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Anonymous writes...

Uh, hi Greg. My name is Holly and I am a first-timer "Ask Greg", so
if I make any mistakes, please forgive me. I would also like to comment on
your extraordinary efforts you and all the crew at Disney put together to
bring us "Gargoyles". I fell in love with it at first sight (which was when
I was only twelve). Ok, so here's the question that's been bugging me for
so long: On "Heritage" eps how did Angela find out that Raven's clan were
only illiusions?

Greg responds...

As I recall, she saw the Thunderbird's wing pass right through
one of them.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hey I know you hear this alot but thanx for taking the time to answer
our questions.

1) You may have answered this before but if you did it was one of your
corn ball one word answers =) so ill try again. a) In Hunters Moon if
Demona shattered the bottle and released the virus would that have killed
Macbeth since it was Demona who made the virus and that would also kill
herself? b)How powerful was the preying gargoyle? c) Did d) Demona realize she
was taking a gamble with her life and e) if yes was she suicidal at the

2) Ahh your who would Pactrick Stewart play contest. I say he would
have played Macbeth (very obvious), Hudson, and the one from the second
season, the original hunter from city of stone. Are any of these right?

3) a)I know Puck is banished from avalon but im sure Alex isnt, when
and how will he visit there for the first time? b)how old will he be? c)is
there any story you have planed for that trip? d)If Alex was threatened on
Avalon would puck be allowed back to protect him? (loop hole, hehehe)

4) When Brooklyn come back after TimeDancer will he look like he did
in the episode "FutureTense"?

5) Is Duval anyone we know yet in the show?
whew, lots of questions. Thanx again =)

Greg responds...

1a) Actually, I've answered this in detail. Check the
archives. In short, a lot would depend on Demona's specific intent.
Her living might keep him alive.

b) "Praying" not "Preying". And it was as powerful as it
needed to be.

c,d,e) That's subject to interpretation. I think it's all in
there. It's a matter of degree.

(GDW / 4-28-98)

Response recorded on April 28, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

gargoyles was an excellent show. I think the reason it got cannes was
because the story got too complicated. It seemed "overwhelming" for
someone who never saw the show before. Those previously seen on gargoyles
scenes didn't help matters either. Sure it saved two minutes of animation,
but it alienated alot of viewers. I liked the Avalon Subquest since it
helped new viewers get hooked. I hope you get back on sindication so I can see
Time dancer. It sounds cool.

Greg responds...

Well, I kinda feel like you contradicted yourself. On the one
hand, you think the "previously" recaps alienated viewers. But those
recaps were designed to help out new or occasional viewers, and I think
the only viewers that might have been alienated by them were regular
viewers who didn't need them and found them annoying.

Obviously, the main reason the show was cancelled was because
the ratings were disappointing to Disney. Not bad. Just not great
enough to justify making more when they already had a complete package.
It's certainly possible that one of the reason for the non-stellar
ratings is that the show was too complex. But I don't make apologies
for that. I tried to make it accessible, but I did the show I wanted to
do. Our regular viewers (the people who most objected to the recaps)
didn't mind the complexity. But new and occasional viewers (who might
have appreciated the recaps) might very well have been put off by that
complexity. Or are you arguing that the recaps put off new and
occasional viewers? Perhaps, by making them feel like they needed to
know stuff that maybe they didn't? Hmmmm.

It's also interesting that you praise the World Tour. I liked
it. A lot. But the consensus has generally been that people didn't
like it, or that at any rate, it went on too long. And that new and
occasional viewers would be put off by it, because they wouldn't
understand what was going on.
(GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

I've noticed some things about Future Tense,

1) Claw doesn't say anything through out the episode, andy reason for

2) Demona tells Goliath to give the Pheonix Gate Angela so she can
hide in the past, but I thought Demona didn't find out about Angela until they
returned to Manhattan, can you explain??

3) Was it planned that Goliath, Elisia, Angela and Bronx never
returned home until they had rid themselves of the Eye of Odin and the Pheonix

4) Is it possible that the Eye of Odin and the Pheonix Gate combined
were guiding the travelers and was it Avalon??

