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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman!!!! One thing has been bugging me.

a)...Is the Isle of Avalon the only place where Fey/Fae call their
homeland...or are there any other places...the Isle of Avalon acts as a
person, If Avalon felt that its current Lord was going put it(the Isle) in
Jeopardy or the earth, do you think it will give him more power to do so...or like teach
him..Do you see what i am getting at...does Avalon have a right to say what
should or shouldnt be done...Or does it always even through the dreadest
times have to listen to her(Avalon) so-called Lord??? Im sorry if this is
confusing...its just that I am intrigued by this isle!

b) if you made a series spin-off would one be off Avalon
and its contents? ThanX!

Greg responds...

Avalon is HOME. Homebase. But obviously some of Oberon's
Children have their own local set-ups.

I never said Avalon was a person, per se. It's not that
objective a concept.

I believe Avalon works better in small doses, so there was no
specific Avalon spin-off planned.
(GDW / 2-23-98)

Response recorded on February 23, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

1. Will there be anymore Gargoyle cartoons?

2. And if so when?

3. If not, why?

4. If there will be any new seasons will they feature my
main favorite character, Puck? (I really want some more Gargoyle cartoons,

Greg responds...

1. I hope so, but...
2. ...None are currently planned.
3. Disney doesn't see the profit in it, I guess.
4. Puck would have his appearances.
(And I'd like more too, please.)
(GDW / 2-23-98)

Response recorded on February 23, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg,

First let me say right off the bat, thank you for helping to
create what I believe is one of the best shows ever to hit TV! :) You can
tell that to ANYONE else involved in making Gargoyles, too.

All of you deserve a giant KUDOS for your hard work! Okay, now
onto the questions!

1. Gargoyles is now out of production, right? So, technically,
aren't you out from under contract and could therefore read fanfic? Just
curious... don't worry, I have asked no questions regaurding any stories
that have been posted! :)

2. Were there any plans to expand the relationship between Puck
and "the royalty" (Oberon and/or Titania) into something more than a Lord
and servant relationship? This seems to be something many Garg fans

3. How did the idea to use Shakespeare characters come to be?

4. Why was only first season released on video?

5. Were there any plans to devise a way to get Puck back his
powers and rights to Avalon?

6. Were any of the visions generated in "Future Tense" going to
be brought into the plot a little at a time?

7. Have you figured out that I am a HUGE Puck fan yet? :)
Okay, I think that's it! Thanks for taking the time to read and
respond to this! Best wishes!

Greg responds...

1. I've explained this a LOT. My contract with Disney was
NEVER what precluded me from reading fanfic. I don't read fanfic in
order to protect MYSELF from frivolous legal suits.

2. I'm not sure what you mean.

3. I love Shakespeare. Macbeth seemed ideal. The rest
followed suit.

4. The videos didn't sell enough to encourage the Home Video
division to release the second season.

5. Nope. I like his predicament.

6. Some already have been. Others never would. Others might.

7. Uh, sure.

(GDW / 2-23-98)

Response recorded on February 23, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Heya, Greg! I'm 14 and started watching your show in 6th grade. My first
thought: Hey, this show rocks! It beats Power Rangers! (I've hated that
show with a vengeance since I was like 9 years old). Gargoyles has this
whole family theme that's really heartwarming but doesn't have a mushy
feeling that is real sickening. Okay, here's the questions:

1) How old is Puck, both numeroligically and in human years? (If you don't
know exactly, can you give me a close estimate?)

2) I got confused over the whole Coldstone eps. Who is that bad guy,
Coldsteel? Was he originally a gargoyle killed in the Wyvern

3) who are these Desdemona and Iago everyone's talking about in this

4) Was Lex supposed to have a girl by show's end?

