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Weisman, Greg

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John Smith writes...

Do you ever whistle just for the fun of it?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 13, 2017

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Kaley writes...

Was Snapper Carr supposed to have a larger onscreen role in young justice? In the comic book that the series was based off of he had a much larger role,why did you guys change that when you made the animated series?

Greg responds...

The series was NOT based off the 90s Young Justice comic. That was one of MANY influences, of course. But the series was based on the entire DC Universe and 75 years worth of continuity, and the 1960s and 1970s Teen Titans were easily as great an influence on us as the 90s YJ series was.

Lucas Carr's role was exactly what we wanted it to be. Believe me, since I played the part, I would have loved to have given him more screen time. But we gave him as much as fit in our series, given our limited amount of minutes and episodes.

Response recorded on March 22, 2017

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Gerg writes...

What are your favorite non-Big Two comics?

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I'm not reading any right now. I'm mostly only reading DC Rebirth titles now, as potential research for YJ.

Historically, I was a big fan of Love and Rockets and Cerebus and many others.

Response recorded on March 13, 2017

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Kanjar writes...

Would you be open to doing a video game? There's this company called Telltale, which is very episodic, it would be cool seeing you write an X-Men game or any game in general in that format?

Is that medium something you'd considered?

Greg responds...

Sure. I've worked on a handful of video games over the years.

Response recorded on March 08, 2017

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ShadowKiller2000 writes...

Hi Greg,
I recently finished watching Young Justice and loved it and I have some questions.
1) What was your favorite episode?
2)When did you start reading DC comics? Did you grow up reading them or is it just something you read before the production of the show?

Greg responds...

1. I kinda love them all. But if I had to pick just one, it would probably be "Misplaced."

2. I grew up reading DC and Marvel comics since I was a little kid.

Response recorded on February 21, 2017

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TheKingofWinter writes...

how does it feel to finaly break the 3 season curse your fans insist that you have?

Greg responds...

I've been on season threes before. So I have no idea how to respond to this. I'm aware that some fans think (or thought) it existed. But it never made much sense to me, and still doesn't. It's also borderline harmful to my career.

Response recorded on February 15, 2017

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what do you put in this thing writes...

What websites do you usually look at when you want to see the fandom's reaction to something?

Greg responds...

I actually try NOT to do that at all. It makes me a bit crazy. One loves the praise and hates the haters, but if one values the praise, then one must place value on the hate. So I've learned the hard way - believe me - that I'm better off NOT. Just not.

Once in a blue moon, I can't resist however. But there's no set place I go. Just what I stumble upon, usually, that I don't have the willpower to click away from.

Response recorded on January 30, 2017

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Fallenlegend writes...

Hey Greg in one of your questions you answered that you thought that in part of what made Superman great was truth, justice and "the American way" so my questions are:

What is the American way for you?
Do you think superman stands up for those that aren't American.

For example I'm Mexican.

Greg responds...

I do think Superman stands up for those who aren't American. I think standing up for others - in theory - SHOULD be part of the American Way. At our best, which is rarely evident these days, the United States should SET AN EXAMPLE as a bastion of freedom, liberty and democracy. It should respect diversity. It should govern by majority rule with respect - actual RESPECT, not mere tolerance - for minority rights. It should be better than the enemy, not just in might but in right - in a very Arthurian sense. For example, I don't care if the enemy tortures people, the United States government and its representatives NEVER should. NEVER. We need to be better than that.

I believe in the ideals of the United States of America. I trust those ideals. If sometimes they bite us on the ass, then I accept that too. Because the alternative, that we fall into the gutter, is much, much worse.

That, to me, in a nutshell, is the American Way.

Response recorded on January 23, 2017

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Anonymous writes...

Ever thought of creating a snapchat profile? It would make me very happy

Greg responds...

Nope. Sorry. I'm already overwhelmed just with twitter. Plus I don't take pictures with my phone.

Response recorded on January 10, 2017

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Mb writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman!
Thank you so much for taking your time and giving us Fans the opportunity to ask questions:

Since rain of the Ghosts and Gargoyles include Supernatural Elements, I wondered: are YOU a believer of the Supernatural?

Greg responds...

Yes and no.

I do believe in it, but I also believe its better to live and behave in this world as if none of that exists.

Response recorded on January 04, 2017

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Andres Escobar writes...

Simple question what are you currently working on as it is hard to follow sometimes and if you can talk or more specifically write about it what will you be working on that you know? Ohh and where can we watch it , or if read it when is it coming out or where can we find it I know you were writing a comic for Marvel I could never find it in several comic book stores.

Greg responds...

Right now, I am working on two things. The third season of YOUNG JUSTICE and the second novel in the WORLD OF WARCRAFT: TRAVELER series.

We don't yet know where Season Three of YJ will air, but you can view Seasons One and Two on Netflix, on iTunes or on DVD or BluRay.

The second WARCRAFT book should come out in bookstores (including online bookstores) next November.

Prior to that, I was working on the second and third seasons of SHIMMER AND SHINE. Season Two is currently airing on Nick Jr.

I also wrote the first book in the WORLD OF WARCRAFT: TRAVELER series, which is currently available at bookstores (and online bookstores).

There's also my two novels RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM, both of which are currently available at bookstores and online bookstores.

Then there's the AudioPlay version of RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, which is currently available for download at Gumroad.com/RainoftheGhosts.

I recently co-plotted a CAPTAIN ATOM miniseries with Cary Bates, illustrated by Will Conrad. It will be available this January, 2017 from anyplace that sells comic books, including the DC Comics App, Comixology and iTunes.

Last year, I wrote the twelve issue STAR WARS KANAN series for Lucasfilm and Marvel. Those are available either as single issues, as two trades (STAR WARS KANAN: THE LAST PADAWAN and STAR WARS KANAN: FIRST BLOOD) or as an omnibus, again at Bookstores, online Bookstores, comic book stores and from the Marvel Comics App, Comixology or iTunes.

Finally, I also wrote the six issue STARBRAND AND NIGHTMASK for Marvel Comics, available as single issues or as one trade (STARBRAND AND NIGHTMASK: ETERNITY'S CHILDREN [Attend University]), which AGAIN is available at bookstores, online bookstores, comic book stores, the Marvel Comics App, Comixology or iTunes.

Whew! I think that's it! Thanks for asking!

Response recorded on December 21, 2016

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JEK writes...

I know you've said on multiple occasions that your favorite stand-alone episode of "Gargoyles" is "The Mirror" and that you are also fond of the multi-parters. Was there a particular multi-parter arc that you have as a favorite or are they all about even? Thanks in advance.

Greg responds...

They're all pretty close to even. Of course, there's no show without "Awakening," so...

Response recorded on September 27, 2016

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Felgrand writes...

1. Assuming you were able to, would you write an episode (or a comic issue) of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic if you were asked?

2. Would you also be a part of the creative team for the show if asked (again, assuming you were able to)? I'd like to think the show would be better with your input.

Greg responds...

1. Probably. I'm not particularly familiar with the property. But a paycheck is a paycheck.

2. Sure. Though I somehow doubt they need me.

Response recorded on August 08, 2016

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ANONYMOUS writes...

Hey Greg,

Wondering how you broke into the comic book industry? I know you were an editor at DC at one time. What was that process like?

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

I think my story is probably a bit atypical...

In 1983, Marvel announced a search for new talent. I calculated that they'd be inundated with submissions. But I also calculated that DC would soon initiate their own talent search. So instead of prepping a Marvel submission, I prepped one for DC.

Sure enough, a month later, DC announced its own search for new talent. I immediately sent in my submission. Years later, I found the log book for these submissions, and mine was literally the second one they received. They logged the submission into the book with my name and address - and then lost the actual submission, which I also found years later at the bottom of a file cabinet where it had clearly slipped down between two hanging folders.

Because 75% of the submissions they received were from artists, they gambled that mine was an artist submission as well. They sent me a packet for new artists. But of course, I was one of the 25% who had made a writing submission. And I was outraged, OUTRAGED! Outraged in a way that only a know-nothing 19-year-old can be.

So I wrote DC Executive Editor Dick Giordano an OUTRAGED Letter. And then I figured that would be the end of it.

But for whatever reason, Dick was impressed with (or more likely amused by) my letter. He called me. On the phone. He invited me to come to the DC offices at 666 5th Avenue.

After I graduated from college, Dick hired me as an Editorial Assistant (i.e. as a Xerox Boy), and later promoted me to Assistant Editor and then Associate Editor. He was a true mentor to me. A great guy.

Response recorded on May 18, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman:

If you could be any type of tree, what tree would you be and why?

Greg responds...

A mystery. So I wouldn't have to change at all.

Response recorded on March 28, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

On November 13, 2014, you said you had been working on 4 projects on was a Star Wars Rebels: Kanan comic. You declined to name the other three, but you said one was definitely happening, one might happen, and one was postponed indefinitely. If any of these haven't happened yet, will you name them now?

Greg responds...

If they haven't happened, no.

Response recorded on February 23, 2016

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Marvelman writes...

Hi Greg. Can you explain the behind-the-scenes reasons for your departure from "Rebels" after only one season? Or, would it be considered unprofessional for you to comment on this?

Greg responds...

Mostly it would be considered NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS, whether the reason was benign or malevolent. Probably unprofessional, as well. And that's not even counting the fact that I signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement with Lucasfilm.

But mostly, it's just the first reason. I'm happy to answer questions about process and about the show (as long as its not a spoiler). But I feel like on general principle this question crosses a line.

Response recorded on February 11, 2016

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very_omphalophobic writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,
As for being the writer and producer of several wonderful and genuinely intriguing shows, I thank you for inspiring generations of viewers and readers to find their personal creativity and curiosity about the world. BUT...

As a result of this curiosity, and on behalf of such fans everywhere, I am compelled to ask: How do you remain so SUSPICIOUSLY, almost MAGICALLY youthful-looking?! Is there something you'd like to spoil *cough* accidentally let slip *cough*to us, Greg? *DA DA DUNN!

Greg responds...

Assuming what you say is true - and also assuming it's actually a serious question - it's mostly just good genes. My paternal grandmother lived until she was nearly 102. My dad's a very youthful 80. My mom, a very youthful 78.

If I've done anything to help myself out, it's probably this: I don't smoke. I never have smoked. And I try to avoid being around second-hand-smoke.

Response recorded on February 05, 2016

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Anonymous writes...

Can you play a musical instrument? What instrument would you love to master (in addition)?
Thanks for your time and patience

Greg responds...

I don't. Long ago, I tried to learn the guitar, but I never, ever got very good at it. I don't really have an ambition to be a musician, but I like listening.

Response recorded on November 13, 2015

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Mina Geiss writes...

Why are you so awesome?

What's your secret?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not. I just play someone awesome on podcasts and at conventions.

2. Obfuscation.

Response recorded on October 28, 2015

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Luke writes...

Hi Greg,

Big fan here (I reply to you on Twitter sometimes!) and I thought I'd make use of this site to get some help with my intention to write for television in the future!

First off, I'd like to say how much I love Young Justice. From the moment I finished the first episode, I was hooked. I'm quite a seasoned animation fan but I must say Young Justice is probably one of the best things I have ever watched; particularly it was the animation and writing that drew me in the most. I wasn't really into comic books too much before with the exception of adaptions from TV like Adventure Time, and manga; but Young Justice awakened a part of me that just had to look further into the characters, and now I'm completely taken in by the DC universe, it's so wonderful and for that I thank you for helping to bring Young Justice to light!

The show is truly an inspiration for me; I intend to become a writer for television, animation being my ultimate goal, in the near future. In September 2014 I will be starting a screenwriting course at university. I live in the UK, but hope to move to America in future to have a better chance of landing a writing job in animation.

1) What would you recommend I seek to do when I finish university? Would becoming an assistant at a TV studio help as a start?

2) Do you draw storyboards? I am not very confident in my drawing abilities and I'm worried this might affect pitching and demonstrating my ideas.

3) What are some key terms or quotes that have stuck in your head during your writing career? Things that people have told you and you have remembered and applied to your work?

4) Who are your inspirations? What programmes did you enjoy when you were a kid/teenager?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and answer my questions!

Greg responds...

