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Anonymous writes...

What is the female gargoyle's name that is in the coldstone robot?

Greg responds...

Coldfire is her name now. She had no name in the tenth century, since naming is a human, not a gargoyle, trait. However, those of us who worked on the GARGOYLES series are all humans, so we felt the need to name her in scripts and in the credits. So we called her Desdemona. But that name was simply a convenient designation for us. She would not recognize it as her own. Neither would anyone operating within the universe of the series.

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Anonymous writes...

How did Puck work for Xanotos as Owen when he was in The Mirror? How did Owen get turned into stone in The City of Stone? Why would a human\gargoyle spell work on him?

Greg responds...

When Puck transforms into Owen, he transforms into a human being, with all a human's weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Now Owen can transform back into Puck, but he can't perform magic as Owen. And Demona caught Owen off- guard with a spell that affected his all-too-human form. I suppose Owen could have transformed back into Puck in between the two nights of the curse, but that would mean he couldn't help Xanatos at all. Remember their deal: one wish from the Puck or a lifetime of service from Owen. Xanatos chose Owen.

As for "The Mirror", Xanatos went without Owen for a few hours. Who knows whether he even noticed.

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Anonymous writes...

From where (as in, what experience other than comics) did Cary Bates come; how did he come to write for the series? I heard from the man himself that David Wise might have become one of your writers. How far did he get into the selection process, and did you have any other writers in mind for
the series at any time?

Greg responds...

1) Cary's done some movie and television work. (Columbus & Superboy immediately spring to mind.) He also happens to be one of my best friends and my former writing partner. When I expanded the story editing staff beyond Michael Reaves, he was one of the first people I thought of.

2) I've never met David Wise. I don't ever remember considering him for the show, not even when I was an executive with no real intention of producing the show myself. Maybe David was considered for Goliath Chronicles. I didn't participate in that decision at all. (This is not to imply that I have something against David, it's just that I was going with people I knew.
Michael Reaves had shown me his excellent work on Batman. Brynne Chandler Reaves did great stuff on the first season of GARGOYLES and had earned her promotion. I had known Cary from as far back as my DC Comics days. And I had worked with Gary Sperling at Disney on a number of shows. I didn't know David, and wasn't too familiar with his work, so he was never in the running.)

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Anonymous writes...

I have seen elsewhere that you said the crew of TGC had FAR less time to work on episodes than you did for most of the 66 you were a part of. In your own opinion, was this the reason the quality was perhaps lacking from the first two seasons and the Journey?

It seems to me like this scenario:They had less time to work on them, were rushed in some cases, and didn't really get a chance to do as good a job as they could have...Do you believe this is so...From what you have said it SEEMS true but I'm asking you to make sure. Thank you very much for taking part in this....While I'm sad the show has gone, it lightens a dark day knowing its creator is here to listen to our ramblings about the show. That's all for now....

Greg responds...

Time is the factor that it all comes back to. I do think that the lack of continuity, i.e. the near-complete change-over in creative staff was another major factor. But they still had some good people, who given more time could have done better. Though I immodestly believe that since the episodes only incidentally reflected my plans for the characters, the series lost some focus.

Money and resources were other important factors. Less was spent per episode. And much of the work was sub-contracted out to Nelvana.

(I should say, that I'm hardly objective about Chronicles. Someone said that Chronicles is a good show if judged outside the context of the original series. I'd guess that's accurate. God knows I was pleasantly surprised by "The Journey" which turned out much better than I had a right to expect.)

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Anonymous writes...

If you had had the opportunity to do TimeDancer while still at Disney, how many episodes do you think their would have been? (Assuming you had all the creative controls that you wanted)

Greg responds...

Thirteen or fourteen, unless we decided to incorporate the 2158 Future Tense spin-off into TimeDancer. In which case it could be much more open-ended.

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Anonymous writes...

Was Elisa's and Goliath's relationship ever to end or would it have continued? Well, thank you for your time!

Greg responds...

I believe that some things are eternal.

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Anonymous writes...

By the end of the plan, did you plan to ever have a main character that we already know die?

Greg responds...

By 2158, Elisa & Goliath were both dead.

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Anonymous writes...

How many seasons was your Master plan originaly going to take?

Greg responds...

How many would they give me? How long will I live? I promise I would never have run out of stories. Hell, I have the damn thing laid out beyond the year 2158. It would be fun to meet up in the middle. Plus there was a lot of interesting stories in the past that still needed to be told. (Ever wonder how Wyvern Hill got it's name?) And as the "gargoyles universe" expanded and added characters, that gave me even more stories to tell.

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Anonymous writes...

