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Anonymous writes...

I am not sure if anyone has asked this already or not, but I noticed
that there seem to have been two versions of the episode "Vows" released.
This is the episode where Goliath, Demona, Xanatos and Fox use the Phoenix
Gate to go back in time (on the occasion of Xanatos' and Fox's marriage. I
noticed that the first time I saw the episode, in the opening scene
Goliath and Xanatos are duking it out (fighting). At one point Xanatos
backhands Goliath and as Goliath staggers back a stream of blood can be seen
flying from his mouth. In the same episode, at a later time, Demona (the
younger version) runs up to Goliath (also the younger version) and embraces
him, as she does so she runs the inside of her thigh up along his
suggestively. These two scenes shocked me at the time. (It was the first time I had
saw such things on the show). But, the next time I saw the episode on TV,
(about three months later) these two scenes had been altered. There
was no blood to be seen, and Demona just hugged Goliath (minus the thigh).
My question is this...Were you aware of these changes? And why were
they made? Did some parent complain?

Greg responds...

1. I don't remember if I was aware of them, but I'm not aware
of any parental complaint.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

1. How old would Xanatos have been when Brooklyn visits him in
Timedancer? What year would it have been? If you don't know exactly how old he
would have been, what about a general idea: Child, preteen, teen, young
adult, adult?

2. Patrick Stewart>Anubis, Oberon, Arthur? Any of those?

3. Number three is going to come as a seperate post just in case it
gets cut.

4. Are gargoyles and dragons related? Other than the statue in
Pendragon, would there have been any more dragons in gagoyles? Any details?

5. Pterasaurs have wings much like gargoyle wings, and they glided
too. Paleantologists believe they may have been resonably intelligent,
considering the intelligence of other creatures in those times
(dinosaurs) Any relation to gargoyles?

Greg responds...

1. Younger adult.

2. Your answer is wrong. No other hints. Although Todd has
already answered correctly. Check the archives for his answer.

3. O.K. That's probably smart.

4. Maybe. Yep. Nope.

5. Maybe.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

In The Mirror, Elisa asks the clan what Demona would want with a
mirror, and Hudson answers that it's Titania's Mirror. My question is how did he
know it was Titania's Mirror? Was this a subtle forshadowing of a as of
yet untold story?

Greg responds...

It was advertised as Titania's Mirror. There was a big sign
outside the Museum.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

In Possession, when Iago is moved from Brooklyn's body to the
Coldsteel shell, his soul merged with the robot. But when Othello and Desdemona
were moved into Coldstone and Coldfire, their souls entered the shells
throught the mouths, unlike what had just happened to Coldsteel. Was this an
animation error or was this intentional? And if it was intentional,
then can you give me just a small clue as to what you had planned?

Greg responds...

Not an error. Two ways of visualizing the same basic event.
Neither are wrong, but don't read too much significance into it. "A
petty consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds" -- Ralph Waldo
Emerson ;)

Someday someone should ask me about the "HOBGOBLIN OF LITTLE
MINDS" episode that I never got around to doing.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi again Greg!

Gosh! I just keep finding more little curiosities I can't resist
asking! How very!

Okay, here's my pondering for the week! We all have heard how all the
Trekkers got on the cast! But, being a huge fan of Broadway musicals,
I am curious as to how Terrence Mann (one of my absoulute fav Broadway
actors) got cast as Oberon! Any interesting tales to it? Or any interesting
tales of his work on the set? Frairly broad I knpw, but hey!

Thank you again Mr Weisman for taking a look at this once more! May
luck be with you in the future!

Greg responds...

Our voice and casting director Jamie Thomason cast Terrance. He
was great. Had real fun with the part. But no great anecdotes, I'm

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hey a quick question:

When did you do the last show of Gargoyles??
Is the show,,Angel of night,, the last show???
Please answer me quick!

Greg responds...

Well, I doubt this qualifies as quick. I did my last Gargoyles
"THE JOURNEY" in 1996. It originally aired in the fall of that year as
part of THE GOLIATH CHRONICLES. Angels of the Night was the last
episode of the Goliath Chronicles. It originally aired in 1997. But I
had nothing to do with it. The last episode of the original Gargoyles
series was "HUNTER'S MOON, Part Three" which aired in spring 1996.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg. Yes, it's me again.
A little question on the reproductive nature of gargoyles...curiosity
got the better of me...is inbreeding possible with gargoyles? *Grumbles as
someone from the chatroom makes a remark aobut her being the expert on
that one considering she's a redneck.*
Oh...and is Fang a cougar? I see a lot of similarities...

Greg responds...

1. It's possible, but the odds are against it.

2. Something like that.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

1) Patrick StewartMacbeth and the Archmage from the first season,
and Oberon from the second season.

2) Since the full story about Katana's name would probably take 42
pages, I'm just going to ask if it was a name she had before she met Brooklyn
(i.e., from her clan or through human contact), or after (i.e., in the
context of their meeting, falling in love, adventuring together
through time).

3) Gargoyle eggs take ten years to hatch, unless I've forgotten my
canon. How would Brooklyn and Katana have cared for their eggs while voyaging
through time?

4) Related to the above question, how long was the average Brooklyn
stay in a given time period? i.e., Did he run the risk of appearing for a few
seconds before the Phoenix Gate snatches him again?

5) I don't think this is in the archives, so I have to ask: Why does
the Phoenix Gate continue to travel with Brooklyn, snatching him from time
to time and from place to place, and why does it cease after he's
returned to Castle Wyvern of the 20th century?

Greg responds...

1. Nope.

2. No comment.

3. With difficulty. Though I never said how long they were in
each place.

4. There aren't any rules as to length of stay. It's possible
that he might have danced in and out in a few seconds on occasion, but
it makes for lousy stories, so I wouldn't have done that often.