1. It wouldn't hurt. Get in there. See first hand how things are done. The main thing I recommend, you already plan to do, which is to move to where the work is. Second, WRITE. Third, REwrite. Fourth, PROOFREAD RELIGIOUSLY.

2. No, I can't draw stick figures well. I team up with very, very talented artists.

3. "Less is more."

4. Space Ghost. Speed Racer. Jonny Quest. Herculoids. Anything with Marvel or DC heroes in them. Hill Street Blues. Cheers.

Response recorded on July 06, 2015

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did you ever worry that you would be approached to start working on shows you've done in the past while you were already working on one? (Ex: Let's say you were working on Young Justice, but Disney approached you to work on Gargoyles again.)
2. What would you do if situations like that ever came up?

Greg responds...

1. No, I should have such problems. I'm usually lucky to find one job. Having two I wanted that badly has literally NEVER come up.

2. I don't really deal in hypotheticals. The realities in front of me are confusifying enough.

Response recorded on May 07, 2015

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Feedback writes...

1. How bad does it feel for a show to get canceled? Like, does it affect your day-to-day life? Do you want to just lock yourself in your house for a week or are you immune to the depressing effects of it by now?

2. A lot of people comment that your shows are cursed, but it's obvious that 90% of children's shows are canceled ahead of time. Would you consider children's animation is the least safe gig on TV?

3. So why did you decide to focus your writing career on children's animation? Did it just end up happening that way?

4. Do you ever see yourself working on a network or cable live-action show? And if you did, would your resumé help you or hinder you if you were looking for a job at, say, USA?

5. Have you ever thought about pitching a show to any of the networks? Now that superheroes are invading TV media (Arrow, The Flash, Agents of Shield, Gotham, Constantine, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, etc.), wouldn't your resumé of Spider-Man and Young Justice actually help you if you were to pitch a comic book show at TheCW, FOX or ABC? Have you thought about doing so?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not at all immune. But I also know I can't lock myself away for even a week. I have to go out and start looking for work. But it's a huge bummer, and I do get depressed. When I was younger, it was tougher. But now I have a bit more perspective. My family is healthy, and the world isn't ending because my cartoon show is no longer on the air. So...

2. No. I don't see that it's any different (in the aggregate) for prime time or live action or so-called adult shows.

3. Mostly the latter. I started in comics. Got a job in animation. By the time I tried to get into live-action, I was typecast as an animation writer and had no luck breaking in. And I do love writing for animation, but live action is WAY more lucrative, and I'd love to have the financial security that comes with words like "lucrative."

4. See the answer to question 3.

5. I have pitched shows to many networks, over and over. Pitching and even selling isn't the same as getting to make something.

Response recorded on February 03, 2015

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BirdBoyB01 writes...

How did you feel when you first started working on young justice?
1.Did you feel any pressure? Or it did come naturally now that you were working again in dc ?
2. How did you start out in the whole business?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

1a. Yes.

2. I sent a new talent submission to DC Comics back in 1983.

Response recorded on November 17, 2014

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tjuanthousand writes...

Mr. Weisman , thank for your many works I am a huge fan. I was wondering what other projects you are working besides the Star Wars show.

Greg responds...

At the moment - almost exactly seven months after you asked - I'm working on the Star Wars: Kanan comic book for Lucasfilm and Marvel.

I'm also working on two other projects that I can't talk about yet. One is definitely happening. One may or may not. Until very recently, there was a fourth project as well, but that' s been put on indefinite hold. So work on that is suspended for now.

Response recorded on November 13, 2014

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KenRD writes...

Well I've now read Rain of Ghosts so congrats on a great book, but I'm a little annoyed I've got to buy a new series to add to my collection, damn you talented writer!
In my last post I asked if you ever read Terry Pratchett books to which you said you haven't, well if you ever do find the time to read his books I would love to hear your thoughts and just to sway you have a look at this post by Brandon Sanderson the author of Elantris, The Mistborn Trilogy, The Way of Kings and, with Robert Jordan, the New York Times bestselling The Gathering Storm, Towers of Midnight, and A Memory of Light, the final volumes to the epic Wheel of Time. http://www.tor.com/blogs/2013/04/terry-pratchetts-discworld-might-be-the-highest-form-of-literature-on-the-planet

Greg responds...

As I've mentioned, I tend to split my limited free time either reading detective fiction (Ross MacDonald, Walter Mosley, Michael Connelly, etc.) or rereading classic authors (William Faulkner, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, etc.).

But I'm thrilled you enjoyed Rain. I hope by now, you've picked up Spirits of Ash and Foam. And you could do me a big favor by reviewing both on Amazon!

Response recorded on October 23, 2014

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My Long Beach Comic Con Schedule

Stop #6 on the Gargoyles Twentieth Anniversary Tour is LONG BEACH COMIC CON: http://longbeachcomiccon.com/

The full schedule can be found here: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=55700

But here's MY schedule. I'll only be there the one day - Saturday, September 27, 2014 - but as you can see, I'm certainly keeping busy, with five panels and three signings!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

11:30am - 12:20pm - Room 102B/C
Moderator: Greg Weisman (Creator, Producer, Writer)
1. Thom Adcox-Hernandez (Voice of Lexington, Brentwood)
2. Vic Cook (Storyboard Artist)
3. Elisa Gabrielli (Voice of Obsidiana & Maria Chavez)
4. Frank Paur (Producer, Director)
5. Dave Schwartz (Development Art Director)

12:30pm - 01:30pm - Signing Area
I won't be attending this signing (because I have to rush off to another panel), but the rest of the Gargoyles panelists will probably be there.

12:30pm - 01:50pm - Hero Complex Theater, Room 104A
Moderator: Jevon Phillips (Los Angeles Times)
1. Phil Bourassa (Emmy Winning Character Designer)
2. Cameron Bowen (Voice of Robin/Tim Drake)
3. Kris Carter (Composer)
4. Nicole Dubuc (Writer, Voice of Iris West-Allen)
5. Oded Fehr (Voice of Ra's al Ghul)
6. Kevin Grevioux (Voice of Black Beetle)
7. Kevin Hopps (Writer)
8. Bryton James (Voice of Virgil Hawkins/Static)
9. Josh Keaton (Voice of Black Spider)
10. Curtis Koller (Talent Coordinator)
11. Eric Lopez (Voice of Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes, Scarab)
12. Michael McCuistion (Composer)
13. Jay Oliva (Director)
14. Mark Rolston (Voice of Lex Luthor, Jonathan Kent)
15. Jason Spisak (Voice of Kid Flash/Wally West)
16. James Arnold Taylor (Voice of Flash, Neutron, Topo, Burton Thompson)
17. Brandon Vietti (Producer, Writer)
18. Greg Weisman (Producer, Writer, Voice of Lucas Carr)
19. David Wilcox (Line Producer)

02:00pm - 03:00pm - Signing Area
I plan on being here for only the first twenty minutes or so - before I have to run off to yet another panel. But for as long as I can stay, I will sign for free, anything you put in front of me. I will also be signing and selling copies of my animation teleplays for $20 cash. Among the series you'll have to choose from are Gargoyles, Men In Black, Team Atlantis, W.I.T.C.H., The Batman, The Spectacular Spider-Man, DC Showcase/Green Arrow, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Young Justice, Beware the Batman and two radio-plays: The Spectacular Spider-Man Meets Gargoyles and Gargoyles Meets The Spectacular Spider-Man Meets Young Justice. All while supplies last, and for as long as I can stay. So show up promptly at 2pm.

02:30pm - 03:20pm - Room 102B/C
Moderator: Greg Weisman (Supervising Producer, Writer, Voice of Donald Menken)
1. Kevin Altieri (Director)
2. Kris Carter (Composer)
3. Victor Cook (Supervising Producer, Supervising Director)
4. Nicole Dubuc (Writer)
5. Elisa Gabrielli (Voice of Ashley Kafka)
6. Sean "Cheeks" Galloway (Lead Character Designer)
7. Kevin Hopps (Writer)
8. Josh Keaton (Voice of Peter Parker/The Spectacular Spider-Man)
9. Andrew Kishino (Voice of Kenny Kong, Ned Lee)
10. Phil LaMarr (Voice of Fancy Dan/Ricochet, Joe "Robbie" Robertson, Rand Robertson, Homunculus)
11. Joshua LeBar (Voice of Flash Thompson)
12. Eric Lopez (Voice of Mark Allen/Molten Man)
13. Michael McCuistion (Composer)
14. Daran Norris (Voice of J. Jonah Jameson, John Jameson/Colonel Jupiter)
15. Deborah Strang (Voice of Aunt May Parker)
16. James Arnold Taylor (Voice of Harry Osborn, Frederick Foswell/Patch, Alan O'Neil, Homunculus)
17. Wade Wisinski (Line Producer)

03:30pm - 04:20pm - Room 102B/C
Moderator: Aaron Sparrow (Writer of Darkwing Duck: The Duck Knight Returns)
1. Jim Cummings (Voice of Darkwing Duck, Bonkers, etc.)
2. Jymn Magon (Creator/Producer Talespin)
3. Greg Weisman (Creator/Producer Gargoyles)
4. Mark Zaslove (Story Editor/Producer Talespin)

04:00pm - 05:00pm - Signing Area
I'll have to miss this one too, as I'll be in the Disney Afternoon Panel, followed by the Disney Afternoon signing.

04:30pm - 05:20pm - Disney Afternoon Reunion Booth/Signing Area
I'll be at this one for the entire signing. Again, I'll sign anything you bring along for free. And I'll also be signing and selling my teleplays.

05:30pm - 06:20pm - Room 102B/C
Greg Weisman (Author)

06:30pm - 7:30pm - Booth 104 on Show Floor
I'll be selling and signing copies of my two novels, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS and SPIRITS OF ASH AND FOAM.


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I'll put up a big master-ramble on Long Beach Comic Con soon. (Monday at the latest.) But there's more information on the FIVE panels I'm doing on Saturday, September 27th, 2014 at the convention here:


and here:


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abnormal matt writes...

Hey Greg I was wondering where do you feel you've stepped most out of your comfort zone as a writer. sorry for not using a question mark my keyboard doesn't seem to have one.

Greg responds...

What kind of keyboard doesn't have a question mark? That's just... bizarre.

Anyway, I try to challenge myself all the time. Writing the novels was WAY out of my comfort zone, and even in that, I challenged myself by creating a fairly unique narrator.

Response recorded on September 02, 2014

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I'm back (briefly) after a great trip to Ashland for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Saw eight plays (Comedy of Errors, Richard III, Tempest, Into the Woods, Great Society, Two Gentlemen of Verona, Wrinkle in Time, Family Album) in four days, and though I didn't love every play, I have to say that every production was stellar.

Then last night I saw a very cool production of King Lear at the Theatricum Botanicum in Topanga Canyon, starring Ellen Geer as Lear.

Anyway, I'm in town for just a few days, then I leave again to drop my daughter off for her junior year at Tulane and take my son (starting his senior year of high school next month) to look at a number of schools, including Tulane, Emory, Duke, UVA and Georgetown. ROAD TRIP!!

Starting in September, I'll be in town for the foreseeable future, and I promise to get back to answering questions here. Meanwhile, here are some cool links:

Warner Archive Podcast interview, regarding Young Justice:

In case you need to know where to find the Young Justice Blu-ray:

And another podcast:

http://www.goldenspiralmedia.com/as-09-arrow-squad-episode-09-interview-with-greg-weisman-of-young-justice (specific episode for Arrow Squad)

http://www.goldenspiralmedia.com/ccu-02-central-city-underground-episode-03-interview-with-greg-weisman-of-young-justice (specific episode for Central City Underground)

http://www.goldenspiralmedia.com/ (general website)

https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/arrow-squad/id891769883?uo=8&at=1l3v5ck (iTunes link for Arrow Squad)

https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/central-city-underground-flash/id904991850?uo=8&at=1l3v5ck (iTunes link for Central City Underground)

And some sights promoting Rain of the Ghosts and Spirits of Ash and Foam:

Plain Talk Book Marketing http://www.plaintalkbm.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Gillianfx
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00EAUDZM6
Book Information: http://www.plaintalkbm.com/family-portrait-novel/
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/FamilyPortraitNovels

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Hey gang,

I'd like to apologize for not getting to many of your questions recently. It's really due to all the travel I've been doing this summer - and the need to fit a LOT of work in between the trips.

