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Anonymous writes...

Just one quickie: The clothing of the gargoyles, and anything else they're
carrying (swords, etc.) turn to stone at day. So, if one of them happened
to be carrying the Phoenix Gate at daybreak, would it turn to stone as
well, even though it is a magi
cal artifact? This one's been bugging me a while.

Greg responds...

Accessories only turn to stone if the gargoyle thinks of it as part of his
or her "uniform". I doubt that would happen with the gate, but I suppose
it's possible.

(GDW / 7-20-98)

Response recorded on July 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hey, I've always liked King Arthur Legends. Thats one of the reasons I
like Gargoyles. Last week I watched that NBC miniseries "Merlin" (did you watch
it btw?) and thought about the Arthur legends in Gargoyles and got some

1. I think I've figured out who Duval is, is he Mordred?

2. How come Merlin got out of going to the gathering, or was he there but
not shown?

3. Is Merlin's mortal mother someone we know of?

4. Contest about king arthur characters alive on show: a)Arthur b)lady of
the lake c) merlin d) mordred e)oberon f)queen mab g)cant think of another

5. Is the lady of the lake a fey and if yes why wasnt she at the
gathering. if no what is she?

6. Do you have a story about how excalibur got moved to New York? Any
details you can give away too =)

7. There was the stone dragon in the episode "Pendragon" but will there be
any real dragons in the show in either the the past or present?

8. What makes Alex, Fox and Merlin any different from the New Olympians?
you said both were hybrid human/fey.

Thanks for answering these, I know we can be annoying. Oh yeah you can
continue your "Once upon a time there were three brothers..." story

Greg responds...

Yeah, I saw Merlin. I thought it was spectacular to see, though I
found the cliffnote speed at which the story flew by a bit disappointing.
Remember the days when a mini-series like Roots or Rich Man, Poor Man were
like sixteen hours long?
1. I've all but given Duval's identity away already. So I'm not
going to answer this here.
2. Like Fox, Merlin isn't considered one of the Children of Oberon.
Which is ironic, since he's literally a child of Oberon's.
3. If you mean someone who's already appeared in the series, no.
But she maintains her role from Arthurian myth.
4. Nope.
5. She was at the Gathering. Look again.
6. Yes. But I'm not telling it here. Not a good format for
telling long stories.
7. Everything is true.
8. They aren't citizens of New Olympus. It's cultural.

(GDW / 7-20-98)

Response recorded on July 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Oh, mighty Greg! Would you be so kind as to answer these questions?

1. Will baby Alex age faster than full blooded humans (physically)?

2. Do you remember any more in-jokes, besides "jalapena"?

3. When the clan was gathered around the destroyed Hudson statue in "The
Price", reminiscing about Hudson's life, was that the Wind Ceremony you
were talking about?

4. Do vampires belong to a special race of their own, or are they just

5. In "Her Brother's Keeper", Lex salvages the Pack's helicopter and
rebuilds it. How could he get it back in one piece, add special weapons,
and give it a cool gargoyle-themed armor in just one day?

6. I was reading an article about the possibility that Nessie survived.
In order to keep their species going for 65 million years, there had to be at
least 400+ animals in that lake to prevent genetic anomalies that result
from inbredding and a limited genetic pool. So are there hundreds of
pleiosaurs in Loch Ness in the Gargoyles universe?

7. Could you continue "Once Upon a Time There Were Three Brothers..." in
this post?

8. Is there some kind of mutation in Lex that causes his eyes to be
larger than normal?

9. Do gargoyles bathe regularly?

10. Star Trek fans are called Trekkies. If you could take your pick,
what would you call Gargoyles fans? That's all for now. Thank you, Exalted

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Yes.

3. No.

4. It's not a race, but they're no longer human.

5. He had connections at Kenner.

6. Perhaps.

7. No. I'm not sure why. Not in the mood. It's been a bad week.
Maybe later. Thanks for asking though.

8. No.

9. Uh, sure.

10. My abject slaves. No, wait. Just kidding. That's a joke. A
JOKE. Geez.

(GDW / 7-20-98)

Response recorded on July 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hiya, got another two for you.

1) How much damage can Demona and Macbeth sustain before they're
permanently killed despite the immortality spell, or is there no limit?
Would they still regenerate after being dropped in a hamburger grinder or
hit by a nuke?

2) What is Alex's level of ultimate magical potential under his own
(unaugmented by Talismans or the like) power, as measured against another
character of known magical prowess? Like, is it comparable to the
Archmage, or the über-Archmage ("Avalon"), or what?

Greg responds...

1. I've answered this before. Check the archives.
2. Asking me to quantify things like this isn't too productive.
I'd say Alex's potential is very high, if he chooses to work at it.

(GDW / 7-20-98)

Response recorded on July 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

1. Due to Elisa's words in "Double Jeopardy" about Thailog being
Goliath's son, what is the Delilah/Elisa relationship like, since Delilah is not a
true clone, but a blending of Elisa and Demona?

2. Do Elisa's parents know about Delilah?

3. And if Elisa's parents know about Delilah, what are their reactions to

Greg responds...

1. On that level, Delilah is Elisa's daughter. Demona's too.
How's that for a strange set of parents? But as a practical matter, I don't
think Elisa has much of a relationship of any kind with Delilah. At least
we never had the opportunity to explore one.
2. Knowing Elisa, I doubt it.
3. Good question, but we're not there yet.

