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Anonymous writes...

Just a quick Q: What part of the master plan would Ariel have appeared in?
What would the role be?

Greg responds...

Not telling.

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg, I know you've been asked, but you (ahem) asked for it!
(1) Could you PLEASE tell us all about the ep you couldn't show? How much of a shock value? How far in development did this ep get, did it begin to be animated?
(2) Also, Pulease find a way to start Gargoyles again. We'll do everything to help. (3) How is the movie developing? What is the newest scoop on that?
(4) What are these Gargoyles novels from 1994 I've heard about from a friend of mine?? Did it follow the sh ow's concept, or was it a seperate universe with the same characters,like the comic was? Be proud of me, oh great Creator. My twin and I have "converted" a bunch of our friends and classmates to Gargoyles! A new order begins, Gargoylism! Bwa ha ha!
Thank you in advance. (I know you've been asked some of these before, but please, we need some solace)

Greg responds...

1. I wrote a premise. That's it. A one-page summary of the story.
2. I'm doing my best, but it's really not in my control.
3. I don't know. I have no new info.
4. I've never heard of them. From 1994? Are you sure they exist? There certainly weren't any novels written based in any way on our show.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg. Thanks again for the opportunity to ask a few questions. 1.
Probably the most disturbing images from Gargoyles was Demona shattering all of those human statues.
What happened to those remnants when the spell was broken and ho w was the disappearance of so many explained? 2.What was your planned lifespan for the cold-trio? Since they have robot bodies they could theoretically exist for as long as spare parts were available. 3.If Oberon's children were banished from Avalon , how could the Weird Sisters accompany the Archmage there on his attack? Wouldn't this be considered a violation? 4.What did you cut from Avalon part 2?

Greg responds...

1. It was pretty gruesome, I'd guess. I'm not sure it ever was explained, but I'm sure that there's still an open case file somewhere.
2. Lifespan? I guess they were immortal until they were damaged beyond repair. That doesn't mean they'd wind up living forever.
3. They were left behind as Guardians. It's another loophole.
4. A line here. A short scene there. More background, mostly regarding the Weird Sisters following Macbeth and Demona's careers for centuries. Although that sounds more interesting than it was.

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg, I know this may be a funny Q. Were Owen and Xanatos really friends? Or was it just a matter of servitude. What were the reasons why Owen came back to help them in the GPart2. Myfriend says they weren't friends at all. If th ey were, when and how did that start?

Greg responds...

I think they are friends. Moreso than either would admit. And I'd say that friendship developed and deepened over time, though the starting point was probably Xanatos' choice of Owen over Puck.

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Anonymous writes...

I know you have probably been asked these questions before before, but: 1) What is with Hudson's sword? Sometimes it cuts through solid stone, other times it just kind of hits things like a club 2) What did Titania say to Fox?

Greg responds...

1. A lot depends on the angle and force of the swing.
2. Something.

By the way, I'm sorry if some of my answers seem terse or rushed. Gore has just sent me about 300+ questions so that we can power through the backlog and reopen ASK GREG. So that's exactly what I'm trying to do. Power through as quickly as possible.

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Anonymous writes...

Greetings, Mr. Weisman. First, let me say I love the gargoyles show. Now let me ask a few questions... (1)I was a bit surprised no one else has noticed this, but in "Sanctuary" Angela said that the Princess told the hatchlings about Not re Dame Cathedral. How could this be? The Princess, Magus, and Tom went to Avalon in the late 900s, but construction on Notre Dame didn't begin until around 1100 or so and wasn't completed until the 1300s. Or did Tom just somehow end-up in Paris during on e of his trips outside Avalon? (2) Also, did the Magus have another name, and that was just his title, or is that simply his name. (3) And last, I was curious if some of the people working on Gargoyles were fans of Highlander, because there are so many para llels---the Gathering, immortals, Hunters, a secret society......Just curious. Well, thanks in advance for answering my questions(if you choose to do so, and then thanks for your time anyhow).

Greg responds...

