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Comments for the week ending March 22, 2010

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Hi !

I was just wondering does anybody have a map or some kind of model, of the castle wyvern. since in the show not all sides are shown clearly. I would like to model the caslte. could you please help me??

Jason - [j_morris at hotmail dot de]

Battle Beast> No, I'm from St. Charles, which is close to St. Louis--I live relatively close to Matt and Todd, though I've never met either of them in person. The local station I was refering to is a rather low budget evangelical local station(channel 24 for Matt & Todd, in case they care, which I doubt). I seldom watch it, but one day, when there was nothing else on, I watched Daniel Boone, and then I caught it the next day, and the next. I kept watching until someone at the station decided to cancel it, and I haven't really watched anything elso on that station since.
Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
"I've got friends on the other side"--Dr. Facilier

GO LADY GAGA FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Republics and democracies are such fragile things. I don't know about any of the others, but I'm pretty sure that the Athenian democracy was overthrown by King Philip of Macedonia, and that the Roman Republic ultimately became so corrupt that Octavian's claim to power was seen as a good thing.
Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

. . . or the most Serene Republics of Venice and Genoa, c.697AD - 1797AD & 1005AD - 1797AD respectively d:
"The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Let's not forget the Romans after the expulsion of the Tarquins and the Commonwealth in England from 1649 to 1660.
Todd Jensen

PATRICK> <<Took until 1776 for someone to think maybe there were other options.>>

The Athenians called, and they want their name in the end credits ;)

Greg Bishansky
"Personally, when it comes to rights, I believe we have unlimited rights or no rights at all. Personally, I lean towards unlimited. I feel I have the right to do anything I please. But, if I do something you don't like, I think you have the right to kill me. Where will you find a fairer deal than that?

PATRICK> Alas, we usually still have to put up with crappy leaders but at least nowadays we can keep them on a relatively short leash.

"The king is dead. Long live the king!" - proof that we humans have never been fast learners when it comes to replacing one crappy leader with another. Took until 1776 for someone to think maybe there were other options.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

I think the reason why the oath of protection and service binds cops and gargoyles more firmly than kings is that there are more cops and gargoyles than kings. If one cop betrays his precinct, or if one gargoyle betrays his clan, there are enough other cops and gargoyles to punish the betrayal equitably; the same can't be said for kings.

While tyrants do sometimes get deposed, it isn't as sure a thing as a crooked cop getting arrested or a rogue gargoyle getting banished. (For example, it was much easier for Fang to seize power in the Labyrinth than for Derek to reclaim it.)

Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Chip> Are you from Canada? I thought you were. Inknow there are a couple of us in here.
Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

Algernon: No argument here . . . I reckon that previous post of mine was filled with more romanticism than I realized d:

And frankly, not even Gargoyles can be blamed for that obliviousness, especially when the show has given us a taste of bully rulers like Constantine and Duncan (and while his actual reign is still off-screen, there's enough reason to beleive Maol Chalvim II wasn't the nicest guy to become King of Scotland either) . . .

"The suspense is terrible . . . I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

BATTLE BEAST - "Another thing I like About "L&TOSMcD" was that he met a young Teddy Roosevelt and how he thought politics boring. Heh. Nice touch!"

Wait until you read Chapter Ten, in the second half.

Todd Jensen

"It struck me as the sort of thing a king would say."

A king... or Judge Dredd. :P

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Phoenician> "But that is a thought about a King's duty to his people and the protect and serve qualities Gargoyles, police officers, and other guardian sorts tend to share . . ."

I agree with you in theory, in theory communism works, in theory.

In practice though most medieval kings tended to lean more towards the Tony Dracon interpretation of the word "protection". Guys like Mac and Arthur were very much the exception.


Battle Beast> I did hear about Fess Parker's passing, and I was upset. I was a fan. One of the local TV stations used to play old episodes of "Daniel Boone" and I enjoyed them enough to buy some of the DVDs. I am truly saddened by his passing, and he will be missed.
Chip - [Sir_griff723 at yahoo dot com]
"I've got friends on the other side"--Dr. Facilier

LIFE AND TIMES> BOOM! Has announced that "Vol. 2" will be released on April 9th! WOOT! I won't have to wait as long as I thought! ^_^

Todd> Yes, I noticed that, and I immediatly thought of you! ^_^ I wonder what role the McDucks played in helping Macbeth. That would be a great story in itself. I can just imagine... and a thought "Creativity demon?" occured to me... a "Duck" Gargoyle... Scrooge with wings, turning to stone, helping Macbeth... LOL

Another thing I like About "L&TOSMcD" was that he met a young Teddy Roosevelt and how he thought politics boring. Heh. Nice touch!

