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you've said in the past and we've seen in the show that the Clocktower has a kitchen, a bathroom, internet access, and electrical outlets... what kind of attic/clocktower is this? did the gargs install these things somehow or were they always there? maybe i can see the gargs wiring up the electrical outlets and phone line, but how did they get the plumbing done to install a bathroom and kitchen? and how did they get their fridge up there too? i realize i'm being incredibally anal about this, and you don't have to answer, but i'm just really curious if you have an answer! i'm even debating whether to submit this or not cuz i think you'll think i'm obsessed with these darn details and maybe i am... oh well, here goes!
There's no kitchen. There's a hotplate.
Basically there's electricity and a small utility-style bathroom up there. Everything else was jury-rigged.
The fridge was a junker. They flew it in. Lex repaired it.
Why is it that in "Enter Macbeth" Goliath dosen't want to lose his castle and Hudson is pointing out that it's just a place of stone and wood. Then later in "Reawakining", Hudson is the one who is worried about the clocktower too much but Goliath is saying it's just where they sleep. I know it seems like a small thing, but I'd still like it clarified.
Hudson was being practical in "Enter". Goliath wasn't being realistic.
In "Reawakening" the issue is different. The Clock Tower is now their home. Hudson is using a tenth century definition of home. Goliath, by this time, has adapted somewhat to the notion that what they must protect isn't simply their new castle (i.e. the clock tower) but rather their new CASTLE, i.e. Manhattan.
Two totally different points were being made in those two episodes. Unfortunately, I don't know if I've made that clear. If not, let me know and I'll try again.
when did you and the writers decide that the clan was going to move into the Clocktower? was it right from the beginning or from the first appearence of the Clocktower in "Deadly Force"?
I don't know what "from the beginning" means, exactly. But long before we wrote episodes for the show, when it was still in development, we knew that the situation in the Castle would be untenable. So Paul Felix designed the Clock Tower.
ok, for most the sereis Xanatos doesn't know where the gargs new home is, suddenly in "Hunter's Moon" he does. my guess is that Owen/Puck found out from Goliath in "Future Tense" that the live in the Clocktower and then he told Xanatos, is that right? if not, how did Xanatos find out? i think that Xanatos was smart enough to figure they lived in the Clocktower after two years anyway, i mean, it was an obviously good place to Elisa, couldn't Xanatos figure it out?
Puck may have had access to that information from as far back as "The Mirror". But info gathered by Puck was not info that Owen could give to Xanatos, as a function of their agreement.
I'm not sure Xanatos knew until Owen let it slip in Hunter's Moon, Part Three. By which time the info was useless. I guess what you're missing is that moment when David says, "My god, you mean to tell me they've been in the Clock Tower the whole time?! Why didn't I see that?! I'm such a fool!"
Of course, that's not very Xanatosian, is it? He takes the revelation in stride. As if he'd always known. That's his style.
Then again, maybe he had figured it out long ago.
On some level, I'll leave that decision up to each and every one of you.
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