Skidoo Too : A 3 Column Layout

Border Into Masthead

This is a Skidoo Too version of the original Skidoo border into masthead demo.

This layout has an extra DIV element that wraps the columns to create the side 1px black borders of the inner layout. This is because what use to be used for that is now responsible for the brown 5px border you see. There are other ways to achieve this effect, and perhaps more efficiently too.

The layout is a little bit old, originaly put together at the request of someone who e-mailed me. It doesn't have a print stylesheet, but including the one used in the main Skidoo Too layout should work fine.

A shameless self plug:
Skidoo Too : Gargoyles is a modified version of this layout. It has some nifty features that you might be interested in investigating.

If you've ever thought about looking to make a donation to Ruthsarian Layouts, you'll want to check out Skidoo Too : Gargoyles.

And if you've ever thought that anyone looking to donate money for a CSS-based layout is just really crazy, you'll want to check out Skidoo Too : Gargoyles.