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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman, I just happened to notice something about the episode Walkabout. The Matrix resembled the Borg from Star Trek. The Matrix said it wanted to make order out of chaos. In Star Trek the Borg have said the same thing. The Matrix was also going to take over the world, like the way the Borg assimilate worlds. And I also figured that since you had so many voices done by actors from Star Trek that maybe the Borg, in a way, were an inspiration for the Matrix.

Greg responds...

Not really, though both the Borg and Matrix come from the same tradition of techno-phobia.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, Well I am not one of those gargoyles lovers that constantly say for Greg's sake instead of for God's sake, but I do watch the show ok now to my question. When the archmage fell in the cave the first time could he have been sustained in the temple, but then when the captain of the gaurds and the barbarien guy were trapped in the cave the archmage then switched places with them like, they tried to do to goliath in shadows of the past. Then some how the arch mage was able to tap the temple to time travel and save himself. Well thankyou for listening to my theory.

Greg responds...


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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg. I have 4 questions, all about Brooklyn, for you (Hopefuly they won't become more as I write) 1.) What year would Booklyn have traviled to first when he touched the phonix gate in Time Dancer? 2.) What year did he travil to when he meet his mate(whom I hear her name was to be Katana, or am I wrong about that?)? 3.) What color gargoyle did you have in mind for his mate? 4.) What year was his mate born and what year were his hatchlings born? Thanks!

Greg responds...

1. 997.
2. I haven't calculated the exact year yet.
3. Color? You're ahead of me. (I'm somewhat colorblind, so that isn't the first thing I think of.)
4. I haven't calculated that yet. It's particularly complicated with the kids, since Brooklyn and Katana did quite a bit of dancing.

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Anonymous writes...

I love the show, taped almost all the episodes, and just have a couple of questions: 1. Does Disney have any plans to sell any videos, animation cells, or other media of the show? 2. What would have happened if Guardian Tom had continued to ring the iron bell, and he "finished off" Oberon?
Would he become Lord of Avalon, or would there be a fae war? 3. Do Angela's eyes glow red like Demona's because of parental inheritance, or is it a trait of Scottish female gargoyles?

Greg responds...

1. Animation cells are on sale now. So are videos of the first season, though by this time they may be hard to find. There was a computer game and a board game and tons of other products as well, including a children's book and a coloring book.
2. I think it would have been ugly. But Tom definitely would not have been king.
3. Female gargoyle eyes glow red. Males glow white. Scotishness has nothing to do with it.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi! I'd just like to know if Keith David, who breathed life into Goliath so well, is going to be involved in any way, shape or form in the upcoming Gargoyles movie.

Greg responds...

I hope so, but it's too soon to know.

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Anonymous writes...

PLEASE don't tell me that Demona was going to become a good guy! *Shudder* Augh! It's worse than TGC's portrayment of Xanatos! I can understand that she might soften towards a few gargoyles, or one or two humans making relationships wi th Brooklyn or Macbeth remotely possible, though not likely, but if she came to like humans, or lose her generally scummy and betraying parts, you would lose most of Demona. Even as Goliath's mate, she wanted to live separate from the humans or dominate them. Thank you.

Greg responds...

Uh, Jazzie, I guess you must be talking about FUTURE TENSE, which was set in 2158. By that time, Demona would be an ally, but I don't think she'd be any less interesting. She'd have gone through a lot by that time. Learned a lot. She'd have a lot to repent for. Redemption, as you all might have gathered, is a topic that fascinates me. I'm sure I wouldn't have lost Demona in the process of exploring that.

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Anonymous writes...

