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Dark Ages, The

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Anonymous writes...

What did princess Elena think of the gargoyles at Wyvern?

Greg responds...

That's a topic I'd like to explore in stories.

Response recorded on November 01, 2001

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Cha-Cha writes...

1. Were Demona and Goliath mates before or after "Vows"?
2. What year did Goliath get his name?

Greg responds...

1. Before or after which part of "Vows"? The modern day stuff or the flashback stuff?

2. You know I haven't worked that out precisely yet.

Response recorded on October 10, 2001

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matt writes...

wow, its beginning to feel like the time when i first found this site and asked strings of questions daily! anyway:

when the eggs of a generation hatch, does the clan keep the hatchlings in the rookery for awhile or are they generally let to run around outside the rookery with the rest? all these infants and youngsters running around at once seems to me to be quite a handful! how do they deal with this?

do you suppose that the kids of Bronx's generation were in the rookery during the Viking attack and thats why we didn't see them?

like maybe gargs make them sleep outside so they can get their solar energy, but at night they stay in the rookery, maybe?

just seems dangerous to have all these winged, horned and taloned toddlers running around the castle! geeez!

Greg responds...

In DARK AGES, given the chance, I'd like to show more of castle life, more of human/gargoyle interaction. More of the generations of gargoyles who live there.

Locking kids up in the rookery every night seems unlikely. Though perhaps a wise course during a Viking siege.

Response recorded on September 05, 2001

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matt writes...

in the Wyvern years, was the Trio kinda outcasts or loners of their generation? it seemed to me that they generally just stuck together with Bronx and didn't interact much with their siblings. am i right about this or did we just not really see their relationships with their siblings due to lack of time?

Greg responds...

Mostly the latter. I certainly wouldn't call them outcasts. I just think they were best friends.

Response recorded on September 05, 2001

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matt writes...

didn't the various gargoyle clans feel wary or even angry that humans were building their castles and fortresses over garg rookeries for free soldiers? i mean, it seems to me that the humans are like, "we're going to build our castle here, if you want to stay, fine, but you have to help protect our castle." if i were a garg i'd have been angry, Demona and Othello were right, not only were the humans totally asses to them, but they were also using them! why do the old garg clans put up with this?

now, obviously i know that the humans would make the deal of protecting the gargs during the day, but did they just move in or did they ask the gargs first? i'd imagine that most humans generally wouldn't bother to ask "animals" permission. what are your thoughts?

Greg responds...

There's no ONE answer to cover every clan. There was a period, a semi-mythical golden age in human/gargoyle relations, when this was popular. I'm sure there were times when gargoyles were presented with little REAL choice, given their vulnerabilities.

If we're talking about Wyvern specifically, there was an alliance formed between Hudson and Malcolm.

Response recorded on September 05, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

Did Hippolyta survive the wyvern massacre?

Greg responds...

Who said she survived to the Wyvern Massacre?

Response recorded on July 27, 2001

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Sexy Queer writes...

Did Demona and Iago get along in the Dark Ages?

Greg responds...

Sometimes. It was a long age.

Response recorded on July 27, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Hi Greg, If Dark Ages ever goes through, would there be any type of relationship between different clans, for example would the Wyvern Clan know the existence or be in contact with the Loch Ness clan?

Greg responds...

Yes, eventually. And other clans too. Clans that didn't survive into our century.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Mary Mack writes...

At some point at the Gathering, I overheard you telling some lucky fan or fans when Brooklyn learned to read. I was dashing off somewhere, probably trying to chase down Kanthara again (whom I finally caught on Monday-- Hi Kanth!), and I didn't get to eavesdrop on the whole thing. It sounded fascinating, and like part of a larger question about which gargs learned to read when. I sure wish I knew the answer, and I'd bet money that your other faithful readers want to know too. So...

We know when Hudson and Braodway learned to read-- they started right after "Lighthouse on the Sea of Time." When did the other members of the Manhattan clan learn to read?

Thatnk you for your time and I hope everybody pre-registers for the Gathering 2002-- I did!

Greg responds...

Thank you, Mary. I believe Brooklyn learned to read shortly after awakening in the twentieth century. I believe Goliath learned from Demona in the tenth century. I believe Demona learned from the Archmage. I believe Lex learned in the tenth century too. Angela was taught by the Magus.

(Lots of fun tidbits always get revealed at the Gathering.)

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Sloth writes...

If Dark Ages got made, how much would you compressthe time of 23 years? Would it be something like 23 episodes, more or less, or have may events happen each year (with some multi parters to)? Or what?

Greg responds...

I don't have it planned out by episodes at this time. But if it took 23 years, so be it.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

You've said that gargoyles *could* live up to an old age, but that few survive that long because of the violence of the times.

1a) Were the Wyvern gargoyles constantly under attack in the days before castle Wyvern? b) ...after Castle Wyvern? c) I think you'd mentioned an event we'd never seen where many in the Wyvern clan were murdered, hence explaining their numbers in 994. Can you confirm this, and give us any details on the event?

2a) Are these warriors dying young, or are they dying as they start reaching their 120's or so, and start slowing down? b) Are older gargoyle warriors expected to keep fighting, or at some point are they able to retire? c) Is this expectation what's causing gargoyles not to live up to their 200's?

Greg responds...

1a. I don't know about constantly. But there were problems.

b. Ditto.

c. I don't recall that. I did mention that the clan colonized a new location before 994.

2a. Both, I suppose. I don't like talking in generalities. (I like being mysterious, of course. That's different.) I tell stories about individuals. Just not here.

2b. The concept of retirement is largely human. Though Hudson did step aside for Goliath.

2c. Possibly.