5) I dunno if this is a little sacriligious tying the little guy down,
but ever considered anyone for Puck/Owen? (Sorry, just had to ask that).
What was his own social life like in the past? (I know that must be a
little broad since he must be ancient by now, but gimmesome main pointers,

6) Is Puck even remotely sad about the whole permanent exile and
stripping of his powers? He doesn't show it. Then again, I guess after losing
his magical rights, he wouldn't want to lose face by breaking down in
front of Daddy O.

7) Aren't cars, planes, helicopters, ect, ect made of iron, along with
tons of modern day technological stuff? So how come Anatstasia and
especially Owen don't seem to looked all that fazed whenever they're around
something that's made of iron (i.e. Owen near limo, piloting chopper...).

8) Is it true there's a Gargoyle's movie coming out? Do you have
anything to do with it?

9) How'd you guys come up with the gargoyles idea? It's so original.
Were you all just sitting around and all of a sudden POOF or did you get an
idea and then sell it to Disney, or Buena Vista, or whatever (y'know, all
this legal stuff is confusing)?

10) Will Oberon ever consider lightening or lifting Puck's sentence?
*looking hopeful*

11) Are Fox and Alexander Xanatos immortal (or at least have longer
lifespans by a few centuries) because they're of Fey blood?

12) What happens to Puck after he's done training Alexander and after
Xanatos dies? He's not technically under contract, then, right? So
what happens to him?

13) Did Titania know (or at least get a good idea) that Oberon would
give Puck the boot in the Gathering eps? She didn't look all that shocked
when Oberon passed the sentence.

14) What'd she whisper in Fox's ear at the end of the Gathering

15) Why was Oberon so darn strict in the Gathering? He exiled Puck
and took away his right to do magic. Why was he so ... harsh?
That's all the Q's I got for now. I'll write back if I think of
something :) Thanks for your time, almighty Greg!

Greg responds...

Hey, Aerie. Good to know we had at least one fan who was within the
target age group.

1) He's pretty old. Over five hundred years at least. Honestly,
though, I'm not sure.

2) Yep. A rival for Coldfire's affections, who tried to get
Coldstone out of the way by tricking him into a fight with Goliath.

3) Desdemona is another name for Coldfire. Iago is another name for
Coldsteel. They were never used in the body of the show, but we used
them in the credits to identify the actors who supplied their voices.

4) By which show's end?

5) I had and have plans for Owen and Puck. Not gonna reveal them
here though.

6) Yes. As you may have noticed, he tried to protest, but it was
clearly futile, so he reverted to the ever-stoic Owen.

7) In human form, iron's no more dangerous to them then it is to us.
Besides, it doesn't give off radiation or anything.

8) It's true there's a film in development. I'm officially attached
as a co-producer, but I haven't had much luck getting info about the film, let
alone contributing to it.

9) I worked for Disney. Someone came up with the idea to do a show
about Gargoyles and my team and I ran with it. (It's more complex than
that. Involves Gummi Bears and lots of other stuff. Check the archives for
a more complete answer.)

10) Anything's possible. Oberon isn't exactly Mr. Consistency.

11) Maybe. Maybe not.

12) Damn good question.

13) I'd say she had a premonition or at least a healthy dose of

14) What do you think she whispered?

15) He felt abused and betrayed. Considering his orignal intentions,
I think everyone got off easy. (GDW / 2-10-98)

