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Dusk Rider Q writes...

My Review of Issue #2

Let me start by saying. "The Journey" was never one of my favorite episodes. It's too heavy on exposition, and doesn't introduce us to anything new but the Quarrymen. (I'm not a big fan of them either as they sort of hit us over the head with the KKK comparison. I much prefer the Hunters with their own pact of vengeance, a long history to harbor a grudge, and a powerful symbol of hate with it's own story behind it) I understand the need for being friendly to new readers, but there's too much a crash course in Gargoyles back story and not enough a plot. The plot instead consist mostly of Goliath moping around in Part one followed by he and Elisa running around in part 2. Also, Vinnie's turn seems to get treated as the big reveal, and most of us should have seen that coming. Just my two cents, though.

All the same, there were things that more than made up for that. Firstly, I like that this issue doesn't hold back, but still doesn't get gratuitous. The blood from Goliath's injury is enough to show the seriousness of his injury. The TV version would have you think he just got bruised and hit hard. Although, contrary to that, Elisa looked like she got hit pretty hard with the hammer. Yet, she gets up a little later without much damage? Secondly, I like Margot Yale showing a lot of promise with being someone who could give Elisa and Matt grief in future story arcs due to her power as both a DA and a Task Force advisor. I imagine she'll start catching on to them helping the gargoyles out if she at all competent! Thirdly, the quips were cute and clever such as Lex's sardonic reply to Fox about her compliment meaning so much. Also, I really like Castaway's line " I don't teach lessons and I don't take prisoners" for no apparent reason. Likewise, Elisa's comment about how it is easier if she stays behind sometimes is one of the best in the episode. She does seem to want to be in action a lot when she isn't exactly needed, but at least she proves to be a help in the clock tower. Thank you for not making her a damsel (Yin often turned into that after you left in The Batman.)

The art is wonderful! I wasn't sure how I liked it at first. But now, as near as I can see everyone was completely on frame in this issue. Guler is finding his nitch I see with the frames on top of frames and angles. He really adds deserved detail to the full spread shots like Elisa and Goliath laying unconscious in the title page and there being a puddle with a reflection of the night sky. (Somehow I was saying "Aww" instead of "oh no!" They just look cute and strangely sensual like that.) Furthermore, I love how much facial expressions add to some panels, such as when Vinnie pull on his hood with such a subtle sadness. Finally, Just like the last issue the juxtaposition of unfounded discrimination with who the gargoyles truly are were nice touches. However, some frames in the end battle, such as the one where Castaway fall out the window, were hard to distinguish, and I don't think that's because of the darkness.

So overall, I hope you see my likes far outweigh my dislikes! I can barely contain myself with the anticipation for the new story. Woo HOO! Ten years later and a new story! I truly hope the next issues are as regular as you said in the letter at the back. Some people seem worried about picking up the book with such a large delay. Still, maybe that's not the case. I got the second to last issue at my local store.

Keep up the good work! (lol. I say that like you get a gold star)

Greg responds...

Just to be clear, Guler is our cover pencillist, but the interiors of issue #2 were pencilled by David Hedgecock.

And thanks for the gold star.

Response recorded on March 09, 2007

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dph writes...

Could you please list the following events in chronological order:

1)Oberon overthrew Queen Maeve
2)in reference to City of Stone part 4 in the scene where Bodhe says the English rid their land of gargoyles years ago, the point in time in which the English thought they rid themselves of gargoyles
3)Merlin was born
4)Oberon married Titania
5)Atlantis fell
6)Last Member of the Lost Race died
7)Goliath, Angela, Bronx, and Elisa meet Nokkar

Thank you for answering this question.

Greg responds...

1. Although it's Mab in our continuity, not Maeve.

2 & 6 I'm choosing not to reveal at this time.

Response recorded on December 21, 2006

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Archmage Redux writes...

This is a question about Mab that I didn't see anywhere. Where was she first presented in the Gargoyles universe? Was it as fanfic or was there an episode that Toon Disney is failing to air? I got the basic gist of her existence, I just wanna know the details of her "birth" as it were.

Greg responds...

Mab never appeared in an episode. Though given enough issues she will eventually appear in the GARGOYLES comic, which premieres in 2006.

I first mentioned her right here at ASK GREG.

Whether or not others have used her in fanfic is none of my business.

Response recorded on November 18, 2005

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Anonymous writes...

what episode does queen mab appers?

Greg responds...

She doesn't.

Response recorded on September 21, 2005

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Puck Robyne Lover!! writes...

Can you give me a family tree of oberon and titiania's children across the centuries? I can't figure out if Puck is Alexnder Xanatos is pucks nephew or not. I would really like to know about Puck's/owen's secret love that you mentioned earlier too.

Greg responds...

I'm not going to reveal anything new at this time, but I will summarize what I've already revealed:

Lord Oberon is the son of Queen Mab.

Lord Oberon married Titania (who became Queen Titania after Mab was overthrown). (Note: Oberon intentionally did not take the title of King. Retaining his "Lord" title is his semi-skewed attempt at being more... egalitarian.)

Oberon and Titania have two children together: one male and one female. I know exactly who they are, but I'm keeping their identities and personas secret for the time being.

Oberon also has at least two sons by mortal women: Merlin and the changeling boy from Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

Titania has one child with the mortal Halcyon Renard. This is Janine Renard, a.k.a. Fox.

Fox married David Xanatos. They have one child: Alexander Fox Xanatos.

Puck, a.k.a. Owen Burnett, is not directly related to ANY of these individuals.

Response recorded on November 18, 2004

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Gir writes...

1) Can any of the fae magically perceive the future (not predict and use magic to change the future) as it will be? e.g. predict the order of lotto numbers 200 consecutive times, not predict and magically set the numbers as such

2) If so do they often exercise such an ability? Why or why not? also, did Mab also perceive her fall?

Greg responds...

1. Some may have precognative ability, though I tend to think it would come with some limitations.

2. I doubt Mab saw it coming.

Response recorded on May 27, 2004

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Todd Jensen writes...

You once indicated (in the ramble on "The Edge") that part of the purpose (from the "behind-the-scenes/production-team" point of view) for Oberon and Titania's attempt to kidnap Alex in "The Gathering" was to give Xanatos a bit of a come-uppance.

Was your plan for Queen Mab to someday escape from her prison designed, in part, to similarly give Oberon and Titania a bit of a come-uppance?

Greg responds...

Did I use the words "come-uppance" or are you paraphrasing?

Mab is, frankly, too big a threat to simply act as a come-uppance. Certainly her "re-" appearance would serve to illustrate new shades of Oberon (and to a lesser extent Titania) as well as explain (at least in part) why Oberon is the way he is.

Response recorded on April 15, 2004

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Anonymous writes...

1.What goddesses/gods(you said they could change their gender) were Mab worshipped as?
2.What gods/godesses were Oberon worshipped as? Puck? Titania?

Greg responds...

I haven't done the research on this yet. I have a few notions in mind, and there's probably more out there that would work, but I haven't done the research yet.

Response recorded on June 13, 2003

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Anonymous writes...

Why is Mab "mad"?

Greg responds...

"Mad"-Angry or "Mad"-Nutso?

Response recorded on June 13, 2003

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Galvatron writes...

Is Mab the most powerful being of the third race? If so who is number two? Oberon?

Greg responds...

Generally speaking, yes. Mab #1. Oberon #2.

But power is a relative concept. And depends on how or what it's used for. There may in fact be many with more power, but only to do certain things. Or who only would do certain things.


Response recorded on February 12, 2003

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