5. The Phoenix Gate is lossed in time. Brooklyn takes
advantage of it's comings and goings in the hopes that it will
eventually take him home. Once he gets home, he avoids it like the

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

If you don't want to answer this, that's fine. I understand.
Celebrities are always getting these requests. But is there anyway I can get a Gargs
pic signed by you?

Greg responds...

Come to the Gathering in NYC this summer. I'm hoping to be
there if the details can be worked out.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg:

1. Who created the Phoenix Gate? ONe of Oberon's Children?

2. Would Patrick Stewart have played King Arthur? Macbeth? Oberon?

3. Would you ever have done a Romeo & Juliet type of episode?
Between what two charecters (ie who would be Romeo and who would be Juliet?)

4. Do you know who Tod mcFarlane is? If not he is the creator
if Spawn and Image comics. The reason I brought him up is that Marvel Comics, for
which he used to work, wanted to buy the rights to Spawn, but Tod wouldn't
let them because he knew they'd eventually mess it up. He was, at the
time. working on Venom and Marvel wanted to turn Venom into a good guy. So
between Marvel wanting to change Venom and rather than allow them to do the
same with Spawn Todd left Marvel and started Image, which is now far more
succesful than marvel (who is going bankrupt). I realize it is to
late now but you really should have tried something like this with Garoyles. I
also brought it up to say that if you want a comic company that might do a
great job with Gargoyles, that is if Disney gives them a chance, Image is a
good place to start. Todd would sympathise with your problem. would you
consider it?

Greg responds...

1. Not who.

2. No.

3. There was a definite Romeo and Juliet theme planned for New

4. I've met Tod, and I'm familiar with what you're describing,
but the situations are not parallel. You're comparing Gargoyles with
Spawn, but it would be more accurate to compare Gargoyles with Venom.
That is, Gargoyles are and always were owned by Disney. There was never
a moment when I could have gone off and done it on my own, because I
NEVER owned the property. Also, you should remember that for Tod (who
had some substantial money and reputation from his Marvel work) to go
off and publish his own comic was a very doable thing. He was a fan
favorite. And producing a comic book is a RELATIVELY inexpensive
proposition that requires a relatively small staff of people. By
comparison, no one had ever heard of me BEFORE Gargoyles, and still, few
know who I am now. In addition, producing an animated series is a
RELATIVELY costly proposition. Exponentially more expensive than
publishing a comic book. And the required staff is huge. And they'd
all need to be paid in advance to put food on their tables. The whole
thing is WAY beyond my resources, even today. Now I know, you think Tod
has done it with the SPAWN animated series. But that was AFTER Spawn
was already a huge success that made him a millionaire many times over.
I'm not saying he spent his own money on the show, but that money and
the prestige of the property gave him a lot of clout. Frankly, that's
clout I don't have.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, thanks for answering my questions:

1)I know you were planning to do some spin-offs, but how many and what
were they going to be called??

2)If Disney ever got it through their thick skulls that GARGOYLES is a
great show and decided to bring it back, they'd have to hire you and get you
to approve it or something like that, right??

3)Why didn't you work on any of the GOLIATH CHRONICLES episodes except

4)What projects are you working on now??

5)If someone wanted to pick up one of you spin-off shows(like
TIMEDANCER, that's the only one I know you wanted to do), would you want them (who
ever they may be, Disney or not) to pick GARGOYLES as well??

Greg responds...


2) They wouldn't "have" to do anything, but I like to think
they'd come to me first.

3) I made a mistake. I felt I wasn't appreciated, and I felt I
wouldn't have been able to maintain the show's quality level. But I
still should have done it. I made a mistake.

4) It's too soon to talk about any of them.

5) Only Disney could do a gargoyles-related spin-off. They own
all the characters and concepts. They wouldn't have to do both. Any
one would be fun.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

I have another question, sorry: I keep hearing people talk about
someone called Katana, who is she??

Greg responds...

In my head, she's Brooklyn's mate.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

How long had Goliath been leader when the BIG event happened(you know,
1000 years ago)?? How long had Goliath be second-in-command when Hudson
appointed him leader??

Greg responds...

I haven't worked the Math in a long time. But Goliath had been
leader for ten years, since the events depicted in LONG WAY TO MORNING.
He became second in command during the run of DARK AGES.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Aren't they going to air the Goliath Chronicles in USA network?I'm
dying to see them.Or at least read the synopses in some page.

Greg responds...

I don't know.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Since when Goliath and Demona were in love?

Greg responds...

Since they were young, if I understand the question.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Why Hudson has only one eye?

Greg responds...

He has two eyes. One was blinded in battle against the

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Why they cancelled Gargoyles?Why The Goliath Chronicles were draw by
Nelvana or something like that?

Greg responds...

See above. Goliath Chronicles was subcontracted to Nelvana for
economic reasons which I don't pretend to understand.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Thanks.Great show!A lot better than the Ninja Turtles.Gargoyles lasted
only four years and the Ninja Turtles lasted 10!Why?I also noticed that the
ninja turtles in it's second season also had 65!Like gargoyles.Why?Please
answer me.For the love of a fan.

Greg responds...

In those days, 65 was considered a complete package of episodes.
Enough to run five days a week for one quarter of the year.

I can't tell you why Turtles lasted as long as it has, but
Gargoyles ended after 2 (or 3) seasons, because the ratings didn't seem
strong enough to Disney for them to justify it's ongoing existence,
given that they had 65 (or 78) episodes already in the can.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg. :)

(1) So how have you been doing?

(2) I have been wondering about Katana's name. Is there a real life
story as to how you and/or your staff came up with that name? If so, what
is it?

(3) Is there a story as to how she got that name in the actual garg
universe? If so, what is it?