(GDW / 7-20-98)

Response recorded on July 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mister Greg,
1) Where did the idea of the Phoenix Gate come from? I remember reading a
legend about it or something like it in school but I cannot find it on the
web. If it is an original idea I might have been mistaken. (You can omit
this if you post it but I wouldn't mind if Gore could relay the answer to
this small question to NickZane@aol.com) Thanks Greg and Gore for your

Greg responds...

1. Desperation. It was my idea. It is, as far as I know,
completely original. I've answered this in more detail before, so check the
archives, but briefly, we had a maguffin for Vows. I decided to make it
more than a maguffin by turning Vows into a time travel story and making the
Gate the means.

(GDW / 7-17-98)

Response recorded on July 17, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman During your last update you decided to start a little
contest. Here are my guesses as to who from the Arthurian Legends is still
Arthur(obviously Merlin(ditto) Lady of the Lake(ditto again) Percival
Morgana la Fay Nimue Bedivere those are my guesses.

Greg responds...

Nice guessing, Greg. But, WRONG. Heh, heh. Ain't I a stinker?

(GDW / 7-17-98)

Response recorded on July 17, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg, I have a few questions.

1. The Magus was Archmage's apprentice, why did he stop teaching Magus?

2. Why did Archmage even have an apprentice? Why would he "need" one?

3. Who were Magus' biological parents?

4. Does The Magus have anything to do with Merlin?

5. Did you plan on having Magus die from the beginning? Would you "ever"
bring him back?

6. What was the name of "the lady in the lake," did she have a 'human"
type name? (like sarah or kristine)

7. Who do you think my favorite character is? (Hint: look at my questions)

Greg responds...

1. The Archmage was banished for treason against Prince Malcolm.
Sort of interrupted the semester.
2. Who doesn't need a flunky? God knows I wish I had one.
3. That's a story for another day. (BUT THEY WERE HUMAN.)
4. Not particularly.
5. No. At one point, I considered sending him off with Arthur on
his quest to find Excalibur. But then I realized that the next part of the
quest would have been to find Merlin. And then what? Arthur either fails
to be reunited with Merlin (anti-climax in the extreme) or the Magus dies in
the quest (which seems lousy, setting Merlin's life at a higher value than
the Magus') or I wind up dragging around two magicians from that point on
(yawn). It didn't fit. It wasn't right. When we got to the actual nuts
and bolts of the Avalon triptych, the true answer seemed clear. War has its
costs. I could give the Magus "a good death". A worthwhile death to save
the beings (human and gargoyle) he had dedicated his life to protect. I
think we did a good job with that. So, no, I would never cheapen that great
sacrifice by bringing him back. (Which doesn't mean we might not see him
again in flashback.)
6. Maude.
7. Uh, the Magus?
By the way, I was kidding about Maude.

(GDW / 7-17-98)

Response recorded on July 17, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

FORGIVENESS PLEASE!!!!! I just realized that on my last set of questions I
called Brooklyn's mate Sata! ARRRRG! I'M SO SORRY! I know that really urks
you. I guess all those fanfic episodes are getting to my head! Well anyway
now I finally have time for all my questions. Thank you so much for
answering these if you ever do + everything else you have done! O.K hear I

1) How long dose it take for a gargoyle egg to hatch?

2) Gargoyles lay eggs once every 20 years right? Well do they
automatically lay an egg after 20 years if they have a mate?

3) Or are they able to lay an egg anytime after their child has grown to
be 20 years old?

4) Where about do you see Lexington meeting his mate? ( I realize you may
not have this planned yet)

5) Are their other clans around the world we have not been introduced to
yet? (hoping for maby location of Lex's mate)

6) You know Tom? The guy who did the voice of Lex. Well I know that he did
the voice of Snap, so had he been tring out for any other parts that you
know of at the time he got the role of Lex?

7) He played Felix the cat too right? Tom I mean.

8) Wouldn't Brooklyn and Katana be ready to have a third child soon after
they returned from time dancing? Or am I over estimateing the ages of his

9) Would it be possible for you to share your opinion about how the Trio
would have gotten along after the return of Brooklyn? I just have a hard
time seeing them when Brooklyn's already an adult with children of his own
and has aged by 40 years. Wouldn't it be hard for him to interact with his
two brother's, and his mate, and be a father, and be a good second in

10) How do you feel Lex would have reacted,( if at all) to the fact that
his two brothers already had mates? ie. sad, angry, both?

11) O.K I've already sort of asked this question. So feel free not to
answer this. Can you please give any thoughts at all on Lex's mate? Built,

12) Do you ever see Lex doing any work for kicks outside the clan? Such as
maybe inventing or improving something that effects more than just the

13) Why were there no hatchlings when the Trio were at the castle in 994?
(they were 39 or so right?) So why were there just eggs at the time?

14) Alright this will be a run on question just to warn ya:) On Avalon it
looked as though Angela and Gabriel were a couple but we now know that
Angela and Broadway are destined to be mates. Was this just a false thing
I noticed? Or does Gabriel really like Angela?

15) If the answer to the last question was yes then will there be any
friction between him and Broadway?

16) Are all the Trio members going to have children?