In your Master plan, did you ever plan to have the Gargoyles make peace with humanity? (Not talking bout TGC)

Greg responds...

Define "peace". Is white and black America at peace with each other today?
I don't think we would have seen an end to racism, but overt discrimination would be a thing of the past by the year 2158. Yes, 2158. I can't say for sure how fast each step forward would have come. The point of a "Master Plan" is to know the general direction and have specific tentpoles, without tying one's hands thus allowing for creativity and serendipity.

Goliath Chronicles did go a bit fast for my taste. They skipped a lot of steps even within episodes. The trial of Goliath is a fascinating idea that I had had myself, but I would have done it quite differently. Beginning with the notion that most of humanity wouldn't think about putting Goliath on trial for a crime, anymore than it would occur to them to drag a dangerous mountain lion into a courtroom. Before you can agree to have a trial, you have to agree that what your trying isn't a beast, but a sentient individual. I don't think Margot would have made that jump very quickly.

Ironically, I believe that the presence of Gargoyles would have done a lot to help real race relations between humans. Nothing like something even more different to make people realize how much they have in common with each other. In "The Journey" I tried to show that the Quarrymen appealed to a multitude of human "races".

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Anonymous writes...

In the episode Avalon, we find out that the Wierd Sisters had made Demona and Macbeth immortal so that they could attack the Avalon Clan. The way they acted in this episode dosen't seem to match their character. Did they have some "Master Plan" of their own, and were simply using the Archmage as a pawn to accomplish some over-all mission?

Greg responds...

What are you basing your analysis of their characters on?

I've heard a lot of complaints about the Weird Sisters. At first they struck me as odd, but now I think I know where the confusion came from.

A. People took the way they presented themselves in "City of Stone" and in "High Noon" at face value.

B. When they saw the Sisters again in "Avalon" and "Ill Met by Moonlight", people didn't like the way they were behaving as much. The Sisters weren't as mysterious or powerful or something. So they rejected the "face value" version that was presented in those episodes.

C. People were less enamored of the Archmage than I was. When we first used the Archmage in "Long Way to Morning" I was phenominally impressed with David Warner, the actor who voiced the part. The character was just a cliched sorcerer, but I felt David added a level of menace that was irresistable. So even though we had killed off the character, I was determined to bring the Archmage back in a way that would let David go to town, and make the cliched Archmage into the near Satanic villain I envisioned he could be. That was what "Avalon, Part II" was supposed to accomplish. David didn't let me down. His dual performances as both versions of the Archmage was a true tour-de-force. But perhaps I failed David. The "Archmage-plus" was supposed to be all-but-omnipotent and all-but-omniscient. Once he had the Grimorum, the Eye and the Gate, he was supposed to be much more threatening than any villain we had encountered up to that point, including the Sisters. His fatal flaw (demonstrated in parts two and three) was his unwavering arrogance. He could have finished all his enemies off instantly. But at heart, he was still this cliched guy who had to toy with his enemies and make them suffer before he wiped them out. That gave the good guys time to rally and defeat him. I'm sure most of you basically got this, but you didn't FEEL it enough, so the Archmage didn't seem tough enough to boss the Sisters around. So everyone assumes that the Sisters are using HIM in some way.

D. Part of the reason for this is probably due to the fact that the final script for "Avalon, Part II" was WAY, WAY too long. We had to cut a lot of stuff before we shipped in order to get the show down to the correct length.
You didn't miss any important info, but I do think we lost a bit of the scope of the Archmage's plans, as well as some nice character moments and a bit of helpful expository stuff.

E. People didn't get the Sister's constraints vis-a-vis Oberon. Their hands were much more tied than people seemed to realize. They couldn't enter Avalon of their own volition. They were banished to the barge to guard it. The Archmage's commands gave them their excuse. And they wanted that excuse. So let me make something clear here: THEY ARE A VENGEFUL TRIO OF WITCHES. They wanted vengeance. But as immortals, they could afford to be patient. It didn't matter whether vengeance came in nine days or nine centuries. So, they were using the Archmage. Using him to extract their vengeance. That doesn't mean they wouldn't have eventually turned on the Archmage to get him off Avalon, but that would have been some fight, let me tell you.

F. Having said all that, don't imagine that helping the Archmage is the only thing they did for a millenium. They didn't follow Demona and Macbeth around every minute. They do have other things going on. Other plans. And I'm not saying that what they did for the Archmage doesn't dovetail with these other plans, but that doesn't mean they didn't sincerely want revenge on the Magus and his friends.

G. And they still do. The Magus may be largely beyond their reach, but Goliath and the others aren't. They still need to tread carefully because they can't risk Oberon or Titania's wrath, but believe me, they've got something up their sleeves.