(4) Now for a few more questions about the Phoenix Gate. Is there any
type of limit to when the gate can go to?

(5) If so, does that limit change depending on who is using the gate?

(6) What I mean is, is the gate limited (in things like traveling to
the future) on what one knows of the future? If one doesn't know what the
future holds, can they travel into the future using the Gate?

Greg responds...

1) Eh, O.K. How about you?

2) I came up with it. It seemed right.

3) Probably there is. But I haven't thought about that yet.

4) Nope.

5) N.A.

6) Yep.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg. I've been wondering this ever since I first saw "City of
Stone", and, being the twisted person I am, I was wondering, what would happen
if Demona and/or Macbeth were decapitated by someone else? Kind of
morbid, I know, but it's one of those questions even fanfics can't answer.

Greg responds...

I don't know. But I'm not worried about it, cause dramatically,
it's not going to happen.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. I appologise if any of these questions have been
asked before. In that case I must have missed them.

1. I have been wondering. When the sun comes up, gargoyles turn to
stone. When the sun is gone, they wake up. But what would happen during a
solar eclipse?

2. I can understand the reasons why you don't want to see any original
ideas. You don't want someone to sue you because he thinks he's given
you an idea, even though you thought of the same thing before you even met
him. I'm wondering though, did this ever really happen to you so far?

Greg responds...

1) Generally. One would assume their biological clocks would
be unaffected by a solar eclipse... unless, the eclipse was some kind of
magical event that had some kind of magical influence on them.

2) It's happened to many people. I personally have never been
sued under this exact scenario. But at any rate, I don't want to join
the club. And I have had the situation occur where a person stopped
short of suing. Someone suggested ideas to me that I already had
planned to do. When I told them, they looked at me like I had just
ripped them off. I don't want to take any chances. (Someone is suing
Disney claiming that he created Gargoyles. The fact that he's claiming
to have created the show in 1993, when I can document that my team and I
started working on it in 1991 doesn't seem to faze him much.)

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,
I have question to ask you that's more personal than those I've asked
in the past. As you may but probably don't remember, I mentioned that I
dabble in fanfiction. Lately, though, I've sort of lost the urge to write.
I've been puttering around on my current piece for more than half a year, and I
just can't seem to find my inspiration. My question is: does this ever
happen to you? And if so, how do you combat it?

Greg responds...

I've never lost the urge to write. At least not so far,
thankfully. But I've never been any good at accomplishing anything
without a real deadline. (Setting an imaginary one for myself has never
worked.) When I have an assignment, I do periodically get stuck. I
pace a lot. But I eventually work my way through it. Fanfiction isn't
something I've tried. And I'm only disciplined when I have an external
deadline. Otherwise I'm lazy as hell. I don't know if that helps, but
one thing you might try is to take a class in creative writing. Let the
instructor impose a deadline and see if that helps you.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi greg,

I was watching a show about ancient Mayan civilizations in Spanish
class, and I noticed a few things: one thing I noticed was a Mayan statue
that looked like it had eye ridges, a bat with "wings like a dragon"
(that's what the video said), and finally a snake carving that could have easily
been a gargoyle like the one in Guatemala.

1) Is this the sort of thing that gave you the idea for the Green, or
did you not notice these types of things?

2) Will Alexander be alive in 2158?

3) Will Alex be (magically) as strong, or stronger than say Puck or

4) Was Demona ever in love with anyone else during the 1000 years
that Goliath was asleep? Any chance I can get you to tell me who?

Greg responds...

1). The former.

2). Yes.

3). As Puck? I doubt it. Puck is a 100% changeling, and Alex
is only 25%. But Alex has a good teacher and a lot of potential. As
Merlin? The question is how much time Alex dedicates to his magical
studies. He may have other interests as well.

4) Largely, the answer is NO. To both questions.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...


Congrats on a great show!!! :) I was just wondering if the worse
happens and Gargoyles is not brought back on TV do you have any plans to
continue the story in another media?

Greg responds...

I'd love to, and I have periodically looked into that, with no
success to date.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr Weisman!

Thanks again for taking the time to answer all these questions that we
Gargoyle fanatics throw at ya...speaking of which, here are some of
mine :-)

1) You noted that Edmund from KING LEAR is your favorite
character...why? BTW...LEAR is one of my faves also...the mirroring ,
contrast and complexity of the characters is incredibly clever.

2) Are there any Gargoyle characters that have smidgens of Edmund
written into them ? (Thailog comes to mind, in a vague sort of way).

3) Besides A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM and OTHELLO, are there any other
Shakespearean allusions in Gargoyles?

4) Was Maggie cloned from some sort of housecat?

5) What the heck was Fang cloned from?

6) Why does Demona have a belly button?

7) Which one is Rosencrantz and which one is Guildenstern? (I can
never tell)

8) Was Lear more sinned upon than sinner?

Thanks for your time! Continued luck in the future! Sorry for the
irrelevant Shakespeare queries :-)

Greg responds...

1) Part of the reason is that I've played the character on
stage. I've also written the equivalent of Shakespeare Fan Fiction
about Edmund. A near-monologue using Shakespeare's dialogue and some of
my own that extrapolated background and specific motivation for the
character. I know him better than many people. I feel an affinity for
him. Which is scary, because he is a thorough villain by intention and
by deed. But it's thrilling too.

2) Yeah, Todd pointed out the Thailog connection, and I
definitely see it. Many of my villains may have a touch of Edmund.
Xanatos, arguably.

3) Sure. MACBETH, of course. Plus a number of assorted
references to Hamlet, Romeo & Juliet and others.

4) No.

5) He wasn't cloned from anything. He was mutated.

6) Does she?

7) You and Claudius.