*big inhale* Hi, it's me again. I have several more questions, these are mostly about the voice actors: 1) Did you know any of the voice actors, personally? 2) I heard that Laura San Giacomo went uncredited because her agent told her that being on a cartoon show would inhibit her chances at better roles. I want to know from you if it's the complete truth. If it is, say "aardvark". 3) Did the voice actors come in contact with each other? (i.e. was the episode recorded sequentially or did the actors come one by one, read their lines, and leave?) 4) What is done when a voice actor suffers from a disease that affects his/her voice? (i.e. laryngitis) 5) On a related note, why was Rachel Ticotin replaced? (If it was only in TGC say "aardvark". If not, then if it was related to the answer to #4, say "tomato backwards".) 6) Have the voice actors ever influenced the story paths of their respective characters, personality, etc.? (I already know about the Arch Mage).' Now for some more streamlined questions... 7) What influenced your naming of the Weird Sisters? I did research and Phoebe, Luna, and Selene were actually moon goddesses. Can't remember the real names of the Weird Sisters off the top of my head. Any answers? 8) his sounds like a stupid question but it's really been bugging me. Does Owen have a different personality than Puck? 9) Titania and Bottom... is there anything about that in your plan for Gargoyles? 10) My final question... Do you watch your own show?
*big exhale* I feel that's all I will have to say... for now. But don't be surprised if you hear from me again. Ciao!

Greg responds...

1. Do you mean before we started or after? I knew Jeff Bennett and Jim Cummings from previous shows I'd worked on. I met Marina Sirtis, Michael Dorn, Bill Fagerbakke, Marabina Jaimes and many others at their auditions.
The rest I met for the first time at their first recording session. The two guys I've kept in (minimal) touch with since the show ended are Ed Asner and Keith David.
2. I don't know if it was her agent or her manager. I don't know what he told Laura. Heck, I don't even know if he was a he or a she. All I know is that her representation told Jamie Thomason that Laura would not be taking the credit. That may mean that if she was credited doing voice work on an animated series (which doesn't pay all that much, relatively) she might have trouble commanding a high fee for commercial voice over work. Or it might mean, that she'd be perceived as desperate for work, any work. I don't know. It doesn't matter. Laura's representation recommended against taking the credit. Right or wrong, we ultimately respected that decision.
3. For the most part we did group recordings, but there were always exceptions, because we had cast a very busy group of people.
4. We struggled through a few colds, but we never had any huge vocal setbacks. At worst, we'd reschedule an actor to record when he or she felt better.
5. I'm not sure what all these codewords are for. Was Rachel replaced in Goliath Chronicles? I saw those episodes and I don't remember that. I do remember that Elisa Pensler Gabrielli (who played Obsidiana) played Chavez in "Revelations", because it was only a few lines and Rachel's schedule just wouldn't allow her to record that week (or the week after or any time that allow us to make our schedule). I think Elisa did o.k., all things considered. We talked about ADR-ing Rachel later, but it didn't seem worth the expense.
6. Yeah, I'm sure they did. As you mentioned, the Archmage is a perfect example of this. Keith's reading of Morgan always made me want to explore a relationship between Morgan and Elisa. Clancy's reading of both Hakon and Wolf suggested the bond between those two characters. I'm confident there are other examples. We also tried (both intentionally, and I'm sure, subconsciously) to write to the strengths of our actors.
7. The triple goddess is a standard in most mythologies, and it's generally related to the moon. The Weird Sisters come from a tradition that includes the Graces, the Fates, the Norns, etc. It seemed natural to go for moon goddess type names. As far as I know, Shakespeare never named them.
8. Sure.
9. Uh huh.
10. Yeah. Way too often.

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

(1)\hat are the chances of your Gargoyles Encyclopedia getting published (i.e.
would Disney let you)? (2)You said that there would eventually be some sort of commitment ceremony for Goliath and Elisa (though not exactly what we would call a wedding). What would this ceremony have been like?

Greg responds...

1. It's not so much a Disney issue. I need to get some publisher interested.
2. Let me surprise you.

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Anonymous writes...

