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Jimmy writes...

Who are Lexington's and Brooklyn's biological parents and what did THEY looke like?

Greg responds...

Don't know.

Response recorded on February 26, 2004

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Anonymus writes...

Do Lexington and Iago have mates?

Greg responds...

Not as of 1996.

Response recorded on February 25, 2004

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LEX is cool writes...

first I would like to compliment you on a great job. you have created a truly phanominal show.(sorry can't spell)
I watch it all the time.

Well, I got a few question about Lex (with him being my favorite character and all).

1.) Is Lex's mate going to have the same type of wings as Lex? Somehow I cant imagine haveing Lex's mate have the typical type of wings most other Gargoyles have. They seem much taller and id really like to see another gargoyle with that unique type of wings

2. Id also like to know how you think Lex feels, being the smallest and supposedly the weakest of the others. does he feel less efficent as a fighter or something.

3.) does Lexs hatred limit his amility in battle or improve it in anyway(fighting with rage and such)

4.) last question(sorry if i ask to many questions im just curious)when and where will Lexs mate be introduced will you tell us eventully? or in a gargoyle series(if it starts back up again)? I know you probably dont want to answer this yet just seeing what info I can get on my favorite charactor.

BTW thanx for your time I appreciate it

PS: keep trying Lexy I want to know his mate as much as you do Hehe (i learned a lot from your posts.=)

Greg responds...

1. I'm not answering this.

2. He's a fairly effective fighter, using his size and speed to his advantage. I've never noticed any kind of complex.

3. I think that he's generally been less effective against the Pack, because he lets his rage get the better of him.

4. I can't intro Lex's mate without a professional story-telling medium to intro Lex's mate. I'm still working on finding that medium. I haven't given up.

Response recorded on February 10, 2004

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Crabwhistle writes...

is Lexington going to become a Crazed maniac in the future like in the episode "Future Tense"

Greg responds...

Who's to say?

Well, I am I guess. But I'm not. So who's to say?

Response recorded on January 27, 2004

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Lexy writes...

*peeks in* Hope you had fun in Europe Greg:)

1)Do you already have a name picked out for Lexington's mate?

2) If so, what is the name, that you have picked out thus far, for Lexington's mate.

Greg responds...

I did have a great time in Scotland. (Although I'm guessing you're referring to my Denmark trip in 2002, which was also fun.)

1. Yes.
2. Not telling.

Response recorded on October 28, 2003

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Lexy writes...


Are you in the mood today to tell us where Lexington's mate comes from before meeting Lex in Manhattan?

*spins the wheel..again* hmm 3 years..

Greg responds...

Nope. Spin again.

Response recorded on May 29, 2003

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Anonymous writes...

Why does Lex have to have a mate?

Greg responds...

He doesn't HAVE to.

Response recorded on October 17, 2001

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matt writes...

1. in Leader of the Pack when the clan learns from Elisa that the Pack escaped from prison Lex wants to head off to PMS cuz he thinks they'll return there like "snakes to a nest", Goliath and Elisa try to stop him and then Brooklyn says he'll go with Lex to PMS to check it out. what gives Brooklyn the authority to just run off with Lex like that, hes not yet Second and he never asks Goliath or anyone if they can go?

2. what does "snakes to a nest" mean anyway? from what i know of snakes, they all abandon their eggs completly or stay with their eggs until they hatch.

Greg responds...

1. Look, these guys have been working together for awhile. Brooklyn makes the offer (whether he phrases it that way or not), and Goliath tacitly accepts. What's going on here, primarily, is that everyone is aware that Lex is out of control. Elisa (and thus Goliath and Brooklyn and everyone) don't believe that the Studio is a likely place for the Pack to go to. So Brooklyn goes along to keep Lex out of trouble at a theoretically harmless location.

2. Ask the writer. I was just the producer.

Response recorded on September 08, 2001

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matt writes...

in 1996, is Lex and his clone the only gargoyles in the world with their particular wing structure?

if not, what other clans have members with wings like that? Avalon?

Greg responds...


Again, I'm not going to answer this so as not to some day limit the artists I work with.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

KW Sapphire asked how much Demona could bench. Well, I already know how much Lex can bench:


(this is a few years old, but I believe Thom's character was complaining that the name "Jumbo Jack" was biased against short people. You may have to actually live in a state that has the "Jack in the Box" chain to understand this commercial).

Oh, and I only have Day 1 up now, but eventually I'll have my Gathering report up here: http://crossroads.dragonmists.org/fantasy/avalon/gathering/g2k1_1.html

Greg responds...

Would you mind cutting and pasting your diary here?

Response recorded on August 24, 2001

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