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RESPONSES 2001-7 (July)

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

I already know that this isn't true, but a friend and I have a bet, and I'd like to settle this.

Morgana is not one of the Weird Sisters, is she?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 20, 2001

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matt writes...

suddenly all these people started coming out of the closet in the Comment Room, and i thought of a question:

you've said there are gay gargoyles, and there are certaintly gay humans, so if S & P had not been around or had approved it do you think you would have ever made on episode based on homosexuality?

are any known characters gay in "Gargoyles"?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to answer the last question at this time.

I try not to do episodes ON things. I know, I know, you'll point to THE GREEN or LIGHTHOUSE or DEADLY FORCE, but these are stories first and foremost. OUTFOXED was in many ways more about "Integrity" than Deadly Force was about gun safety.

Having logged that whole caveat, I think we would have eventually introduced the existence of homosexuality in the context of a need to tolerate differences and diversity in humans and gargoyles alike (at a minimum -- as I've mentioned before, I find tolerance by itself insufficient).

Is that clear as mud or does that make sense?

Response recorded on July 18, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

I can tell from what you put on my post(and other posts), that Entity's expasion on the vocabulary thing will make you pretty happy. I wanted to say a lot of that to, but I'm not as good with words. It's hard to believe though, that Power Rangers did better better then Gargs, when it's vocab pretty much limited to "Lets get em you guys" and the like. Here are some other good words from Gargoyles: Mechiabelliant<sp???>, enchilon, odyssey, avatar(did I mention that one already?), popirus, humility and some good latin words as well. A few times it seemed a little unrealistic (his reverse phicoligy was pretty blaitent), but otherwise, it has great sentance structure & dialouge(which is more than I can say for myself). That's all I've gota say, except sorry about my bad spelling.

Greg responds...

Yeah, I think you REALLY need to work on that. (I guess Gargoyles didn't help much with spelling.) But thanks. And here's a bit of help...

I'm guessing on some of these corrections:

[enchilon -- I have no clue on this one. Enchilada?]
reverse psychology
got to

Response recorded on July 18, 2001

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Entity writes...

Hi again,

This is on Xanatos. Someone asked about the logic of Xanatos going through all of the trouble of bringing the gargs to life, only to have them steal some disks, then to just wastefully try to eradicate them with the Steel Clan. I have been conflicted with this contradiction in Xanatos' character as well, and I think it is a result of so much having to be inferred from the episodes. As viewers we are accustomed to being handed everything on a silver platter. Mainstream America is lazy like that. But in a 22-minute cartoon, you didn't have that kind of time. You couldn't explain everything. So characterization, especially, needed to be shown not told.

In Xanatos' case, he really is more of the trickster than the megalomaniac. In the show we got more of an impression of control and dominance. This is the air that X likes to put off. Cool and collected. With a master plan for everything. This was mostly a FRONT. The REAL Xanatos is, as you've accentuated through your episode reviews, a trickster. He lives by the moment. He's a thrill seeker. He makes up his plans as he goes along. That's why his plan in "Metamorphosis" seemed so flimsy, as so many Ask Gregers have brought up. That's why he seemed to change priorities so much in the first season. He re-evaluated. And if you think about it, this more dynamic approach to his character makes his 'reformation' all the more plausible. X, whether we've realized it or not, was in a constant state of change throughout the entire series.

Greg responds...


Although, I don't think I agree with the flimsy making-it-all-up as you go along FRONT interpretation.

He is a Trickster, but a well-prepared one. (No magic to rely on.) He does adapt, but he also plans. And he enjoys the game, so results don't always matter as much to him.

Response recorded on July 18, 2001

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Entity writes...

Hi Greg,

Wow, you can definitely tell the difference between your pre-LA and post-LA responses. ;)

I just had to join Sloth in complimenting you and the other writers who worked on Gargoyles on the unbridled freedom of vocabulary you embraced. In too many cartoon shows, the dialogue is dumbed down to the point where you get angry that someone's actually getting paid for writing it. Adults tend to not realize that kids appreciate good entertainment. They aren't just mesmorized by pretty flashies. And dialogue is a pivotal part of good entertainment. Now that I think about it, I believe Gargoyles has had an even bigger impact on me than I've previously imagined. Words like "cliche" and "naivete" are ones I got directly from Gargoyles. Sure I've seen them elsewhere, but I GOT them from Gargoyles. I'm about to start my first year at college and I am majoring in Creative/Professional Writing (haven't decided between the two yet). Gargoyles is probably the influence that drove me most toward the decision to take my life in that direction. I realize that Gargoyles really was an educational program, and I'm not speaking of the few token episodes that dealt with gun control or literacy or deforestation. Watching Gargoyles made me smart. It is like the anti-cartoon, because it did precisely the opposite of what most typical children's entertainment does, at least when you or Michael Reeves isn't on deck: vegetabilize.

Greg responds...

What is the difference between my "pre-LA and post-LA responses"? Since I'm ALWAYS in L.A., I'm not sure what you mean.

But otherwise, thanks. As a writer and teacher you couldn't have paid me (or Michael, if I might briefly speak for him) a higher compliment.

Response recorded on July 18, 2001

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Blaise writes...

Hi again!

This question actually deals with the credits listing of the series (yeah, I know it seems I have too much time on my hands, but that's beside the point).
Two things about GARGOYLES' credits stood out. The first you already talked about--the writers recieving credit at the beginning of episodes during the first season. The second however I also found to be quite interesting--GARGOYLES actually gave a true cast list. Usually in these Disney shows, when the credits say, "With the Voice Talents of..." they just lump the actors' names together without telling who they played. GARGOYLES was the first Disney animated series I know of (BUZZ LIGHTYEAR did it later) that actually listed both the actors and the characters they played. This enabled me to (when I started taping the episodes and could hit pause) more fully discover just how diverse and talented this cast was. I could recognize names and see if a person played multiple roles, and I was quite pleased.

