living things did, and were not creations of faerie or human magic. I certainly feel that that's the most probable explanation for them. But something that I would like to raise is this - in the Gargoyles Universe, would it even be possible to create a genuinely sentient race using magic?
My own feeling is that it isn't, based on what I saw in the series. Oberon, one of the most powerful magic-users in the Gargoyles Universe, animates a number of statues in "The Gathering Part Two" to aid him against Goliath and his clan, but the statues remained made out of stone rather than becoming flesh and blood, and showed no sign of true sentience in battling the clan, no more so than - say - the Steel Clan. The same thing was the case with Raven's "totem beasts" in "Heritage", who, when animated by him, remained made out of wood and also behaved more like automatons than like truly alive and intelligent beings. And in "Golem", the Golem that was created by Rabbi Loew likewise didn't come across to me as truly sentient, but just a walking clay statue - it never even spoke except when Renard was possessing it. (The Golem did show some dim signs of genuine awareness, but not on the level of a gargoyle, certainly).
So, what I'm basically asking here is - aside from your belief that gargoyles were not created by magic - would it even be possible in the Gargoyles Universe to magically create a truly sentient being or race? Or is such a thing beyond the capabilities of any being other than God?
I think it would be basically impossible to create sentience from scratch. Which doesn't mean that someone like the Golem or Matrix might not evolve into true sentience. (Neither is there yet, in my opinion.)
Can a female gargoyle have a muzzle/beak, aka Brooklyn, or is it strictly a male characteristic? Thanks :)
Yes, a female can.
Hi Greg (and Gore),
I've never seen the Gargs shaving ;o). If they shed their skin every evening, they probably cannot grow any hair - then how come Hudson has a beard?
You've never seen them spit either, but that doesn't mean they never do.
Does the Third Race see human science as a type of magic?
I guess. Isn't it?
Is Boudicca the only gargoyle beast of the Avalon clan? And does the fact that gargoyle beasts seem even rarer than normal gargoyles mean that their species is in an even worse danger of extinction?
No, she's not. But the beast species is, generally, in even greater danger of extinction than gargoyles.
I'll be blunt: Is there faster-than-light space travel in the Gargoyles universe?
Yes and no.
What Would Happen to a gargoyle in space?
They'd explode in the void, just like a human.
Hi Mr Weisman.
First off, thanks for such a great show. I'm writing fan fiction at the moment, and am writing an Elisa and Goliath one. If I recall correctly you had something about them having children, or having to adopt one. I have a question about it, I hope you can answer for me.
1. If it were possible for them to have a child, either naturally, by magic or science. How long would Elisa be pregnant?
2. Anything else about the whole pregnancy thing you'd care to add.
Thanx for your time.
1. This is hypothetical on top of hypothetical, but I'd tend to think that Elisa would be pregnant nine months unless there was some scientific or magical explanation why not.
2. No.
Hey Greg, keep up the good work if ya can!
1) If the Gargoyle eggs were put under the spell, could/would they have stayed as eggs and hatch in the 1990's?
2) If a Gargoyle were to die in his sleep (You said this was rare,) would his rock body just crumble, or stay as a statue and not awaken?
3) if hudson holds his sword, while turning to stone, will it turn to ston or not? (I am wondering this about anything they might hold)
I can't wait to see the movie/ and re runs, plus the movie 2! (the live action one, I think!)
1. Which spell? The Magus? I'm not sure how you tell an egg to sleep. And that's all it was, a sleep spell.
2. Stay as a statue, but it would no longer renew and would tend to crumble over time and weather -- assuming it was left alone. Not a safe assumption, by the way.
3. I've answered this before. It has to do with whether or not Hudson's mindset at the moment of sleep is that his sword is part of his uniform or something separate.
Hey Greg,
1) Do Gargoyles use the toilet, (Excrete) or does their waste get absorbed into their stone skin and get tossed away?
2) besides the clans we know of, are there other clans on earth?
3) Besides the internet, and re-runs, is the Gargoyles (On tv) Dead like other shows?
1. Jeez, how about a little decorum. (O.K., fine lets go with the stone skin explanation.)
2 & 3. Sorry, but questions on separate topics must be posted separately.
Does the she-gargs have any practical use off their breasts? After all they are egg laying creatures and such does not have breasts at all.
Don't tell that to the Platypus.
Anyway, Gargs are there own species, and yes, females do nurse their young.
Hello! This is my first time asking a question, but I was alwayas very curious about gargoyle anatomy. Brooklyn in the character that puzzles me the most. I have noticed that his wings are the type that have little hands on the top of them. I have also noticed that the only other gargoyles that have this type of wing structure are female gargoyles. Why did you decide to make his wings look like that, and what purpose do the little hands serve?
It just so happens that he and Demona have the same wing-type. Angela inherited hers from her mother. Not all females have that type. Coldfire didn't for example. Neither did Una. It's not a male/female thing. It's just one of the many minor garg anitomical variations.
Mr. Weisman,
Are there any aquatic or amphibian garbeasts? The thought of the former struck me as very humorous. Thnx.
No. Though there may be some who are very comfortable in water.
Hi again,
1.Why (medical) is Jason paralysed?
2.Is there any chance left, that one day due medical progress an operation could make him able to walk again?
Btw. : Happy Birthday!
1. Spinal trauma.
2. This may sound flip, but I don't mean for it to: If Christopher Reeve manages to walk again, then Jason can too. But if our science can't solve that problem, then I'm not going to let science in the Garg Universe solve it either. Which doesn't mean, Jason can't put on an exo-skeleton right now. But if we're talking about walking under his own power... then not until we crack it here.
And thanks for the Birthday wishes. (Of course, you wished 'em back in September and it's February now, but they are still appreciated. And I am catching up a little.)
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