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Not so much a question, but a compliment: The ideas used in the series,
supporting charecters from the mind of Skaesphere, the words of Goliath,
and the themes in many epidodes do you good credit. A letter I'd read of yours
concerning the reasons for cancelation speaks in tomes of knowledge from
you, and gives you the rasply appearance of an extremly educated man.
Continue bringing these qualities to us. Don't fret over the fate of
Gargoyles, start anew. Breath new life into charecters and bring experince
and knowledge from your encounters here to a new program. Even if new life
isn't breathed into the Gargoyles, the genius mind behind them is in
lamen's terms "alive and kicking" I believe the adage is, "if at first you don't
succeed, try, try again?" But can we really difine your previous work as
not being sucessful?
Sigh. Thanks. Believe me I'm trying to bring you something new.
Been trying for three years. It's been very frustrating. But I haven't
given up. This is what I do.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Okay, I don't know if these questions have already been asked yet
(probably not), but I'm a busy person, and a 600k text file? That's not as big as
the old Doom FAQ, but then again, the Doom FAQ had a lot of extra stuff in
it... ANYWAY...my questions...
1. Okay, I don't care about who Angela chose as a mate and I've seen your
responses as to how Broadway treated her, etc etc. Well, I see a bit of an
anomaly here. You said something in the early archives to someone else
back when I used to have time to read this. You said "Broadway saw her for who
she was, Brooklyn, who he wanted her to be." Not to criticize, but how
were we to know that? There weren't that many episodes (20, tops, sorry, can't
get the number right off the top of my head) between the Gathering, when
she was introduced to the Trio and the Journey in which she fell for Broadway.
There wasn't much time for explanation of how Broadway seemed to prove to
be the better of the three between Turf and Journey. I'm not saying she
shouldn't have chosen Broadway, I'm saying how could she have chosen ANY
of them that early without much explanation? It just kinda puzzles me...
2. Okay, it basically came across that Demona and MacBeth were immortal.
Not invulnerable to pain and damage, but they were immortal unless they
directly tried to kill each other. Well, what if it was something serious? Not just
a little laser blast or bullet. How about nuclear radiation exposure? Or
plague? Toxic chemicals? I'm not suggesting any plots. I just want to know
how their bodies would react. Would the bodies be overwhelmed with pain
and permanently scarred?
3. Now I noticed that when gargoyles considered themselves "warriors" and
whenever they had these massive all-out slugfests with one bad guy or
another, it was pretty two-dimensional. Now they did have a share of
airborne battles, but take for instance when they fight Demona in "Long
Way To Morning". After Goliath gets singed by the laser, I could understand
that. But before, knowing that Demona had a laser, and was probably much
faster and more manuverable, why wouldn't she attempt an aerial ambush?
Sometimes gargoyles seemed too attached to the ground they walked on...
1. Well, I suppose that's a fair comment. But I wasn't setting out to
JUSTIFY (in capital letters) their relationship. That's what happened. I
think there were hints in Turf and Possession of what was coming. And
certainly there were hints as to what kind of suitor Brooklyn was if you
studied his relationship with Maggie objectively. But basically, I think
we showed subtle hints of the feelings Broadway and Angela were developing
from Gathering right through to The Journey. Possession put them in very
close proximity. It was probably a turning point of sorts. But let me
say, I wanted the kiss in Journey to be a bit of a surprise. Not a
OHMYGOD THATCANTBE shock, but I was hoping to catch you off guard. MAKING
SURE YOU WERE OK WITH IT wasn't my priority.
2. I've addressed this before -- multiple times. I'll forgive you
for not wanting to take the time to read the archives, if you'll forgive me
for not wanting to take the time to rewrite answers I've already related.
3. I don't agree with your basic assessment. We had our share of
air battles. Besides, Gargoyles can't fly and are dependent on wind
currents to glide.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
WAHOO!!! *waves* Allo, Greg! I dunno if you remember me (Heck, hundreds
of people are coming here all the time after all). I was that 14 year old
girl who wrote here ... wow, must've been around January or so... anyway, that
14 year old is now 15, and I still love the show. Some things just don't
change with age, right? :P hehe "Someday someone should ask me about the "HOBGOBLIN OF LITTLE MINDS" episode that I never got around to doing."
Alrighty then ... *drumroll please* "So, Greg, what about that
Hobgoblin of Little Minds episode you were talking about?" :) Care to be so kind as
to tell us about it? I'd love to know... 'till next time! Lots of luck 'n'
prosperity *hehe*
1. Hey, Aerie. Glad to have you back. What was your question again?
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Heyas, Greg! Just after sending in my last question I thought of
something very intriguing. Oberon posted the Weird Sisters to watch over Avalon
while he was gone, right? So, my question is ... 1) Were they allowed to leave
the island at all during their guardian work (all that fuss with Macbeth,
Demona, and such in the real world) ... weren't they running a risk of
getting caught playing hooky? I wouldn't exactly want Oberon mad at ME
*smiles* Then again, who would? :) Dasdivanya! (Catcha later!)
