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Anonymous writes...

Almost forgot, what happened to that container with the virus from
"Hunter's Moon Part III"

Greg responds...

It was destroyed.

(GDW / 7-22-98)

Response recorded on July 22, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

A few more questions:

1. I've noticed that one of the questions you seem to be asked most often
was "What did Titania whisper to Fox?" Now, you'll be relieved to know
that I won't ask you what she whispered. What I will ask instead is: Did you
expect to get a lot of questions about what Titania whispered when you (or
whoever else on the production team had that idea) came up with that idea?
And am I correct in the assumption that it was deliberately intended to be
an eternal mystery that would never be answered?

2. You mentioned in your last batch of responses an episode that you'd
planned to make, but never did, entitled "Hobgoblin of Little Minds". Was
that the same as the never-made controversial two-parter that you
mentioned elsewhere?

3. What inspired the concept of gargoyle beasts?

4. What inspired the concept of English gargoyles looking like winged
lions, unicorns, and other heraldic animals?

5. Any particular reason why the production team chose Lexington as the
traitor in "Future Tense"? I can see easily enough the reason for one of
the gargoyles being a traitor - a great way to really shock Goliath and
break him down still further - but what made you choose Lexington over any
of the other members of the clan?

Greg responds...

1. Maybe, kinda. But I didn't anticipate all the questions,
because I didn't particularly anticipate the fandom at all.
2. No. Just another notion that came to me later.
3. It was always part of the concept. Two distinct species of
gargoyles to help us account for what appeared to be two basic types of
actual stone gargoyles. Some that seemed to have human-like intelligence
and others that seemed more beast-like. In fact, my boss Gary Krisel wanted
to divide things into even more species. A more humanlike species that
would have included Goliath and Demona, a less humanlike one that would have
included the trio, and the beasts. I found that disconcerting, so ignored
it without ever actually telling him.
4. English gargoyles that looked like unicorns, lions and griffons.
5. To some extent, I could say it was the dictates of story.
Xanatos is the villain, but he turns out to be a computer program. If you
want to shock one better, than the true villain has to be the man behind the
curtain. The guy who runs the computer. Only Lex qualifies. But having
said all that, I also think there's always been an element of kismet or
truth to gargoyles story-telling when we were really firing on all
cylinders. Nothing else works because that was the right way to go. How
that bodes for the future of the real Lexington is a question for another

(GDW / 7-22-98)

Response recorded on July 22, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

[1] Does the New Olympus clan share the same hatred of humans as the
others on their isle?

[2] Why are the NOs hatin' on humans so much? They apparently haven't
had any contact with humans for centuries... -2a) uh....right? :P

[3] The New Olympians are an astonishingly diverse bunch of folk. Some
have strange forms (Ekidna), others display startling abilities (Proteus),
and still others seem to exhibit odd local phenomena (that dude with the
flaming head). Is this solely due to their roots in the 3rd Race? -3a)
Are the (non-garg) NOs able to successfully interbreed? -3b) Is there
a pattern to which (and how) their offsprings' traits are inherited?

[4] Does/Did Taurus' mother share her son's bovine features? -4a) If
not, what does/did she look like?

[5] What would have prompted the New Olympians to send their
representatives to the UN?

[6] Feel like disclosing any details about the Romeo/Juliet relationship
right now? We'll understand if you still want to stay quiet about it. :D

Greg responds...

1. They can't be too fond of humans, or they wouldn't have chosen
to join the others on New Olympus.
2. Historically, they have plenty of reasons to hate and fear
humans. That doesn't make it right.
3. It's pretty cool isn't it? (Yes, they can interbreed to a large
4. Probably.
5. Terry.
6. Thanks for being so understanding.

(GDW / 7-22-98)

Response recorded on July 22, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Well, I guess I'll give this 'lil Arthurian contest a go. My humble
guesses are Arthur, Merlin, the Lady of the Lake, Mordred, Lancelot, Nimue, and Morgana.

Greg responds...