17) Do you have any idea of how many children they would have in their
lifetimes? I mean each? Thank a bunch!:) (bows to the ground about a
million times) bye!

Greg responds...

Woo, lots o' questions. O.K. Let's dive in.
1. Ten years. Haven't I answered this before?
2. I'm not sure I understand the question. Rather, I'm sure I
3. Huh? The cycle is every twenty years. The age of past children
is immaterial. Is that what you're asking?
4. I'm not answering "Lex's mate" questions right now. Something
needs to be left to the imagination.
5. Yes. I know it's a pain, but you might want to take a look at
the archives. Most of your questions have been answered in more detail
6. Thom Adcox-Hernandez was exclusively a live-action actor when
our Voice and Casting Director Jamie Thomason "discovered" Thom (long before
Gargoyles). Jamie had been wanting to use Thom's unique voice for
something, but I don't think Thom had done any voice over work before we
cast him in Gargoyles. Since then he's done Snap and Felix the Cat and
Invasion America, at least. Plus he's still doing live action stuff,
including an AM/PM mini-market commercial, a classic from last summer that
they're running again this year. (Everytime it comes on, my three year old
daughter points at the screen and says "There's your friend, Thom!" I don't
think it's registered for her that Thom is the voice of Lex. Oh,
interesting side note. I was watching a rerun of MISTER ROGER'S
NEIGHBORHOOD. There was a wedding in the land of make believe. Keith David
was one of the guests at the wedding. Who knew?)
7. Yeah. Thom.
8. You're over-estimating a bit. A lot of time-jumping going on,
but in "Katana" years, she laid the egg that hatched into Tachi sixteen
years previous. She'd wait at least four years if not longer. (Gargoyle
females share a common cycle. Katana was removed from that normal cycle by
her time jumping. If she settled down, I wonder if she'd rejoin the normal
cycle or not? With Angela, I decided she would. I expect Angela, Sora,
Ophelia, Boudicca, Obsidiana and Turquesa to all lay eggs in 2008.)
9. Yes. That's what makes good Drama. I wanted to demonstrate in
a VERY intense way, that the joined-at-the-hip days of the Trio had passed.
They'd have to start over. And in many ways, it would be harder for Lex and
Broadway then for Brooklyn. Because for them, no time would have passed.
No adjustment space. I think it would have made for some great, GREAT
10. Lex's emotions would have run the gamut. It would have been
very hard.
11. la, la, la... I'm sorry, what was that?
12. Maybe.
13. There were. Gargoyles who hatched at the same time as Bronx.
(Sixteen chronologically. Eight biologically.) There were a lot of
gargoyles you didn't see. Kids. Females. Beasts. We couldn't show them
all, and frankly, I don't think they would have let us show the kids. Eight
year olds getting massacred is a pretty tough thing to put into an afternoon
cartoon show. To be honest, that wasn't an envelope I even thought to push.
14. I've answered this many times. You read it in. There was
nothing in the Avalon three parter that suggested that Angela and Gabriel
were anything but siblings to each other. Don't feel bad, you aren't the
only one who thought that. I think Gargoyle fans are looking for romance.
Anywhere they can find it. But watch again. It isn't there.
15. No.
16. Since I've already admitted that Brooklyn and Broadway do, this
is another hidden Lex question. SO I'M NOT GOING TO ANSWER IT.
17. Brooklyn & Katana: At least Two. Broadway & Angela: Three.
Lex and... HEY!!! I said, I wasn't gonna answer that. Geez. Some people
are just relentless.

(GDW / 7-17-98)

Response recorded on July 17, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

1. My guesses as to the seven survivors from the Arthurian Age in the
Gargoyles Universe:
a. King Arthur b. Merlin c. The Lady of the Lake (all three the obvious
ones) d. Sir Percival (I think that he's Duval's true identity) e. Morgan
le Fay f. Queen Guinevere g. Sir Mordred

2. I'd suspected myself that Arthur would visit Tintagel and Stonehenge on
his quest for Merlin (they're both places that I'd have thought for
looking) - and I certainly agree that the South Pole was a very unexpected
location :) I really think that it's a pity that you didn't get to make
the "Pendragon" spin-off; as a long-time King Arthur fan, I would have enjoyed
it - maybe even more than I enjoyed "Gargoyles" itself.

3. One thing that puzzled me about the episode "Pendragon": in it, the
Stone of Scone/Stone of Destiny was identified as the stone that King Arthur
pulled the sword out of to become King of Britain. What puzzled me was
that in Arthur's day (the late 5th century), the Stone was in Ireland (followed
by Scotland in the early 6th century), and the Sword in the Stone was set
up in London, which the Stone of Destiny didn't reach until Edward I took it
from the Scots in 1296. Was there a piece of the Stone's history missing
from the traditional stories?

4. When the production team first came up with Griff for "M.I.A.", had you
already planned for him to team up with King Arthur, or was that something
that took you by surprise? (I might add that I liked the notion; Griff is
my personal favorite of the non-Wyvern gargoyles - I quickly got to like
him in "M.I.A." - and I thought that he would indeed make a fine
knight-companion for Arthur).

5. Why was King Arthur not the least bit taken aback by gargoyles in
"Avalon Part Three" and "Pendragon"? Even Elisa was initially scared of Goliath
and Bronx, after all. Was he just very good at accepting the unusual
(considering what he'd seen in his time according to Malory and all, I can
easily believe that) or was there some other reason involved?