Wingless> Yes, I LOVED Lonestar; specifically "Bonanza"! Yah, they started showing crappy movies on the station, not westerns... Mom loved the channel FOR the westerns; it's really too bad.

Landon: That's even better news! I am now going to get those comics, too. I like Duck Tales. I ahve the DVDs. And since I am thoroughly enjoying "L&TOSMcD," I know those should be GREAT with "Duck Tales" writers on board. Now, should they do something with "Gummie Bears," or "C&D:RR," I'd be in heaven. "Gargoyles" would seem a natural fit, if they went with Greg and his timeline/stories. Could they work with Slave Labour?

Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

After Darking Duck, BOOM! Studios has announced a DuckTales comic: http://www.newsarama.com/comics/Duck-Tales-oo-100319.html This is a great trend for Disney Afternoon fans. If they keep going down the line, it's inevitable they'll notice Gargoyles.

They also specifically mention that they're using Disney writers for DuckTales instead of an in-house BOOM! writer, like with Darkwing. I cross-checked the writers in the press release against the IMDb writing list for DuckTales and there are no matches, so I think they're talking about Disney comic writers. The fact that it's part of an Uncle Scrooge comic seems to confirm that. Still, a focus on the original creative team for the material is a plus.

Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Battle Beast: Re Fess Parker. He also played Danial Boone in the 1960s. Was one of the most oopular series NBC had that decade. Very likable character. Was getting into the show back when we used to have a cable channel called Lonestar(all TV western shows). Sadly not a popular channel, and it morphed into something crappy.

True, Tom identified Morgan as a Guardian, but what I had in mind when I made my previous post was what Morgan said earlier: "I'm the law here."

It struck me as the sort of thing a king would say.

Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Paul: I think Tom identified Officer Morgan as something akin to a 'Guardian' like himself (in fact I think that's what he said: "You are a guardian, like myself" or something pretty similar).

But that is a thought about a King's duty to his people and the protect and serve qualities Gargoyles, police officers, and other guardian sorts tend to share . . .


In Spectacular Spidey News, looks like they updated the Volume 8 DVD Art, which makes me a bit happier . . . if anyone remembers, the previous art shown was pretty generic:


In hindsight the previous art was probably a place holder, but this IS Volume 8 and those who have seen this last arc know its awesomeness . . . and this arc deserves some nice sales (even when I'll admit that I'm waiting for the complete season two myself)

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

I have been thinking about Gargoyles' themes of protection and service lately. Obviously, it's something that the NYPD and the Manhattan Clan have in common, but the kings of Scotland have also sworn "to protect Scotland and serve her people all my days." Judging from King Arthur's coronation, the kings of England have sworn similar oaths to England.

Would Goliath have known about the coronation oath, and would he have made any connection between it and the police motto "to protect and serve"?

It seems strange to think of the NYPD as Manhattan's kings and queens, although Officer Morgan did seem to take on the persona of a king when he confronted Tom in "Avalon, Part 1."

Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

BATTLE BEAST - Of course, one of the big highlights of "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck" for "Gargoyles" fans (and since it was in the first chapter, you'll have already discovered it) was the mention of one of Scrooge's ancestors allying with Macbeth in "the civil war of 1057".
Todd Jensen

Sorry for the Double post...

Long-time Disney Legend Fess Parker died today. He was 85. Although I wasn't alive in the 50's, I new about the craze "Crocket" started, and I have the DVD of the series. :(

Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

Demonskrye> I was just going on what Rosa himself said... and yes, it is wonderful work!

Scrooge> He's big in France. When I visited Disneyland Paris, they had THREE types of Scrooge Stuffy's; a GIGANTIC one, a big one and a small one. I bought the beanbag small one. I saw a bunch of other stuff of his there, too.