(GDW / 7-22-98)

Response recorded on July 22, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

-(1)- When Puck created the persona of Owen Burnett, did he
intentionally leave out the pupils, or was that some kind of strange oversight?
[1a] If the first; um... why? :)

-(2)- Are gargdogs' eyes constantly glowing 24/7 (though it's probably
more like 10/7 :P), or are their irises and so forth simply not visible
for some other reason?

Greg responds...

1. Owen is fully human. His design, pupil or no pupil, is
consistent with the design of all our humans.

2. The latter.

(GDW / 7-22-98)

Response recorded on July 22, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg! Here's a few questions:

1) If Gargoyles heal when they turn to stone, how did Hudson get that scar
and discoloration in his eye?

2) How do Gargoyles clothing turn to stone with them?

3) My ABC station in Washington D.C. didn't air The Goliath Chronicles!
Any idea on who will pick this series up (i.e. USA network, Disney's new cable
channel). Thanks

Greg responds...

1. The magic that caused it didn't heal in one night, thus it
scarred and blinded him permanently.

(GDW / 7-22-98)

Response recorded on July 22, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

just a small question, if Maggie and Talon were to have a child, the child
would look human would it not?? It'd have to, unless the mutagen they were
infected with altered their DNA. I'm not sure, but you probably are,

Greg responds...

No comment.

(GDW / 7-22-98)

Response recorded on July 22, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

Sorry to be continuously over the head with Demona questions. Anyway,
here's another. At some point, Demona has this genuine revelation that
she is responsible for all the misery in her life, Wyvern, MacBeth, her
thousand years of lonliness. Maybe I'm assuming to much but I take it her
previously stellar sense of self deception will be of no avail to her now. She is
forced to acknowledge the truth. So, with all of this self blame slamming
into her like a train wreck, a very sizeable one at that, what becomes her
new anchor. As I have mentioned in the past, what becomes her new reason
to go on.

Greg responds...

Love and redemption.

(GDW / 7-22-98)

Response recorded on July 22, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

1. I read your latest update, and sympathized with your confessed problems
over having given away the fact that Oberon was Merlin's father - and with
the general "letting slip" over this or that element about the series in
general. However, if it makes you feel any better, I'll say that
sometimes your revelations do actually *increase* my interest and hopes that the
series will be revised someday. When you revealed that Duval was the
Fisher King, for example, it actually raised (in my mind) more questions than it
answered. Likewise, when you said that the Illuminati were after the
gargoyles because they know some things, that got me wondering what those
things were (don't worry, I'm not going to ask you about them here), and
made me hope for a revival of the series in some form so that we could
someday learn the answers. At any rate, I'd say that I certainly don't
blame you for choosing to keep silent on these things; I'd do the same in
your shoes.

2. Related to your statements about Merlin: I was interested in the bit
about Oberon being Merlin's dad, since Merlin's legendary parentage (the
son of a non-human being) had long interested me. But one thing I'm curious
about: how much of a Standards and Practices problem do you suppose
Merlin's illegitimacy (which you confirmed in your last update) would have been?
(For that matter, I imagine that a lot of the main elements in the
Arthurian legend - Lancelot and Guinevere, for example - would have been real
Standards and Practices headaches).

3. What, in your opinion, is the population number (in round numbers) of
the Third Race at the time of the Gathering?

Greg responds...

1. Thanks for understanding. I'm very inconsistent. Moody, even.
2. On Oberon and Merlin, I think I just would have attempted not to
flag that. Slid by. Lance and Gwen wouldn't have been too big a problem.
For one thing, their relationship is such a huge part of our literary
tradition, it gets a bit of an exemption. For another thing, though
PENDRAGON would have had its share of flashbacks, the series was to be set
in the present, so that relationship wouldn't have been a big issue.
3. Don't know.

(GDW / 7-22-98)

Response recorded on July 22, 1998

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Anonymous writes...

There's one thing I never quite understood about Owen's stone arm: it
looks so darn heavy. Why doesn't it just snap off at the bone?

Greg responds...


(GDW / 7-22-98)

Response recorded on July 22, 1998

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