6. How did the two magic suits of armor get into the Hollow Hill to guard
the sleeping Arthur? Since they were made out of iron, they couldn't have
been enchanted by faerie magic, and human magic is forbidden in Avalon.
(I've got a theory of my own, but it could count as an idea so I won't
mention it).

7. What prompted the notion of Goliath having that little encounter with
Vinnie and Mr. Carter in "Vendettas", complete with the banana creme pie?
Were you afraid that the big guy was getting a little too solemn and
serious, and needed to be given a little comical humiliation to keep some

Greg responds...

1. Guesses: Nope. Todd, you'll have to try harder than that.
2. Yeah, me too. Ah, well, maybe someday.
3. Yep.
4. Griff was my idea, basically. (Though none of us, including
myself, Frank or Greg Guler ever felt that we totally cracked his design.)
Most of the Gargoyles in England are of the Griffon, Lion, Unicorn, etc.
variety. Modelled off heraldry. I knew I wanted to intro English gargs
that explained that architectural quirk in the terms of our series
mythology. A Griffon named Griff with the heart of a swashbuckler just
seemed like a natural. Something we were missing. Something we needed.
Now, did I always know he'd join with Arthur? Well, honestly, no.
Everything was part of a continuum of revelation. As I've said before, when
we were humming, it felt like the stories already existed out there. A
perfect puzzle that just needed revealing. But the idea for the World Tour
came to me long before we were done with the first season. The idea to
include English Gargoyles came shortly after that. Griff came simultaneous
to that. Arthur was a natural and early planned inclusion too. I can't
honestly say when it all came together, but it was before we even recorded
the voices for MIA, because I remember telling Neil Dickson that we'd be
bringing him back to do Griff again.
5. He'd seen Gargoyles before. He knew what they were and what
they were like. You mean Mallory never wrote about that? Gee, I don't know
how he could have skipped that part.
6. What a coincidence, I've got a theory of my own too.
7. The idea began with the Schnook. The Schnook evolved into
Vinnie. But before there was Vinnie, there was the idea that every action
has repercussions. Our series was always, I believe, pretty good about
showing the repercussions of actions. At least the major repercussions.
But actions have small repercussions as well. I had always wondered about
that poor guy who lost his motorcycle. How did he explain that? Another
example that we didn't get to put into the show had Goliath ripping off the
hatch of the Huntership before entering it. We didn't have room for it, but
I would have loved to show Vinnie nearly getting killed by that falling
hatch. That's the poor Schnook. Vinnie was just a funny guy to put in that
role. The pie idea came from Brynn Chandler Reaves, I believe. Something
about an old Superman comic or cartoon, I think. Making it Banana Cream,
was me. A tribute to BONKERS actually -- a reference to a semi-essay about
which pie is the funniest pie that I made the Bonkers staff put into a
GLOOMY THE CLOWN episode of that show. As to who would get pied, well, who
else? Goliath leads the Gargoyles. He must take responsibility for their
collective actions. And yes, he can be a bit of a stiff. It's nice to take
him down a peg occasionally. Who knew that in Goliath and Vinnie I was
creating two great cosmic opposites? The perfect Yin and Yang of the
Gargoyles Universe. :)

(GDW / 7-17-98)

Response recorded on July 17, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Well hello there gregster your work is both extensive and outstanding. I
have searched all through the archives and to my knowledge you haven't

1) Why gargoyles is on the back burner. and also

2) Wasn't Gargoyles a comic before it was a series?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not sure what you mean by "backburner"... It's not on any
burner at the moment. It's a cancelled series, still appearing in reruns.
I hope to revive it someday, but it's not going to happen anytime soon. If
you're really asking why the show was cancelled, then I'm afraid I'm going
to just refer you back to the archives. I've answered that one ad nauseum.
2. No. The tv series came out first. Both Marvel and Disney
Adventures did some comic books stories AFTER the series came out.

(GDW / 7-17-98)

Response recorded on July 17, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Right to the questions.

1. In The Gathering, Part 2, when Fox attacked Oberon with magic, was the
magic we saw solely from Fox, or did Titania help her at all(basically did
Titania use any of her magic channeled through Fox)?

2. When Merlin was learning to use his magical abilities where was he
taught, on Avalon or in the human world?

3. Who was primarily responsible for teaching Merlin to use magic? That's

Greg responds...

1. That was Fox.

2. I'm not answering that here.

3. Ditto.

(GDW / 7-17-98)

Response recorded on July 17, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hiya, I'll get right to 'em:

1) Why were there only a few episodes back home in Manhattan with the rest
of the clan during the Tour? I mean, Goliath, Angela and Elisa are fine,
but more than 20 episodes of almost nothing but them? That's probably the
main reason people say they didn't really like the Tour - in the big
picture, it was mostly one-note. Sorry, this turned into more of a

2) Besides the events of "Kingdom", "Pendragon", and that part of "The
Green", did anything noteworthy happen back at home? The travellers were
gone for months, after all.

3) If yes, what?

4) Off the topic, why does Goliath act like such a closed-minded, bullying
jerk in his leadership style a lot of the time (e.g., "Enter Macbeth"),
and why do the others put up with it?