Greg responds...

1. Claw never says anything. Ever.

2. Well, for starters, the whole thing was an illusion of
Puck's, but actually, Demona learned about Angela in Paris.

3. I planned to have them lose them along the way, if that's
what you mean.

4. No. Not in my mind. But if it pleases you to think so,
knock yourself out.
(GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

1)is puck in any way related to oberon or titania,if so how?

2)since we found out fox is titania's daughter,i've been wondering
does that mean fox and puck are related?

3)when tom and princess catherine were married did they have any human
kids that weren't shown on the cartoon?

4)when the magus died on that stone bed king arther was on (till he
woke up to help the gargs) is there any whay that the magic could have kept
him alive but asleep till he could be awoken and healed maybe?because i
liked him and would like him back.

5)how come owen didn't fix his hand?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. No.

3. I don't think they were ever officially married. And no, no
human kids.

4. I liked him too. But people die in war.

5. Cause it would be cheating. Not for him, but for Xanatos.
Xanatos loses the use of a two-handed assistant, he doesn't get that
fully functional assistant back. Puck won't use magic to help David.
(GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

What exactly does M.I.A. stand for?

Greg responds...

Missing In Action. (GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hope that you don't mind these extra questions and comments:

1. My personal guesses (re your invitation) for whom you had planned
Patrick Stewart to voice: Goliath, Macbeth, King Arthur.

2. You mentioned that Edmund in "King Lear" is your favorite
Shakespeare character. Shortly after reading that, I got to thinking, and noticed
a slight similarity between him and Thailog (villainous
not-fully-acknowledged son who turns on his father). Was Edmund a partial model for Thailog?

3. Thans for answering my Macbeth question (and telling me what John
Rhys-Davies's response to the story was). By the way, who are Monique
and Tuppence?

4. You said that Elisa introduced her family to Talon and the Mutates
in "The Cage" in the Labyrinth, but I thought when I saw that episode
that the final scene (the meeting, with Goliath secretly watching) was taking
place in her apartment instead (that's how it looked to me). Which was it?

5. Somebody else brought up the Xanatos-and-Owen deal, and I thought
that I'd say here that I considered it good judgement on Xanatos's part to
choose Owen's service over a wish from Puck. After all, Owen is very
reliable and efficient, while I've pretty much got the feeling from Demona's case
in "The Mirror" that asking Puck to grant your wish can get you into a lot of
trouble :)

5. You said that "Ransom" and "Runaways" were based on episodes that
you'd planned for the 3rd season, but altered in direction. Was "Seeing
Isn't Believing" (the Goliath Chronicles episode with Taurus and Proteus in
it) similarly based on your proposed "New Olympians" spin-off?

6. One of the things that I've most liked about Goliath was his
fondness for reading (which is all the more impressive, given how the average
inhabitant of 10th century Scotland would have felt about literacy - Hakon's
attitude was the dominant one for the period). When did he learn how to read -
the 10th century or the 20th? And did somebody teach him, or did he learn
on his own?

7. Related to No. 6 - do you have any idea what book Goliath was
reading in "Avalon Part One" the one that he stayed home at the clock tower to

8. Did the various gargoyle-haters such as the Hunters believe
gargoyles to be demons (as in, supernatural evil creatures), or did they view them
more as ferocious wild animals like wolves or mountain lions?

9. What sort of "big cat" is Fang modelled on? I can identify the
other Mutates' originals (Talon - panther, Maggie - lioness, Claw - tiger),
but I'm not so sure about his.

Greg responds...

1. Right. And you're the first one to guess the correct
answer. (Only the second person to guess at all, I'm afraid, so don't
let it go to your head -- cause the contest was something of a bust.)
But Todd, consider yourself officially recognized as an insightful
Gargoyle fan.

2. You know, I hadn't thought of that. But you may be right.
I've played Edmund on stage, and I've studied and internalized the
character A LOT. The more I think about it, the more Edmundish, Thailog
grows. Man, Todd, you ARE insightful. Good work, mister.