Some of you have commented that the same excuses don't seem to apply to my Twitter account, and that's true. But the difference is that I can tweet from my phone at odd times and before bed - AND with little thought.

I've tried doing Ask Greg from my phone, but it's just too difficult. I'd rather give considerable thought and have the option of answering questions in depth. But if you want to make quick contact, by all means follow me on twitter at @Greg_Weisman.

The travel isn't over, either. I leave Monday for Ashland, Oregon, for my family's annual trip to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. For the curious, we're seeing the following eight plays over four days & nights:

THE COMEDY OF ERRORS by William Shakespeare
RICHARD III by William Shakespeare

THE TEMPEST by William Shakespeare
INTO THE WOODS by Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine

THE GREAT SOCIETY by Robert Schenkkan
THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA by William Shakespeare

A WRINKLE IN TIME by Madeleine L'Engle and Tracy Young
FAMILY ALBUM by Stew and Heidi Rodewald

We're really looking forward to it.

Anyway, then I'm back for half a week, before the family takes another trip - this one to (a) drop my daughter off at college for her junior year and (b) take a road trip to look at five different colleges in five different cities with my son before he enters his senior year of high school. The entire trip will take eleven days, bringing me to the end of August.

But in September, my current plan is NO TRAVEL. (Stop #6 on the Gargoyles 20th Anniversary Tour is Long Beach Comic Con, which is driving distance. http://longbeachcomiccon.com ) So I should be back to answering a few questions every weekday regularly. Thank you for your patience.

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My CONvergence 2014 Schedule

So the #Gargoyles20 U.S. Tour continues. Stop #3 is CONvergence in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Well, actually in Bloomington, Minnesota, but close enough.) http://www.convergence-con.org

This is a big one for us. It includes a number of events that we used to do at the old Gathering of the Gargoyles Conventions, which ran from 1997-2009. And I know a bunch of Gargoyles fans will be attending, so it'll also be a reunion of sorts.

My schedule for the long weekend is quite packed - which is just how I like it!

Ever wanted to be in a radio play? Now is your chance! We are holding auditions for a live performance at CONvergence! You don't even have to be a fan of Gargoyles to enter. You just have to know how to read! Casting: Myself and Jennifer Anderson (Talent Coordinator on The Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice). Casting decisions will be posted by 7:00pm on Friday, July 4th. ATRIUM 7.

Okay, so Gargoyles ISN'T the only show celebrating an anniversary. The Buffy/Angel universe has been off the air for ten years. Let's reminisce and talk about the impact these shows have had on TV fantasy since their cancellation. Panelists: Myself, Tim Lieder, Cetius d'Raven, Madeleine Rowe, Mark Goldberg. EDINA.

7:00pm - 8:00pm OPENING CEREMONY
If it's not exactly a magical invocation, it is nonetheless our official kick-off for the convention! Join CONvergence mascot Connie as we welcome our Guests of Honor, give out some awards (including the Mark Time and Ogle winners), and get this party started. Panelists: Myself, Amy Berg, Emma Bull, C. Robert Cargill, Sarah Clemens, Scott Lynch, Marina Sirtis, Frank Paur, Matthew Ebel, Dawn Krosnowski, Greg Guler, Rob Callahan, Windy Bowlsby, Michael Lee. MAIN STAGE.

Geek Partnership Society is excited to host the Greg Weisman Fancy Bastard Pie Competition at CONvergence 2014! It is open to all CONvergence members who wish to participate. The goal is to make a pie that Greg Weisman, herein to be known as "Fancy Bastard", likes best. The winner will be told super-secret Young Justice spoilers. Find out [some of] what would have happened in Season 3! (But winner must swear to secrecy to claim prize.) See below for some helpful hints.* CABANA 110.

FRIDAY, JULY 4th, 2014
Ever wanted to be in a radio play? Now is your chance! We are holding auditions for a live performance at CONvergence! You don't even have to be a fan of Gargoyles to enter. You just have to know how to read! Last chance to audition! Casting: Myself and Jennifer Anderson (Talent Coordinator on The Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice). Casting decisions will be posted by 7:00pm on Friday, July 4th. ATRIUM 7.

12:30pm - 1:30pm FROM TV TO COMICS
We'll discuss the TV shows that expanded into the comicverse, such as Buffy, Smallville, Young Justice and Gargoyles. Did they succeed? Were any of the comics improvements on the shows? How did canon change during the transition? Panelists: Myself (Gargoyles, Young Justice), Shawn van Briesen, Jonathan Palmer, Greg Guler (Gargoyles), Karine Charlebois (Gargoyles, Bad Guys), Christopher Jones (Batman Strikes, Young Justice, Bad Guys). PLAZA 2.

2:00pm - 3:00pm SIGNING
Myself, Christopher Jones (Young Justice, The Batman Strikes, Parallel Man) and Greg Guler (Gargoyles, Phineas and Ferb) will be holding a signing session. Both Chris and Greg always have an array of stuff (books, prints, etc.) to sell and sign. But this time I'm pretty darn prepared as well. First off, I'll be selling and signing copies of my first novel RAIN OF THE GHOSTS for $10 cash, which includes the book, a personalized signature and signed copies of the original development character designs by Kuni Tomita for the television version of Rain that never was. In addition - and by popular demand - I am selling and signing an array of my animation teleplays for $20 cash from such series as Gargoyles, Team Atlantis, DC Showcase (Green Arrow), Men in Black: The Series, The Spectacular Spider-Man, The Batman, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles, W.I.T.C.H., Young Justice and even the 2009 Radio Play "The Spectacular Spider-Man Meets Gargoyles". I'll also sign anything else you bring and put in front of me for FREE - especially if you buy my book. ;) CONVERGENCE CENTRAL.

3:30pm - 4:30pm CREATING GARGOYLES
This is what we used to call (at the Gathering) the Rocky Horror Gargoyles Show. The creators of Gargoyles show clips and tell stories of how the show came to be. Lots of visual aids. Panelists: Myself (Creator, Supervising Producer/Story Editor, Writer), Frank Paur ( (Supervising Producer/Director), Greg Guler (Lead Character Designer). ATRIUM 6.

7:00pm - 8:00pm TIME TRAVEL THEORY
Let's assume for a moment that Time Travel is possible. This panel will explore the theories behind such technology. We'll explore quantum realities, temporal anomalies and all other challenges our theoretical time travelers will be face! [Now, I suggested this panel, but then they went and put some actual scientists on the damn thing. So I may quickly be embarrassed into silence.] ;) Panelists: Myself, Nicole Gugliucci, Jim Kakalios, G. David Nordley, Amy Berg. ATRIUM 4.

8:30pm - 9:30pm GARGOYLES Q&A
Join the cast and creators of the "Gargoyles" series and SLG companion comic books to ask and talk about the property. And, as always, Cosplayers are welcome! Panelists: Myself (Creator, Supervising Producer/Story Editor, Writer), Christopher Jones (Bad Guys guest artist), Marina Sirtis (voice of Demona and Margot Yale), Frank Paur (Supervising Producer/Director), Karine Charlebois (Gargoyles Guest Artist, Bad Guys Artist), Greg Guler (Lead Character Designer, Gargoyles Guest Artist). MAIN STAGE.

SATURDAY, JULY 5th, 2014
9:30am - 10:30am GARGOYLES SIGNING
Myself, Marina Sirtis (voice of Demona and Margot Yale) and Frank Paur (Supervising Producer/Director) will be holding a signing session. Again, I'll be selling and signing copies of my first novel RAIN OF THE GHOSTS for $10 cash, which includes the book, a personalized signature and signed copies of the original development character designs by Kuni Tomita for the television version of Rain that never was. In addition - and by popular demand - I am selling and signing an array of my animation teleplays for $20 cash from such series as Gargoyles, Team Atlantis, DC Showcase (Green Arrow), Men in Black: The Series, The Spectacular Spider-Man, Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles, W.I.T.C.H., The Batman, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Young Justice and even the 2009 Radio Play "The Spectacular Spider-Man Meets Gargoyles". I'll also sign anything else you bring and put in front of me for FREE. CONVERGENCE CENTRAL.

This is a closed session - for those who were cast in the Radio Play - led by Myself, Jennifer Anderson (Talent Coordinator on The Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice) & Marina Sirtis (voice of Demona, Margot Yale and Queen Bee). ATRIUM 6.

Fans and professionals - including Myself (voice of Donald Menken and Lucas "Snapper" Carr), Jennifer Anderson (Talent Coordinator on The Spectacular Spider-Man and Young Justice), and of course, Marina Sirtis (Deanna Troi from Star Trek TNG and the voice of Demona, Margot Yale and Queen Bee) - perform a LIVE, ORIGINAL Gargoyles radio play! ATRIUM 6.

A "what if" panel about the biology and culture of the Gargoyles universe. Creators and performers speculate about anything and everything going on outside the frames of the TV series. Panelists: Craig A. Finseth moderates Myself (Creator, Producer) and Greg Guler (Lead Character Designer). ATRIUM 7.

3:30pm - 4:30pm RAIN OF THE GHOSTS
I'll be reading from and talking about the world and characters of my novel "Rain of the Ghosts" and its sequel, "Spirits of Ash and Foam," which comes out July 8th, 2014, one week after the convention! ATRIUM 3.

Hal Bichel will moderate a one-on-one panel with Myself. PLAZA 2.

8:30pm - 9:30pm SIGNING
Once again, I'll be selling and signing copies of my first novel RAIN OF THE GHOSTS for $10 cash, which includes the book, a personalized signature and signed copies of the original development character designs by Kuni Tomita for the television version of Rain that never was. In addition - and by popular demand - I am selling and signing an array of my animation teleplays for $20 cash from such series as Gargoyles, Team Atlantis, DC Showcase (Green Arrow), Men in Black: The Series, The Batman, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, The Spectacular Spider-Man, Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles, W.I.T.C.H., Young Justice and even the 2009 Radio Play "The Spectacular Spider-Man Meets Gargoyles". I'll also sign anything else you bring and put in front of me for FREE. CONVERGENCE CENTRAL.

10:00pm - 11:00pm BLUE MUG
Ever wonder about the sexual habits of Gargoyles? Ever wonder who was sleeping with whom among the Young Justice Team or the cast of Spectacular Spider-Man? Join us for for a late night peek at your favorite animated series. This panel will get blue! (So attendees will be carded!) Panelists: Myself, Christopher Jones, Mara Cordova (Last Tengu in Paris Artist). It is also rumored that Edmund Tsabard (an unfancy bastard and Last Tengu in Paris Writer) may make an appearance. EDINA.

SUNDAY, JULY 6th, 2014
Shakespeare portrayed several intelligent, independent, and self-aware women--Juliet, Lady Macbeth, Katharine, Beatrice, Viola, Rosalind. We'll discuss the problematic and the remarkably (for the era) fleshed-out aspects of their representation. Panelists: Myself, Elizabeth Bear, Ashley F. Miller, Joseph Erickson, Alexandra Howes. EDINA.

12:30pm - 1:30pm GARGOYLES FAN PANEL
It's the 20th Anniversary of Gargoyles. Come share your favorite moments from the show. As always, Cosplayers are welcome! Panelists: Daniel Mohr moderates Myself, Ryan Alexander, Robert Wagner, Maggie Schultz, Jennifer Anderson, Karine Charlebois. ATRIUM 6.

2:00pm - 3:00pm SIGNING
Myself and Greg Guler (Gargoyles, Phineas and Ferb) will be holding one last signing session. Greg G. always has an array of stuff (books, prints, etc.) to sell and sign. And I'll be selling and signing copies of my first novel RAIN OF THE GHOSTS for $10 cash, which includes the book, a personalized signature and signed copies of the original development character designs by Kuni Tomita for the television version of Rain that never was. In addition - and by popular demand - I am selling and signing an array of my animation teleplays for $20 cash from such series as Gargoyles, Team Atlantis, DC Showcase (Green Arrow), Men in Black: The Series, The Spectacular Spider-Man, Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles, The Batman, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, W.I.T.C.H., Young Justice and even the 2009 Radio Play "The Spectacular Spider-Man Meets Gargoyles". I'll also sign anything else you bring and put in front of me for FREE - especially if you buy my book. CONVERGENCE CENTRAL.