Greg responds...

1. That's o.k. You're entitled to your opinion. Ultimately, if
I'd been given more episodes you would have seen more of Hudson and the Trio
and you would have seen a couple more episodes with Goliath and company as
well. When you ask me "Why?", the answer is that I thought we had more
interesting and unique stories to tell on the road. More characters to
introduce, more threads to unspool. Plus we were traveling with the series'
two lead characters, a new character that I wanted to give fair introduction
too and an underused character, Bronx. Plus we got Xanatos, Fox, Macbeth,
Thailog, Demona and Puck. So our recurring antagonists were well
represented as well. Clearly, I underestimated the popularity of the Trio
(and Hudson). I knew they were well-liked. That's why we featured them in
would be a cry for equal time. I was wrong. But I have no regrets. I
still think I told the most interesting stories in our arsenal at all times.
There were other stories to tell, but I picked my shots. So I'll live with
2) See above. Yeah, I'm sure some other noteworthy stuff happened.
I'm sure Xanatos attempted to take advantage of Goliath's absense as he
hinted he would and as Brooklyn feared. It would have been a great story,
I'm sure. But which story would you have yanked to tell it? I'm sure
everyone could find a single episode at least of the world tour that they
would have traded for another view of the homefront, but again, I felt I was
picking the most powerful stories I had and using them.
3) See above.
4) Lot of attitude coming from you, pal. Obviously, I strongly
disagree with your assessment of Goliath. So would the clan. Goliath isn't
perfect. But he's hardly a bully. Specifically, you're pointing at a
highly traumatic moment in his life and you're faulting him for not wanting
to abandon his ancestral home. You're expecting him to think like a modern
human, only a few short months after he'd awakened to the twentieth century.
I'd say every one of our characters had plenty of blind spots. Brooklyn had
Demona and Maggie. Lex had the Pack. Those are the most obvious examples.
Ultimately, I don't think anyone was better qualified to lead the group. So
the "why would they put up with it" stuff just doesn't wash with me. Who do
you think could have done a better job?

(GDW / 7-17-98)

Response recorded on July 17, 1998

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Did that get your attention?

I've seen a lot of discussion as to whether or not it's appropriate for
FanFiction to depict the characters from Gargoyles having sex (graphic or
otherwise). I thought I'd weigh in with my opinion. BUT IT'S JUST MY

Let me start with my standard disclaimer. I don't read fanfiction. I feel
I can't take the legal risk. I don't want to get sued by a disgruntled
fanauthor who at some point down the road thinks I stole an idea from him or
her. I also have very mixed feelings about fanfiction in general. Part of
me is very gratified. Part of me feels territorial. I've talked about all
of this in greater detail elsewhere.

But should fanfiction based on or in the "Gargoyles Universe" include sex?
Yeah, sure. I don't see a problem with it... at least not in theory. In
practice, might be another matter.

But let's talk about theory first. Many relationships in the Gargoyles
series pack a pretty hefty erotic charge. (At least I think so.) Fox &
Xanatos and Goliath & Elisa are obvious. If we're talking flashbacks, then
I'd also say Goliath & Demona is pretty obvious as well. And you don't have
to look hard to find less obvious choices. So why not explore that? I
wouldn't put graphic depictions of sex on broadcast tv for an afternoon
audience of children, but this is a different medium. I think Gargoyles
should be able to expand into whatever medium it encounters. I hope I built
the show strong enough to survive that. I think there needs to be some
safeguarding for children, but beyond that, if sex stories don't interest
you... DON'T READ 'EM. And no harm done.

Personally, I've had a few fairly graphic fantasies about Gargoyle Mating
Habits, about Goliath and Demona's first time. About Goliath and Elisa's
burgeoning relationship. I don't know where I'd ever write those up, but I
won't deny that the idea fascinates me. (If that makes me a pervert, well,
I can live with that label, I suppose. Though frankly, I don't buy into

Where it doesn't work for me is in that old "in practice" arena. First off,
gargoyles aside, there's a lot of very bad writing being done in the
so-called adult corners of the net. (Frankly, there's a lot of bad writing
everywhere.) Bad writing is bad writing is bad writing. Gratuitous
Gargoyle sex doesn't interest me. (Alright, well maybe a little, but it
doesn't make for good story-telling. And GARGOYLES was always about telling
great tales, not getting some tail.)

But more importantly, (and this is what I really wanted to RAMBLE about) I
have a sense that fanauthors are letting my characters "get some" a lot more
often than I think I'd believe. That's where ROMANCE comes in. (Thought
I'd forgotten about romance, didn't you?) I think collectively, Gargoyles
Fans lean toward the romantic. And I'll include myself. There's a desire
to find Brooklyn a mate. To find Lex a mate. To find Hudson a mate. To
find Owen a mate. To find... Well, you get the idea. Again, I'm as guilty
of this as anyone. We weren't halfway through writing "Her Brother's
Keeper" when I realized that Fox was in love with Xanatos, thus creating a
relationship that I couldn't resist exploring. If I had done BAD GUYS you
would have seen a difficult but intense chemistry between Harry and Robyn
(Dingo and Hunter to the uninitiated). New Olympians would have had a Romeo
& Juliet relationship as one of its core dynamics. Plus there's the
Tom-Katharine-Magus triangle. Coldstone and Coldfire. Oberon and Titania.
Macbeth and Gruoch. The list is pretty darn endless. But there are a
couple things that put the breaks on actual SEX.

