This page contains past attempts at the 2 column layout. They contain some
different approaches to certain bugs that popped up as well as different
approaches on how to break the page down in terms of html elements. These
layouts should really only be used for reference and not in any production
- Two Columns With Footer
Masthead and 2 columns (menu and content) and footer.
Browsers as old as version 4 retain the layout design while
even older browsers will retain the logical structure of the document.
- XHTML 1.0
- No Tables
- Compatible with Netscape 4 and Internet Explorer 4
- Request to upgrade browser shown only within older browsers
- Two Columns With Footer v2
Masthead and 2 columns (menu and content) and footer.
A reworking of the above example. This one has borders around the various
content areas and works fairly well even under Netscape 4. Suffers from a
bug in IE 5+ where the border display breaks on the left and right sides
under certain desktop circumstances. This is a work in progress on patching
the IE 5+ render bug and IE4 in general.
- XHTML 1.0
- No Tables
- Compatible with Netscape 4,
Internet Explorer 4, Opera
Utilizes JavaScript
- Two Columns With Footer v3
Masthead and 2 columns (menu and content) and footer.
Similar to the v1 layout except this one is immune to the IE float
bug that offsets content to the right of the floated element by a few
pixels. However there are compatibility issues with Opera, Netscape Navigator 4,
and older versions of IE.