3:30pm - 4:30pm YOUNG JUSTICE
Creative minds behind the Young Justice TV and comic book series will talk about this fan favorite. We're planning some special surprises as well. And, as always, Cosplayers are welcome! Panelists: Myself, Marina Sirtis (voice of Queen Bee), Christopher Jones (Artist YJ Comic). MAIN STAGE.

5:00pm - 6:00pm CLOSING CEREMONY
It's not over 'til the gynoid sings - or something like that. Join CONvergence mascot Connie and our Guests of Honor as we say farewell to another convention. Shenanigans may ensue. Panelists: Myself, Amy Berg, Emma Bull, C. Robert Cargill, Sarah Clemens, Scott Lynch, Marina Sirtis, Matthew Ebel, Frank Paur, Dawn Krosnowski, Greg Guler, Windy Bowlsby, Rob Callahan, Michael Lee. MAIN STAGE

SEE?!! I told you there was a lot. And that's only the stuff that I'm doing. CONvergence is jam-packed with all sorts of pop culture nutritional goodness. So stop by and say hello!!

*In the interest of Full Disclosure, Fancy Bastard would like all to know that he especially likes the following pies:
BERRY (pretty much any kind of berry or a mix of same)
BANANA CREAM (herein to be known as the funniest pie)
Combinations of some of the fruit pies can be great. Contestants are welcome to try other pies at their own risk.

Fancy Bastard does NOT especially like the following pies:
Anything with Chocolate or Lemon or Meringue
Raisins in Apple Pie
Almost never Cherry, though he has tasted the rare exception...

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ONE MORE TIME!! This looks to be as final a revision as it's going to get for Denver Comic Con website (http://denvercomiccon.com/), before I head for the airport in a couple minutes. But, again, follow me on TWITTER @Greg_Weisman to stay up-to-the-minute on when and where I'll be.


FRIDAY, JUNE 13th, 2014

10:30am - 11:20am - ART OF THE PITCH in ROOM 110/112.
Victor Cook, Greg Guler and myself will be talking about pitching and selling animated telvision series to the Powers That Be.

11:30am - 12:30pm - SIGNING at my BOOTH 122 on the main floor.
I'll be signing my novel RAIN OF THE GHOSTS throughout the weekend for $10 cash. (That $10 includes the book, a personalized signature and copies of the original development art by Kuni Tomita for the television version of Rain that never was.) I also have a half-dozen copies of Young Justice teleplays, which I'll sell (and sign) for $20 cash. I'll also sign anything else you bring and put in front of me for free - especially if you buy my book. ;)

12:50pm - 1:20pm - INTERVIEW with Tim Beyers of MOTLEY FOOL in the MEDIA LOUNGE.

1:30pm - 2:20pm - CARTOON VOICES I in the MAIN EVENTS ROOM.
I'll be moderating this panel, which features Kevin Conroy, Jim Cummings, Michael Dorn, Jennifer Hale & Veronica Taylor.

3:30pm - 4:30pm - SIGNING at my BOOTH 122 on the main floor.

4:45pm - 5:35pm - YOUNG JUSTICE in the MINI-MAIN ROOM.
This one includes myself (writer-producer, voice actor) & Christopher Jones (YJ companion comic book artist).


7:00pm - 10:00pm - FOUR COLOR MIXER at Breckinridge Brewery/Hilton Garden Inn Denver Downtown.

SATURDAY, JUNE 14th, 2014

9:35am - 10:00am - INTERVIEW with BEYOND THE TROPE at my table at Booth 122.

10:00am - 10:20am - INTERVIEW with WESTWORD at my table at Booth 122.

10:30am - 11:20am - RAIN OF THE GHOSTS in ROOM 201.
I'll be reading from and discussing my new novels, Rain of the Ghosts & Spirits of Ash and Foam.

11:45am - 12:35pm - ANIMATION PROFESSIONALS in ROOM 201
I'm moderating this panel, which features Chris Beaver, Victor Cook, Greg Guler, Derek Hunter, Christy Marx, & Jan Scott-Frasier.

3:00pm - 3:50pm - SIGNING at my BOOTH 122 on the main floor.

4:00pm - 4:50pm - GARGOYLES 20th ANNIVERSARY in the MAIN EVENTS ROOM.
This is a big one, with me (writer-producer-creator), Victor Cook (storyboard artist), Jim Cummings (voice of Dingo), Jonathan Frakes (voice of David Xanatos), Greg Guler (character designer), Salli Richardson-Whitfield (voice of Elisa Maza) and Marina Sirtis (voice of Demona) .

5:00pm - 6:00pm - SIGNING at my BOOTH 122 on the main floor.

SUNDAY, JUNE 15th, 2014

9:30am - 10:20am - INTERVIEW with EXAMINER.COM at my BOOTH 122.

Includes myself (writer-producer-voice actor), Victor Cook (director-producer), Jim Cummings (voice of Crusher Hogan) & Greg Guler (artist).

1:30pm - 2:30pm - SIGNING at my BOOTH 122 on the main floor.

2:45pm - 3:35pm - CARTOON VOICES II in the MAIN EVENTS ROOM.
Again, I'm moderating for Robert Axelrod, Kimberly Brooks, Jennifer Hale & April Stewart.

4:00pm - 5:00pm - SIGNING at my BOOTH 122 on the main floor.

In addition to the times listed above, I'll often just be hanging out at my table, so stop by. Attend a panel, buy a book, say hello!

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Okay, so I just took a look at the Denver Comic Con website (http://denvercomiccon.com/), and the schedule there doesn't always match up with the schedule I was sent. I'll make adjustments below, but what this really means is that I'm not 100% sure where I'll be at any given moment. I will be tweeting throughout the weekend though, so follow me @Greg_Weisman to stay up-to-the-minute on when and where I'll be.


FRIDAY, JUNE 13th, 2014

10:30am - 11:20am - RAIN OF THE GHOSTS in ROOM 201
I'll be reading from and discussing my new novels, Rain of the Ghosts & Spirits of Ash and Foam.

11:30am - 12:30pm - SIGNING at my BOOTH 122 on the main floor.
I'll be signing my novel RAIN OF THE GHOSTS throughout the weekend for $10 cash. (That $10 includes the book, a personalized signature and copies of the original development art by Kuni Tomita for the television version of Rain that never was.) I also have a half-dozen copies of Young Justice teleplays, which I'll sell (and sign) for $20 cash. I'll also sign anything else you bring and put in front of me for free - especially if you buy my book. ;)

12:50pm - 1:20pm - INTERVIEW with Tim Beyers of MOTLEY FOOL in the MEDIA LOUNGE

1:30pm - 2:20pm - CARTOON VOICES I in the MAIN EVENTS ROOM
I'll be moderating this panel, which features Kevin Conroy, Jim Cummings, Michael Dorn, Jennifer Hale & Veronica Taylor.

3:30pm - 4:30pm - SIGNING at my BOOTH 122 on the main floor.

4:45pm - 5:35pm - YOUNG JUSTICE in the MINI-MAIN ROOM
This one includes myself (writer-producer, voice actor) & Christopher Jones (YJ companion comic book artist).

7:00pm - 10:00pm - FOUR COLOR MIXER at Breckinridge Brewery/Hilton Garden Inn Denver Downtown

SATURDAY, JUNE 14th, 2014

9:35am - 10:00am - INTERVIEW with BEYOND THE TROPE at my table at Booth 122.

10:00am - 10:50am - INTERVIEW with WESTWORD at my table at Booth 122.

11:45am - 12:35pm - ANIMATION PROFESSIONALS in ROOM 201
I'm moderating this panel, which features Chris Beaver, Victor Cook, Greg Guler, Derek Hunter, Christy Marx, & Jan Scott-Frasier.

3:00pm - 3:50pm - SIGNING at my BOOTH 122 on the main floor.

4:00pm - 4:50pm - GARGOYLES 20th ANNIVERSARY in the MAIN EVENTS ROOM
This is a big one, with me (writer-producer-creator), Victor Cook (storyboard artist), Jim Cummings (voice of Dingo), Jonathan Frakes (voice of David Xanatos), Greg Guler (character designer), Salli Richardson-Whitfield (voice of Elisa Maza) and Marina Sirtis (voice of Demona) .

5:00pm - 6:00pm - SIGNING at my BOOTH 122 on the main floor.

SUNDAY, JUNE 15th, 2014
9:30am - 10:20am - INTERVIEW with EXAMINER.COM at my BOOTH 122.

Includes myself (writer-producer-voice actor), Victor Cook (director-producer), Jim Cummings (voice of Crusher Hogan) & Greg Guler (artist).

1:30pm - 2:30pm - SIGNING at my BOOTH 122 on the main floor.

2:45pm - 3:35pm - CARTOON VOICES II in the MAIN EVENTS ROOM
Again, I'm moderating for Robert Axelrod, Kimberly Brooks, Jennifer Hale & April Stewart.

4:00pm - 5:00pm - SIGNING at my BOOTH 122 on the main floor.

In addition to the times listed above - and especially since I'm no longer 100% sure of my schedule - I'll often just be hanging out at my table, so stop by. Attend a panel, buy a book, say hello!

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Wonderfulakari writes...

I think it's wonderful you respond to praise and observations as well as questions. It feels like you're really close to your fans.

So this is a different kind of question:

1.Are there any shows on air recently that you enjoy?
2.Do you ship anyone together?

Greg responds...

1. I'm really enjoying Fargo on FX. I've seen the pilot of Penny Dreadful. It's definitely very LoEG, but I'm intrigued. I enjoy Game of Thrones, and Good Wife was great this season. I'm religious about watching the Daily Show and now Last Week Tonight. I like both Elementary and Sherlock. Cosmos has been terrific. Big Bang Theory still makes me laugh. There's more too, but I'm blanking at the moment.

2. I guess I definitely shipped Penny and Leonard, but that's not exactly a surprise, and now it seems redundant to ship 'em. I mean does one "ship" an existing couple? No one else leaps to mind. Even among the thousands of characters on GoT, I can't think of a single couple that really feels right. (Though I can think of a few I don't like.) And there aren't any two characters that I'd like to see the writers move heaven and earth to put together.

Response recorded on May 21, 2014

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hmmaster writes...

Hey, Greg, what an amazing show in Young Justice. I have a couple of questions for you.

1) I was hoping you could comment on this, because you've answered variations of this question at different times, but never this specific one. I thought of an idea that would make a lot of sense for where a certain character's situation would go after the events of Summit and Endgame, but I won't share it with you to avoid getting a spoiler. You've talked in interviews/answers before about Roy and Jade having to get married off-screen in order for CN to approve Lian being born. Were there any story-lines of similar controversial topics that you and Brandon had planned that could have created tensions between you and the network?

2) I recently rewatched JLU, specifically JLU's season 1, and I noticed a striking similarity in the way the format works there and the masterfully-crafted interwoven network of plot-lines of YJ. It seemed like you may have been inspired by that format where there were several stories being told all at the same time, as opposed to other shows that have a more episodic nature (like the first JL cartoon, before JLU). Was it a conscious decision to draw heavily from that idea, or was it something that just happened independently?

Thank you for a wonderful show.

Greg responds...

1. None spring to mind at the moment. We didn't have a lot of fights with S&P.

2. I haven't seen all that much of JLU. (Started to when we were in the development phase, but ran out of time once pre-production got started. [I'm really not much of a binge watcher. The most of any show I can stand to watch in any one sitting - no matter how good it is - is two episodes, and for me, even that's pushing it.]) The way we plotted YJ is really more in line with the way I've done other series in the past, such as The Spectacular Spider-Man and Gargoyles. And all of that goes back to lessons learned from reading and writing comic books, and, of course, from Hill Street Blues.

Response recorded on May 13, 2014

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Harlan Phoenix writes...

You had mentioned that you negotiated with Jeffrey Katzenberg to get the publishing rights for Rain of the Ghosts. Did you attempt to acquire the rights to any other property you developed while at Dreamworks?

Greg responds...

I have turnaround rights to pitch a couple of other properties that I developed there.

Response recorded on February 07, 2014

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Liam writes...

Hey Greg,
You mentioned that you visited Tintagel in '81, as part of a sort of "ArthurQuest". I was wondering if you ended up visiting any other places from Arthurian legend. If so, what were they?
Thanks, and good luck with your Star Wars show!