One is that TRAGEDY is a built in factor in the dramatic truth of the
Gargoyles Universe. I'm not... I can't make life easy on these characters.
Oh, every once and awhile sure. And Gargoyles is basically a series
grounded in HOPE for a better tomorrow. But if I'm going to be a good
dramatic storyteller, I can't make things too easy. So when are Goliath and
Elisa going to have sex? No time soon, as far as I'm concerned. It took
them 65 episodes to kiss, for heaven's sake. There are a lot of roadblocks.
Elisa can no longer deny her love for Goliath, but that's not the same as
committing to him. And frankly, I don't think she's there even yet. They
haven't even talked about their feelings. Elisa has studiously refused to
talk about hers, beyond finally acknowledging that they exist. When they do
talk, as I've noted before, I think they'll mutually come to the conclusion
to break up before they ever really get together. In theory, Elisa still
wants a normal life. They're going to have to learn that they're love is
inevitable. It'll be awhile before they get to attempting any kind of
sexual fulfillment. And actual intercourse is a LONG WAY away, assuming it

What about the others? Well, I've no doubt that Fox and David go at each
other like rabbits. No doubt that they're quite adventurous, even kinky.
But don't expect much from any of the others.

I gather that in fanfiction, Brooklyn was mating more than Hugh Hefner. But
that brings us back to the tragedy factor. If I were still writing this
thing, I wouldn't make it easy for him to find a mate. Heck, he has to time
travel back to Feudal Japan to do it. One of the tragedies of the Gargoyles
is that their race has been so decimated, that it's a good question as to
whether the species can survive at all. AT ALL. So I'm not, or I should
say, I wouldn't start introducing a number of new gargoyles (female or male)
that would allow Brooklyn or Lex to suddenly and easily find a companion.
It CAN'T be that easy, no matter how much we'd like it to be.

This isn't arbitrary. I think it's really HARD to find a lifemate. REALLY
HARD. I'd be lying through story, if I made that seem easy.

And I'm NOT going to be handing out human mates to Gargoyles on a regular
basis either. Elisa and Goliath HAVE to be special. The problems they're
facing MUST be unique. Or else, all their angst is reduced to just a lot of
whining and indecision. So don't expect to see a lot of human/gargoyle
pairings. Either in flashback, the present or the future. I'd tend to be
extremely stingy with that.

And Hudson. Well, I've made a big deal about Gargoyles mating for life.
Then in the key relationship of the series... I blow that myth away.
Goliath mates with Demona. They, in essence, divorce, and Goliath begins a
new relationship with Elisa. So someone has to carry the dramatic weight of
that mate for life thing. So Hudson gets the nod. Sure in Dark Ages, I bet
he and his mate were getting it on regularly. But now that she's gone, I
think he's going to carry a torch for her forever. Forever. I know it's
sad. But nothing else makes sense to me. I can't live in a universe
without sadness. I can't create one either.

And talk about tragedy, how about Coldstone and Coldfire. I suppose someone
could write a story about built-in robotic sex organs, but dramatically,
that changes everything about their relationship. Yes, finally, they are
together. But

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

O.k heres some questions that have really been bugging me. I have been
trying to do this e-mail for a long time. I really hope you get a chance
to read this and respond:)

1) You said that Lex would be getting a mate in time. Will she be a

2) You said that you had had different ideas in mind for Ransom but the
same basic ideas were there. Dose this mean that Lex and Alex were going to be
buds in a sense?

3) Since we know Lex will be getting a mate have you determined if they
will be similar in that they will both be computer geniuses?

4) Somebody asked you once if Lex would have had a mate befor the end of
the show. You asked which show? Let me try this then. Would Lex have started
to be involved with someone by the third season?

4) O.k, I'll try not to be to confusing. When we first saw Angela on
Avalon it seemed that her and Gabrial(sorry if his name is spelled wrong) had
something going on. Both when we were first introduced to the characters
and after they returned to the island for a second time. But Angela is now
with Broadway so was this relationship just in my head or was Gabrial in the
opinion that Angela and him were and item?

5) So you say that we missed a scene in Awakenings part 1# where Lex was
looking at a catapult or something. Do you know what he was going to say?
Just interested:)

6) You said that you, at the time, were not going to give any information
about how Lex met his mate because it was kinda complicated. Please,
Please could you give some idea of what you wanted to have happen? We know so
much about Brooklyn and Sata.

Bell rang! Thank you so much for all the enjoyment you have given me and
countless other fans. Oh and just for the record, when the show first
started I WAS in the proposed age gro
up to watch it:)

Greg responds...

1. I'm not answering that now.
2. That's about the only thing in Ransom, other than the notion of
a kidnapping that did survive.
3. No, I haven't worked that out yet.
4. I've answered this before, but briefly, it must have been in
your head. They always responded to each other like brother and sister.
Nothing else was ever intended by us or Gabriel. As I've stated, Gabriel's
mate is Ophelia.
5. Gosh, it was something like "What an intriguing device?" or
somesuch. It's been so long.
6. Who's Sata? You mean Katana? You don't know much from me about
Brooklyn and Katana. Just that they met in feudal Japan.

