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Rain of the Ghosts AudioPlay


As you may know, a few years ago I started writing a series of Young Adult novels, starting with Rain of the Ghosts and followed by its sequel, Spirits of Ash and Foam. I've enjoyed the process and I've enjoyed working on a franchise whose course I can steer myself.

More recently, I launched an ambitious project, adapting Rain of the Ghosts into an unabridged full-cast AudioPlay with an all-star list of voice talent, a musical score and sound effects. (It's definitely not your standard single-narrator audiobook.)

The voice tracks are already recorded and paid for, but projects like this are expensive, and to finance the post-production (editing, scoring, sound effects and mixing), I've launched a KickStarter campaign* here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1693681637/rain-of-the-ghosts-full-cast-audioplay.

I hope you'll consider pre-ordering a copy of the Rain of the Ghosts AudioPlay on KickStarter.

Now with this sort of thing, getting early momentum is very important, so if you are going to contribute to the campaign, the sooner you do the more it helps us out. It would also be very helpful if you could help us spread the word about the campaign. Forward this email to your friends. And if its something you do, mention the project on social media like Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. The campaign's Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rain-of-the-Ghosts/414679108692632 and the KickStarter page can also be reached by clicking on http://www.rainoftheghosts.com. For those of you who are on Twitter, my handle is @Greg_Weisman and we're using the hashtag #RainoftheGhosts. I'm also more than willing to do interviews and press, so if you are connected to any kind of press outlet, please don't hesitate to contact me. Every little bit helps!


Greg Weisman

*For those of you, who - like me - choose to live largely in the technological past, KickStarter allows individuals to contribute funds toward worthy projects, receiving "rewards" in exchange for their donations, with a guarantee that no money is delivered unless the project fully funds, thus insuring its completion. If you'd like to contribute but are having trouble negotiating the KickStarter website, please contact me for help.

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