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Anonymous writes...

You resently presented us with a listing of ages for the characters of the show. I noted that Angela is chronilogicaly 106 years younger than Goliath. I also noted that Gabriel and Opheila were 1 year younger that Angela. This leads me to the questions of...
1) How long does it take for Gargoyle eggs to hatch (Goliath was 56 when he was turned to stone by the Magus and Angela didnt hatch until 50 years after that.) I am sure that the extended time has to do with the Avalon time distortion scenario.
2)Do gargoyles have a set mating season like most animals do or are they more like humans in their reproduction.
3)If 2 is yes... How many eggs do they lay during one season.
4)If 2 is no...how often can they lay eggs.
Inquiring minds want to know. Or at least I do.

Greg responds...

1. It's been a long time since I did the Avalon math. But Gargoyle eggs typically take ten years to hatch.
2. Both.
3. One.
4. Once every twenty years.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman, I read one of your terrific responses to the Goliath/Elisa relationship, You stated what you would do if you continued on the show in terms of the two TALKING about it and then disagreeing, and subsequently reagreeing.
Without giving away any of your ideas, and if "The Journey" were any indication, would you've displayed their relationship over the course of thirteen (or another 65, for that matter) episodes much more broadly, openly and frequently than the previous 65 ?

Greg responds...

If I take your meaning correctly, then, yes.

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Anonymous writes...

How involved were you with the Gargoyles comic book series and why did they stop at issue 11? (it was just starting to get good.)

Greg responds...

I consulted on the first 11 issues. It was cancelled primarily because it wasn't selling enough issues. But also because Marvel was (and is) going through some tough times. Their licensed books imploded to a great degree.
And no one's more bummed than me that it got cancelled. I was just about to take the book over as the writer. In fact, I had already written my first issue.

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Anonymous writes...

It is with a sad heart that I read the news that Gargoyles is no longer being produced. It seems to have developed quite a cult following. It is well deserved. Great animation, stories and character development.
I hope they change their minds. But, it was a great ride while it lasted.
I just wanted to congratulate someone who was involved with creating the best animated TV series of all time. Thank you. P.S. I'm 44 years old and it was a joy to watch it given the poor alternatives that are available nowadays.

Greg responds...

Thanks. I appreciate the kind words.

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Anonymous writes...

What age group were you aiming Gargoyles for? Were you at all surprised by the number of older fans that enjoy Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

We had a core age group (kids 6-11) that we needed to reach in order keep our advertisers happy, but I intentionally tried to build the show so that it operated on multiple levels and could appeal to the widest possible age range. So, no, I wasn't surprised that older fans liked it. Gratified definitely, but not surprised.

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Anonymous writes...

Though no new current seasons are being produced I was told by the master of ceremonies at a recent sci fi/fantasy convention that his sources at Disney mentioned a "limited"(??) 4th season is underway.Is this in anyway true?

Greg responds...


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Anonymous writes...

You mentioned a "Prospero" in one of your replies. Who is he? Is he related to any of the character's we know? If not, have any of the characters met him previously? Is he good or evil? And last, but not least, did you plan for him to
actually help with a hybrid, or just want to?

Greg responds...

I'm not talking.

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Oberon (excuse my spelling) banish the feys from Avalon?

Greg responds...

Arrogance. Theirs and his. And your spelling is fine.

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Anonymous writes...

If the trio is all the same age then why does Brooklyn act like he's a few years older?!?

Greg responds...

Maturity and chronological age don't always go hand in hand.

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Anonymous writes...

I was wondering if you could give a little detail on how so many Star Trek actors got cast in the show. It seems a little more than coincidence, since you had appearances from nearly the entire cast of The Next Generation, and (as far as I can tell) at least one actor from every other Star Trek series.

Greg responds...

I've answered this before. But in a nutshell, it began with Marina. She auditioned for Demona and was perfect immediately. Jonathan was later cast as Xanatos. After that when we were thinking about who to cast in various guest rolls, it was hard not to think of Star Trek when we had two of their actors sitting there in the room with us.

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