Greg responds...

Yeah, we did, actually. Though I'm blanking on specifics. We definitely saw a version of the Round Table. (Old but not convincing.) And went to the hill where some scholars thought Camelot was. And we went to Stonehenge. There's probably more, but my memory isn't what it once was.

Response recorded on January 06, 2014

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B writes...

Did your cat Iggy ever come back to you? I'm sorry, I've tried to find the answer to this in a biography or interview, but haven't been able to.

Greg responds...

No. He never did. At this point, he'd be so old that even if he survived out on the streets for a time, he would have to have passed on long ago.

Our current pets (both female) are a basset hound named Poppy and a cat named Emmy.

Response recorded on January 06, 2014

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Voice Acting Fan writes...

Dear Greg:

Thank you for answering my previous questions!

You have made reference to SAG before, so presumably Young Justice has to abide by SAG rules or get boycotted. I have a few questions related to this and the voice acting part of the production process:

1. How do the voice talent get paid? A flat rate? Are they paid by the hour? By the line? By the episode? Or some variable rate?

2. When you voiced Lucas Carr, did you have to join the SAG union? Or is production allowed to hire non-SAG personnel as long as they pay them differently?

3. You have stated that getting a second character out of an actor entails no added costs. Since it is free, I am wondering why a few actors (Jesse McCartney comes to mind) doesn't get to voice a character other than Dick Grayson. Was it a matter of actor preference, producer preference, or a mix of the two?

4. How long does a typical recording session last? Do you sit in throughout the whole session, or leave it up to the voice director? How many episode(s) are typically recorded in a sitting?

5. When one of the voice actors sing a song (Reach for a Reach, Hello Megan), they get separately credited. Is this subject to a different rate, or is the singing part simply added as a "character" in determining pay?

Thank you, and I hope by the time you are reading this, you've already got several gigs lined up!

Greg responds...

0. I'm not sure "boycot" is the correct word. The major studios sign contracts with SAG, that prohibits them from contracting non-SAG labor for their acting needs. They can get around this by SUB-contracting, but most don't on major projects.

1. I don't want to speak for EVERY show. In my experience, a voice actor gets paid a flat fee for four hours of work and up to two character voices. For a tiny additional fee, you can get a third voice. But this holds per episode. So for example, even if you could record one guy playing four roles over two episodes in a single four hour session, you'd still owe him two payments. The fee is negotiable, as long as it's above union minimum. But most series pay the union minimum plus 10% and have favored nation clauses in their contracts, which prohibits them from giving any individual actor a raise without simultaneously giving raises to EVERY actor on the series.

2. I first joined SAG to play Donald Menken on Spectacular Spider-Man, and am still a member in good-standing. No union shop can hire non-union actors.

3. Well, Jesse often DID voice additional characters, like Thug #2 or whatever. But generally, there are some actors who have the ability to change their voice enough that they can convincingly play multiple characters without the audience balking. Others really - as talented as they are as performers - only have their own voice.

4. Sessions typically go three to four hours. But often we'll be there all day. We can only keep each individual actor for four hours without incurring overtime, but we could start one actor at 10am and have him until 2pm. And we could start another actor at noon, and have her until 4pm. And a third at 1pm and keep him until 5pm. That way, we have overlap to record their scenes together, but we also have more time to get everything done.

5. Singing is a separate rate. And it's also an additional character, unless they are singing IN CHARACTER. That is, if Nightwing suddenly burst into song, we'd have to pay an additional fee to Jesse for his singing. But we wouldn't have to count that as a second character (or third, since he's also doing Thug #2).

Response recorded on December 06, 2013

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Everything Geek Podcast INTERVIEW

I was interviewed on the Everything Geek Podcast here:


I discuss my "secret origins", The Spectacular Spider-Man, Gargoyles, Star Wars Rebels, Young Justice and more.

Check it out!

(But of course I totally forgot to mention Rain of the Ghosts at all, darnit!)

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KenRD writes...

Im interested in reading your book Rain of Ghosts because of my respect and fondness of you as a storyteller. I have yet to pre-order it however because I have not yet been able to find a summary for the story, so I was wondering if you had any idea when the details would start comming out?
Speaking of books what are your favorite authors?
My favorite is Sir Terry Pratchett, have you read any of his books? If not I would always recommend them as he has such and interesting take on the world and twists things in the most wonderful way.

Greg responds...

By now, I hope you've seen the synopses of RAIN OF THE GHOSTS on Amazon and here.


My favorite authors are William Shakespeare and William Faulkner. I'm also a fan of Charles Dickens and Jane Austen, and many others.

I've never read Pratchett.

My genre of choice tends to be detective fiction. Among my favorites in that arena are the works of Ross MacDonald, Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, James M. Cain, Maj Sjöwall & Per Wahlöö, Michael Connelly, Walter Mosely, Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle.

Response recorded on November 25, 2013

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DanM writes...

Hey there Greg, 1 - how are you?
DanM again here, I'd like to thank you for spending your time to answer my questions. Much appreciated.
I know quite a bit from the comics' market, industry and its works, and used to assume that it wasn't that much different from the animation universe. But your answer really enlightened me a lot about it. For instance it never crossed my mind that being a Producer would earn you nothing, financially speaking, this certainly made the level of respect I already had of you go way up to the stratosphere! And thank you for that! To me that doesn't just show how much you care for your stories and characters but also to you fans. Really man, thank you very much!
Said that, I do know that the characters and the show itself are not your property to do as you please, I just thought that you might have certain leverage w/ the guys at DC comics, you know, seeing how awesome and well received, for the comic fans, your work has been. I've gotta say that so far the New 52, for me at least, has been ok… w/ one or another good story popping up. But YJ bests them all easy. Seeing how Geoff Johns went on board w/ Ivan Reis to do that new Aquaman title, when the character wasn't really in DC's plan at all (That I DO know for a fact). It was really a shocker to me that he did not sign you to keep working w/ DC, you know w/ him being said to be the Chief Creative Officer and all. Especially when I could see the same kind of treatment both of you gave the characters. Well anyways, I'm really sorry your pitches didn't really hit jackpot, like I've said before I would certainly enjoy them.
And perhaps we all are mourning a bit more than it is healthy, but if the Teen Titans show is coming back, then to me there is still a chance for YJ too. Just hope that that chance doesn't come without you and/or your team.
I really wish you the best of luck on your upcoming novel and of course your work hunt, I'm sure it won't take long for you to land your next solid gig man! And as soon as Rain hits the shelves here in Brasil, you can count I'll definitely do my part to make sure you're properly rewarded. That's the least I can do for all your work in YJ, which gave me and the family lot of good times. 
Just so not to miss this opportunity here are a few more questions:
2 - Could I send you my copy for you to sign? (That is when I get it, of course).
3 - Do you work with movie scripts also?
4 - What do you think of Tolkien's work? Have a favorite?
That's all for now… Once again, thanks!!!

Greg responds...

1. I'm good.

1a. I clearly have no leverage at all.

2. I'm sorry. I don't give out my personal address. But I come to many fan conventions throughout the year. Maybe you could get it signed at one of those.

3. I've never had one of my scripts made into a movie, but I've tried.


Response recorded on November 25, 2013

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June writes...

What was your favorite line you said when you voiced Snapper Carr?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 14, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Mr Greg,
I know this is a wired question but I'm so curious. You voice cast Lucas Carr in Young Justice. Do you get pay for this character or you cast it for free? Is this only your interest or consider of saving cost?

Greg responds...

I was paid. It's a SAG (i.e. a union) show. No one works for free.

Response recorded on October 08, 2013

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Gardoh writes...

are you availabe on any other social media?

Greg responds...

TWITTER: @Greg_Weisman

Please FOLLOW me!!

Response recorded on October 03, 2013

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"Don't Lick the Torah"

A serialized story in tweets. Part One. In my family, we have a saying: "Don't lick the Torah."
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Two: This expression originated on the eve of my daughter's Bat Mitzvah. She was very anxious...
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Three: I said to @BandgeekErin "What's the worst that could happen? You could lick the Torah." She replied...
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Four: @BandgeekErin replied, "I'd never do that!" So I said, "Then what are you worried about?"...
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Five: So in our family, that became our recurring metaphor for "Don't worry about it." Then tonight...
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Six: Tonight, @BandgeekErin was saying her boyfriend was nervous about meeting me. (He doesn't know that...
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Seven: @BandgeekErin 's nervous boyfriend doesn't know I already like him.) I told her to tell him...
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Eight: Told @BandgeekErin to tell him not to lick the Torah. THEN my wife says that today at the pre-school...
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Nine: Today at the Jewish pre-school where my wife works, she took out the Torah for Shabbat, and one of...
"Don't lick the Torah!" Part Ten: My wife took out the Torah, and one of her two-year-old students licked it. The End.

Here, at ASK GREG, I have the room to embellish this story. But, really... what more do you need to know?

Maybe this: I'll be meeting @BandgeekErin's nervous boyfriend for the first time at MechaCON, where I'll be a guest, doing multiple panels and at least one signing!!


More details shortly!!

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Greg Xanatos writes...

Dear Greg,

Through your career, you've shown a fondness for various "Master Planner" type villains (Xanatos, The Light, Nerrisaa etc.) You've also become notable for thinking out things to great detail (as your timelines and posts on askgreg have shown). So I wanted to know, has your own "master planning" informed these characters? For example, does Xanatos plan his schemes out with cards like you do? Do the Light's group planning sessions reflect an evil version of the Writer's room?


Greg responds...

God, I hope not. I like to think they're all much slicker than I am.

Response recorded on July 11, 2013

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My new AUTHOR PAGE on Amazon

Hey, check out my new AUTHOR PAGE on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Greg-Weisman/e/B0034Q75QO

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TIMEBRO writes...

Hey Greg a timeline question or threerather.

1. You have detailed timelines for Young Justice and Gargoyls, do you do this for everything you do even when you havent built the universe from scratch like in your Captain Atom comics or WITCH?
2. When did you start this trait?
3. You have time and time again noted that YJ has no "canon year" and that 2010 worked for Year Zero as a math thing. So does that mean season two being in 2016 by that reckoning was a coincidence?

Greg responds...

1. Not everything, no. I have a Captain Atom timeline from way back, but I'm sure it has no relevance to current DC continuity anymore. I don't think I ever did a WITCH timeline in the strictest sense, but I did make an effort to keep track of the backstories, etc.

2. In elementary school.

3. Heh heh heh.

Response recorded on May 15, 2013

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That's right, folks. Greg_Weisman is now on Twitter.

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

In your post promoting "The Fix", you mention having been swamped with work lately. What have you been working on?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 23, 2013

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Grant writes...

What is your next project after Young Justice?

Greg responds...

I am currently freelancing scripts for a couple different companies. (Octonauts, for example.) Mostly, I'm working on the sequel to my novel, Rain of the Ghosts, which debuts in December 2013.

Beyond that, I'm looking, talking to people, etc. I've gone over 14 months now without a consistent paying gig, and it is nerve-wracking. But I'm hopeful I'll have something soon.

Response recorded on April 22, 2013

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wintersmith writes...

Are you cursed? If so please provide name of curser and last known adress, thank you.

Greg responds...

Let's please not perpetuate this "cursed" thing. I mean, seriously, that's all I need. For the next guy who might want to hire me to think I'm cursed and/or incapable of going beyond two seasons.

Response recorded on April 19, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Which fandom do you honestly appreciate the most:
1- Gargoyles fans
2- Spectacular Spider-Man fans
3- Young Justice fans
4- Greg Weisman fans

Greg responds...

See, now, the Hulk is more powerful because the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him.

Response recorded on April 16, 2013

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Okay, once again, I will be attending WonderCon on Friday, March 29th:


I'm not on a panel or anything official. I'm just going to look around, hang out, etc. But ASK GREG moderator Masterdramon is also going, and we thought it might be fun to organize a semi-impromptu ASK GREG LIVE event. I assume most folks would want to talk about Young Justice, which is great. But we can also discuss Gargoyles or the weather or whatever. Chris Jones and I did something similar a few weeks ago at a Doctor Who convention, and we had fun. I think about twenty or so fans showed, which was a nice number. We might wind up with a few more or less. Or, heck, maybe it'll just be me and Masterdramon, which is okay too. EIther way, we want to try to keep the thing unofficial, informal, casual, etc.