I'm sure this "answer" raises a lot more questions. I can probably predict some of them, but it's much more fun to wait for you guys to ask them.

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Anonymous writes...

In the episode High Noon, the three Wierd Sisters were masquerading as Desdemona. While they were busy convincing Othello to stop Iago in the real world, where was the real Desdemona at the time?

Greg responds...

Masquerading isn't really the correct word. They sort of possessed Desdemona briefly, splitting her image into the three facets of their personality. Keep in mind, that Desdemona didn't exist in bodily form. She was just a wisp of soul inside a crashed computer. The Sisters stepped in for one brief moment. Desdemona was there the whole time, and it was all her in every other scene she appeared in. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

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Anonymous writes...

Why did the mutates appearances change between Metamorphosis and The Cage?
Was it just a further change in their mutation?

Greg responds...

I feel like I've answered this one too, but I'm not as sure, so...

Do you want the "Story" answer or the "Behind the scenes" answer?

The story answer to your question is "yes".

Behind the scenes, Frank Paur was not satisfied with the designs that we had in "Metamorphosis", but we had run out of time. So he had to run with what we had. After "Metamophosis" shipped, he had time to revise them for "The Cage". So he did. This was o.k. with me because I could easily believe they were still mutating. Also, I didn't think they'd spend their lives dressed in the tattered clothes they were wearing when they were first injected.

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Anonymous writes...

If you make a new season of gargoyles will and how would you make Eliza become Goliath's mate? Also would you make any new gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Define "mate". Define "make". New gargoyles would have been introduced.

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Anonymous writes...

Griff kept mentioning hatchlings in Pendragon. I was wondering about 'Una' she is part horse instead of a bird . Horses are mammals. Does she lay eggs ?

Greg responds...

Appearances can be deceiving. Una is all gargoyle. Gargoyle's lay eggs.

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Anonymous writes...

In the future did you plan to follow up on the Illuminati story? If you did what were some of things you were planning. And last, what were the Gargoyles ratings compaired to the average cartoon show?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. That's not a quick question. Well, at any rate, it's not a quick answer.

3. I don't remember exact numbers. The first season was promising, especially considering we were only on once a week. The second season was solid but disappointing to many Disney executives, because they had high hopes that once we went daily, we'd start kicking butt. Instead, we placed 2nd consistently, usually to Power Rangers. Third season ratings weakened even more, or so I'm told. I never saw any numbers for either the reruns or for the Goliath Chronicles. There are a lot of mitigating factors, the biggest being FOX's overall strength in kid's programming, but it doesn't change the fact that we didn't put up winning numbers with any consistency.

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Anonymous writes...

The use of Kachina's in Cloud Fathers is clearly Hopi. Yet Maza is Navajo? Which tribe was Peter Maza born to?

Greg responds...

I'm struggling with three or four year old memories here, but I think this is what happened. When we had finished casting the lead characters, my development associate, Paul Lacy, made some phone calls to a number of tribal reps and got a bunch of different Elisa surnames for us to choose from. (We were initially leaning towards "Bluestone". We even recorded the first couple episodes using the "Bluestone" name. And that's after we had already recorded those same lines using the name "Chavez".) My boss, Gary Krisel, chose "Maza", which was fine with me also. We were under the impression that "maza" was the Sioux word for "iron". That appealed to me. (So we rerecorded again.)

Later in the season, when Elisa was shot, her parents made reference to her sister Beth who was in school in Arizona. That was my mistake. No real Sioux population in Arizona, as it turns out. Brynne Reaves and Lydia Marano found that out pretty quick when they started doing their research for what would eventually be titled "Cloud Fathers". I had recently read Tony Hillerman's novel COYOTE WAITS, so I suggested a Navajo connection, but by the time the story was done, we clearly had a Hopi ritual. (Or maybe Zuñi. Even now, I certainly don't pretend to be an expert.)

To top things off, Michael Horse, the voice of Peter and Carlos Maza, read the script and gave us a few tips. He also told us that "Maza" was not a Sioux name, so we got that wrong too somehow.

So the long answer is... I screwed up. And it pains me, because we had such good intentions. Next time, I'll be much more careful.

The short answer (the explanation) is that Carlos Maza's ancestors are largely, but not exclusively, Hopi. This is some consolation to me, since (1) it helps us understand the interracial marriage that Peter and Diane have (not to mention Elisa's interspecies attraction) and (2) it offers us the possibility of exploring more Native American legends while simultaneously exploring more of Carlos, Peter, Elisa, Derek and Beth's ancestry. Trust that if I ever get the chance to do these further stories, I will research the hell out of the whole thing before I even begin.

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Anonymous writes...