3. Monique Beatty was a Script Coordinator on Gargoyles and
also my personal assistant. She did a lot of the research for me and the story
editors on the show. (Monique is currently the Associate Producer of
the DreamWorks' series Toonsylvania. She's gone on to have a very
successful career without me, but I can proudly say I gave her her first
job in animation.)

Tuppence Macintyre is a good friend. She's a Los Angeles Deputy
District Attorney. She also did a lot of research for us (gratis) on
the show. (For any of you who ever read my old CAPTAIN ATOM comic
books, the character of Tuppence MacRae, Plastique's defense attorney,
was based on Tuppence Macintyre.)

4. The background was screwed up. It was supposed to be the
Labyrinth, slightly cleaned up after the battle. It was cleaned up WAY
TOO MUCH, but the cage was still there, so it couldn't have been Elisa's
apartment. (And yeah, that always bugged me.)

5. To the extent that the first two you mentioned were
"inspired" by ideas that I had suggested in my notes to the new team but
wound up having absolutely NOTHING to do with what I suggested, you
could argue that MANY TGC episodes were inspired by my notes to the new
team, including the Proteus episode, the trial, the Illuminati, a Bronx
episode, a magical fantasy episode, etc. In a way, that made them even
more frustrating for me.

6. Tenth. And yes, someone taught him: Demona.

7. God, I don't remember. I used to know. Damn.

8. I think the Hunters through the centuries were remarkably
inconsistent about what exactly they believed the Gargoyles to be. Jon
Canmore/John Castaway in macrocosm.

9. I think a Cougar, Mountain Lion type.
(GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

1. You once stated that Hudson is Broadways biological father.

a)Are either of them aware of this fact?

b)Why wasn't it discussed in the show?

2. Did you plan for any more episodes with the golem, or was his
appearance a one episode thing?

3. Would you have told us any of Jackal and Hyena's past?

4. Would Claw ever have spoken?

5. I asked you before, but you said to ask again later so I am. What
was Demona's reaction to Shakespeares play Macbeth?

6. a)Since Coldstone is just animated stone, and Coldfire and
Coldsteel are robots, would they have a longer lifespan that the rest of the clan?

b)Would they still be around in 2158?

7. How long of his 40 year trek would Brooklyn spend in 2158, and how
long in medieval Ishimura?

8. Does Hudson still have his piece of statue from "The Price"?

Greg responds...

1a. I'd think that the thought MIGHT have crossed Hudson's
mind. But I doubt it stuck. He would view all three of the trio as his
sons. I also doubt that Broadway's ever given it any thought. He
already views Hudson as a father figure.

1b. Because, there's no reason for the gargoyles to discuss it.
In tenth century Scotland, Gargoyles weren't raised to make an issue of
biological parentage.

2. I had some thoughts.

3. Maybe, someday.

4. No.

5. She may have been pleased to see Macbeth villafied and
beheaded. I doubt she'd have been happy seeing Malcolm (Canmore) win
out in the end. Then again, she might not have had the patience to sit
through the whole thing.

6a. Yes.

6b. Not definitively.

7. I haven't run the numbers, but he would have spent a
substantial amount of time in both eras, particularly the 2158 era.

8. Good question. I'm sure he had it at least until the Clock
Tower blew up. Elisa went back to collect as many of the Gargoyles'
possessions as she could find. But I don't know if she found that, or
if it had been shattered to pieces.
(GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

1. Are Coldstone, Coldfire, Coldsteel, Jackal, and Hyena anatomically correct?

2. How would having Puck as a teacher effect Alex's outlook and use of magic?

3. What kind of an influence do you think Petros and Renard would have on Alex?

Greg responds...

1. In what respect?
2. How do you think?
3. Generally, positive. However, Renard is dying and Petros
lives in Maine, so I wouldn't assume that their influence is going to be
too heavy in the short term.
(GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi. Just one question fo now. Do you know if they will ever release
all the episodes to video. like maybe a box set?

Greg responds...

I doubt it. Not enough people bought the videos they did put
out for them to think it profitable.
(GDW / 4-24-98)

Response recorded on April 24, 1998

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