I was hoping someone would come up with a brilliant plan for where to meet, but that never happened. So here's my LESS-than-brilliant plan:

Meet up at ONE P.M. on Friday, March 29th in the LOBBY of HALL B, BETWEEN THE TWO SETS OF DOORS. Here's a map:


On that map, we'll be more or less directly beneath where the Graphitti Designs booth is in Hall B, but in the LOBBY. (Hopefully, that makes sense to everyone.)

If you need to know what I look like these days, you can see my somewhat pudgy self on this YouTube video:


At WonderCon, I'll be wearing my black YOUNG JUSTICE Hot Topic T-shirt. (And if it's cold, I'll be wearing a grey TULANE hoodie sweatshirt over that t-shirt.)

Hope to see at least a few of you there.

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DanM writes...

Hello there Greg (you don't mind me calling you Greg, do you?), how you've been?
Well I hope you have been doing well, and working hard on YJ for us fans.
So let me introduce myself, my name is Daniel I'm from Brasil and I LOVE the YJ tv show. As for the comic book, still I haven't had the chance to check it out. But I cannot see why it wouldn't be as great as the animation.
Anyways… with the recent CN's actions and the future listing of DC's solicitations, a lot of speculations have surfaced the web. Do those same speculations harm you or the crew in any way? Note that I don't mean it physically, I mean carrerwise (e.g. the mood in the work environment, the relationship with the bosses… that kind of thing?).
Have you ever thought about, or did in fact pitch in an Earth 16 title for the DC's New 52 (such as the Earth 2 title)? If not, how about it? I imagine that great things would come out of it. :) And what about novels? That would certainly be interesting!!

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what speculations you're referring to. But...

ANYWAY, I suppose this is as good an excuse as any to go through a bit of a chronology.

We finished the scripts for Invasion in January of 2012. So that's when I stopped getting paid, because although I'm a producer on the series, that title and even the responsibilities that go with it were, in essence, a courtesy, based on my experience, I guess. With a guy as talented and competent as Brandon on the job, Warners didn't feel any need to pay me to do the post-production on YJ. They had no problem with me participating, but they also had no problem with me walking away. (Same with Season One, by the way.) (And it was the same at Sony vis-a-vis The Spectacular Spider-Man. In animation, writers often aren't valued all that much once the script process is completed. From the point of view of these companies, I was really just a story editor with a glorified title, who was willing to do what he had to do in order to make the title real and NOT glorified.)

On one level, I probably should have walked away. But instead, I worked for free, helping to post the episodes with Brandon from January to October of 2012. Simultaneously - because I do need to earn a living - I did a number of freelance scripts for various series, including one for Warners' Beware the Batman, plus a Transformers Prime, a couple of Kaijudos, a couple Rescue Bots and a couple of Octonauts. Plus, there was the YJ comic, a few miscellaneous things, and I was also working on revising my first novel, Rain of the Ghosts. Oh, and Brandon and I were also giving free input on Legacy, as well. So I was plenty busy.

In October of 2012, we finished posting episode 220, "Endgame", and on Halloween I moved out of my office on the Warner Bros. Ranch and moved back to my old office in Beverly Hills. By that time, I was done with the comic as well.

During that period, Brandon and I (both separately and together) pitched all sorts of further Earth-16 properties, including (but not limited to) a third season (of course), animated spin-offs featuring Arsenal and/or the Arrow Family, a comic book entitled Earth-16, the Black Manta Celebrity Hot Tub shorts, a direct to DVD movie, etc. Brandon even pitched a YJ meets Scooby movie. Unfortunately, none of these were in the cards.

I'd love to say differently. I'd even love to say I've moved on, but I haven't really. Like many of the fans, I'm still mourning the whole thing, quite a bit. Perhaps even quite a bit more than is healthy. And - because I do need to earn a living - I'm still looking for both freelance work and my next solid gig. (It's been fourteen months without a real job, and it's starting to get a bit nerve-wracking, to be perfectly honest.) But Rain is coming out in December, and I'm hard at work on its sequel. They've both been very rewarding to work on, at least emotionally. (We'll have to wait and see if they turn out to be rewarding financially - but at least the potential upside is there.)

I'd happily do a YJ Novel, but like anything YJ related, it's just not up to me. It's just not a property I control AT ALL.

Response recorded on March 22, 2013

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EXALT writes...

Is your writing of Snapper Carr in any way influenced by the fact that you know that it's gonna be you playing him (the question may also be applied to Donald Menken in SpecSpidey)?

Greg responds...

Probably a little. But that's probably true of every character that's already cast. We learn to play to our actors' strengths. (Of course, I have very few strengths as an actor, so maybe that doesn't apply to Carr or Menken.)

Response recorded on March 21, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Have you seen or read any YJ fanart, fanfiction & fancomics (from non-canon parings, Birdflash has the most fanart and that's how I've actually found this wonderful cartoon :) )? How does it make you feel when fans do fanart and other fandom things for the show?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I'm very ambivalent toward fanfiction. On the one hand, it's very gratifying. I've created something that has taken on a life of it's own. That people like enough to invest their time into and create anew. On the other hand, I have a territorial instinct that exhibits a kind of knee-jerk negative reaction to seeing other people controlling the destiny of my characters. (That's the main reason why Goliath Chronicles was so painful for me to watch.)

For example, I know that TGS is doing their own TimeDancer spin off. That's very cool, but somebody mentioned (though I don't know if this was the final word) that they're not naming Brooklyn's son Nashville, because they think the name is silly or because they hate country music or whatever. I can't help resenting that. (I know it's not rational, but I'm trying to be honest about my emotions here.) I haven't explained the Nashville name. I don't intend to explain it yet. Obviously, I have no intention of making Brooklyn into the next Garth Brooks, but I'm not in the mood to go into my reasons yet. But when someone else decides that GREG THE GARGOYLE MASTER made a misstep regarding the name of a character, I bristle.

But going back to the first hand, I have to acknowledge that once a thing is created and sent out into the world, it no longer belongs to the creator, but to the interpretations of those who received it. If a fan believes that Gargoyles were created by fey sorcery, then to that fan they were, no matter what I might say to the contrary in a comment room. Fanfiction is the ultimate example of fans interpretating (and extrapolating upon) what they've seen."

[Response recorded in the Station 8 "Gargoyles" FAQ, Section XXXIV.]

Greg Weisman says:

"Generally, I'm a fan of fanart."

[Response recorded on February 10, 2012.]

Response recorded on March 12, 2013

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Anonymous writes...

Hey man first off love young justice the comics and show are just astounding. Anyway I read your spin off of black mantas celeb hot tub and since cn's mad is being difficult have you tried submitting it to robot chicken on the adult swim block? One more thing read your side trip ramble, an yes I have to be the guy to asks was that real?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know anyone at Robot Chicken.

2. Can you prove otherwise? (But thanks for commenting on it. Seemed like nobody else read it.)

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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Clark Cradic writes...

Would you ever trade away your writing talents for genuine super powers? Or would that not be a fair trade?

Greg responds...

No. Such as they are, I'll stick with what abilities I've got.

Response recorded on March 05, 2013

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Clark Cradic writes...

Do you remember what the first superhero comic you ever read was?

Greg responds...

Nope. It'd be cool if I could though.

Response recorded on February 28, 2013

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the greenman writes...

1) Reading the Stargate bible, have ever considered a Star Trek animated series? I know Paramount is very strict on that property.

2) Will you ever do another series of your own creation?

Thank you very much. Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Greg responds...

1. I'd love to do one, but no one's asked me. (Keep in mind, I was asked to develop Stargate. I don't just go out and independently develop series based on properties that somebody else owns.)

2. Again, I'd love to, but no one's bought anything original that I've pitched in a VERY long time.

Response recorded on December 28, 2012

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Claire writes...

Do you have a twitter account? Do you know Brandon Vietti does?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Yes.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Jennifer K. writes...

Hey there Greg W hope your fall is going well. I have to say I have continually been impressed with how you handle the comic book universe(s). As I am sure you are Marvel has new shows in the works. All of which have the potential to be good. I am sure many fans are looking forward to them including myself. Which leads me to my question. Would you if you had the chance to work on something like Live Action "Cloak and Dagger" would you or would your current work with DC and Young Justice prevent you from doing so?

Greg responds...

As I've stated OVER AND OVER again, I'm not too interested in hypotheticals. And here's a good example why. Your question contains too many variables for me to answer it. Here's just a FEW of them:

1. Are we specifically talking about "Cloak and Dagger"?

2. What are the schedules of the respective projects?

3. What would my role be on the live action show?

4. How much money is involved?

If what you're asking me is whether (in general) I'd like to work for Marvel and/or in live-action, the answer is yes to all of the above. But I can't answer your question in a vacuum. And PLEASE don't try to create a more detailed hypothetical scenario to generate an answer. For every variable you nail down, I could come up with twenty more.

Response recorded on December 12, 2012

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Irritated writes...

Some people who ask questions are so RUDE! They demand, they want to tell you how to answer, how to run your own blog, they whine...They claim to be fans but act with no respect. Greg, why/how do you put up with it?

Greg responds...

Some people say to me: "You have the patience of a saint." But anyone who knows me, knows THAT'S not true. The ugly truth is probably closer to this: "He has the ego and insecurities of a petty dictator." Generally, ASK GREG helps feed that ego and assuage some of those insecurities. Most of the time, anyway.

Response recorded on December 11, 2012

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Tasha writes...

Do you have a complete list of all the things you have worked on? Also you have a great talent and I hope you keep doing what you do and that you enjoy your work :)

Greg responds...

I think I do.

Response recorded on December 06, 2012

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Salieri writes...

Hello, Greg! I've noticed you answer a lot of "would you ever make series X with character Y" with "IT IS NOT UP TO ME". So, I was wondering, have you ever been in a situation where those sort of decisions were up to you? If not, do you ever hope to be in a position where you have full reign over those decisions?

Thanks again for the awesome Young Justice! I wouldn't be this invested if the writing weren't this spectacular!

Greg responds...

No, not really. Maybe the closest I've ever come is making creative decisions on the Gargoyles comic book for SLG. I was pretty much given free reign there. But keep in mind the decision to make and then to stop making the comic was still completely out of my hands.

As for whether or not I'd hope to be in that position, of course. But I doubt it will ever happen. EVER.

Response recorded on December 04, 2012

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Julio Lopez writes...

Did you have plans of pitch or self produce a new original concept in form of series/comic?

Greg responds...

I've tried pitching many times, but have yet to sell anything. Long ago, I had thoughts of self-producing, but it's just an economic impossibility for someone with my (lack of) financial resources.

Response recorded on November 29, 2012

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Nicole writes...

Hi Greg,
This more of a comment, or a praise post. I just wanted to say that Young Justice is an AMAZING SHOW. From the story to the animation! It is AMAZING. Every single show leaves me speechless! I've been a fan of a lot of the shows you've produced and/or written, such as Gargoyles. Young Justice is incredible for both me and my dad! I live in California and my dad and I would actually get up at 6:00AM just to get ready to watch Young Justice(and the rest of the DC Nation Block) from the east coast time! My mom thinks we're crazy, but what can I say? WE LOVE THIS SHOW! I really just wanted to say congratulations for both you and your team! I haven't seen a superhero show this great in a long time(and I'm only 15 xD)! My birthday was on the 29th of September, so having to see Young Justice early in the morning made my whole day! You all are amazing, talented people and uou guys are awesome! Thank you for taking your time to read this :)

[P.S. I read on Wikipedia that your birthday was on the 28th. Whether it's true or not(I don't really trust Wikipedia xD), HAPPY late BIRTHDAY! I hope your day was just as great as mine! :D ]

Greg responds...

Yep, September 28th is my birthday. Happy birthday to you too.

Response recorded on November 28, 2012

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TheTavarse writes...

Not a question, but a declaration. In a perfect world there would be four clones of you. Original recipe Weisman to executive produce Young Justice, Clone-1 to write the comic, Clones 2 & 3 to executive produce the Arrow and Aqua family animated series and Clone-4 to write the web comic "Suoveihcsim" staring Rocket, Artemis, and Zatanna during the 5 year gap. Seriously, where's Dr. Desmond when you need him?

Greg responds...