Response recorded on February 10, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg For some reason, I really related to the Magus, and was wondering
some things about him! In a former question, someone asked if Magus was
Magus real name, to which you replied "No" I was wondering what it is, and
myabe if you could supply some backround about him, that hasn't been given
before, like his name, some stories about his schooling in the art of magic,
why he didnt try and find another teacher etc maybe some stories about him
when he was going to King Kenneth's land with the princess or some stories
about adventures on the island On another note, How did Tom cast the spell
to return from Avalon? He, to the best of my knowledge, ad no training in
magic, and there was no conduit, like Magus' Grimoum, or source like Avalon,
for him to draw off of. If Magus lost his magic, surely Tom wouldnt have
had any. Also, if Magus knew that he could tap Avalon for power, why didnt
he try before, to a lesser extent so he could wield it properly? Did Magus
have any of Oberons childrens blood in him? ( like his greandfather or
father was 1/2 or something)? I ask this because the Wierd Sisters, in
Avalon part 1 after Magus told them to stand aside,told him he should have
known better than that, like he should have known Avalon was closed off, and
especially that he shouldnt have brought human magic to the island. Also,
Avalon aided him in defeating one of her own children, but perhaps that was
because Oberon didnt want them there yet? Or was it because he was partly of
avalon? If you wouldnt mind. instead of trying to answer my question into
Magus' history, if you wouldnt mind making a txt file into a story of sorts
that would be more than appreciated. Im a big fan of the series, and was
thourghly dissapointed with its cancellation Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

In the future, please number your questions.

The Magus is one of my favorites too. But this isn't the forum for me to
deliver a novel-length response on his history. And I'm definitely not
making any text files. Keep in mind, this is a Q&A location. I get paid
to write stories. (I know that doesn't sound very altruistic, but neither is
requesting me to do a lot of work without compensation.)

Tom had centuries to learn one or two simple spells from the Magus that would
allow him to travel back and forth from Avalon.

The Magus may have tried using Avalon's magic before as an experiment here or
there, but he generally met with little success. Fortunately, there was no
crisis to require a greater need (or effort) until the Archmage showed up.

The Magus is fully human. (GDW/1-27-98)

Response recorded on January 27, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Please don't answer some of the questions that would reveal way too much
about the Gargoyles universe, if you tell us everything, there will be
little interest left in the show. Instead, maybey you could drop clues
that only somone clever intelligent and observant could figure out.
Thanx, Jon

Greg responds...

Most of the time that's what I try to do. But like a lottery, I think it
keeps things exciting if occasionally and out of the blue I reveal a tidbit
of knowledge. For example, there's no way anyone could have guessed that
Brooklyn's son's name was Nashville. So at some point I either reveal it or
not. Now, revealing the reason behind the name isn't the same thing. But
someone clever, intelligent and observant could probably figure it out.

Response recorded on January 27, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hello again, I was watching the show today (I'm proud to say I have every
one with the exception of TGC on tape :) and I came up with a batch of new
Q's: 1a) In "Ill met by Moonlight" Titania says to Oberon "we'll reduce your
strength to that of a child's" or something like that. Does a fay's power
increase until adulthood and stop, or does a fay become more powerful over
time? 1b) or, does power run in the family, passed down through the
generations? Is Oberon one of the most powerful just because, or is he from
a royal line? 2) Will Puck be around in the Future Tense timeline or will
Owen (and therefore Puck) be dead by then? You said in the archives that
Owen "resets" whenever Pucks changes back into him, so will Owen eventually
grow old and die because of Oberon's restriction, or will he always look the
same because he becomes Puck to teach Alexander? 3) Speaking of Future
Tense...why does Goliath care if Puck gives the gate to Oberon? After all,
the gate came from Avalon originally anyway, so what's wrong with Oberon
having it? Does Goliath just hate Oberon or was he pissed that Puck used
subtrefuge to try and get it? 4) Another Future Tense Q...when the Talon
soldiers come through the city, they smash a woman's cart and we see her
holding a photo of Chavez. Is this woman her daughter? Curious minds want
to know... 5) One more Future Tense, is it a coincidence that Alexander is
wearing Coyote's armor, or was it just a cool design the art people reused?
6)and completely unrelated, is Demona's headpiece fashioned after Goliath's
brow horns, sort of a token from their happier days, or does it match
whatever horns she may have underneath? Does she even have brow spines? If
both parents did, you'd think Angela would have them too, but she doesn't.
7)One more. In several episodes the major underlying theme seems to be the
corrupting power of the big city (Bushido, Mark of the Panther, maybe Dracon
as a character?). This was probably intentional, but I was just curious
what your views on this theme were. Well that's all for now, thank you and
everyone else who worked on Gargoyles for such a wonderful show! Though I
know you can't read the fanfic, TGS is wonderful, and I think its because
you managed in only 66 episodes to create an entire universe for our
imaginations to explore. I don't think words can express our gratitude, so
I'll just say thank you, for everything!