1. Tom saw a lot over the years.
2. "Magus" was not his given name.
3. I enjoyed much of the original movie. Many episodes of the series are pretty good too. But I don't think it influence me that much. The concept of immortality is hardly original to Highlander. Neither are the other things you've mentioned. And we were creating some of it simultaneously with the creation of that series. Obviously, I can't be sure it had no influence, but no conscious influence, at least.

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Anonymous writes...

Dear greg Hiya and thanks for taking time to answer this question! I heard you were in the chat on friday June 6 and gave your out look explaning the gargoyle from his age up to his stone status.so can you please explain more on it?
I found it interesting of the tid bit I heard from gore!

Greg responds...

Well, it's October now, and I honestly don't know what you're referring to.

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman, First I would like to thank you for creating a fabulous show. I only have one question, but this has been bugging me for a while. 1. Does Demona know about Goliath's relationship with Elisa?
Also (I know I sai d one), if Demona does know, is that why she keeps trying to kill Elisa or does she just plain hates her more than any other human? Thank you for your time. -Danielle Royer Homestead, Florida

Greg responds...

1. I think Demona intuited their feelings before either Goliath or Elisa were fully aware of them. I don't think she's conscious of any romantic relationship, mostly because, to date there isn't one yet. Demona's relationship to Elisa is complex. She has a lot of reasons to hate her.
Generic contempt for humans. The belief that humans always betray gargoyles. The deep-seated fear that Elisa proves that Demona's been wrong about humans for centuries. Goliath's obvious feelings for Elisa. Elisa's obvious feelings for Goliath. Etc.

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Oberon force his children to leave Avalon for a thousand years?

Greg responds...

Arrogance. Theirs and his. (Deja Vu again.)

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Anonymous writes...

Okay, I have had this question for quite some time, and I am suprised to not have seen it in the archive. Okay, In the Gathering Part 2, towards the end, Titania whispers something to Fox, making Fox look very suprised....I would love to know what Titania said...

Greg responds...

Obviously, you didn't check the archive very carefully. This has been asked multiple times. And I always give the same answer: What do you think she whispered?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi!Gargoyles is just GREAT!I want to ask you is there any page dedicated to the Hunters(anything related to them...Please tell me as soon as possible!Thanxs!

Greg responds...

Page? Like web page? I have no idea. Why don't you ask at the comment room?

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Anonymous writes...

1) How does Xanatos control the wings, laser and tail of his exoframe?
2) Did Titania start the entire battle in "The Gathering" just to bring Fox's powers to the surface?
3) What disease does Renard have?
4) In 2158, would the Quarrymen still have existed? And did you ever plan to have Castaway come to tolerate the Gargoyles?
5) What plans did you have for the Clones?

Greg responds...

1. It's complicated.
2. Maybe.
3. I'm not completely sure. As I think I've said before, I was planning on doing an episode that focused on that. Never got around to it. Had I, I would have done research to find a disease that matched the already demonstrated symptoms. I was going to begin my research with MS, but I don't know if that would have worked out.
4a. Probably in some form.
4b. I honestly don't know.
5. Lots of plans.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Which episode of yours got rejected? 2. Why is Lexington smaller than the others? I mean, he's the same age, but everyone thought he was younger and I didn't catch any really short gargoyles at Wyvern except Lex. Thanks.

Greg responds...

1. I'm not telling.
2. I'm 34 years old. I'm also 5'7". There are a lot of 34 year olds taller than me. Plenty that are shorter too. And some who are the exact same height. Lex (who tends toward low-to-the-ground posture anyway) is short.
It happens.

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Anonymous writes...

Who is the guy in the trenchcoat at the beginning of "The Gathering" who is walking away from Oberon just as Odin goes up, and what's he doing there? Thank you so much, (whether you answer this or not).

Greg responds...

He's Nobody or Nought. And he's greeting Oberon, just like everyone else.

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Anonymous writes...