What you really need isn't more of me so much as corporate sponsorship for all the things you - and I - might like to see.

Response recorded on November 20, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

regarding your post about not owning a smartphone... i saw you playing on your phone one year at sdcc. i think it was way old school, with the green screen and all. haha. :)

anyway, my question is: are the yj stories in the dc nation magazine new stories, and are they canon? (trying to decide whether i need to pick it up.)

Greg responds...

Ah, those were the days...

To be fair, it didn't have a green screen but it was tiny and it wasn't a smartphone. I held onto that phone until it flat out stopped working. Then I had it fixed three times, but it kept dying. So, finally, just this past September, I broke down and bought an iPhone. But I still mostly ONLY use it as a cellphone. I don't check e-mail or the internet on it. I do not WANT to be that connected.

I'm not sure I've seen the DC Nation Magazine, so I'm not sure.

Response recorded on November 15, 2012

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Wonderfulakari writes...

You mentioned you had kids, what ages are they? Do you have any grandchildren? ((Sorry if that last question is rude.))

Greg responds...

"I'm old but not THAT old."

My kids are currently 18 and 15. No grandchildren.

Response recorded on October 30, 2012

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Harlan Phoenix writes...

What was the creative incentive for writing "Salvage" personally?

Greg responds...

The intervention scenes.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Kit Walker writes...

I've checked the archives, including using what I thought to be relevant search terms, but I didn't come up with anything, so if I missed someone asking this before, I do apologize.

That said, I was curious as to what one work you would put on your résumé, if you had to. Like for whatever reason, you could only put forth one work as, "This is me. This is what Greg Weisman brings to your table, what I can do for you." What work would that be, and why? (Yes, I'm one of those who are insanely curious about the minds of the creators I admire, and how they work. :) )

Greg responds...

What an odd hypothetical. Why would I ever do this?

As frequent readers of this site know, I'm not too fond of hypothetical questions of this nature, but this time I'll answer, because the answer is so obvious: GARGOYLES.

Response recorded on October 29, 2012

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Greg Weisman Quiz

Can I just say I suck at this - and it's MY career!


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Max writes...

On a scale of 1 to 10, how creeped out would you be if I told you I loved you at a meet and greet?
Just curious.

Greg responds...

I guess it would depend on your tone of voice and how much of my personal space you invaded.

Response recorded on September 26, 2012

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Eagle-Owl writes...

1. Is "tritto" a real word?

2. How difficult is it balancing work time in the film/television industry with, say, family time?

Greg responds...

1. Not to my knowledge.

2. Sometimes, very. But that's the gig. And mostly, I think my family feels like I'm there for them. I always make them the priority when they need me - and even when they don't. But there are late nights occasionally.

Response recorded on September 25, 2012

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Keith writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. You won't remember me - I asked a question a while back about CN's rules about guns on the show.

Anyway, as somebody who really wants to write for television in the future, I'm asking you if you have any tips for breaking into the industry. I'm a high school junior so I'm beginning to look at colleges and was wondering if you had any advice to give out when it comes to getting into the buisness of television writing.

As always, love the series and can't wait for more!

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"First and foremost, you write. Then write some more. Then do a little writing. Read a lot. Write some more. Read some more. Read a lot. Write a lot. Study story structure. Study great literature. Study myth and legends. Joseph Campbell. Listen to how people talk. How they really talk. Learn your craft. Get a kick-ass education. Write. Read.


Get copies of animation (or other television) scripts. Learn the format.

Write spec scripts for shows that you like. Try to use those specs to get an agent. Then your agent can use those specs to get you work. Write more specs. If you can't get an agent, send the specs to production companies that you admire. Don't send a Batman spec to Warner Bros or a Gargoyles to Disney. Legally, they can't risk reading those. But you can send Batman to Disney and Gargoyles to Warners. (I know it sounds weird. There's a real good reason for this, but it's a whole other question, so for now just trust me.) Actually, you shouldn't be writing a Gargoyles spec at all, since that show isn't producing new episodes now. You don't want your spec to come off as yesterday's news. Keep reading. Keep writing. Try writing a pilot script and a short bible for an original series. Try using those to get an agent or work (any work, you need credits on your resume.)

Oh, yeah. PROOFREAD. PROOFREAD. PROOFREAD. Read your own work aloud, you catch more mistakes that way. Read. Write. Write some more. Get used to a lot of rejection. A LOT OF REJECTION.

That's the best advice I can give you except this: writing for television is an extremely difficult career to break into, let alone succeed at; so if you don't really have a PASSION for it, then do something else. You'll need that passion to see you through a lot of dark times. If you can be happy doing anything else, then do that other thing.

Otherwise, good luck."

[Response recorded in the early days of Ask Greg; precise date unknown.]

Response recorded on September 19, 2012

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Person that breathes writes...

Why do you enjoy making the fandom explode?
That's it and you're awesome!

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 18, 2012

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Dr. Spanky writes...

Greg! You are my hero (professionally at least. I mean, face it, I don't know you. You could be an axe-murderer). I want to spend my life doing what you do. Any pieces of advice for an aspiring writer? What are good ways to train myself / further my writing skills / develop confidence in my voice (or my character's voices)? How did you get your start professionally, and what are some good avenues towards putting your work out in the world?

I thoroughly look forward to seeing the rest of your work, because all of it has been great. Thank you and adieu.

Greg responds...

At the risk of losing my heroic status, I'm going to demur here, since all this information is already available in the ASK GREG archives. (I've been asked this MANY times before.) For example, check out "Animation", "Behind the Scenes", "Biz, The" and "Weisman, Greg" for starters.

Response recorded on September 12, 2012

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Thomas writes...

You are....amazing. No character is wasted in your series, they all connect back somehow, somewhere. Little movement is wasted in plot.

How do you come up with this stuff?

Greg responds...

With help from other very talented people and with a lot of index cards on a huge bulletin board. Oh, and with research.

Response recorded on August 28, 2012

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Alex Weitzman writes...

Mr. Weisman, while you will undoubtedly get to this message months afterwards at best, given the backlog of questions thus far, I wanted to give my condolences for you and your family's loss in Sue Weisman. I also wanted to thank you for the honest and touching small commentary you made on the subject, highlighting the complex emotional situation of watching an older loved one lose themselves to either Alzheimer's, senility, or just age itself (I would not want to make a definite assumption, based on what you described). It sounds to me like she lived a long, fascinating life populated by people she loved, and nobody could ask for more than that. I send my sorrow regarding her passing, and my hope that your upcoming family gathering will provide you some emotional closure or insight to help you through this time.

Thank you for the many years of excellent entertainment, as well. I look forward to many more.

Greg responds...

Thank you.

The actual celebration didn't really effect my mood, though it was wonderful to see the extended family come to celebrate her.

I think I got more out of a later event: a handful of us took her ashes and illegally scattered them in a location that she loved. That was fun and sneaky and silly, and felt more like her spirit was with her.

Response recorded on August 15, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

What is your take on yj fan fiction? Have you read any?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I'm very ambivalent toward fanfiction . On the one hand, it's very gratifying. I've created something that has taken on a life of it's own. That people like enough to invest their time into and create anew. On the other hand, I have a territorial instinct that exhibits a kind of knee-jerk negative reaction to seeing other people controlling the destiny of my characters. (That's the main reason why Goliath Chronicles was so painful for me to watch.)

For example, I know that TGS is doing their own TimeDancer spin off. That's very cool, but somebody mentioned (though I don't know if this was the final word) that they're not naming Brooklyn's son Nashville, because they think the name is silly or because they hate country music or whatever. I can't help resenting that. (I know it's not rational, but I'm trying to be honest about my emotions here.) I haven't explained the Nashville name. I don't intend to explain it yet. Obviously, I have no intention of making Brooklyn into the next Garth Brooks, but I'm not in the mood to go into my reasons yet. But when someone else decides that GREG THE GARGOYLE MASTER made a misstep regarding the name of a character, I bristle.

But going back to the first hand, I have to acknowledge that once a thing is created and sent out into the world, it no longer belongs to the creator, but to the interpretations of those who received it. If a fan believes that Gargoyles were created by fey sorcery, then to that fan they were, no matter what I might say to the contrary in a comment room. Fanfiction is the ultimate example of fans interpretating (and extrapolating upon) what they've seen."

[Response recorded in the Station 8 "Gargoyles" FAQ, Section XXXIV.]

Response recorded on July 03, 2012

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It's that time again: Blather.

Blather = http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=469

So in a tryce came the documentary depicting many a Chinese doll and also the three wise men (who may or may not have been kings) that needed sixty-two dollars between them to redeem the coupon, which offered up solace and not a little irony to anyone who hadn't yet seen the crew chewing on leaves that weren't tobacco, but might have been sage and still left horrible stains in the dirt floor of the lean-to where I left my ski poles after the overnight with the cranes that were kept on the lake domestically for the purpose of tourism but who could also speak Latin on occasion when prompted by offers of cheese or jerky -- though not just any jerky, it had to be salmon jerky -- which isn't always easy to come by when you've agreed to leave before closing on summer days in the springtime of your life, which has been known to last longer in people who aren't concerned about under-inebriation or over-intoxication or both: it's the balance which is everything when nothing else will do and no one else will participate in the extravaganza that's been created by the giant invisible flying monkey brain that is modern life in the Twenty-First Century, counting since the (approximate) birth of Christ -- as long as the lack of the number zero doesn't disturb your math sensibilities as, frankly, it does mine, though I like to think I've made peace with that and with the Skrull too, since I haven't picked up an issue of that book in about nine years, which wasn't an intentional or explicit act of cold turkey so much as a sliding away followed by a none-too-impressive epiphany -- far from the best epiphany I've ever had, say, compared to Tintagel or Lego, not to mention the birth of certain children, which couldn't get more personal than the zany antics of the semi-erotic flea circus, which used to travel the stars waiting for an invitation to land at your door, since you are the personal target of the extra-lunar probe that counted all the seahorses that Aquaman used to make the giant seahorse that he could actually ride, though no faster than he could swim himself on his own power -- and no, we're not talking Super Friends here, but something older, more primal, something that was born back when the Ptero-whatever streaked across the sky leaving behind contrails made not of smoke but of pure and unadulterated grace, a commodity in which we are sorely shy as a planet, and yet which we find in the most unlikley of places, including but not limited to contracts which dictate how we will interact with each other but do it in such a way that no normal human being could possibly wrap their heads around the language and internalize the meaning, which we declare to be progress or civilization and which is not meant as a criticism so much as a detachment of troopers marching on a hill that you wouldn't pay five ducats -- FIVE! -- to buy yourself, or so I told myself and Hamlet night after night, but now Hamlet is a Thief on FX and I haven't seen him face to face in over twenty years, which sometimes seems quite normal but sometimes blows me away, not that I want to move backwards at all, though I'm not sure that I'm truly moving forward and I'm convinced I'm not moving sideways, though the metaphor of the sidewinder is appealing, not in the cliché sense of something sinister and left-handed, though I do throw with my left hand, I can bowl just as badly with either hand, and even though I'm 42, I quite prefer to have bumpers instead of gutters, where the rain gets backed up and sometimes flows over the lip and creates leaks in the roof and drips, drips, drips down into the shiny metal bowl that's usually used for something much more pleasant like mixing cookie dough to create chewy wonderful ... well.. cookies (I mean "duh") that taste a little bit like home even when you are home and it is raining, or maybe ESPECIALLY when you are home and it is raining and the water overflows and the ocean fills and the giant seahorse peaks out and winks at the cranes, which is exactly what the documentary crew was hoping to capture when they first took out their cameras and shot the whole thing from three different angles across six different days and still never saw the giant invisible flying monkey brain, because it was, to put it mildly, invisible.

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Matt writes...

So, you've been working in writing and producing animated shows for a long time. Since the shows you work on are generally targeted to younger viewers, I was curious about the impact, if any, that your kids and being a parent to them has had on your work. How much an influence has your being a parent been to these shows? And have your kids in particular had any general or specific influences on anything you've worked on?

Just curious. Thanks.

Greg responds...

Well, I often throw in little things to amuse my kids. Like making them genomorphs in YJ. Or using their birthdays on timestamps. And I'm sure they influence me in a hundred small ways I'm not even conscious of.

But mostly, I still write for myself.