(GDW / 7-14-98)

Response recorded on July 14, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Okay, time for a little "Answer Greg" section before we get on to the
questions. :)

1. You asked how I knew the title for that MiB ep you wrote. I really do
wish that they (that everyone, in fact) would list the titles with each
episode because I like to know, it helps catalogue tapes and discuss eps,
etc. But anyway, I found out about the title just by hearing someone else
mention it (In this forum, I think). Since I knew of only the one ep you
wrote, and it was about dreams, I put it together and guessed. I actually
still wonder how _that_ person knew the title, but oh well. I also made a
mistake in my comment about that ep -- it was the _gumming_ scene I liked,
not the icing scene. Wrong weapon. And btw, it's nice to know you're
writing more episodes. :)

2. The contest -- I may as well try my hand at it, even though my
legend is shaky. Arthur, Merlin, Lady of the Lake, Nimue, Morgana,
Galahad, and Mordred. Now comments.

3. I'd just like to say that I enjoyed the World Tour series. Sure, I made
fun of it in top ten lists and filksongs and such, but I really did like
seeing all the different clans of gargoyles (I loved the Guatemalan and
London gargs), and a lot of the stories were really cool. "Shadows of the
Past", for example. So you can add one more person to the list of people
who didn't think that the Avalon Tour was a mistake.

4. When someone asked you about writing, you said you started by writing
stories with your spelling sentences in second grade. I used to do that
all the time. :) _Now_ questions.

5. How old would Katana and the children be when they returned with
from Timedancing? (This is my "again, other time" posting of this q.)

6. Many people have asked about where Avalon is on a map, but what about
New Olympus?

7. What were some of the things that Elisa retrieved from the ruins of the

8. Was Goliath the only person in history besides the Archmage to ever
have all three of the "ultimate magical artifacts" at once? Well, come to think
of it, he only had half the P-Gate, but that scene in "Vows" where he
walks by his entire collection to get the Gate just kills me. Especially when I
think of how sorcerers through the ages must have strived to find all
those things, and Goliath doesn't seem to notice the enormity of his possession
of the artifacts.

9. At the end of "City of Stone," Macbeth is holding an unconscious Demona
and about to drop her onto a jagged piece of metal to kill her. But how
can he be conscious if she's not? Was this an oversight, or is there some

10. Just a random little question. In the humanlike form that she prefers,
is Mab blue like Oberon, or is she some other color?
11. a. I suppose you probably won't feel like telling, but what was Arthur
doing looking for Merlin at the South Pole? b. About how long would Arthur
search for Merlin before finding him? c. If Oberon was calling his
children to the Gathering, wouldn't he want his _biological_ children (ie Merlin)
there? Or does he even know that Merlin's his son? Okay, that about does
it for me. Thank you!

Greg responds...

1. Ahh.
2. Nope.
3. Thanks. That makes two of us.
4. cool.
5. O.K. Hold on, I'll go look it up. O.K. I'm back. I never did
the math on Katana, but I did do the math on the kids. Nash is 26 years old
(biologically thirteen). Tachi is six years old (biologically three).
6. It's a secret.
7. Well, I'm sure she picked up Zafiro's sun amulet. Some
photographs, including a picture of herself in the Belle dress dancing with
Goliath. She picked up the gargoyles radio equipment. A few other
momentos. Some books, probably.
8. Cool, huh? I think someone previous to the Archmage must have
put them together at least once, so that the Archmage even knew to do it.
9. If you hit Macbeth, Demona is hurt too. But not so much as if
you had hit her directly. The spell is a great equalizer, but not a
complete equalizer, if that makes sense.

10. Mab? Humanlike? It is too laugh.

11a. The foxtrot? b. Depends on how many episodes were ordered in
the first season (of a non-existent show). c. He knows Merlin is his son.
He has a, shall we say, difficult relationship with the boy.

(GDW / 7-14-98)

Response recorded on July 14, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

I know it happens a lot with a lot of people, but I still want to
apologize for forgetting q's. Ah well, just one extra post. 12 (or 1, depending).
Could you reveal a little of the story behind Oberon's and Titania's
Mirrors? Were they wedding presents or something? Who made them? And how
did Titania lose hers to the museum -- does she care that it's gone and
destroyed now?

Greg responds...

Sorry Tanika. But this isn't really a good format to tell entire
stories. And obviously there's a whole story or two behind those mirrors.

(GDW / 7-14-98)

Response recorded on July 14, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg: In the episode "The New Olypians" when Borieus handed down
Elisa's sentence of never being able to leave New Olympus, he makes a
comment hoping she comes to enjoy her life there. Were we as viewers
suppose to think that he was interested in her and that's why he imposed
the sentence? Looking forward to reading your answer.

Greg responds...

No. He wasn't interested in her. He simply bore her know ill will
and hoped that her "sentence" wouldn't be too horrible for her.

(GDW / 7-14-98)

Response recorded on July 14, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

One more quick question: If a gargoyle is chipped or slightly damaged in
stone form, what happens when they wake up? To chips tranlate to scars,
or just disappear? What if someone vandalizes a stone gargoyle, such as
chiseling off just their hand?

Greg responds...