Greg responds...

1a. Like most people, our abilities mature. Sometimes they continue to
mature. Sometimes they don't.
1b. That's not an either or scenario. Both.
2. Owen has a supporting role in 2158. Puck doesn't appear at all. You
can probably guess why.
3. We're mixing our future tenses here. Above, I assumed you were
discussing the proposed spin-off series. Here you seem to be talking
about the episode of the original series. Anyway, the Gate
is dangerous, and from Goliath's point of view, he'd rather no one used it.
4. Well, the whole thing is an illusion, but within the illusion, yes, that
was Maria's daughter. A little touch I threw in to add pathos, and help the
audience identify with an otherwise incidental character.
5. It's not Coyote's armor, though I see the thematic similarities, which
only makes sense.
6. Demona has some horns, similar to her tiara, though not exact.
7. I think your stretching, particularly by including Dracon. Both Dracon
and Elisa are New Yorkers born and bred. Doesn't prove anything. As to
Bushido, well sure the villain went off to the Big City, but we made a
point of saying that he had trouble learning the lessons of Bushido before
he ever left. And in Panther, Tea isn't corrupted by the big city at all.
She decides to go there and Fara gets her cursed because he wants her to
stick close to home. Again, the "Big City" is a neutral element. I don't
think life in a city is inherently more corrupt than out of one. Of course,
I grew up in Los Angeles, and I'm raising my kids here, so maybe I have to
think that. Anyway, I don't buy your logic on this one. (GDW/1-27-98)

Response recorded on January 27, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Just thought of one more: Is the clocktower a real NY building?

Greg responds...

Nope. Though there are some that look similar. (GDW/1-27-98)

Response recorded on January 27, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hello!! I have quite a few questions, so please bear with me. (If at all
possible!!) Last time my qusetions got scrapped, so I'll omit any that I
think caused a problem (1) Does Oberon's law of noninterference in human
affairs physically prevent the fae from interfering, or do they only risk
Oberon's wrath as a punishment? (2) "Where" is Avalon ? i.e. could it be
placed on a map? (3) Are gargoyle clans extended families or are they
communities of gargoyle who choose to live together (or both)? (4) How does
Coldsteel heal itself ? (5) As the coldtrio are in mechanical bodies, are
they physically immortal, (i.e. can they die of old age)? (6) If the bodies
of the coldtrio were destroyed, could they be brought back "on-line?" (7)
What are the biological ages of the clone clan? (8) Why do some of the
clones have structural differences, such as Hollywood's huge fangs and
underbite? (9)In City of Stone, the Wyrd Sisters said that MacBeth and
Demona share "pain and anguish", does this include emotional pain and
heartache? (10)Why was Elisa's mother in Nigeria? (11)Are Jade and
Turquesa still on Avalon? (12) If the answer to No. 11 was yes, then where
do they live? (13)How did Mace Malone learn abouth the Illuminatti? (14)
Why was Jack Dane in the Witness Protection Program? (15) Would Lex
eventually have a mate/ (Any background info is appreciated!!) Thanks for
your time. Sorry if I repeated any questions already asked!!

Greg responds...

1. Both.
2. Depends on who made the map.
3. Both. I'm getting deja vu here. Are you sure your questions got
scrapped? I feel like I've answered all of these. Check the archives,
4 - 15. Yeah, I've definitely answered these. Check out the archives, or
else maybe you were impatient, re-asking questions before we had a chance to
post the answers. (GDW/1-27-98)

Response recorded on January 27, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

How old is the oldest fey, I don't need specific years, you can round it to
the nearest hundred or so?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 27, 1998

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