8) Probably. But life is complex and no one promised equity.
It's something we strive for, not a privelidge we're granted.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Uh, hi Greg. My name is Holly and I am a first-timer "Ask Greg", so
if I make any mistakes, please forgive me. I would also like to comment on
your extraordinary efforts you and all the crew at Disney put together to
bring us "Gargoyles". I fell in love with it at first sight (which was when
I was only twelve). Ok, so here's the question that's been bugging me for
so long: On "Heritage" eps how did Angela find out that Raven's clan were
only illiusions?

Greg responds...

As I recall, she saw the Thunderbird's wing pass right through
one of them.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hey I know you hear this alot but thanx for taking the time to answer
our questions.

1) You may have answered this before but if you did it was one of your
corn ball one word answers =) so ill try again. a) In Hunters Moon if
Demona shattered the bottle and released the virus would that have killed
Macbeth since it was Demona who made the virus and that would also kill
herself? b)How powerful was the preying gargoyle? c) Did d) Demona realize she
was taking a gamble with her life and e) if yes was she suicidal at the

2) Ahh your who would Pactrick Stewart play contest. I say he would
have played Macbeth (very obvious), Hudson, and the one from the second
season, the original hunter from city of stone. Are any of these right?

3) a)I know Puck is banished from avalon but im sure Alex isnt, when
and how will he visit there for the first time? b)how old will he be? c)is
there any story you have planed for that trip? d)If Alex was threatened on
Avalon would puck be allowed back to protect him? (loop hole, hehehe)

4) When Brooklyn come back after TimeDancer will he look like he did
in the episode "FutureTense"?

5) Is Duval anyone we know yet in the show?
whew, lots of questions. Thanx again =)

Greg responds...

1a) Actually, I've answered this in detail. Check the
archives. In short, a lot would depend on Demona's specific intent.
Her living might keep him alive.

b) "Praying" not "Preying". And it was as powerful as it
needed to be.

c,d,e) That's subject to interpretation. I think it's all in
there. It's a matter of degree.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

gargoyles was an excellent show. I think the reason it got cannes was
because the story got too complicated. It seemed "overwhelming" for
someone who never saw the show before. Those previously seen on gargoyles
scenes didn't help matters either. Sure it saved two minutes of animation,
but it alienated alot of viewers. I liked the Avalon Subquest since it
helped new viewers get hooked. I hope you get back on sindication so I can see
Time dancer. It sounds cool.

Greg responds...

Well, I kinda feel like you contradicted yourself. On the one
hand, you think the "previously" recaps alienated viewers. But those
recaps were designed to help out new or occasional viewers, and I think
the only viewers that might have been alienated by them were regular
viewers who didn't need them and found them annoying.

Obviously, the main reason the show was cancelled was because
the ratings were disappointing to Disney. Not bad. Just not great
enough to justify making more when they already had a complete package.
It's certainly possible that one of the reason for the non-stellar
ratings is that the show was too complex. But I don't make apologies
for that. I tried to make it accessible, but I did the show I wanted to
do. Our regular viewers (the people who most objected to the recaps)
didn't mind the complexity. But new and occasional viewers (who might
have appreciated the recaps) might very well have been put off by that
complexity. Or are you arguing that the recaps put off new and
occasional viewers? Perhaps, by making them feel like they needed to
know stuff that maybe they didn't? Hmmmm.

It's also interesting that you praise the World Tour. I liked
it. A lot. But the consensus has generally been that people didn't
like it, or that at any rate, it went on too long. And that new and
occasional viewers would be put off by it, because they wouldn't
understand what was going on.
(GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

I've noticed some things about Future Tense,

1) Claw doesn't say anything through out the episode, andy reason for

2) Demona tells Goliath to give the Pheonix Gate Angela so she can
hide in the past, but I thought Demona didn't find out about Angela until they
returned to Manhattan, can you explain??

3) Was it planned that Goliath, Elisia, Angela and Bronx never
returned home until they had rid themselves of the Eye of Odin and the Pheonix

4) Is it possible that the Eye of Odin and the Pheonix Gate combined
were guiding the travelers and was it Avalon??

Greg responds...

1. Claw never says anything. Ever.

2. Well, for starters, the whole thing was an illusion of
Puck's, but actually, Demona learned about Angela in Paris.

3. I planned to have them lose them along the way, if that's
what you mean.

4. No. Not in my mind. But if it pleases you to think so,
knock yourself out.
(GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

1)is puck in any way related to oberon or titania,if so how?

2)since we found out fox is titania's daughter,i've been wondering
does that mean fox and puck are related?

3)when tom and princess catherine were married did they have any human
kids that weren't shown on the cartoon?

4)when the magus died on that stone bed king arther was on (till he
woke up to help the gargs) is there any whay that the magic could have kept
him alive but asleep till he could be awoken and healed maybe?because i
liked him and would like him back.

5)how come owen didn't fix his hand?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. No.

3. I don't think they were ever officially married. And no, no
human kids.

4. I liked him too. But people die in war.

5. Cause it would be cheating. Not for him, but for Xanatos.
Xanatos loses the use of a two-handed assistant, he doesn't get that
fully functional assistant back. Puck won't use magic to help David.
(GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

What exactly does M.I.A. stand for?

Greg responds...

Missing In Action. (GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hope that you don't mind these extra questions and comments:

1. My personal guesses (re your invitation) for whom you had planned
Patrick Stewart to voice: Goliath, Macbeth, King Arthur.

2. You mentioned that Edmund in "King Lear" is your favorite
Shakespeare character. Shortly after reading that, I got to thinking, and noticed
a slight similarity between him and Thailog (villainous
not-fully-acknowledged son who turns on his father). Was Edmund a partial model for Thailog?

3. Thans for answering my Macbeth question (and telling me what John
Rhys-Davies's response to the story was). By the way, who are Monique
and Tuppence?