Response recorded on May 18, 2012

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Larry writes...

How are you?

Greg responds...

A little stressed actually. I have oral surgery tomorrow, and I'm not looking forward to it.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Anonymosly Writes writes...

Hey Greg why your not consulted on Scheduling

Greg responds...

I'm not important enough in the grand scheme, I guess.

Response recorded on May 16, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg.i would like to ask a few questions about your job because i am interested in going into the directing business.
1. What exactly is your job(the name of your job)?
2. Do you enjoy it?Do you ever get bored?
3. What did you have to study in college for this job?
4. What would you say are the most useful school subjects that should be learnt for this job?
I appreciate if you could answer these questions. And you are also a role model for me and i really love Young Justice.

Greg responds...

1. My title is Producer. And sometimes I'm also the Writer. And even, on occasion, an Actor. I'm also the Story Editor - but that's pretty much covered by my Producer credit.

2. I do enjoy it, and I NEVER get bored, but I do get very, very tired sometimes. Exhausted even. Our schedules can be brutal.

3. I don't know if I "had" to study this, but my B.A. is in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing. My Masters is in Professional Writing, with an emphasis on Play Writing. Plus I studied a bunch of other things too, including history, languages, a little bit of physics and math, etc. And a lot of literature - and Shakespeare, in particular.

4. Learn to read critically. Learn to write. Learn to PROOFREAD!!! Learn to rewrite and revise. Etc.

Response recorded on May 07, 2012

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Bob writes...

What is the color of Rocket's powers? Is it blue or pink? Cause in Revelation it was pink and misplaced it was blue. I know weird question

Greg responds...

I don't know. I myself am Red-Green color deficient, so I'm not the best person to answer color questions.

Response recorded on May 02, 2012

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This Saturday, May 5th, 2012 is FREE COMIC BOOK DAY. (It's also the premiere of YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION's second episode, "Earthlings", on Cartoon Network.) Victor Cook and I will be signing copies of issue #1 of MECHA-NATION (and whatever else gets stuck in front of us) at MELTDOWN COMICS from 12 noon to 2 pm.

Meltdown Comics
7522 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA. 90046

So if you're in the neighborhood of Los Angeles, come on down. Check out the Mecha-Nation. We've completely finished the final issues of the mini-series, which will see print in time for ComicCon this summer in San Diego. (Mecha-Nation was created by Vic, developed by Vic, Greg Guler and myself, written by me, illustrated by Antonio Campo and published by Ape/Kizoic.) We're very excited to finally get this great project out to everyone. So stop by and take a peek. You can harass me about the time-skip (but please keep the language clean). Or you can just say hi. Plus, hey, Vic Cook!! The SpecSpidey partners together again!

Hope to see you there!

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Fluttershy writes...

Hey greg what's up I would love to ask you a questions regarding your story telling techniques

You have said in the past that you could go be telling stories forever if you wanted and in fact sometimes not even the tv show is enough for them hence the comics.

But have you ever considered in giving your characters and stories a Grand finale?.

I think something that has made me a bit sad is that in your past shows you have been cut short due to executive decitions out of your control and we have been unable to get anything resembling an ending that actually gives closure (w.i.t.c.h,Spectacular spiderman, gargoyles etc)

However it is always nice when a tv show character directly says goodbye to te audience(like batman the brave and the bold) or when every major plot point is solved at the end.

A big trait of western media in it's majority like tv shows and specially comics is that the characters "are frozen in time".

Spiderman for instance will always be a young man that fights crime and the story won't go beyond that,same for superman and batman. When the story gets after a certain point we as fans tend to get reboots reapeaing the smae story.

I would like to ask you if given the chance will you give us a finale to your works like gargoyles.

Will we ever see the closure of them?
Do you believe in "grand finales"?

Or do you want simply to never give them a real ending o your shows and simply give the idea that the story will be around forever?

Greg responds...

Yeah, I'm not so much into Grand Finales. Probably why I'm more of a television or comic book guy than a movie or graphic novel guy. I believe (whole-heartedly) in the on-going story. That's what LIFE feels like to me.

Gargoyles is a perfect example. Characters come; characters go and some even die, but the world goes on. I even know (but don't ask) how Goliath dies, but I don't see it as the end of that world. It's only A FINALE, because there is no THE FINALE.

I suppose if one was writing a story with a single lead, a la Spider-Man, and either (a) one killed him off or (b) one really ran out of stories to tell, then I could see staging that big Grand F before you waved goodbye forever. But that assumes there isn't a new Spider-Man waiting in the wings and/or that a guy like me would actually run out of stories. And that hasn't happened to me, at least not yet.

Response recorded on May 01, 2012

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Sue Weisman 1910-2012

Earlier this week, my astounding grandmother, Sue Weisman, passed away just a couple weeks shy of her 102nd birthday.

She led an amazing life that saw the world change in amazing ways. There are hundreds of stories. Stories her of growing up on New York's lower east side with five older brothers, two younger sisters (all gone now) and the restaurant that her father owned and her Yiddish-speaking mother ran, stories of the three young girls in their pretty dresses driving back from New Jersey with liquor hidden under the seat. There are stories of her meeting and marrying my grandfather Aaron Weisman and moving to Chicago during the days of Frank Nitti, of whom she had - from personal experience - a very negative view. There are stories of moving to Los Angeles and Beverly Hills in the fifties. And stories of her over 40 years as a volunteer at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.

But mostly, there are stories of her family: her three children, eight grandchildren and TWELVE great-grandchildren, not to mention numerous, spouses, nieces, nephews, cousins, etc. She was a most astounding matriarch, and she will be missed.

But the truth is she's been missed for quite some time. She was with us and WITH IT right through and past her 100th birthday. But in the months that followed, I firmly believe she decided she was done. Somewhere inside her, she flipped a switch and was gone, even though her physical body hadn't received the memo. She hasn't been herself in over a year, and her finally passing is, I believe, a blessing.

I think that's why it's taken me so long to write this. I'm trying to get my head around my LACK of response to this loss. Its hard not to think that there must be something wrong inside me not to feel worse - let alone... anything. Maybe it'll hit me later. The entire Weisman clan is gathering next week on what would have been her 102nd birthday, not to memorialize her but to celebrate her life. And I'm looking forward to it - even if (or maybe especially if) it results in the death finally hitting home. (Heck, I thought writing this might trigger something, but no.) Mostly, I think the culprit is that the mourning for me took place some time ago. It began when she made the decision to stop going to the theater with me and the kids. We had a subscription to A NOISE WITHIN, a classical theater company here in the Los Angeles area, and she enjoyed it thoroughly, even as her hearing deteriorated, making it increasingly difficult for her to follow what was going on. But I was still stunned when she chose not to accompany us any longer. And bits and pieces of her faded away from there. Our last real conversation was extremely frustrating for both of us. She thought I was my father, even though my father was sitting just a few seats away. And she kept asking me how "Sam" was - when none of the rest of us assembled could figure out WHO Sam was. Finally, something else she said finally made me realize she was talking about my son Benny. But even when I offered up that name, she didn't recognize it. At the very end, she couldn't recognize anyone. So perhaps I was overly prepared for this eventuality. Perhaps one day when I least expect it, it will knock me for a loop. But not today.

In the meantime, join me in celebrating a wonderful lady and a great broad: Sue Weisman.

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Fanfictia writes...

Greg, do you or do you not support Fanfiction on your creations?

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"I'm very ambivalent toward fanfiction. On the one hand, it's very gratifying. I've created something that has taken on a life of it's own. That people like enough to invest their time into and create anew. On the other hand, I have a territorial instinct that exhibits a kind of knee-jerk negative reaction to seeing other people controlling the destiny of my characters. (That's the main reason why Goliath Chronicles was so painful for me to watch.)

For example, I know that TGS is doing their own TimeDancer spin off. That's very cool, but somebody mentioned (though I don't know if this was the final word) that they're not naming Brooklyn's son Nashville, because they think the name is silly or because they hate country music or whatever. I can't help resenting that. (I know it's not rational, but I'm trying to be honest about my emotions here.) I haven't explained the Nashville name. I don't intend to explain it yet. Obviously, I have no intention of making Brooklyn into the next Garth Brooks, but I'm not in the mood to go into my reasons yet. But when someone else decides that GREG THE GARGOYLE MASTER made a misstep regarding the name of a character, I bristle.

But going back to the first hand, I have to acknowledge that once a thing is created and sent out into the world, it no longer belongs to the creator, but to the interpretations of those who received it. If a fan believes that Gargoyles were created by fey sorcery, then to that fan they were, no matter what I might say to the contrary in a comment room. Fanfiction is the ultimate example of fans interpretating (and extrapolating upon) what they've seen."

[Response recorded in the Station 8 "Gargoyles" FAQ, Section XXXIV.]

Response recorded on March 14, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

When you answer "SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT." it means that the answer WILL come up later in the show/comics or it MAY.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

"Questions that ask me to SPOIL my own show are exasperating. As I've said over and over, I'm just NOT going to do that. Why would I? Even obvious stuff can't be addressed, because if I acknowledge anything, the stuff I don't comment on is spoiled by default. So please, please, please refrain. Any question that falls into this category will simply be answered: SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT."

[Response recorded on March 29, 2011.]

Response recorded on March 03, 2012

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Anonymous writes...

Are you and writer Jon Weisman related?

Greg responds...

He's my kid brother! (You know, if you can still be called a kid in your forties.)

Response recorded on February 22, 2012

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stanley cowens writes...

I enjoy your writing on gargoyles and have just started checking out young justice. I was wondering if you ever planned on writing any thing live action or a independent film? I find the characters on gargoyles to be more interesting than some on movies or certain tv shows I have seen over the years.

Greg responds...

I've tried to break into live action, but have had no success as yet.

Response recorded on February 13, 2012

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Jason R. Carter writes...

1. What is Earth-16 Clark Kent like to the outside world? Judging by how relatively disheveled he looked in "Schooled", he seems the clumsy nerd from the Donner movies.

2. Besides you voicing Snapper Carr and Nicole Dubuc voicing Iris West-Allen, will any of the other writers be voicing characters on Young Justice?

3. If Earth-16 Ma and Pa Kent were really Jor-El and Lara, what stopped them from using their powers like Superman does?

Greg responds...

1. He seemed quite sheveled to me. I don't know why you even say that. He had a hat for heaven's sake.

2. No. Nicole and I are both in SAG. The rest of the writing staff is not. (Least not as far as I know.)

3. That was an APRIL FOOL'S DAY joke!

Response recorded on February 09, 2012

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Angie writes...

Hi, Greg! I just really wanted to say how much I love Young Justice (EHEM understatement) so far!! Honestly, I don't think there's anything you can do that could change that (I would seriously hope not, at least.) I also have been reading some of the archive, and my life is pretty much Tumblr haha, so I've seen much "fan" hate towards you as well as the show in general. Which I think is utter horse crap. Obviously no one is getting the whole "Earth-16" concept, 'cause I see complaints about you guys using different characters a lot. I'll admit I've never read the Young Justice comics, or many of the DC comics due to the fact that I'm mostly a Batman/Dick Grayson fan, but even if I had I still wouldn't mind the characters you guys decided on. I love all of them!! At first I definitely favored Robin, but since new episodes started airing again I've come to the realization that, for once, I have no least favorite character. I seriously can't think of anything that I strongly dislike about YJ. Except the fact that the episodes are only 30 minutes long haha!! I'm so stoked to see how things turn out with The Light!!! :O
Sorry for my ramble-[Halloween] candy does this to me. Any who, I apologize for the extremely rude people you've had to encounter. I really hope this fandom isn't completely ruining the fun of producing the show :[ And before I end this novel of an ASK, I do actually have a question that does not pertain whatsoever to any show you've worked on hahaha hope that's okay. What's your favorite color???
Alright I'm done. Can't wait to see more Young Justice-everything about it is amazing!! <3
Hope you have a good day/night/week/whatever! --Angie--

Greg responds...

Dark Blue.

Thanks for the kind words!

Response recorded on February 07, 2012

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hallofjustice writes...

Me again Greg just a quick question,

If Lucas "Snapper" Carr appears in another DC cartoon, would you want to voice him again?

Greg responds...

I'll take all the work I can get. ;)

Response recorded on December 28, 2011

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