Greetings Mr.Weisman First let me say how much I enjoy watching gargoyles.So few television shows out there have the depth and focus that Gargoyles does,that and the positive outlook of its theme is a refreshing break from standard programming. Now if I may ask my questions;I have not seen these asked,but if they have been my apolgies for repeating them,and I did not find them in the archive. Question #1) AS eluded in the episode "Vows" the relationship between Xanatos and his father was not good,my and that was fully illustrated and explained though the particulars might still remail somewhat vague,even after his partial reconciliation later on ,my curiousity was peeked in as to his family background.Does David Xanatos have any siblings of his own or is he an only child? If he does were u ever thinking on introducing them into the storyline at some point? Question#2; I have seen nothing mentioned as to his mother was his father a widower?
If so when did she die,was he an adult at her death,or was he still a child?And if so how did it effect his developement?Was his obsession with control partially to compensate for this event? thankyou in advance DarkChyld

Greg responds...

1. Only child.
2. Petros is a widower. But I'm not prepared to say anything about David's mother at this time. However, I think it goes without saying that her death had an effect on David, on Petros, and on their relationship.

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Anonymous writes...

This is sort of a followup to my previous question about "The Hound Of Ulster," because you did ask.... I don't know Diane Duane personally (*sigh* don't I WISH) but she's written some other stuff with a fairly accurate hand about the Celtic myths, including Cuchullain; I don't know how she could know all that and still get confused about the "hound of Ulster". As for what else was wrong... well, the name "Cuchullain" actually means "Cullain's Hound" (Cullain was a lord of Ulster), and to make a long legend short, Cuchullain was called so because he defended Ulster throughout his life like a protective hound. ...Of course, it wouldn't be hard to fit a gargoyle beast into the original story somewhere.... But I find it hard to believe that anyone currently living in Ireland would consider the Hound of Ulster (a) an actual hound, or (b) a frightening creature. Molly's "ghost story" about the "Great Beast, the Hound of Ulster" bothered me a lot more than the eventual revelation of the "true story" (even though as far as the stories I've read say, Cuchullain never fought a Banshee in his life). I don't mind if the current versions of the legend aren't much like what "really happened," but I would expect modern-day people to know the current version. That said, I suppose I'd better actually _ask_ something, since this isn't the "Tell Greg" page....
You said you had plans for Rory and Molly. Isn't Molly actually the Banshee, and isn't she currently sort of grounded on Avalon? Or is it that the Banshee temporarily took the form of Molly, who is actually an ordinary human Irish girl?

Greg responds...

I know the Cuchullain story now. I didn't then. Diane didn't call me personally to fill me in. Maybe she or Peter told Michael Reaves, but Michael didn't tell me. I think the "answer" is more or less what you said.
The truth and the legend may not match up. We may also have added a legend to the "Gargoyles Universe" that doesn't exist in our universe. I do know that I had the whole thing confused in my head with the Barghest, if that helps. At one point, I suggested titling the whole script "The Barghest" and using Barghest for "Great Beast" occasionally. Diane, Peter and Michael objected to that, so we didn't do it. But no one brought up the rest of it.

I do have plans for Rory and Molly. And the only Molly I know is the Banshee. Heh heh heh.

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

I was wondering, in the Movie, thats on its way, is the Clan (Brooklyn, Broadway, Lex ect..) going to be in it?

Greg responds...

I don't know.

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Anonymous writes...

All hail Greg! To the point: how tall and heavy are Angela, Brooklynn, Goliath, Hudson, and Elisa? Will physical characteristics like this appear in your Encyclopedia?

Greg responds...

Numbers aren't my specialty, so no, I don't know the exact answers to those questions, and that kind of stuff isn't currently in the encyclopedia.

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Anonymous writes...

First off, Thanks for taking the time out to read this and second, I loved Gargoyles(so does my mom,my brothers, my fiance, and his Marine Corps buddies. 1.Are you in any way shape or form involved in the developing movie? 2. What is the projected release date? 3. Is Hollywood going to at least follow some of the storyline that the cartoon followed? 4. Even if the movie does get made(I hope!),who would you absolutely love to see portraying Goliath and Elisa? Thanks again for your time!