4. You said that Elisa introduced her family to Talon and the Mutates
in "The Cage" in the Labyrinth, but I thought when I saw that episode
that the final scene (the meeting, with Goliath secretly watching) was taking
place in her apartment instead (that's how it looked to me). Which was it?

5. Somebody else brought up the Xanatos-and-Owen deal, and I thought
that I'd say here that I considered it good judgement on Xanatos's part to
choose Owen's service over a wish from Puck. After all, Owen is very
reliable and efficient, while I've pretty much got the feeling from Demona's case
in "The Mirror" that asking Puck to grant your wish can get you into a lot of
trouble :)

5. You said that "Ransom" and "Runaways" were based on episodes that
you'd planned for the 3rd season, but altered in direction. Was "Seeing
Isn't Believing" (the Goliath Chronicles episode with Taurus and Proteus in
it) similarly based on your proposed "New Olympians" spin-off?

6. One of the things that I've most liked about Goliath was his
fondness for reading (which is all the more impressive, given how the average
inhabitant of 10th century Scotland would have felt about literacy - Hakon's
attitude was the dominant one for the period). When did he learn how to read -
the 10th century or the 20th? And did somebody teach him, or did he learn
on his own?

7. Related to No. 6 - do you have any idea what book Goliath was
reading in "Avalon Part One" the one that he stayed home at the clock tower to

8. Did the various gargoyle-haters such as the Hunters believe
gargoyles to be demons (as in, supernatural evil creatures), or did they view them
more as ferocious wild animals like wolves or mountain lions?

9. What sort of "big cat" is Fang modelled on? I can identify the
other Mutates' originals (Talon - panther, Maggie - lioness, Claw - tiger),
but I'm not so sure about his.

Greg responds...

1. Right. And you're the first one to guess the correct
answer. (Only the second person to guess at all, I'm afraid, so don't
let it go to your head -- cause the contest was something of a bust.)
But Todd, consider yourself officially recognized as an insightful
Gargoyle fan.

2. You know, I hadn't thought of that. But you may be right.
I've played Edmund on stage, and I've studied and internalized the
character A LOT. The more I think about it, the more Edmundish, Thailog
grows. Man, Todd, you ARE insightful. Good work, mister.

3. Monique Beatty was a Script Coordinator on Gargoyles and
also my personal assistant. She did a lot of the research for me and the story
editors on the show. (Monique is currently the Associate Producer of
the DreamWorks' series Toonsylvania. She's gone on to have a very
successful career without me, but I can proudly say I gave her her first
job in animation.)

Tuppence Macintyre is a good friend. She's a Los Angeles Deputy
District Attorney. She also did a lot of research for us (gratis) on
the show. (For any of you who ever read my old CAPTAIN ATOM comic
books, the character of Tuppence MacRae, Plastique's defense attorney,
was based on Tuppence Macintyre.)

4. The background was screwed up. It was supposed to be the
Labyrinth, slightly cleaned up after the battle. It was cleaned up WAY
TOO MUCH, but the cage was still there, so it couldn't have been Elisa's
apartment. (And yeah, that always bugged me.)

5. To the extent that the first two you mentioned were
"inspired" by ideas that I had suggested in my notes to the new team but
wound up having absolutely NOTHING to do with what I suggested, you
could argue that MANY TGC episodes were inspired by my notes to the new
team, including the Proteus episode, the trial, the Illuminati, a Bronx
episode, a magical fantasy episode, etc. In a way, that made them even
more frustrating for me.

6. Tenth. And yes, someone taught him: Demona.

7. God, I don't remember. I used to know. Damn.

8. I think the Hunters through the centuries were remarkably
inconsistent about what exactly they believed the Gargoyles to be. Jon
Canmore/John Castaway in macrocosm.

9. I think a Cougar, Mountain Lion type.
(GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. You once stated that Hudson is Broadways biological father.

a)Are either of them aware of this fact?

b)Why wasn't it discussed in the show?

2. Did you plan for any more episodes with the golem, or was his
appearance a one episode thing?

3. Would you have told us any of Jackal and Hyena's past?

4. Would Claw ever have spoken?

5. I asked you before, but you said to ask again later so I am. What
was Demona's reaction to Shakespeares play Macbeth?

6. a)Since Coldstone is just animated stone, and Coldfire and
Coldsteel are robots, would they have a longer lifespan that the rest of the clan?

b)Would they still be around in 2158?

7. How long of his 40 year trek would Brooklyn spend in 2158, and how
long in medieval Ishimura?

8. Does Hudson still have his piece of statue from "The Price"?

Greg responds...

1a. I'd think that the thought MIGHT have crossed Hudson's
mind. But I doubt it stuck. He would view all three of the trio as his
sons. I also doubt that Broadway's ever given it any thought. He
already views Hudson as a father figure.

1b. Because, there's no reason for the gargoyles to discuss it.
In tenth century Scotland, Gargoyles weren't raised to make an issue of
biological parentage.

2. I had some thoughts.

3. Maybe, someday.

4. No.

5. She may have been pleased to see Macbeth villafied and
beheaded. I doubt she'd have been happy seeing Malcolm (Canmore) win
out in the end. Then again, she might not have had the patience to sit
through the whole thing.

6a. Yes.

6b. Not definitively.

7. I haven't run the numbers, but he would have spent a
substantial amount of time in both eras, particularly the 2158 era.

8. Good question. I'm sure he had it at least until the Clock
Tower blew up. Elisa went back to collect as many of the Gargoyles'
possessions as she could find. But I don't know if she found that, or
if it had been shattered to pieces.
(GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1. Are Coldstone, Coldfire, Coldsteel, Jackal, and Hyena anatomically correct?

2. How would having Puck as a teacher effect Alex's outlook and use of magic?

3. What kind of an influence do you think Petros and Renard would have on Alex?

Greg responds...