1. There were risks, but I'm sure they felt that the greater risk
involved them having failed to prevent entry onto the island.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
1.what the heck is timedancer?
2.who is katana?
3.in the gathering what did titania whisper into foxs ear and PLEASE dont
say "im not telling" or "its a secret"
4.in the episode "grief" when the emir ordered the pack to kill the
gargoyles and elisa how did he expect them to die when he had death itself
penned up in the other room?
5.how did thailog survive the firery roller coaster falling on him in the
episode the reckoning?
6.in the episode future tense how did xanotos rise to power?
7.also in the episode future tense how did brooklyn and demona fall in
love considering the fact that brooklyn hated demona more than any of the other
1. It was a proposed spin-off featuring Brooklyn, bouncing around through
the timestream. It never actually got made.
2. If TimeDancer had been made as either an episode of Gargoyles or
as its own series, Katana would have been introduced as Brooklyn's mate. He
met her in Feudal Japan.
3. [This answer intentionally left
blank so as not to upset Rose.]
4. He wasn't thinking, and unfortunately neither was I. I should
have had the Pack shoot Elisa, Goliath, Angela and Bronx. And then just not
have them die. I don't know how I missed that obvious and perfect bit of
conflict resolution.
5. Without much difficulty, actually.
6. Violently.
7. Keep in mind that none of that was real. Just Puck trying to
rock Goliath's world.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
since gargoyles has been canceled, is there anyway I can get gargoyles
Search for it.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hi, Greg! Well here are my questions:
1. The Arturian survivors. Are they: Arthur, Merlin, The Lady of the Lake,
The Fisher King, Morgana, Nimue, Mordred?
2. Patrick Stewart: Would he be the voice of Renard, Macbeth and the
3. Are we allowed to try and guess which clans would exist in 'Future
Tense'? Anyway here goes:
By 'Awakenings' 1) London 2) Ishimura 3) Guatemala 4) New Olympus 5)
Olympus, Greece? 6) Near an old Native American settlement. 7) Paris 8)
Avalon By end of 'The Journey'
9) Manhattan 10) Clones By 2158
11) With Nokkar on Easter Island. 12) Scotland, Loch ness?
13) A moonbase? 14) -?
1. Nope.
2. Nope.
3. Nope. Sorry Aris, you're down swinging though.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
I know your probably sick of reading these questions so I'll get to the
point. In a previous answer you told us the ages of all the gargoyles.
Now, I did some math and the numbers I got don't make sense. For example,
you said that Goliath's Generation (Goliath, Demona, Coldstone, etc.) were
1058 (29) years old. That would mean that they were born in 938 AD. But
you also said that the Trio's Generation were 1038 (19) years old. That
would mean that they were born in 958 AD. So, the generations were 20
years apart. That makes sense. What doen't make sense is that when the Trio
were born, Goliath's Generation were only 20 (10). So they couldn't have been
old enough to reproduce (unless gargoyles mature really quickly). But
when you see the way Goliath acts around the Trio, it seems like he's
"fatherly". Could you explain why? Thanks for this unique oppertunity.
You could say he acts fatherly. But he's more of a big brother.
Think of Rex and Speed Racer. (All that math, and you're question came down
to subtleties of character.) Goliath's generation was not the biological
parents of the Trio's generation. They were among the biological parents of
Angela and Gabriel's generation.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Just one short question:
This is a debate that's been going on in a part of the fandom, since
someone posted about it recently. Who is the robed figure who goes to Hakon and
sabotages the Castle Wyvern defenses?
The Captain, of course. Who else?
(GDW / 7-22-98)
Hi Greg. I just have a couple short questions:
1)I've noticed that Goliath has 2 spikes on his eyebrow ridge, and so does
Demona(she rarely takes off the tiara but in the episode "Sanctuary" they
showed that she *does* have 2 spikes on her brow ridge). I'm not sure if
you already answered this question, but if both Goliath and Demona have 2
brow ridge spikes, then why does Angela only have one? I always thought
she should have 2. Also, in some episodes, it looks as if she doesn't even
*have* any spikes. Why is that?
2)I must be really obsessed to ask this question. On Demona's wings, the
spike on the elbow of her wing arm points up. The spike on Angela's wing
points down. Where does she get that from? If Goliath has no spikes on
his wings, could she have inherited them from a grandparent?
3)How old is Angela? Thanx for your time. Brianna
1. What's that called? A recessive gene.
2. Sure. Or from Greg Guler.
3. As of 12-31-96, Angela was 952 years old chronologically.
Biologically, she was 21.
(GDW / 7-22-98)
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