Greg responds...

1. A bit, but not much.
2. Summer, 1999, but that could change.
3. I don't know yet.
4. I'd love to see Keith and Salli reprise their roles, of course.

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg! Gotta few questions>1)If Oberon knew what the weird sisters had done relating to Demona and MacBeth, and the attacks on the Avalon clan, would he punish them for interfering in human affairs? If not, why not???
2)At what age would Brooklyn have met his mate, Katana? 3)What era is she from? 4)What part of the world is she from? 5)Have we met her or seen her on the show before? 6)What species is she? 7)You said awile ago that, in "Grief", Anubis didn't know gargoyles lived twice as long as humans, and therefore he aged them enough to kill them if they were humans. If he did that, then why did they look so old? He'd probably age them maybe 60 years which would make Goliath about 60 years old chronilogically and Angela about 48, making them only middle aged. But, after being aged in "Grief" They both looked positivly ancient! Why was this? Thank you very much for your time! :-)

Greg responds...

1. It depends on how it was presented and when. Oberon's not exactly Mr.
2. I haven't done the math in some time. Not too much older than he is now.
3. Feudal Japan.
4. Feudal Japan.
5. No.
6. Gargoyle.
7. That was Goliath's theory. Jackal was in control. He aged them a ton.
Enough, to kill them, he would have thought. He was wrong. You're doing math; Jackal-Anubis was tossing power around. I don't think he/they bothered with the numbers.

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Thanks for answering my last question. Now I have another one. (1) Was Demona going to be a hero or villain in the Future Tense spin-off? If she is a good guy than what would her three grandchildren actually think of her?
You can proba ly tell that I really like Demona. (2) I mean REALLY How tall is the Eyrie Building? (3) How does your family feel about the show? (4) And I would like to thank you for the hardwork and dedication you put into 66 episodesand creating these wonderful charac ters (like Demona). And for answering our questions.

Greg responds...

1. I've answered this before. She'd be fighting on the side of the angels.
Whether that makes her a hero or not is subject to interpretation.
2. Tall.
3. They tell me they like it. But do you really think they'd say anything else? :)
4. You're welcome.

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Anonymous writes...

greg, i have two waves that sound like goliath and are gargoyle related, the word goddamit is used in this. If these are from an episode that never made air, can you tell me if these are real or not, if you don't know what i am talkin g about, i would be happy to mail you the waves.

Greg responds...

I don't know what you're talking about, but you don't need to bother mailing it to me. We never used that kind of language in any show. NEVER. So I'm sure what you've got is quite phoney. And by the way, there were no episodes that never "made air".

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Anonymous writes...

What is your stand on people using likenesses of your characters? Have you ever considered publishing your stories on the internet? If they can use it to sell useless crap like pornography, why not publish something worth while?

Greg responds...

Disney owns these characters, not me. I can't publish original material for profit, without getting permission from Disney.

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Will Owen ever get a life separate from Xanatos?

Greg responds...

Who says he doesn't have one now?

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

Okay, were there any plans to better develop Owen's character in respect to his personal life?

Greg responds...

Sure, eventually.

Bookmark Link

Anonymous writes...

A few more questions: 1. If you had done the spin-offs "Future Tense", "The New Olympians", and "Pendragon", how would you have ensured that they would not be confused with the "Gargoyles" episodes that went by those names? 2.
In "Leader of the Pack" and "A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time", Owen had a *really* sneaky smile on his face. Was this a little foreshadowing of his true identity? 3. Did you get a lot of letters from people before "The Gathering" who thought that Presto n Vogel was the result of a lazy animator copying Owen?

Greg responds...

