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Anonymous writes...

A couple of final questions that I forgot to ask in my last postings
(I've got to write all of these things down BEFORE I start submitting

1. In "The Hound of Ulster", Rory Dugan turned out to be a
reincarnated Cuchulain. Just out of curiosity, how common a phenomenon do you see
reincarnation as being in the Gargoyles universe? Was Rory's case
unique, or are there others out there?

2. You stated once that you had plans to bring the Holy Grail into the
series. Had you worked out any plans to keep its presence from being
too controversial (given the fact that the Grail is traditionally
Christian, so that including it would be a lot trickier than including, say, Odin's
lost eye)? (I won't ask about the details of the plans themselves, just if
you had ever made such plans).

3. Was Diane Maza's story about the panther queen in "Mark of the
Panther" a genuine Nigerian legend, or something that the production team had
dreamed up?

4. If the series had continued, would the Loch Ness Monster ever have

5. A few times in the series, characters mentioned vampires and
Dracula (such as Demona's thugs in "The Mirror" asking, "Who lives here,
Dracula's daughter?" or Princess Katharine mentioning that silver was a defense
against vampires, the same as iron against faerie-folk). Were these
foreshadowings of something that you had planned for the series, a la
Elisa's mention of Loch Ness in "The Edge"?

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure there are others, but I don't see it as that common
-- or at any rate that useful -- a phenomena. Nokkar proves it's a big
universe, so if a soul could be reincarnated as anything, anywhere, then
the practicallity of reincarnation as having any true meaning to the
majority of our cast is slight. Having said that, Rory proves that
certain figures of legend have souls that remain tied to a bloodline or
location or both.

2. I had some plans, but I wasn't sweating them too much. The
Grail's role as part of JESUS "mythology" has been largely overshadowed
by it's role as an integral part of Arthurian Legend. Which makes it
fair game I believe.

3. Mostly, I made it up. (Lydia wrote the words.) I did base
the tenor of the myth and the personality of Anansi on other stories and
research that we had done, but the tale itself is original.

4. Maybe.

5. Yep.
(GDW / 4-21-98)

Response recorded on April 21, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Greg, Do you think that you'll ever be able to make more "Gargoyles"
cartoons? I know that you have many more ideas that you would like use. Would you
start another show that is similar if "Gargoyles" couldn't be brought back
for some reason? Thanks,

Greg responds...

Well, I hope so. Though I must admit it's a long shot. As to
"starting" another show, I've been trying to do that for over two years.
If I can, I will. (My livelihood depends on it.)
(GDW / 4-21-98)

Response recorded on April 21, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hello! Hope all is going well with you. Here's a couple questions:

1) After the scene in Awakening pt 5 where Demona tells off Goliath about the
humans and he realizes she is not the angel he once knew and tells her so and
goes to see Elisa, any speculation on what the other gargoyles, whom heard
the entire thing, thought about it, or spoke to Demona about it? [Hoping
for a cut scene here *laughs* ]

2) In the Eye of the Beholder, as Xanatos and Elisa confront Fox in
her were form, her eyes shift back to normal and she sees Elisa as her former
self, and then attacks her. Is this because the Eye is trying to completely
subvert her so it makes her want to attack her former self, some sort
of subconcious killing of her last vestige of humanity? I realize I'm
probably reading WAY to much into this, but just wondering if you had an
opinion. Thanks!

Greg responds...

1. No cut scene, of course. But I'd guess the response would
be similar to kids listening to their parents fight. They've met Elisa
and know that she's all right. But Demona is one of them. It's awkward
and not a little upsetting.

2. That's exactly it. Though I'd credit the Eye less and her
own subconscious more. There's a bit of self-loathing going on here. A
further insight into her true character.
(GDW / 4-21-98)

Response recorded on April 21, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hiya Greg!
I just have one question for you.

1)Who was your favorite chachter on the show?
Just wanted to know, but if you wish to keep it
a secret thats ok.

Greg responds...

Sigh. Check the Archives for a full response.
(GDW / 4-20-98)

Response recorded on April 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

****With a the sound of a thunderclap, Blaise appears.**** Greetings
again, Mr. Weisman. You probably don't remember my last set of questions, so I won't bug
you with any references to them. Frankly, I'm suprised at how many of our
questions you do remember. I mean, I just read over the "Questions
Submitted" section, and I was rather suprised at the amount of repeat
questions there. So I guess that would make my first question:

1) How can you stand it all?! I mean, you seem to have a great deal
of patience with all these repeats. As for the other question I have:

2) One recent feeling among the commenters is that the Broadway/Angela
relationship (though good) seemed rushed. What are your feelings on
this? Do you agree, disagree?

I thank you for your time Mr. Weisman. Have a nice day! ****Blaise
disappears in a flash of green light.****

Greg responds...

1. I'll admit, it get's a bit annoying at times. But I realize
that the Archive is currently rather large and not too wieldy. So I
have some sympathy for people who don't quite have the patience to read
the whole thing before posting. And I'd like them to maintain
excitement about the site. So I struggle for patience.
2. I disagree, of course. Not much has happened through THE
JOURNEY. They met in GATHERING ONE, were attracted to each other. Had
a real moment in POSSESSIONS, and kissed in THE JOURNEY. All of which
happenned over the course of months. Taking months to get from meeting
to first kiss doesn't seem rushed to me. I certainly moved a bit faster
when I met my wife.
(GDW / 4-20-98)

Response recorded on April 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg.
One question has been buzzing inside my head for the past few days so
I decided to finally ask you it.
I know that some people have asked you questions concerning any
possible religion that the Gargoyles may have. My question is slightly
different but runs along the same lines.