1. In what respect?
2. How do you think?
3. Generally, positive. However, Renard is dying and Petros
lives in Maine, so I wouldn't assume that their influence is going to be
too heavy in the short term.
(GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Hi. Just one question fo now. Do you know if they will ever release
all the episodes to video. like maybe a box set?

Greg responds...

I doubt it. Not enough people bought the videos they did put
out for them to think it profitable.
(GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Hi again Greg. I was just reading the Ask Greg Latest Response and
guess what.. in response to someone's question of what would have happened
to the Phoenix Gate after TimeDancer, you said it would restarted its journey
from scratch as in a neverending loop. I don't know if I remembered this
correctly but wasn't the Gate created on Avalon? If it was created how
could it go in a loop from the very beginning? Time can't be changed...

Greg responds...

The Gate is "of Avalon." Its journey begins, ends and restarts
there. Time cannot be changed. (Ye, of little faith.)
(GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg, First let me say, Great show, wish there were more, Yadda
yadda yadda, and so on and so forth, etc, etc. You've heard it all before,
so I'm not gonna bother Gushing, I'm just gonna get down to business here

What happened to the pages of The Grimorum that Brooklyn tore out
after the Archmage Absorbed the Grimorum?

For that matter, what Happened to the pages? (aside from Elisa
circumventing the spell)

Greg responds...

I'm not sure I know what you're referring to. Brooklyn only
tore out one page in "Temptation". It had the one mind-control spell
on it. I think they probably destroyed that page, so that no one else
could get control of Goliath. Demona tore out a few pages, but by the
end of the second season, she had used them all. I'm sure she still has
them though.
(GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1) Exactly how wimpy is angela?

2) Did the charectors look any different in the comedy version of the show?

3) Where do you live? (just wondering)

4) Who plays lex? i'd like to complement him.

5) My sis has a huge 'crush' on Brooklyn (Shinga) she was wondering why he's so good-looking.

6) Do they have a garg-computer game?

7) Do you have a dog named Bronx? Or a cat named Cagney? (speaking of Cagney, where'd that name come from?)

Good-bye bye bye.... Bye bye bye All Mighty Gargoyle Creator!! BYE!!!

Greg responds...

1. Exactly how wimpy are you?

2. Yes. Although, I think you could see the progression.

3. Somewhere in the Greater Los Angeles area.

4. Thom Adcox Hernandez.

5. It must be the horns.

6. I think so.

7. I think Michael Reaves named Cagney after actor Jimmy
Cagney. And no, I don't have my own Bronx or Cagney. (GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

You said that the yeti would be seen in Gargoyles for sure. Is it an
animal elated to the gargoyles or a gargoyle.

Greg responds...

That story is actually written. It was written for Marvel's
Gargoyle comic book before it was cancelled. I'm not sure if I want to
give away the punchline right now. Sorry. (GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg!
One question this time:

I recently purchased copies of the Gargoyles videos volumes three &
four I believe. I was wondering if any footage was cut out of the episodes
from these or any other Gargoyles tapes (besides Awakenings) or are these
legit episodes?

Greg responds...

I haven't watched them, but I doubt any cuts were made, because
that edit would have incurred an additional expense. Cheaper, and thus
more profitable, to leave them as is.(GDW / 4-23-98)

Response recorded on April 23, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Okay, for the past hour and a half (no kidding!) I have been just
reading and reading and reading...My head hurts now. I was trying to make sure
you already didn't answer this question recently and didn't find much
about it. Cause I know ya don't like repeating yourself, but here it goes.

1.) Do you have any new information on the live action Gargs movie?
I'm not asking for much, just anything new or significant.

2.) And what about that "magizine" you were taking a poll for? Are you
going to make it?

3.) And I read in that hour and a half about you writing a book that's
almost done, will it be published in the near future?
Thanks Greg and keep up the great work!

Greg responds...

1. Right now, my phone calls to Touchstone are not being
returned. So I have no new information.

2. The poll revealed a pretty low volume of interest. That's
not to say that the people who did respond weren't interested, but just
that there weren't that many people out there willing to buy the
magazine. Not enough to pay for it's production.

3. I have no publisher. So I guess the answer's no. (GDW / 4-23-98)

Response recorded on April 23, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Hello once more Mr. Weisman!
I have had some trite but ever so curious questions buzzing in my
scull for a while now! Ready? =D

1)Okay, let's just be blunt! Many have been beating around the bush
and circumventing this curious little question... Is Oberon Puck's

2)Are all the Tricksters related (by blood)? They cirtainly have some
similar personality traits, particularly Puck and Coyote! =)

3)Why not put up a page giving some personal info on you to prevent
those ever so annoying repeat questions. You could list some of your fav
stuff on there! Fav Shakespeare play, fav garg character, ect... hmmm that was
more a suggestion. Oh well! =D

4)Wanna tell us who Brooklyn's mate is yet? PLEASE! (on hands and
knees here!)

5)What were you doing before _Gargoyles_?

6)Are you a Trekkie or X-philer? Ha Ha Ha! If you are both, which more
so? =)

Greg responds...

1. No. Oberon is Merlin's father.

Hey, did someone say in the comment room that I had said that
Merlin was fully human? I never said that.

Here's what we know to date:

Queen Mab is Oberon's mother.

Oberon is married to Titania.

But Oberon has a son, Merlin, by a human woman.

That makes Merlin a human-fae hybrid.

Titania has a daughter, Fox (or Janine), by the human Halcyon Renard.

That makes Fox a hybrid too, but she was raised as a human.

Fox is married to David Xanatos (the son of Petros Xanatos).

They have a son Alexander Fox Xanatos, who is one-quarter Fae.

Puck/Owen, as far as we know, isn't related to anyone that we've
met to date.