1. Confused by who? You mean in a comment room someone might say, I loved FUTURE TENSE; then someone else might say, Oh, I didn't like it when Broadway was killed. And the first person says, not "Future Tense", FUTURE TENSE!!
And everyone says, huh? My point is, the press takes no note of episodic titles. It would seem to me that even the fans would have no real problem distinguishing the difference from the context of whatever comment got posted.
2. I suppose, but Owen is entitled to smile now and then. Owen is Owen.
The fact that he's also Puck, doesn't make Owen a cardboard one-note character.
3. Well, not letters. I certainly heard a bit of that on the Ranger List.
And also from people on the show who weren't in on it. (Jeff Bennett, by the way, didn't know Owen was Puck until he read "The Gathering, Part Two". We intentionally kept it from him. Aren't we stinkers?)

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Anonymous writes...

Hello! I have a question about the gargoyle eggs, (not Angela and her rookery siblings). I have asked this Q before, anf if you have answered it already, sorry, I must have missed it. Anywayz, how many eggs can 1 mother lay at a time? Just 1, then wait another 20 years, or more?

Greg responds...

One every twenty years exactly.

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Anonymous writes...

I remember a "Steve Perry" in the writing credits for several Season One "Gargoyles" eps. Recently I have seen a "Stephen Perry" in the writing credits for "Thundercats" reruns on the Cartoon Network. Is this the same guy? Any chance the Gargoyles will move to the Cartoon Network (pleeeaazzzze not the Disney channel! I don't get that one!)

Greg responds...

I can't be 100% sure, but I'd guess it's the same Steve Perry. Gargoyles is currently running on the USA network.

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Anonymous writes...

What does "deslegrate mori tempte-et intervalia" mean i've tried for a month, looking in latin books, and asking teachers i think intervalia means between walls and mori (if thats how its spelled) means to die.
plese, please transla te. thanks for the time

Greg responds...

Well, it was bad latin to begin with, though we thought it was good at the time. It's not "mori", it's "muri". And it's not "tempte" it's "tempe". It is "deslegrate", but I gather it should have been "deflegrate" or something like that. It's supposed to mean something like "Burn down the walls of time and space." I guess sorcerer's latin is slightly different from the standard brand.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. I just got 3 questions here. 1. When did you actually have the idea to make Owen to be Puck in disguise? Was it actually thought up in the beginning of the 1st season, or did the idea popped up during the creati on of the 2nd season? 2. In the episode "The Mirror", Elisa was dressed up as a security cop at the museum. When she was looking into the mirror, she turned around when she heard Demona attacking the male security guard. The image of Elisa in the mir ror did not move when Elisa turned around. Was that intentional or just a fluke? 3. At the end of "The Reckoning", Demona sacrificed her life to try to kill Thailog. Why did Goliath & Angela thought that Demona died even when they saw Elisa kill Dem ona to save both MacBeth and Demona from eternal demises in the episode "Sanctuary"?

Greg responds...

1. Almost immediately after we conceived the character of Puck, before "The Mirror" was written, probably toward the tail end of season one.
2. Very intentional. A little touch thrown in by the storyboard artist to hint at the mirror's mystic properties.
3. I've answered this before; check the archives for a more detailed response, but the short answer is that they just weren't sure.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello again Mr. Weisman. 1. In your mind, what does New York look like in 2158? 2. In what year did Macbeth arrive in America for the first time?
3. In what year did Demona arrive in America for the first time? 4. You said that Oberon let Pendragon stay on Avalon because he owed someone a favor. Who did he owe the favor to? 5. Did you get the movie script from Dean Devlin? 6. In what year did Demona meet Puck? 7. How old is Puck?
8. When did Puck reveal himself to Xanatos? 9. Did you have any plans for Beth Maza? Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions.

Greg responds...

1. That's a big old design question. More of the same, I guess. I view the show in 2158 as being international (if not intergalactic) in scope, so I haven't given that much thought to the specifics of Manhattan.
2. I don't know yet.
3. I don't know yet.
4. His son.
5. I never saw it. And it's moot now, because Dean's been replaced by another writer, Jim Kouf.
6. I don't know yet.
7. Very old.
8. Shortly after Owen left Cyberbiotics.
9. Yes.

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