What were your inspiration to make this series and your inspirations for the characters - were they based on people you knew in real life or what?
Were you really pleased with the way the characters came out in the series or did you think they were lacking swomehting (i'm talking about first two seasons) Do you have any regrets or things you didn't like baout the first two seasons?

Greg responds...

Inspirations, I think I've discussed. If you read the archives and have a more specific question about what did or didn't inspire me, let it fly.

As to who the characters were based on... well, no one was based on anybody specific from my life. Though all of them came out of my life experience and (I'm sure) the life experiences of the other writers, editors, artists and producers who worked on the series.

[It's an inherent danger of this whole ASK GREG set-up, that it always comes off as if I was working by myself. Let me state again that a LOT OF PEOPLE contributed a lot of extremely creative material to this show.]

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Anonymous writes...

Many have been debating over the identity of the mysterious "fifth member" of the future Ultra-Pack. Had you decided who it was to be when you planned the Future Tense spin-off, or had you not yet gotten that far? If you had decided, could you tell us who it was? Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

The Ultra-Pack was not supposed to be part of the "Future Tense" spin-off.
It was just going to be part of the on-going Gargoyles series. The "fifth member" would have been an all-new character. No one you know.

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Anonymous writes...

How would you have gotten around the lack of Gargoyle's names if you had done a Dark Ages spin-off?

Greg responds...

It depends what you mean. Internally, we would have done what we did with Othello, Desdemona and Iago. That is, we would have given them designations in the script, so the artists and animators, etc, knew who we were talking about. In the show itself, we would have avoided using those names.
The gargoyles would refer to each other by relationship, just as they did in our very first episode. At least, that was the plan. I had a back-up plan if that just didn't seem to be working, which entailed Prince Malcolm giving each of his gargoyle warriors a Biblical or Mythological name. They never would use those names with each other, but the humans could use them and the audience could too. By the way, this series would have been set in the year 971.

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Anonymous writes...

What was your inspiration for the "Castle in the Clouds?"

Greg responds...

I don't remember if I had any. I may not even have been the person who came up with it. What I do remember is that from the moment I saw Bob Kline's drawing of a castle atop a skyscraper, I knew it was cool.

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Anonymous writes...

Was it it decided upon conception that there would be a "Lois and Clark-ish" relationship between Goliath and Elisa (that even carried over past your "The Journey")? If so, was there any latent aversion on the censors part?

Greg responds...

People love to toss around incendiary terms. We had no "censor".

Yes, of course, the romantic relationship between Goliath and Elisa was planned from the start. I'm sure that's self-evident. I wouldn't call it "Lois & Clark-ish" though; I don't really see the parallel there.

I wanted to play their "courtship" realistically. I had two individuals who were destined for each other. But that doesn't mean things would progress quickly. Elisa is an extremely guarded woman in many ways. She's had to be. She's succeeded in a career that is traditionally male. Dating fellow cops is a dangerous move for a female detective. Double standards, sexual harrassment claims, precinct harmony etc. make it less than ideal. Dating crooks isn't too appealing either, for obvious reasons. Who else does she meet working the night shift as she does? You'll notice that the person who was always putting the breaks on any romantic discussion that Goliath tried to initiate was Elisa. She has trouble admitting her feelings, even to her mother. She's fairly secretive.

In addition, Elisa had, and still has, a keen sense of the situation's impossibility. I think Elisa would like to have kids someday. Not necessarily right away, but someday. That's not possible with Goliath. At least not in the traditional way. I hope "High Noon" revealed that Elisa is not Fox Mulder. She was never looking for weirdness to enter her life. She wanted, and to some extent still wants, a normal life. She could never have that with Goliath.

Goliath had a totally different problem. He had a wounded heart. Gargoyles mate for life. Mates die, but it was beyond his understanding that his mate could still be alive, and they would not be together. That's why Goliath was still trying to win Demona back as late as "Vows". That's why he never quite knows what to do with her. What to make of her. That was a huge distraction from Elisa. His feelings for Elisa were already present, as early as "Awakening, Part Three". But it took him awhile to recognize them. And when he did, he was ashamed. He felt he shouldn't be able to fall in love again.Certainly not with a human. (Don't for a minute believe that Goliath is immune to prejudice. No one is. At least no one I've ever met.) What's interesting is that Goliath fell in love with Elisa even before he understood how physically attractive she was. He didn't realize that until "The Mirror". He tried to talk to her about his feelings on numerous occasions. She always cut him off. And maybe, he thought, that was for the best. But that's also why the events of "Sentinel" were so painful to him. She didn't remember him or their life together. She didn't trust him. She even tried to shoot him. It broke his heart. (Again.) Of course, it wasn't her fault, and he knew it. And when push came to shove, she instinctively knew that they were connected and so saved him from Nokkar.

