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RESPONSES 2001-6 (June)

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Epyon Zero writes...

Will you, one day, do the ramblings on the last Starship Troopers episodes (the ones that never aired, not the clipshows)?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean by "do the ramblings".

We're still hoping those last three Starships will get made for DVD. (A real possibility if the DVDs sell well.) Until I know they AREN'T going to DVD then I'm reluctant to reveal anything.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

How does Xanatos exploit the New Olympians?

Greg responds...

Any way he can.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Basilisk writes...

Does the weight of a gargoyle increase when they turn to stone?

Greg responds...

Ask the floor.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Wingedbeast writes...

With regards to bringing back Gargoyles episodes.

A. I'm all for your choide to get rid of TGC. The show went way downhill from that, probably because Disney decided story arc and evolving characters was too much quality.

B. To who's ass do I email a kick saying "Bring Gargoyles back into production"?

Greg responds...

Well, no one. NOt with that attitude. A hostile letter is going to be ignored as a crank. If you're interested in helping, then a reasoned appeal might help a little. But an organized letter writing campaign would help more. NOTE: Letters. Not e-mails.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Epyon Zero writes...

In Avalon 2, when Archamge 2 talk to Archmage 1, he says he' ll need many things: weapons, allies, soldiers, a base of operation, etc

Weapons: Eye of Odin, Grimorum, Phoenix Gate
Allies: Weird Sisters
Soliders: Demona, Macbeth
Base: Avalon

Beside those mentioned, did any others things/people were plan by the Archmage?

Greg responds...


No. If I read you right.


Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Corrine Blaquen writes...

What is Xanatos's mother's first name?

Greg responds...

Not saying at this time.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Demona Taina writes...

This is another stupid question.. but you've said before that when one of your voice actors had a busy schedule that he/she could not get out of, you simply got another actor to play the part, like what happened with Maria Chavez and Margot Yale. What happened when one of the main characters' voices was unavailable? (Keith David, Thom Adcox, Marina Sirtis..) Did you postpone the recording session or something?


Greg responds...

We postponed recording them. We'd record the other actors and get Keith or whomever when we could. It wasn't usually too long a wait.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Blacklight Lara writes...

Did the Castle Wyvern clan keep track of their history?

If so, how? It seems as though the lack of personal names would make that more difficult.

Greg responds...

They kept track of clan history, orally. Individual achievement meant less to them, socially.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

If Proteus is a villain for NO then how does he get off New Olympus to menace our protagonists or does he stay on NO?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to get into the specifics of how he escaped at this time. But he does.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Why does Terry and Sphinx fall in love with each other? Afterall Sphinx isn't even human?

Greg responds...

And Terry isn't even Olympian. And Romeo wasn't a Capulet. And Juliet wasn't a Montague.

Why do any two people fall in love?

What an odd question.

Response recorded on June 19, 2001

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