Never saw one stuffy at Orlando, Anaheim or Tokyo Disney's.

Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

TODD> It's probably just as well from what I've read the 90s Touchstone "Gargoyles" movie would have been completely unrecognizable. As I recall, the script they were working on featured a single gargoyles (who was actually a human under the magic curse)being summoned to the modern age to stop Satan from opening a portal to Hell or some such nonsense. Oh and it was written by Dean Devlin, the same creative genius who brought us Independence Day. We dodged one hell of a bullet there people.

ANONYMOUS - At present, it looks as if Disney isn't going to make the movie; it abandoned the project a long time ago.
Todd Jensen

win are they going to make the movie gargoyles

Happy St. Patrick's Day! (REALLY looking forward to my Modern Irish History class today d: )

Todd: Sorry for the double post, but I thought of another retrocon from the days of ancient Greece, also connected to the Trojan War. On the eve of the Greeks' departure for Troy, Agamemnon inadvertently offended the goddess Artemis, who in retaliation controlled the winds so that the Greek fleet could not sail for Troy. In order to appease her, Agamemnon had to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia to her (which so angered his wife Clytemnestra that she killed him with a large axe when he came home from the war)

Retrocon or not, I do believe Eurpides' Iphigenia easily destroyed what little respect I had for Agamemnon . . . of course, my exposure to Iphigenia comes solely from the 1977 Michael Cacoyannis film, which contains no reference to the poor girl being rescued by Artemis at the very last second.

(Man, do I miss my taking that Classical Epics class back in freshman year . . . one semester, we read the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Illiad, the Oddyssey, the Aenied, AND the Argonautica.)

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Battle Beast> You are very welcome. Between my own love of Rosa's work and knowing that he's just about the nicest guy in the world, I'm happy to get more people reading his comics.

Personally, I think this as about as close to an "official" history of Scrooge as you can get. Disney may not acknowledge it if they do anything new with Scrooge (and that's a pretty big "if," since he seldom shows up outside of the comics as anything more than a bit player or a cameo role). But Barks created Scrooge and Rosa is working off of what Barks said about Scrooge's past and whole thing has Disney's OK, so how much more official could it be?

Demonskrye - [<---Quest for Camelot at The Ink and Pixel Club]

TODD> "Come to think of it, both these retrocons sound a lot like the kind of retrocons that go on in the super-hero comics, such as the infamous "Jean Grey wasn't the Phoenix after all" retrocon."

I've often thought the same myself, just goes to show there's nothing new under the sun.

P.S. I'm changing my avatar and colour scheme for the day in hour of the greatest mouldy green rock in the North Atlantic. Apoligies to Matt for pinching Cú Chulainn but in my defence we had him first. ;)



Animated series on DVD: Love the topic. I'm amazed at how some companies can do this soo right, and others can do it soo wrong. BCI/Ink & Paint(sadly, a company no longer with us) did such a fantastic job with the series they put out. If anyone picked up any of the He-Man/She Ra or any of the Filmation titles they worked on. The amount of effort they did on extras-having scripts, synopsis of each episode, character profiles, some commentaries, excellent box art, show PSA's & amazing menus - they're just mindblowing. Warners has kinda been hit & miss-especially with their vintage animation. People want the extras, want to see the titles remastered. Don't give us crap from old video tape prints(if you've seen some of the "Saturday Morning Cartoons" comps they've put out, You'll know what I mean by that-they're all over the map in quality.
As for what gets put out. Warners could do well with a Banana Splits series box-but they claim the film elements are in too bad shape to bother with(In other words, It would mean too much work & money to remaster it properly). Fine, license it to a company that WILL put the time, effort & money into it-but don't charge insane licensing fees for them to do all the work for you.
I've argued this point before. If Disney doesn't care about their old TV product enough to issue it on DVD and actually MARKET it, then license it to someone that will! They'll still make money in the long run-certainly more than having the property sit in the vaults with unhappy fans. Companies like Shout Factory are doing it with TV series at the time. When a network or major company feels that, maybe after releasing a season or 2 of a TV series on DVD that it isn't worth their while releasing any more, then Shout Factory or Mill Creek, etc. will license it and put it out. Hell, even RETAIL is getting lazy in this area and won't stock titles that only sell a few titles, so Shout Factory is marketing online exclusives. Why, Because people actually do WANT THEM!
Too bad all companies can't put this kind of effort into their catalogs and wake up to this reality that to sell a product you have to release it and then MARKET it. Again, I'm repeating myself for the umpteenth time.


