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Katie writes...

I just watched a rerun of "Mark of the Panther" and it made me wonder about the exact interactions between lycanthropes and gargoyles in the gargoyles universe. I'll just limit it to a few questions, though.

1. Is Demona techinically a were-goyle/were-human? And is it possible for her to pass this condition on either through natural heredity or exchange of blood?

2. Can gargoyles become lycanthropes? If so, what gargoyle features would they retain, if any, when in wereform?

3. Is it possible to clone a lycanthrope and have the copy retain the original's 'abilities'?

Thanks a ton for taking the time to read this! I really appreciate it!

Greg responds...

1. Technically, "werewolf" means man-wolf, or so I'm told. So I guess Demona is technically a were-gargoyle. I guess. As to her passing it on by blood exchange, no. As to her passing it on via heredity, I'm not answering that at this time.

2. Gargoyles are as vulnerable or NOT as anyone.

3. Depends.

Response recorded on August 25, 2008