You resently presented us with a listing of ages for the characters of the show. I noted that Angela is chronilogicaly 106 years younger than Goliath. I also noted that Gabriel and Opheila were 1 year younger that Angela. This leads me to the questions of...
1) How long does it take for Gargoyle eggs to hatch (Goliath was 56 when he was turned to stone by the Magus and Angela didnt hatch until 50 years after that.) I am sure that the extended time has to do with the Avalon time distortion scenario.
2)Do gargoyles have a set mating season like most animals do or are they more like humans in their reproduction.
3)If 2 is yes... How many eggs do they lay during one season.
4)If 2 is no...how often can they lay eggs.
Inquiring minds want to know. Or at least I do.

Greg responds...

1. It's been a long time since I did the Avalon math. But Gargoyle eggs typically take ten years to hatch.
2. Both.
3. One.
4. Once every twenty years.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman, I read one of your terrific responses to the Goliath/Elisa relationship, You stated what you would do if you continued on the show in terms of the two TALKING about it and then disagreeing, and subsequently reagreeing.
Without giving away any of your ideas, and if "The Journey" were any indication, would you've displayed their relationship over the course of thirteen (or another 65, for that matter) episodes much more broadly, openly and frequently than the previous 65 ?

Greg responds...

If I take your meaning correctly, then, yes.

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Anonymous writes...

How involved were you with the Gargoyles comic book series and why did they stop at issue 11? (it was just starting to get good.)

Greg responds...

I consulted on the first 11 issues. It was cancelled primarily because it wasn't selling enough issues. But also because Marvel was (and is) going through some tough times. Their licensed books imploded to a great degree.
And no one's more bummed than me that it got cancelled. I was just about to take the book over as the writer. In fact, I had already written my first issue.

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Anonymous writes...

It is with a sad heart that I read the news that Gargoyles is no longer being produced. It seems to have developed quite a cult following. It is well deserved. Great animation, stories and character development.
I hope they change their minds. But, it was a great ride while it lasted.
I just wanted to congratulate someone who was involved with creating the best animated TV series of all time. Thank you. P.S. I'm 44 years old and it was a joy to watch it given the poor alternatives that are available nowadays.

Greg responds...

Thanks. I appreciate the kind words.

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Anonymous writes...

What age group were you aiming Gargoyles for? Were you at all surprised by the number of older fans that enjoy Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

We had a core age group (kids 6-11) that we needed to reach in order keep our advertisers happy, but I intentionally tried to build the show so that it operated on multiple levels and could appeal to the widest possible age range. So, no, I wasn't surprised that older fans liked it. Gratified definitely, but not surprised.

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Anonymous writes...

Though no new current seasons are being produced I was told by the master of ceremonies at a recent sci fi/fantasy convention that his sources at Disney mentioned a "limited"(??) 4th season is underway.Is this in anyway true?

Greg responds...


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Anonymous writes...

You mentioned a "Prospero" in one of your replies. Who is he? Is he related to any of the character's we know? If not, have any of the characters met him previously? Is he good or evil? And last, but not least, did you plan for him to
actually help with a hybrid, or just want to?

Greg responds...

I'm not talking.

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Oberon (excuse my spelling) banish the feys from Avalon?

Greg responds...

Arrogance. Theirs and his. And your spelling is fine.

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Anonymous writes...

If the trio is all the same age then why does Brooklyn act like he's a few years older?!?

Greg responds...

Maturity and chronological age don't always go hand in hand.

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Anonymous writes...

I was wondering if you could give a little detail on how so many Star Trek actors got cast in the show. It seems a little more than coincidence, since you had appearances from nearly the entire cast of The Next Generation, and (as far as I can tell) at least one actor from every other Star Trek series.

Greg responds...

I've answered this before. But in a nutshell, it began with Marina. She auditioned for Demona and was perfect immediately. Jonathan was later cast as Xanatos. After that when we were thinking about who to cast in various guest rolls, it was hard not to think of Star Trek when we had two of their actors sitting there in the room with us.

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Anonymous writes...

Where did gargoyles come from - were they created, did they evolve or what. What exactly are the origins of gargoyles?

Greg responds...

I've answered this before too. Gargoyles were created in the same way humans were. If you believe in human evolution, then you should believe in Gargoyle evolution. If you believe that humans were created by a higher power (like God), then so too were the Gargoyles. Personally, I don't find those ideas mutually exclusive.

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