Battle Beast> I would buy complete series of Darkwing Duck, Gummie Bears, Tale Spin, Chip & Dale... if they put them out. No, they decided to stop after two ssets, leaving the remaing episodes lost in limbo, and us poor fans suffer!

What happened is that the fans of the respective sets got cocky and felt that they didn't have to rush to purchase the latest volumes. It's a case where the suffering is self-inflicted.

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
Algernon's comment about Norman Osborn: One of the neat things about Dark Reign is that it gives Osborn the chance to expand his horizons beyond tormenting a twenty nine year old who still lives with his mom.

Samuel> Understandable, but when it comes to a more obscure property like Gargoyles, buying any available product makes the difference between the continuation of the franchise (Like having to buy the individual issues and trade paperbacks).

With the more iconic franchises like Spider-Man, you can afford to be picky, because the character has an undeniable fanbase.

With Avatar (not James Cameron's Avatar), it was likely that the individual discs were for the younger audience who get small allowance, whereas the box sets were for the older audience who could afford it.

Antiyonder - [antiyonder at yahoo dot com]
Algernon's comment about Norman Osborn: One of the neat things about Dark Reign is that it gives Osborn the chance to expand his horizons beyond tormenting a twenty nine year old who still lives with his mom.

Cartoons on DVD: I think one problem that might have occurred is that in the 90's, cartoons didn't seem to have seasons of a standard length. For instance, season 1 of BTAS was 65 episodes, season 2 was 20, Gargoyles was 13, then 52. Now seasons seem to have been standardized. Most weekly cartoons are about 13 episodes (SSM, The Batman), or at least maintain similar season length -- Avatar was 20, 20, 21. That's a theory, anyhow.

I personally don't like buying sub-volumes of TV series when I suspect that they'll release a complete series because it's too expensive. Avatar being one example; it was released in sub-volumes of approximately 5 episodes apiece. Purchasing each sub-volume would be almost double the cost of buying the complete season.

Now, now. Language...

Todd> Well, Now I am MORE excited, because I finished the book today, and if Part 2 is BETTER than than Part one, as you say, I guess I am in for a real treat! Too bad the next volum isn't out for quite a while... Worth the wait, I guess.

I bugs me that companies won't put out "The complete series" of tv shows on DVD. I mean, MORE peeple would buy them, I think, than just a single season set.

We'd get a whole lot more sales with "The Complete Gargoyles." Not only that, they'd get EVEN MORE buyers with added BONUS material.

I, for one, bought 10 of 11 season of M*A*S*H and then they put out the complete M*A*S*H box set (with bonus material) which P!$$ed me off to no end. But I still bought it anyway, and sold the season sets. I know this got them more money, but it's the wrong way to go about things.

I would buy complete series of Darkwing Duck, Gummie Bears, Tale Spin, Chip & Dale... if they put them out. No, they decided to stop after two ssets, leaving the remaing episodes lost in limbo, and us poor fans suffer!

Oh, Cruel fate!

I do repent; but heaven hath pleas'd it so
To punish me with this, and this with me,
That I must be their scourge and minister.
I will bestow him, and will answer well
The death I gave him. So again good night.
I must be cruel only to be kind.
Thus bad begins and worse remains behind.

Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

Sorry for the double post, but I thought of another retrocon from the days of ancient Greece, also connected to the Trojan War. On the eve of the Greeks' departure for Troy, Agamemnon inadvertently offended the goddess Artemis, who in retaliation controlled the winds so that the Greek fleet could not sail for Troy. In order to appease her, Agamemnon had to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia to her (which so angered his wife Clytemnestra that she killed him with a large axe when he came home from the war); in the traditional story, Iphigenia was killed, but the Greek playwright Euripides later on did a retrocon in which Artemis took pity on Iphigenia at the last moment and spirited her away to a remote kingdom on the shores of the Black Sea, replacing her on the altar with a deer - and many years later, Iphigenia's brother Orestes finds her in that remote kingdom and brings her back to Greece.

