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Ok another question to add to my list.
It's known that John Canmore (hunter) has changed his indentity and later became John Castaway leader of The Quarrymen, but why would he have gone to all the trouble to change his eye color, his name, grow 10 years older, and change British (no longer being Scotish ), when the hunter thing was working much better than that metal hammer that goes ZAP!. Did the creators change him and give him a new group just for more stories ? and does His sister who is in jail know what he is up to ?
Thanks for taking the time to answer :)
Gargoyles Forever !
He didn't change his eye-color. He changed his appearance enough, being a wanted fugitive, to maintain his freedom. He changed his accent (as he had when he used the alias Jon Carter), to further his disguise.
He founded the Quarrymen, because he no longer had full access to the resources of the Hunters.
And his sister would likely find out soon what he was up to. His brother too.
1.If Castaway knew his guys resembled the KKK wasn't he afraid of them suing him for trademark infringement?
And why wasn't he worried that the Beatles sue him for calling his guys the Quarryman?
Probably for the same reason he wasn't worried about the Gilligan's Island gang suing him over his new last name.
Was Castaway or the Illuminati worried at all about how the Quarrymen's resemblance to the Ku Klux Clan and its political correctness? Or did he/they design them that way on purpose and if they did, for what reason? Or did they figure that most people wouldn't make the connection because Gargoyles aren't people, and thus can't be persecuted against?
Well, I was making the connection for the audience, but I think that in the world of the Garg universe, the similarities were less intentional than inevitable, given the nature of both organizations.
1a) Did Goliath know Jon Canmore and John Castaway were the same person? b) Did Elisa?
1a. Not at the time of "The Journey".
1b. Ditto.
Regarding John Castaway/Jon Canmore, how exacly did he make contact with the Illuminati?
I'm not revealing the specifics right now, though I will say that the Hunters and Illuminati have been aware of each other for quite some time.
When the Quarrymen started up in "The Journey", it was a mixture of different varieties of people with different reasons for going after the gargoyles. Some, such as Banquo and Fleance, were essentially mercenaries out simply to ruthlessly destroy the gargoyles out of malice, or to receive regular pay checks from Castaway. But the bulk of them, from what we saw in that episode, were more "ordinary folks" such as Vinnie, or Billy and Susan's mother, who joined up because they were afraid of the gargoyles, saw them as a menace to themselves, their families, and their community, and believed that they had to do something.
In your plans, you've mentioned that the Quarrymen would still be around by 2198. Is the "ordinary frightened citizen" element of it (as in, concerned parents who believe that the gargoyles would attack their children) still a significant part of it by then? Or would it by then be composed mainly of the vicious thug-types?
As I've said before, look at the Klan, which still survives today.
There will always be people, unfortunately, who let fear and ignorance and resentment and ridiculous prejudices fuel their hatred. Is Castaway himself that different?
You said in a chat in '97 that, "in my mind, he [Jon Canmore/Castaway] approached the Illuminati, who for their own reasons, funded the Quarrymen."
1a) How and for how long did he know that the Illuminati really existed? b) Do the other Canmores know about the Illuminati (before Robyn joins the Redemption Squad)?
2) How did he know where to find the Illuminati? I found your statement that *he* was the one to approach *them* rather interesting, as I would have assumed that it's usually the Illuminati who establish first contact with someone.
3) Does Castaway become a member of the Illuminati?
1a) I think the Canmore's have known for quite some time. The Hunters and the Illuminati may have been useful to each other from time to time.
b) I would think so. At least to some extent.
2. But this wasn't first contact. All he needs is a contact. The message would work its way up the pyramid, so to speak.
3. I don't know.
Hello Greg,
Im a big fan of the gargoyles and all and I was wondering if the gargoyles were still on the air would you bring back the Hunter? and few other questions.. how many Hunters were in the gargoyle history? I know they were 1 in the ancient times and 3 in the present and McBeth was kind of one... and the other question if you did brought back the Hunter what kind of look would he have? a High Tech-ish look more beyond what the 3 Hunters had?
I don't know exactly how many hunters there have been. We've shown a sampling, including Gillecomegain, Duncan, Canmore, the Renaissance Hunter, Charles Canmore, Jason Canmore, Robyn Canmore, Jon Canmore. And, as you said, briefly, Macbeth. Fiona Canmore would have appeared in Team Atlantis, had that show gone forward, and Robyn would have continued as the Hunter in Bad Guys (though she'd largely be hunting other bad guys, not gargs) had that show gone forward.
There are more Hunters in the past, including some specific ones that I have in mind. But I won't pretend I've run the entire Canmore line from Canmore to Jon out in my head and listed every single one.
As for moving forward, I see the Hunters waning in favor of the waxing Quarrymen. But I'm not talking in absolutes.
How does the Quarrymen theory about Gargoyles evolved in 2198?
i.e.: Do they still view them as the usual "demons/monsters/super-natural beings" or that view changed to something else, like "rival sentinent being"?
I think they see them as an insidious evil. Beyond that, even the Quarrymen aren't likely to be monolithic in the specifics of their beliefs.
Hi Greg,
First of all thank you so much for Gargoyles. It's had a wonderful impact on the lives of my sister and myself as well as 8 children I used to take care of. I apologize if any of my questions have been asked and answered in the past. I actually read all the FAQs and the archives to make sure. I didn't see them there, but I could be wrong. (I did read a lot in one day!)
1. I know that you had nothing to do with the Goliath Chronicles with the exception of "The Journey". I find the Quarry Men an interesting organization and a very real threat to not only the Gargoyles but to Elisa Maza as well. I'm curious as what you would have planned for this group in the future. Would they have been a long term force to be reckoned with?
Yep. Centuries long. I hesitate to say this because I don't want to trivialize something as evil and insidious as the KKK, but that organization was my inspiration for the Quarrymen.
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