And that's the problem they were both faced with. Not having anything more than a platonic friendship made sense to both of them. But that wasn't possible. They didn't have a choice. They loved each other. It was almost a curse.

That's what was going on with Elisa in "Hunter's Moon". Jason and Goliath actually have a number of things in common. Jason's the kind of guy she goes for, and gee whiz, he was human. (Of course, he was also a Hunter, but she didn't know that at first.) She really liked him. And if she had never met Goliath... who knows? I think Officer Morgan is another guy who could have made Elisa very happy -- if she had never met Goliath. But she had.
And her love for Goliath transcended their differences. That's why she kissed Goliath at the end of "Hunter's Moon". That's what was going on between them at the end of "The Journey".

But that didn't solve the problem. Eventually, they'd have to TALK about it. Really talk about it. They'd have to discuss the pragmatic aspects of it. Not to get too crude, but how does a gargoyle make love? (I know the answer to that, by the way, but let's try to keep things clean.) What about children? Goliath has Angela and a whole clan of rookery kids on Avalon, but Elisa's never going to be a mother to Angela. And what about their future?

If I had continued on the show, I would have dramatized this conversation, with the end result being that they would have decided once and for all NOT to have a romantic relationship. The realities of the discussion would temporarily overwhelm their feelings for each other.

That break-up wouldn't last long. Because, ultimately, they have no choice.
They love each other with one of those great mythic loves of song and story.
But again, that doesn't solve any problems. (Well, actually, it does, but not the problems I'm talking about.) They'd have dealt with each issue as it came up.

Now back to your original question about censorship. Who knows what problems we might or might not have run into down the line? I can't answer that. But we had ZERO problems during the 66 episodes that I worked on. Elisa and Goliath loved each other. That was a given. But the characters we created weren't about to jump into interspecies sex, so there was nothing to object to. Heck, it took 65 episodes for them to kiss on the lips. What I'm getting at is that the slow pace was intentional. It suited the characters to go slow. But that dovetailed nicely with the fact that there was nothing for anyone to object to.

We also had the added help that Disney's Beauty and the Beast had just come out and raised everyone's consciousness. The animated lesson not to judge a book by it's cover was well-learned throughout the halls of Disney.

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Anonymous writes...

5. Did you have any stories planned for the Timedancer series besides the meeting of Xanatos and Demona? If so what would they be about? Would Brooklyn have rejoined the clan after he returned from his journey?

Greg responds...

Yes, I had plenty of stories planned for TimeDancer. The meeting of Xanatos and Demona was the second story. The first one was a Constantine/Finella/ Mary adventure. There was also, as I've mentioned, an extended visit to the year 2158. Plus a couple more trips to the past, including one to Ishimura in Japan's feudal era. And, yes, ultimately, Brooklyn would have rejoined the Manhattan clan -- five minutes after he left, from their point of view. (From his, forty years would have passed.)

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Anonymous writes...

4. What is the true identity of Mr. Duval? I know he was supposed to be a friend of King Arthur's but who was he.

Greg responds...

I don't feel like revealing that right now. Sorry. Ask me again sometime.

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Anonymous writes...

3. I once heard that "Avalon" was supposed to be a five-parter like "Awakening". Is this true and if so what was cut from the final version?

Greg responds...

It's not at all true. Who'd you hear that from? "Avalon" was always supposed to be a triptych. Not one long story, but three connected stories.
What IS true is that the final script for "Avalon, Part Two" came in very long. We did have to cut some stuff for time. Nothing important. But the Archmage did walk his allies and the audience through his plans a little bit more. There was some helpful expository stuff and a few nice character bits lost, but no story points.

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Anonymous writes...

1. I was wondering if you had any plans for a mate for Lexington or was he going to remain alone?

2. What was going to happen to the Cold trio? Did you have any plans for them ever rejoining the

Greg responds...

I did have plans.

Seriously, Coldsteel would have remained a threat. Coldstone & Coldfire would have eventually joined a clan. But I'm not saying which one.

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Anonymous writes...

1. According to Sevarius in "Metamorphosis", gargoyles have to
turn to stone by day and soak up solar energy in order to glide around at
night? So how is Demona able to glide around after what Puck did to her in
The Mirror? And how do the Guatemalan gargoyles in The Green
handle it?

2. In The Mirror, Demona says to Puck, "You serve the human; you can
serve me." Did she know that he and Owen were the same person?

Greg responds...

1. Sevarius was hypothesizing, but he was more right than wrong. Demona's
transformation was magical. Magic compensated. Why wouldn't it work for the
Mayan gargoyles?