Response recorded on July 06, 2001

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matt writes...

befor ethe Wyvern massacre, did the trio often seem to get in touble? when Goliath approached them in the courtyard and said, "you three! down to the rookery until i return..." it seemed as if this wasn't the first time they had caused trouble or at least not the first time Goliath had yelled at them... were they troublemakers of a sort among the clan?

Greg responds...

They got into their fair share.

Response recorded on June 30, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What did the Archmage do to get charged with attempted treason?

Greg responds...

That's classified.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Why would the Illuminati be the antagonists in Dark Ages? What is their interest in the civil war?

Greg responds...

Not "the" antagonists. But the society is "an" antagonist.

They have their hands in everything.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What other gargoyle would be major characters in Dark Ages besides Goliath, Demona, Hudson, Hipployta, Iago, Othello and Desdemona?

Greg responds...

You've covered the biggies for the long hall. Brooklyn, Lex and Broadway would have minor roles. Others would play in also. Hudson's mate, would be significant. But those are the big guns.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

How much would the Wyvern gargoyles be involved in the war against Culen? Would they fight in any major battles?

Greg responds...

Very. Yes.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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Sloth writes...

If you were able to do the "dark ages", would you be adding a lot more story about the big events in 975, 985 and 994 ad besides what we know?

Greg responds...

Eventually. After I get through 971-974.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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Rhythm writes...

I am so agog, aghast, and pleasantly stunned that you still take the time to do these! Well done, Mr. Weisman. I join in the multitudes begging for the restoration and continuation of this series.

Oh don't worry, I do have a question. Don't think I'm just here to spread big words. Tell me, part of what got me so interested in Gargoyles in the first place was that the gargoyles and ol' Xanatos and other assorted characters were Scottish. I'm sort of fascinated with my heritage and it led me to wonder, did you ever work the Scottish independence into the plot, even if only in your head? You know, similar time period to, for lack of a better reference, "Braveheart"? (Awful film, IMHO...)

Greg responds...

Xanatos isn't Scottish. He's Greek-American.

I haven't seen Braveheart. But the whole of Scottish history is a tapestry I'd like to further explore.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Siren writes...

More questions on Hudson's mate...you gonna start hating me soon
1.) Could she read?
2.) What were her feelings on how Demona treated Hudson? Or was she even alive when Demona started bashing him?
3.) Did she use weapons/shields/armour as Hudson' does?
Thanks for answering what ya can or want to :)

Greg responds...

1. I tend to doubt it, but I haven't given it much thought.
2. No comment.
3. Occasionally.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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matt writes...

geeeez, Sapphire, i didn't know you hated me so much, yikes! i don't want to be a mutate!! actually, i'm with Fang, i might like it, it could be cool, i don't know...

anyway, question time:
you said that besides Bronx you showed no gargoyles of his generation in "Awakening" cuz it would've been hard to show these young kid gargs and then have them all die in the massacre, so would you have had a problem showing the young gargs in "Dark Ages" knowing most of them would probably end up dieing too?

Greg responds...

No. I would have shown them eventually.

But keep in mind, Dark Ages begins in 971 when the Trio were young. It ends in 994. But it might have taken me 23 years to get there.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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Timbo writes...

Hey yo....gotta tell ya' that Gargoyles is my favortie toon or all time. Just one thing that always bugged me about the Awakening series, is that the first half hour seemed cut around Goliath's brothers and sisters. For some reason those first to nameless Gargoyles (especially the one with the bull horns) and all of the others you barely got a peek at always intrigued me....who were they?, what were they like?....if there's any names or info on these mysterious characters of Goliath's fallen clan, please let me know..
p.s....If Coldstone was made up of pieces of other Gargoyles....wouldn't he have some womenly feartures too?...j/k

Greg responds...

He does. Have you seen his inner thigh. Whoah!!!

Anyway, yes, I have some notions about Goliath's rookery siblings. We've met three. And I've given a great deal of thought to Hyppolyta, a fourth.

Again, given enough time and episodes we'd have met them all.

That's what the Dark Ages prequel spin-off was for.

Response recorded on June 21, 2001

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matt writes...

in response to my question about England getting rid of their gargoyles you said, "England did a worse job than most." do you mean cuz there are still gargoyles in England a thousand years later or was there another reason you said this?

on a related note, when Bodhe said that the English rid their lands of gargoyles long ago... how long ago? obviously there was at least a clan or two around during King Arthur's reign and i can't see him allowing massacres and such. oh, and since we know of the London clan i realize that the English HAVN'T rid their lands completly of gargoyles, but when were the bulk of them banished/killed/whatever?

Greg responds...

What other reason did you have in mind?

As for Bodhe, he wasn't exactly an authority. The English thought that their country was gargoyle free by Macbeth's time. It wasn't. What gargs there were left had just gone into hiding by that time.

Response recorded on May 30, 2001

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Jade writes...

How did Goliath come to get his name, and when did he get it? Thanks

Greg responds...

During the Dark Ages. A human named him. That's all I want to say right now.

Response recorded on May 09, 2001

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Duncan Devlin writes...

Someone asked about sources on clothing from 1000 AD so I found these two books and figured that I would post them.

The Book of Costume
-Millia Davenport

What People Wore
-Douglas Gorsline

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 04, 2001

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matt writes...

since Cuchalin had a garg beast, is it safe to presume that there was once at least one garg clan in Ireland?

if so, what was this clans relationship to the feud between Cuchalin and the Banche if any? was the clan not involved, Cuchalin's allies, etc....

Greg responds...

Yes, at one point there was an Irish garg clan. No more details are currently forthcoming.

Response recorded on April 17, 2001

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