I guess a lot would depend on how much time was left before sunset.
Slight damage would have time to heal. Gross damage might have time to seal
up at least, but I wouldn't count on a gargoyle surviving major trauma.

(GDW / 7-14-98)

Response recorded on July 14, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

It occured to me one day that alot more people like your show than I
thought. Have you ever thought about releasing your stories in a book. You
could fit virtually a whole season in what, 200, 300 pages?? Have you ever
thought about this type of media to put out more stories. You could put
out multiple volumes, of the different seasons and different spin-offs. THis
would let you get alot more indepth. You've probably though about this
before but I was bored and thought I'd post this. Would the money hungry
Communist a.k.a Disney let you do this?? Thank in advance

Greg responds...

Disney's hardly communistic. Quite the reverse. I'm sure they'd
let me do it if they thought they could make money off of it. But there
aren't any publishers banging down my door to ask for this stuff. If there
was, I'd gladly start working. Do you know anyone?

(GDW / 7-14-98)

Response recorded on July 14, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Please answer these few questions, I try to keep it short and brief. I
haven't had the chance to watch Gargoyles lately, due to work and all, so
please excuse my wording, for I forget the episode's names.

1.) When Goliath, Angela, Elisa, and Bronx end up meeting Odin, the
gargoyles seem to be fine in the freezing weather, while poor Elisa and
freezing her butt off. Then in "The Price" (I remembered, one of my favs),
Brooklyn complains about the cold weather. I am sure the Norse country was
much colder than New York, so was that just an exageration on Brooklyn's
part? (It's not an important question, just crossed my mind)

2.) Bronx is like a "dog-oyle" so to speak, were there any plans for a

3.)Goliath knew about Demona and Macbeth, but when Demona and Thailog fell
to their "deaths", he thought Demona was dead, but knew that she can only
die by Macbeth's hand. Was that a mistake that slipped by, or do I have my
episodes mixed up?

4.) Was there any more plans for Elisa to become a gargoyle again?

5.) Whatever happened to Vinny after he "creamed" Goliath?

6.) Why doesn't Talon seem to want to be human again? Thank you!

Greg responds...

1. Anyone can complain about something. That doesn't mean they are
really suffering.
2. Bronx has much in common with a dog obviously, but he's a
gargoyle beast, not a dog-goyle. There are only two "gargate" species.
Gargoyles and Gargoyle Beasts. There's a lot of variation in there, but no
equivalents for every animal on the planet.
3. Sigh. I've answered this before. Goliath doesn't know the
extent of Demona and Macbeth's link. It's hard to operate with certainty
about it. Besides, he wasn't indicating that she was dead. Just that he
couldn't be sure.
4. No.
5. He briefly joined the Quarrymen. Then he moved to Japan.
6. He does. He's simply resigned to the idea that it isn't likely
to happen.

(GDW / 7-14-98)

Response recorded on July 14, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Will you be at the 1998 Gathering of the Gargoyles

Greg responds...

I hope to be, and it's looking good. I just got my plane tickets
TODAY. As soon as the hotel's confirmed, I'll make an official

(GDW / 7-14-98)

Response recorded on July 14, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Where on the evoltionary path do humans and gargoyles differ? Meaning when
did they go in different directions.

Greg responds...

I'd say they diverged before homo sapiens existed as a distinct
race. Perhaps back at the dawn of mammals. But I won't be held to that

(GDW / 7-14-98)

Response recorded on July 14, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Mr. Weisman. :)

1) Are you ever going to tell who created the artifacts ASIDE from the
writers and artists who created them in OUR world? <:)

2) Who turned Odin's lost eye into the Eye of Odin artifact?

3) Did you plan to include any Hindu legends or figures in Gargoyles?

3a) Did you plan to include Babylonian, Pacific Islander, or any other
mythologies in Gargoyles?

4) Did you plan to have more gods or mythological figures of various
mythologies already seen in the show (ie Ancient Egyptian, Nordic,
Ashante) appear?

5) Are Puck, Anansi, Coyote, and Raven the only tricksters among the
Third Race? If there are others, could you name a few?

6) Would Brooklyn have traveled to any more contemporary eras (ie the
1950s, the Summer of Love, the 1980s) in TimeDancer?

6a) Would he have gone to Russia, China, or India?

7) Do the Illuminati know about Nokkar?

8) Would any other famous classics of literature's characters or
situations appear? (from Victor Hugo's, HG Wells, HP Lovecraft, Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle, Jules Verne, etc.)

Greg responds...

1. Ever is a long time.

2. A story for another day.

3. Eventually.

3a. Ditto.

4. Ditto.

5. There are others, but you can look 'em up as easy as me.

6. Maybe.

7. Heh, heh, heh.

8. Yep.

(GDW / 4-29-98)

Response recorded on April 29, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

First, I just want to say YOU are the MAN!

1) Is the Couldren of Life the same one that the Wyrd sisters were
"double double toil and trouble"-ing in the City of Stone flashback?

2) Where did you guys come up with a great idea like the Illuminati?
Your not like, part of them or anything... right?

Greg responds...

1. Hmmm. Maybe it was.

2. Michael Reaves suggested adding it to the mix, as I recall.
And come to think of it, I have seen him in possesion of a one dollar
bill. Hmmmm.

Lots of Hmmmmms in this one.

(GDW / 4-29-98)

Response recorded on April 29, 1998

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