1.When a Gargoyle dies do the other's hold some kind of funeral

2.What are a Gargoyles beliefs concerning death, do they belive in an
afterlife as such?

Greg responds...

1. There is a Wind Ceremony. Not a funeral per se, but a
farewell to Stone and Flesh.
2. Sort of. They believe that death and life is all part of a
whole. One passes through stages, but nothing ever dies.
(GDW / 4-20-98)

Response recorded on April 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

A few more questions.

1. How much of Demona's video in "City of Stone" would you have had to
watch and listen to in order to be affected by it? Would just a casual
glance be enough to petrify you, or would you have to look at an entire loop?

2. Can members of the Third Race be killed permanently? Both the
Banshee and Anansi were apparently permanently killed in the Avalon World
Tour, yet appeared at the Gathering alive again, which prompts me to wonder

3. Bearing on the previous question, if the Weird Sisters were somehow
permanently destroyed (which, I will be the first to admit, is a very
big IF), would Demona and Macbeth still be magically bonded to each other?

4. One of the things that I've most enjoyed about "ASK GREG" is your
periodical mini-essays on gargoyle biology, culture, world-view, etc.
I rather like the fact that you actually extended the work of
"sub-creation" on them to such a level, fleshing them out into a unique "fantasy
species". If you were to ever get your "Gargoyles Encyclopedia" published (and I
truly hope that you do), would there be more information of this sort about
them in there (as long as it didn't give away your ideas for what happened
to Goliath and Co. after "The Journey")?

5. Thailog's alias in "Sanctuary" is Alexander Thailog - he thus bears
the same first name as Xanatos's son, and Thailog sees Xanatos as one of
his fathers in "Double Jeopardy". In other words, both Xanatos's literal
son and his figurative son have the same first name. Was this deliberate
on the production team's part, or just a weird coincidence? (If the latter,
I think that it's positively spooky).

6. Speaking of Alexander, was there any particular reason why the
production team chose this name for Xanatos's son, any significance similar to
making Xanatos's first name David (in reference to his struggle with
Goliath), say? (I have two ideas of my own as to why "Alexander" would be an
appropriate name for the kid, but because of the guidelines, I won't tell them

Greg responds...

1. Seen the whole loop at least once through.

2. Yes. But not easily.

3. I guess it would depend on how they were destroyed.

4. Yeah, some. Though a lot of it I've already given out here.
And frankly, the purpose of this particular encyclopedia is as a
reference for the 66 episodes that aired. Not as a treatise on theories
that never played out on screen.

5. It was very deliberate. How could I not have noticed?

6. For both David (and Fox) and for Thailog, it was an
Alexander the Great reference. David wanted his son to be "Emperor of
all he surveyed." Thailog wanted that for himself.
(GDW / 4-20-98)

Response recorded on April 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

1. In Hunters Moon, did Sevarius know that Dominique was Demona?

2. How did you conceive of the name Dominique Destine? I can only
that it's a play on her conviction that she is fated to rule.

3. Who are Demona's future great loves? I'm assuming from your
answers that you were refering to mates. Naturally she'd also care
for Angela and any of her descendants.

4. This is more of a comment than anything. Still, I'd love to hear
your opinion. After all that Demona has been through and the grief(that's
certainly putting it mildly) that she has brought upon herself and
others, I'm surprised that Demona isn't overtly suicidal. Hate is a good
motivator, but is it really enough for her to want to carry on. After so many
failures its a wonder she still gets out of bed in the morning, much less
continuing to plot new schemes. Ending it all would seem like a deceptively
simple solution and Demona's track record suggests a rush to judgement
without considering the consequences. I guess it all boils down to how
hopeless her view of her existance is. Considering all that has happened to
her just in the past three years, I've got to think that it is a daily struggle
for her to justify her continuing on. Especially now that her 500 year
brainchild was foiled. Even without considering all of Demona's
other reasons for felling miserable, there is the inevitable problem coping
with a neverending existance while watching those you love gow old and die.
Gargoyles grow old and die. That is the natural way of things. Why
should she be any different? At the very least, Demona might derive some
satisfaction, however fleeting, from acting on those murderous
feelings she has towards MacBeth. Oh well, I'm probably just being overly
pesimistic, but it sees to me that Demona would be near the end of her rope by

Greg responds...

1. I'd guess so.

2. I wanted a D name for starters. Some human equivalent to
Demona. Something that evoked the same emotions in the audience.
Something that sounded vaguely French, since the first time we used it
was in SANCTUARY, and she was posing as a French native. Something that
sounded like something Demona would pick for herself. Eventually we
wound up with Dominique Destine. It worked for me.

3. Right.

4. Maybe. But Demona possesses one "gift" that renders a
considered suicide next to impossible. A stellar sense of
self-deception. Nothing's ever her fault. Nothing's ever going to stop
her. No one matters to her THAT much. (It's not true, but she believes
it.) And to be honest, Angela's existence would also preclude suicide.
Angela, in Demona's opinion, needs her too much.
(GDW / 4-20-98)

Response recorded on April 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Short and simple. What did Titania whisper to Fox in "The Gathering:
Part Two

Greg responds...

I'm not telling.
(GDW / 4-20-98)

Response recorded on April 20, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

OK, it's weird thought-association time, and although this is,
strictly speaking, a yes-or-no question, any elaboration would be appreciated:
Was the BAD GUYS series concept in any way inspired by DC Comics' "Suicide

Greg responds...

I'd guess they both shared a common inspiration: THE DIRTY
(GDW / 4-20-98)

Response recorded on April 20, 1998

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