2. No.

3. That page exists. It's called the ASK GREG ARCHIVES. I
realize it's a lot of material to slog through right now, but Gore has
long term plans to figure out a way to grant a greater ease of access to
it. Give him time.

4. See, now I know you haven't read the Archives. I gave that
away ages ago. Her name is Katana. She's a gargoyle that he meets
while TimeDancing in Feudal Japan.

5. I was Director of Series Development at Walt Disney
Television Animation.

6. I watch DS9, Voyager and X-Files. That's the extent of my
fan participation in those shows. (GDW / 4-23-98)

Response recorded on April 23, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman,
I'll skip the standard "I love the series/It's the best thing ever/you
are God" introduction, because, although I certainly feel that way, I'm
sure you get hundreds of these things that have probably said it better than I
can. Anyway, on to the questions. I've got A LOT of them, so instead of
driving you up the wall by sending them at once, I'll be splitting them up
into smaller groups.

1) I've just spent about three days reading everything in the archive,
questions asked, and your latest responses, and a lot of the questions
seem to be on the topic of Demona's childbearing abilities. Stay with me
here, I think this is a new one. If gargoyles are only able to lay one egg
every 20 years (and you've already said that Demona could conceive in either
form), what are the specifics of this? I mean, could she lay an egg and then
get pregnant as a human in less than 20 years? Feel free not to answer
this if you think you've covered it enough before.

2) A question about the Pack: After "Upgrade," how did they get out of
prison? All of the ones arrested showed up in the world tour. Did
Xanatos bail them out of prison in return for their services (Jackal, Hyena, &
Wolf in Egypt and Dingo in Australia)?

3) About Mr. X's exoframes: I've noticed that his light exoframe ("Eye
of the Beholder"/"Double Jeopardy") bears a resemblance to the Steel
Clan-esque crimson one, especially in the hands and rocket pack area. Was this
just a result of similar art concepts, or is the big suit "assembled" onto
the light one (i.e. clip-on armor)?

Thanks in advance for answering these. There will definitely be more.

Greg responds...

1. I don't know the answer to that for sure. I don't ever know
'til I set a story in stone, so to speak. But frankly, it's a moot
hypothetical. Demona doesn't give herself lightly. And I think she's
smart enough, even as a human, to use birth control, if for some reason
she decides to have sex.

2. He must have busted them out of prison. Again.

3. Both. (GDW / 4-23-98)

Response recorded on April 23, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg wiseman
first off thank you for Gargoyles the cartoon and I wish it was back
on the air! Cause it got me more wanting to learn more about Gargoyles their
heritage,customs, and pluse some side stuff. I was wondering if you
know of any books or refrences that you used when building the Gargoyle
universe and their backgrounds of these creatures. like any books you can refer me
too would be awfully apperciated and thanked!

Greg responds...

No. Sorry. I made it all up. (GDW / 4-23-98)

Response recorded on April 23, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

I have only one question and that is: Why is Hudson the only Gargoyle
with a Scottish accent? All the rest were born and raised there, the people
around them had scottish accents, yet that failed to do so, why is that?

Greg responds...

I've answered this before. Part of this depends on what kind of
answer you want. A behind-the-scenes answer or a within-the-world-of
-the-show answer.

For the latter, Hudson is the guy who spent the most time around
humans in the tenth century. He thus picked up their accent. The
others had a more neutral accent. (If you listen carefully, even the
trio maintain a more classic neutral accent until "Awakening, Part
Three"). That neutral accent was easily influenced by twentieth century
contacts and culture.

If you're looking for that behind-the-scenes answer, then know
that Hudson's accent carries symbolic weight. A reminder of where our
gang came from while allowing the younger characters to represent where
they are now. With Goliath's classic, dignified speech patterns and
neutral accent representing the middle, transitional ground. It's all
done to create another layer of tension, another layer of depth to the

In any case, this was not an oversight. We made a conscious
decision (for right or wrong) to take it this way. (GDW / 4-23-98)

Response recorded on April 23, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

1) Why do Xanatos' Steel Clan blow up everytime they get destroyed? Is
it a backup of his, or just a design flaw? o.O

2) In TGC, Brooklyn's reaction to Broadway and Angela's relationship
was to run away... but what were your plans? How were you going to have him react?

3) Where was Elisa's new police station going to be located? Anywhere

4) Since Matt became head of the Gargoyle Task Force, was he going to
still have time to be Elisa's partner?

6) (I'm gonna leave out 5, just so I feel like I fit in. o.O ) Would
you tell us what names you had planned for your new Pack characters? (All
the wild dog names appear to be used up. o.O)

7) Would they have torn down or rebuilt the clocktower?

8) When Xanatos turns the dial on his suit... is that steam that's
dispersed, or is the suit locked air-tight?

9) I did the math for Samson, Artus and Gwenyvere... how were you
going to keep intrest with younger viewers in the proprosed spinoff when half
the 2158 Manhattan Clan sounds like they'd need artificial respiration to
fight crime? o.O

10) This isn't a question, but you should try submitting a question to
Gore's "The Box." (His topic discussion forum.) I'm sure you could
think up something interesting that's relative to the show.

5) (I felt bad about excluding it.) Are there any other shows on tv
that you'd like to write for, and why?

11) Are you going to guest write for any more shows, like you did for
MIB? (Good ep., BTW. The part where K's skeleton pops up and says, "I'm all
right!" was hilarious. :P)

12) How did you get started with writing?

13) What certain qualities do you think make a good writer? (Not an
average one, someone who could write something great - well, like Gargoyles.
No sucking up there, it's just a fact; Gargoyles is co-leader for being
the highest quality North American cartoon there is - Spawn being the
other co-leader.)

Greg responds...