Come to think of it, both these retrocons sound a lot like the kind of retrocons that go on in the super-hero comics, such as the infamous "Jean Grey wasn't the Phoenix after all" retrocon.

Todd Jensen

ALGERNON - There were retcons around even before the Arthurian legend; in the classical world, a poet (I think his name was Stesichorus, but I'm not certain) claimed that Helen of Troy was never actually carried off to Troy by Paris; instead, Paris was tricked into carrying off a phantom who looked like Helen while the real Helen was spirited away to Egypt, and the Greeks didn't find out the truth until after they'd sacked Troy. (Which might have been embarrassing - except that the Greeks had probably been spoiling for a fight with Troy anyway.)
Todd Jensen

TODD> Interesting stuff there, a while back I started suspecting that the Excalibur/Sword In The Stone dichotomy was due to different traditions giving different 'origin stories' to Arthur's sword, with later writers like Malory trying to reconcile the conflicting narratives. Probably one of the earliest known examples of a retcon.

BATTLE BEAST - Wait until you read the second half; there are some really great moments in that.

DEMONSKRYE - Thanks for your review of "Quest for Camelot", including your thank-you note to me. I'm afraid it was an accurate assessment of the movie (as I mentioned a while ago, I saw it in January on a local television station).

Incidentally, the equation of Excalibur and the Sword in the Stone, while not appearing in Malory, may have more justice to it than we thought. The earliest version of the Sword in the Stone story, in Robert de Boron's "Merlin", identifies the sword as Excalibur. Then, in the French prose "Mort Artu", written some years after that, the story of Arthur's last knight (here the almost-forgotten "Girflet", rather than Bedivere as in Malory and Tennyson) throwing Excalibur into the lake after the final battle appears; that appears to have prompted the author of another French prose romance about Arthur, the "Suite de Merlin", to provide a more symmetric origin for Excalibur and producing the Lady of the Lake story, with the suggestion that the Sword in the Stone was a different sword. So the equation of the two swords may not be entirely off.

I might have mentioned this as well, but Ed Reynolds once proposed an animated Arthurian mini-series to the BBC, that would have covered Arthur's early years from the Sword in the Stone to Merlin's imprisonment by Nimue. Unfortunately, the BBC turned it down; after seeing his plans for it, I find that a pity. (I'll let him say more about it if he sees this post, since he can probably describe it better than I can.)

PATRICK - I find that habit a pity as well.

Todd Jensen

I've never seen anyone who'd rather sit at the table and starve because the entree and dessert haven't been brought out with the salad, but I've beaten my head against the keyboard many times over the folks who won't buy a show on DVD unless they can get it all in one go. The concept that sales drive the decision whether to continue the production of anything eludes many people.
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka

Demonskrye, Todd> Thanks for the referral for The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck. I got my copy yesterday and I happily enjoyed reading the first half of it! It's only volum one, the first six stories from the previous volum, but it come with commentary by Dan Rosa and that in itself is worth it! I also like searching for "D.U.C.K" in each comic, too.

I never new Scrooge had such a wild life... I know it's not the offical story of his life, but when based on Carl Bark's work and done so well by Dan Rosa...

Anyway, it's a pretty easy read but still really well drawn, and not to mention very well written! Some of the panels were so funny I had stop myself from laughing so hard! I especially like "Glxblt" from Hortense, and Scrooge's relative Roast McDuck. (Incidentally, that last one killed me.)

Thanks again!

Battle Beast - [Canada]
That is all I will say.

Mecha-Nation #2 is in the March Previews: http://apecrew.blogspot.com/2010/03/march-2010-previews.html and set for a May 26th release: http://heavyink.com/comic/13522-Mecha-Nation-2 They might be shooting to release all 3 issues in 3 months.
Landon Thomas - [<- Gargoyles News Twitter Feed]

Just popping in to note that the "Quest for Camelot" article is up. Click my name to check it out. Thanks again for your help, Todd.
Demonskrye - [<---Quest for Camelot at The Ink and Pixel Club]

Hello to Emily....just wanted to tell you that I saw your artwork for your fanfic and thought it looked neat....been meaning to post but was without my own internet connection.