2. Yes.

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

I once saw an article in Time or Newsweek about Gargoyles. The article
concerned the popularity of Gargoyles. It said that Gargoyles merchandise
are really hot, and the show is "extraordinarily popular," I think these
are the words. Anyways, it showed a Gargoyles mug and I was suprised that
Gargoyles were so popular, since I haven't heard anyone at school or in
television talk about it much, unlike, say, Power Rangers(a horrible show).
Was it ever that popular since I heard in the comment room that Gargoyle
merchandise isn't so hot in the market.

Greg responds...

Damn good question. Most people reading this won't like the answer, but NO,
Gargoyles were never THAT popular. We had midling success, and a core group
of extremely loyal followers, but it never made the impact that Power Rangers
made. Some merchandise did well. Some of it died. Our ratings started out
promising. Moved on to respectable. Moved to disappointing and ended up
being lousy. I wish it weren't so, and there were tons of mitigating
factors. But they don't alter the facts.

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Anonymous writes...

I have two questions which don't deal with the show so much as one of the
characters; Brooklyn. 1) Where did his design and concept originate from?
And 2) Why was a starring vehicle for him (Timedancer) in the plan? These
questions are merely asked out of curiosity, and a general interest in the

Greg responds...

1) Brooklyn developed overtime. He began as two characters in the show's
original comedy development. "Amp" looked more like Lexington, but had
Brooklyn's basic personality. "Lassie" (a male gargoyle who admired the
collie's heroic qualities) was an idiot-savant character. But he looked a
bit like Brooklyn. I think Bob Kline did the original designs on these
comedy characters. (They were all diminutive.) Dave Schwartz redesigned
Brooklyn, Lex and Broadway. The final models were done by Kazuyoshi Takeuchi
based on Dave's inspirational design. Frank Paur also made some minor
changes to it.

2) One answer is because the character demanded it. That is the stories of
his life seemed to exist and need to be told. On another level, I felt that
childhood friendships must evolve or die. Brooklyn, Lex and Broadway
couldn't go through life as The Three Musketeers. By sending Brooklyn away
for five minutes of Broadway's life, but forty years of Brooklyn's it would
demonstrate that although the trio would always be the best of friends, the
days of being joined at the hip were quite, quite over.

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Anonymous writes...

Did you ever forsee Demona actually coming to the realization that she was
largely responsible for her own misery (a la City of Stone), or was she
fated to remain self-deluded and perpetually angry?

Greg responds...

She was fated to a lot more self-delusion, but eventually she would have had
a true epiphany. And two more great loves. (Aren't I a stinker?)

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Anonymous writes...

Do you have any suggestions as to how we might convince the Disney execs.
(or whoever it is we need to convince) that "Gargoyles" has a lot of good
potential and should be brought back?

Greg responds...

I've answered that question a lot. Gore, maybe you could repost that long
message I sent you to the AskGreg Archives. You know the one where I
list the factors why the show was cancelled and explain what steps might
be taken down the line. It's been passed around a lot, but some people may
not have seen it.

The short answer to your question is to keep the flame burning and hope the
live-action movie spurs renewed interest.

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Anonymous writes...

What sort of things did you plan on doing with the Goliath/Elisa relationship?

Greg responds...

Well, first of all I'd have them discuss it.

Then come to the conclusion that it was impossible.

Then I was going to send them on a Halloween double date. Goliath with
Delilah. Elisa with either Morgan or Jason (I hadn't decided). The date
would have made it clear that no matter how impossible their relationship
seemed, they would just have to find a way to make it work.

Eventually, there would have been some kind of commitment ceremony. I don't
know if you'd call it a wedding per se, but the purpose would have been clear

I know more, but that's enough for now. (Boy, this is my day to be coy.)

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Anonymous writes...

After mining Shakespearean lore for background and story ideas,
did you ever plan on also mining other sources just as rich, such as
Wagnerian opera, had the show continued?

Greg responds...

I once said that given enough time and episodes, Gargoyles would have
included every legend ever. I was scoffed at. Completely scoffed at. But I
meant it.

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Anonymous writes...

Who were the twelve clans that existed in 2158?

Greg responds...

Well, I'm not going to give these all away right now, but I'm feeling
obnoxious, so I'll give you some useless clues just to drive you crazy.

Keep in mind that there were once hundreds of clans, but most of them died
out by the end of the middle ages. We're talking about new and/or surviving
clans, not every clan that ever existed.