1. Maybe a bit of both.

2. TimeDancer.

3. Right where it always was. They were already rebuilding it
during the Journey.

4. Yeah. The task force wasn't going to be a full time job at

5. What is the significance of o.0? If there's an icon in
that, I don't see it. :)

(Note from Gorebash: o.O O.O O.o are all faces. the o's are eyes and the .'s are noses. BUGEYES)

6. Nope.

7. Rebuilt it, but not necessarily to look exactly the same.

8. I thought it was steam.

9. You must be very young. At any rate, Samson's older
siblings would not have been regulars. He would have been the lead. An
elder statesman thrust into a crisis. Think of a slightly more
Goliath-like Hudson figure. But he wouldn't have been the only regular
character, and he would have been the oldest biologically, so I wasn't
too worried about AGISTS (like you :)) rejecting the show.

10. It's not really my forum. This is.

5. Oh, I think it would be fun to write for Buffy. It'd be
amazing to write for Homicide, although I don't know if I'm up to it. I
think I could do some interesting work on Highlander or either Star Trek
series. There are probably others.

11. That skeleton bit was actually written by story editor
Duane Capizzi. My version was slightly different. I've written a
Disney Hercules, a second MiB and am currently writing my third MiB.

12. In second grade, we had spelling words that we had to put
into a sentence. I ran all the sentences together to make a story. It
was fun. I got praised for it. So I kept at it. I started my first
unfinished novel in the sixth grade. Etc.

13. Read a lot. Write a lot. Read some more. Don't base your
work on other people's recent work. Don't base it on recent of
semi-recent pop culture. Look at the classics. Classics of literature,
of drama. Classic pop culture is o.k. too, but don't assume that
ANYTHING qualifies as an instant classic no matter how much you like it.
Write. Write. Read. Read. Proofread. Read aloud. Read your own
writing aloud. Never stop learning new things. Read. Write. Read
some more. (Get the idea?)

By the way, isn't it "la cabeza"? (GDW / 4-21-98)

Response recorded on April 21, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg! This question was asked before but you sort of copped out
on it so here it is again but rephrased...

1. If you had a globe of the world (the types found in classrooms),
could you place Avalon on it?

2. If yes, where would it be more or less (i.e., in the Indian Ocean,
in the Pacific Ocean's Ring of Fire)? Thanks!

Greg responds...

1. Not in any traditional sense.

2. See above. (GDW / 4-21-98)

Response recorded on April 21, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. First of a big thanks for the fabulouse
show, a long story arc is a rare thing about most cartoons.
Now to the questions:

1.) In the Gathering it did strike me as odd, that Oberon
attacked the forceshield of Owens with brute force alone
for most of the episode, instead of blasting the unshielded
emitters, or diving through under it from the beginning
on. Since Titania seemed to have set this whole kidnapping
stuff up to get her Daughter to use magic, did Oberon
really attack in ernest, or did he see through this plot
and was just giving a performance?

2.) You mentioned earliere, that you planned to include almost
every myth around in the show. Was it just a coincidence
that Oberon after being hit by Petros with the iron harpoon
changed into something that could have easily passed as
count Draculas nephew?

3.) After the hit from the Harpoon, Oberon looked way old.
Is the more or less immortality of Oberons children
biological or just maintained by magic like shapeshifting ?

4.) About the gliding, You stated that the Gargoyls do store
up solar energy, as well as eating. How far are those
two processes interchangeable,

a) can a Gargoyl survive with solar energy onley, if he
uses very little of his strength, eg. doesnÝt fly, and

b) can he run with food alone, if he eats a real lot?

Greg responds...

1. I think Oberon's attack was in earnest. SO MUCH earnest
that he didn't think of the best method of attack until later.

2. The Dracula-nephew thing is your interpretation, but the
transformation wasn't a mistake. Nevertheless, we'd have hit Drac

3. Hard to say. Check the Archives for a more complete answer.

4. I think both processes are essential. Breathing too. (GDW / 4-21-98)

Response recorded on April 21, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Well, here's a couple and I'M GONE!! Honestly.

1. Who takes care of the humor on the show? (heehee)

2. (this is a joke question) If Broadway got a job, what would it be?
(Besides sumo wrestling) {smile}

3. If Lex went on a chat room what name do you think he'd use? (Joke,
question, a joke...) {rolls eyes and smiles}

4. Are gargs born with hair?

5. Oh! Oh! Oh! I NEED an answer! Okay. On "The Mirror" when the humans
turned back to humans, did they remember their experiance?

6. I just noticed this, if Demona destroyed all the humans, she'd kill
herself cause' in the process she'd kill Macbeth. If the show comes
back, will she, like, figure that out?

Greg responds...

1. Takes care of it? What does that mean?

2. Teacher, maybe?

3. Lex.

4. Some are.

5. Yes, but not any of the transformations. They were always
completely unaware of those.

6. It depends on her method of destruction of course.

Hi for Shinga. (How's that?) (GDW / 4-21-98)

Response recorded on April 21, 1998

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Hi, Mr. Greg!

1) I was wondering if that Horse with Wings in The Gathering PART1, was named Pegasus?

2) If the Weird Sisters have any connection with the Moon or Sun?

3) If you were planning to introduce Atlantis in one of the World Tour episodes?

4) Are all the Weird Sisters doomed to spend their lives eternally
single if Oberon's Children are allowed to seek other members of Oberon's

5) Have you got a favorite anime series you like to watch? Thank

Greg responds...

1. Possibly. I'd have to see him again.

2. The moon, yes.

3. Not in the World Tour per se, but eventually, yes.

4. I'm not sure I understand the question.

5. Anime, specifically? No. I don't think I've seen much
current anime. I used to like Lupin. Does Speed Racer count? (GDW / 4-21-98)

Response recorded on April 21, 1998

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