Antiyonder: Clearly the usual case of seasons sets followed by Complete series sets (or episode bits followed by complete seasons, like BTAS or TSS-M) is a case of the studios wanting to double-dip . . . that said, according to TVShowsOnDVD, there has in recent years been some attempt of some companies to release the COMPLETE series followed by individual season sets, though I can't remember if any were animated.

In fact, I think the only example I can recall is FOX's Ally McBeal, which had a complete series set and the first season set released October last year with a second season release due April 2010.

Granted, FOX probably knew that Ally McBeal would make money no matter what, so they probably saw it wasn't that risky a venture to switch up the typical business model.

Jurgan: Happy Birthday from a fellow March 16th birthday kid :D

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

Now I've recently been debating with some Gargoyles fans online who seem to really think that Disney should have released Season 2 as a whole, and how releasing portions of a season isn't a smart business approach (as people will only buy whole seasons).

Now I've argued my point in that Batman The Animated Series Season 1 was 65 episodes long and took 3 Box Sets before it was completely available on DVD (prior to the Complete Series Set).

Heck for those who might recall, BTAS episodes were originally released 4-5 episodes at a time on DVD, where as Gargoyles had 13-26 episodes a set from the start.

That said, are there any other cartoons that have seen a complete release on DVD with a single season spread out on the box sets?


The Ides aren't necessarily in the middle of the month; it's the 15th of March, May, July, or October, and the 13th of the rest of the months.

Actually, it's never the exact middle of the month.

Paul - [nampahcfluap at yahoo dot com]

Ah, yes, the Ides of March. Also known as the day before my birthday. I've never figured out how the 15th is the middle of March- wouldn't the 16th be the middle of a 31 day month? Eh, whatever.
Jurgan - [jurgan6 at yahoo dot com]

This is great, I Wikipedia'd Greg Weisman and found this:

Series creator Weisman, a former English teacher, has often cited his goal of ideally incorporating every myth and legend into the series eventually. Many Shakespearean characters and stories found their way into the show's storylines...

...Weisman noted, among others, the influence of Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears and Hill Street Blues had on the series. The latter in particular inspired the ensemble format of the series and the 30-second "Previously, on Gargoyles…" recap found at the beginning of later episodes.


Hill Street Blues and The Gummi Bears! Now that is a combo one does not normally put together! I thought that was awesome!

Lady s

lady of shalott - [paulizdreamy at yahoo dot com]
The next time someone pulls out a gun, give them all your money, then shoot THEM as they run away...

Wow, slow Monday,

To take off of what was said last week, I largely agree, Demona prolly doesn't know about Ishimura, New Olympus, & Loch Ness. However, on Gautemala, I think there's a distinct possibility that Demona knows OF the Mayan Clan, even if she doesn't know them personally. I suspect this, because of the 2009 radio play. Yes, I know that it isn't canon, of course, but Greg did write it in a such a way that it plays into canon storylines. Demona knew who Obsidiana was, and she knew about the pendant, so I think it's possible that she knows about the Mayan clan. Or, at least knows that there WAS a Mayan Clan at some point and became familiar with their pendants.

Just my opinion of course, Thoughts?

Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
"I've got friends on the other side"--Dr. Facilier


Lady s

lady of shalott - [paulizdreamy at yahoo dot com]
The next time someone pulls out a gun, give them all your money, then shoot THEM as they run away...

Todd> Et tu Brutus?
Chip - [Sir_Griff723 at yahoo dot com]
"I've got friends on the other side"--Dr. Facilier

Ten! And beware the Ides of March!
Todd Jensen

Three squared!
Brainiac - [OSUBrainiac at gmail dot com]
There is balance in all things. Live in symmetry with the world around you. If you must blow things up and steal from those around you, THAT'S WHAT RPGS ARE FOR!

VickyUK - [vickyfanofwwe at aol dot com]

Lucky (7)Seven!!!!!!!
Vinnie - [tpeano29 at hotmail dot com]

Sixth...figure I'll move this along
Wingless....also sleepless(and I don't mean in Seattle either)

Now, now. Language...

"The suspense is terrible, I hope it lasts" -- Willy Wonka

The One Known As Mochi - [shogi dot keima dot 08 at gmail dot com]
Current Mood: (>^^)> 3D Dot Game Heroes...