The first Eight existed at the time of "Awakenings" (1994).
1. London - Most of the clan actually lives on an estate just outside
2. Ishimura.
3. Guatemala - down to only four gargoyles, but poised for a
4. No way you could guess this one. I don't think there are any
clues in the show's content.
5. Ditto.
6. This one could be guessed by a sharp viewer who understands the
way we planted clues in the show. For example, Elisa and Matt's
first conversation in her car, re: the Illuminati, Loch Ness
Monster, etc.
7. Ditto.
8. Avalon - formed after the eggs hatched on Avalon. Duh.

Two more existed (barely) by the end of "The Journey" (1996).

9. Manhattan - Our guys, of course, as a start.
10. Shouldn't be too hard to guess. Though "Goliath Chronicles" might
be a trifle distracting. Two more existed by 2158.
11. This one would take some extrapolation, but it's possible it could
be figured out if the life-purpose of certain existing characters
were followed to their logical conclusions.
12. This would also take some extrapolation. Think "nostalgia".

Two more clans would be formed in the years that follow.

13. Very tough to guess, but possible via the same kind of thinking
as #6.
14. Even harder to guess, but an absolute natural.

Anyone who can guess 8 out of 14 is a true fan.

Anyone who can guess 10 is a true fan with too much time on his or her hands.

Anyone who can guess 12 is a true fan with too much time and a lot of
intuitive ability.

Anyone who can guess all 14 is just a psychic freak.

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Anonymous writes...

How much of Puck's vision in Future Tense was a prophecy? or was it
all a dream?

Greg responds...

Some things have already come true. Alexander was born. The Clock Tower was
destroyed. Other things have already been proven untrue. Primarily, Goliath
did return to Manhattan before 2036. As for the rest, well, ask me some
other time.

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Anonymous writes...

What happened to Thailog at the end of The Reckoning? Did he die or
did he survive?

Greg responds...

He survived. The Thailogs of this world always survive.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did Thailog really _really_ die in The Reckoning?
2. Would Dream Works ever consider buying he rights to Gargoyles, and continuing the series
under you?
3. Are you going to be a consultant on the movie?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Disney would NEVER consider selling the rights.

3. Michael Reaves and I are officially co-producers on the movie. I'm not
sure what that means exactly yet. But we are being kept abreast of things.

Which brings me to my first set of as promised RAMBLINGS.

I'm relatively new to the internet, but I've just been appalled by the way
people clearly start rumors based on nothing with the
explicit purpose, to my thinking, of misleading dedicated fans. Does this
make them feel superior? Why aren't they ever called to account for it?

For example, who started the Jean-Claude VanDamme rumor? Ask yourself where
you first saw it. Track down who told you. Ask that person who told him or
her. When you find the guy or gal who first stated that Mr. Van Damme was
going to be in the GARGOYLES live-action movie, mark him down on some kind of
list as untrustworthy.

Anyway, here's what's going on with the Live-Action Feature, in development
at Touchstone Pictures, as of 4-10-97.

There are NO ACTORS attached. NONE. Not Jean-Claude. Not Jonathan Frakes
or Marina Sirtis or anyone. No one. It's way too soon.

Tom Jacobson is the producer. Dean Devlin is the writer. They are the only
two people currently attached to the project. The only ones. (Besides
Michael and myself, in our minor roles as co-producers.)

The script is supposed to come in from Dean by the end of this month.
GOLIATH is the lead character. Other gargoyles will appear but this is
basically Goliath's movie. Saying anything else before the first draft is
even completed is folly. If someone claims to know more, and he or she isn't
Dean Devlin, then I'd take the info with a boulder of salt.

Anyway, end of ramble.

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg! I'm an animation student, and I was just wondering what kind of
tips you'd have for someone trying to get into that field. I've found that
alot of people are interested in getting into the business but aren't sure
where to begin, think you could give us a few pointers? I'd love to talk to
Frank P. You think you could drag him on the internet? Thank you in advance
for any help you can give us!

Greg responds...

Frank doesn't work at DreamWorks anymore, so I don't know when I'll next talk
to him, but when I do, I'll let him know you guys want him to show. Maybe
we'll set up a special "Ask Frank" day or something later. Angela, I'm a
writer, not an artist, so I don't have a lot of advise to offer to
animators. Learn your craft. Compile a portfolio. Hustle yourself some
work. I know that's not much, but I hope it helps.

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Anonymous writes...

For that matter did Disney ever recieve angry letters for the
things the censors didn't mind?

Greg responds...

Again, no censors. One very understanding lady. I think while I was at
Disney, we received two letters of complaint about the show. Both had
nothing to do with content. In fact, it was clear from the content of the
letters that neither complaintant had ever watched an episode. They objected
to the show's Satanic content, basing their objections on the way the
Gargoyles looked in the commercials or opening titles.

Actually, we were expecting a flood of this type of mail. It never came.

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Anonymous writes...

