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Greetings, Mr. Weisman. By the time you answer this, the world has been proven not to end. Huzzah!
This is my third installment of questions. I don't expect to see Parasite in the comics (whatever time it has left) or the rest of Season 2, so I hope all questions about him won't run afoul of the spoiler rules.
1. Parasite was shown to be able to simultaneously access multiple powers at once (he used heat vision with telekinesis during his final battle). Why wasn't he able to access Dawn Danger's telepathy (and discover Robin's Hail Mary plan) or simulate flight using her telekinesis? Parasite commented that she tasted like Martian Manhunter, implying that he's "borrowed" his powers before, so presumably he would know about the full set of Martian powers.
2. Parasite's power absorption comes with the instant ability to harness those powers, implying there's some knowledge transfer going on. For example, Dan Danger's acrobatic abilities didn't come from any metahuman powers, but from years of physical training. In this incarnation, does he gain access to any of his victims' memories?
This quest is Tangentially related to Parasite, although it deals more with Shields (both topics I hope are copacetic)
3. According to Luthor, Superboy's shields act as a DNA dampener, allowing Connor to fully tap into his Kryptonian powers. Those powers are, in Superman's case, powered by yellow sun radiation. Once Parasite drains this store of power, it's like draining a battery - even Superman must recharge from the sun. This brings to mind an interesting conundrum - the shields were able to instantly repower Superboy, implying that it doesn't function as a human DNA dampener (the denouement happened at night), but more like a steroid patch. The question is, are the shields exactly as Luthor said they were?
This one veers into speculation territory, although I hope I've successfully framed it as a "safe" question:
4. After Miss Martian did something to Aqualad, why didn't Tigress just surrender outright to her and Beast Boy? That would have provided both of them, and especially Aqualad, with a convenient "out" of their deep cover mission. Aqualad's mission was, after all, to join the Light, know the Partner, and rescue the abductees - all of which he accomplished.
This one is an aside question, answered affirmatively by b.t. in the DC Animation forums. I'm hoping to see your take on this.
5. In his crusade as Batman, Bruce Wayne has at times appropriated company resources and technology without clearing it up with his company's Board of Directors. He doesn't flaunt this behavior the same way he did in the DCAU (costs of Watchtower construction was a line item hidden in the WayneCorp Space R&D Budget), but certainly some of his tech (the Batplane, the Batcomputer, the Batcave) is based on purloined technology. So my question is - do you consider Bruce Wayne as a white collar crook for misappropriating company assets?
1a. You're assuming telepathy is (a) easy and (b) not thwartable. I think we've demonstrated over and over in this series that neither is true.
1b. He probably could have. But using Superboy's flight power is/was easier.
2. No.
3. There's a TON of ambient solar radiation around our world, even at night - else we'd all freeze to death every night. But I think it's safe to say that Luthor may not have been 100% forthcoming.
4. You presume to know the extent of Aqualad's mission? Wait four more weeks and then if you want, ask again.
5. You're assuming he doesn't own Wayne Enterprises outright?
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