Did the censors ever give you are Disney trouble for either
violence or inuendo on the show? [ex. Duncon dieing by bursting out into
flames, or the implication that Fox and Xanatos lived together before they
were married]

Greg responds...

O.k. I can only speak to Gargoyles, not to the Goliath Chronicles. We had no
censors on Gargoyles. We did have an executive in charge of Broadcast
Standards and Practices. Her name was Adrienne Bello. (Still is,
actually.) She loved the show and is a personal friend. She understood that
some things were necessary to story, and that in context they wouldn't be
that bad. Duncan's magical death wasn't problematic. But we weren't allowed
to stab him, because we didn't want anyone getting a kitchen knife and
imitating that. Fox and Xanatos did live together at the Eyrie before they
got married, but they also had separate bedrooms until they got married. I'm
not saying nothing ever happened between them, and certainly we were walking
a line, but I think we were always responsible to the young end of our
audience. Adrienne allowed us to do this without compromising the shows

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Anonymous writes...

I know that you used many sources for the plots of Gargoyles, [ie, history,mythology, Shakespeare
etc.] but what influences did you have that led you to create the type of cartoon?

Greg responds...

Disney's Gummi Bears. Hill Street Blues. Yoknapatwpha County, i.e. the
complete works of William Faulkner. The Complete works of William
Shakespeare. The Simpsons. Various comic book universes. The novels of
Tony Hillerman. Lots of myth, legends, etc, which I have always been
interested in. Plus the input of all the other talented people who put the
show together with me. I was not a one-man band here.

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Anonymous writes...

Are halflings mortal, either all or some?

Greg responds...

Depends on how you define "mortal".

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Anonymous writes...

In High Noon Demona's eyes glowed while she was in human form, was that intentional?

Greg responds...

Yes. Magic isn't an exact science. There are glitches. If Demona gets
angry enough, we get a glitch.

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Anonymous writes...

Where did you get the idea of the Phoenix Gate from?

Greg responds...

Magic powers the Phoenix Gate. The idea for the gate came to me in a fevered
dream (well, actually in an editorial panic), while we were working on
"Vows". We new we needed a maguffin for that story. Something that both
Xanatos and Demona would want to get from Goliath. Something that Goliath
associated with his love for Demona, but didn't know the true nature of.
Originally there was no time travel in that episode. Then I came up for with
the idea of the Gate for the maguffin. I squashed the entire episode into
Act One, so that we could have two acts of time travel. That's one reason,
why that episode might seem a little rushed. It really should have been a

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Anonymous writes...

Why is there such a wide array of what a gargoyle could look like, (some
look somewhat human, some like bears or horses or birds or who-knows-what?)?

Greg responds...

Ah, the mystery of genetics....

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Anonymous writes...

In questions relating to the show, were the other gargoyles that Goliath
encountered to be used in later shows like Griff or just to show that gargs
survived in other places?

Greg responds...

We had very specific plans for Yama. I had a few ideas for Sora and Zafiro
as well. And we had long term plans for all of the surviving clans. There
were ten clans at the time of "The Journey". Although some of those clans,
were either in pretty sorry shape or just beginning. I had planned on having
fourteen clans eventually.

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Anonymous writes...

What led you to creating the show Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

I've been fascinated by Gargoyles since at least my college days. But
someone else at Disney made the suggestion to do a show about Gargoyles.
That's all they gave me. That one word. Gargoyles. I ran with it. Though
I had a LOT of help. It was a real team effort.

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Anonymous writes...

I was wondering, what inspired you to work in animation?

Greg responds...

I like cartoons. I always have. But I don't know if I was inspired to work
in animation. As I was finishing graduate school, I began looking for jobs.
Disney TV Animation offered me one. So I took it. Sorry, it's not much of a

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Anonymous writes...

Basically after 1053-1994 no one knows what happened, so what happened??????

Greg responds...

A lot.

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Anonymous writes...

What is the Oberon children story, and what did they do? It's too much of a
coincidence that Oberon banishes his children and Magus comes up.

Greg responds...

The magus comes up? I'm not sure what you mean. The Magus was a human
being. He trained under the Archmage, after Demona gave up being the
Archmage's apprentice. The Children of Oberon have a lot of stories. I'm
not going to tell any here. Not today, anyway.

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Anonymous writes...

What about MacBeth what is his history, he also knew King Aurthur, (remember
in Lighthouse In Sea Of Time he said he sealed the scrolls of merlin),

Greg responds...

Macbeth was reading Merlin's writing. Merlin sealed those scrolls with his
own hand. Macbeth wasn't even born when Arthur first surfaced. To Macbeth,
Arthur was a great and legendary king.

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