1) Is there any story behind this, like there was for giving the writers' credit up front?
2) Whatever the case, I'm glad I could know who played who.


Greg responds...

I don't know if this would qualify as a story, but I liked how Batman the animated series listed who played who. It seemed to show more respect for the actors (and as I was a fan of Batman) more respect for the fans who might be VCRing the thing and want to know.

So we followed their lead. And I'm glad we did. I tried to talk SONY into doing that for Starship and/or Max Steel, but they weren't interested.

Response recorded on July 18, 2001

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Lady Leto writes...

First of all, I just wanted to say that I love Gargoyles and would like to thank you for sharing your idea with us.

I was watching the episode; 'Vendetta' and I couldn't believe Vinnie. I am very curious to find know, how did you think of this character?

Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

A combination of factors went into the creation of Vinnie.

In no particular order:

1) We asked Jeff Bennett to play the role of a dumb Gen-U-Tech security guard. He put on this great Vinnie Barbarino voice (from Welcome Back, Kotter). It was hilarious.

2) I had this idea to do an episode about the nameless schlub that the gargoyles had effected without ever knowing it.

3) Brynne Chandler had this idea about Goliath getting a pie in the face.

4) I had a separate idea about Wolf and Hakon teaming up to get vengeance on Goliath.

It all just came together. Strangely. The episode was supposed to be a comedic change of pace from the rest of the series. I don't think the animation supported the comedy very well. But it was the first episode I ever voice directed, so I'm fond of it.

Response recorded on July 18, 2001

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Jimmy writes...

If gargoyles evolved before humans and the fay, what did they to protect?

Greg responds...

Each other, as usual, and whatever else was around. Also that long ago, I'm not guaranteeing that GARGOYLES PROTECT was the big slogan.

Response recorded on July 18, 2001

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Steven L. writes...

Gargoyles mate for life. Does that mean that once two gargoyles show interest in each other, and become intimate, that they've mated, and are officially forevermore monogamous?
If so, what happens if, over the years, the two gargoyles come to drift apart, or realize they have nothing in common? Do they stay together simply because of tradition? I take it there's no gargoyle equivalent of divorce. (Or at least there wasn't until Goliath and Demona kinda set precident).
And in that vein; should a gargoyle have an affair, then what happens if that affair is discovered? Does the unfaithful gargoyle and the one he/she had the affair with get banished from the clan?
Hope this hasn't been asked before.

Greg responds...

Gargoyles mate in both sexual and ritualistic fashion. After that they GENERALLY (and that's the key word) remain monogamous.

They imprint upon each other biologically, and there are strong ties of custom to discourage a split. Affairs, I believe, are quite rare.

But as you noted, sometimes things don't work according to plan. Iago has clearly imprinted on Desdemona, though she is imprinted on Othello and he has imprinted on her.

Goliath and Demona imprinted upon each other, but maybe as a result of a thousand years, that imprinting didn't last. Goliath has clearly imprinted anew on Elisa. (BTW, I'm not sure I'm using the word imprinting correctly. I know it's generally used for babies to imprint on their mothers. But it's the closest thing I can think of.)

So there are issues of both biology and custom that discourage anything like divorce or cheating. But that doesn't mean it NEVER happens.

Response recorded on July 18, 2001

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Shan writes...

I'm not intending to be smartass with this one, just genuinely curious. About the clock tower: do you think the cops in the station below ever noticed that all of a sudden they had gargoyle statues up there and wondered where they came from? (there were scenes that clearly depict our heroes turning to stone outside) Or do you think the cops too busy doing their jobs to notice/care? Thank you, especially because I realize how trivial it is. But the thought keeps recurring...

Greg responds...

Occasionally, someone would look up and see the statues and try to remember if they were there before. AFter a while everyone just got used to them.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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JEB writes...

Is there a direct connection between the Director and the terrorist from "City of Stone"? (Yes or no is fine.)


Greg responds...

Define "direct".

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Would you say the Wierd Sister's Loyalty lies mostly in:
you have 30 seconds(probably more like 2 months) to decide.

Greg responds...

Their tri-part mission.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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Alex Wittenberg writes...

In "Hunter's Moon," Xanatos and Owen seem rather unsurprised that the Gargoyles were based at the clocktower above Maza's stationhouse. Is this because Xanatos realized how obvious that should have been when he heard the news, or because at some point before this he figured it out and chose not to pursue it?

Greg responds...

Does it matter?

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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Eddie Brock writes...

Hellow Greg, I'm from spain, I've discovered this page recently and i'm astonished because of the tons of information about gargs, I've seen the archive about gargs 2198 but i have a question, What is or what will be gargs 2198, a fanfiction or what? Thanks for all sorry if this is a silly question.

Greg responds...

It's merely a proposal for a sequel series that I hope to someday produce in one medium or another.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

Dear Mr. Weisman

In reference to earlier questions on the god of the Torah, Bible, and the Koran you said that there is a sepreme god in the gargoyles universe but he/she/it is not the god defined by the narrow views of the Abrahamic faiths who is in reality a god of one nation. my questions are

1) What is the personality of the sepreme god of the universe in the the gargoyles universe is he/she/it mean, kind,or neutral.

2) If the god described in the Torah, Bible, and Koran is not the god of the universe then is he a make believe deity or was he a fay in disguise playing tricks on the ancient Israelites before Oberon ordered his children not to directly interfere in the lives of mortals at large?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not going to define GOD for you. Not even in the Gargoyles Universe.

2. An interpretation of the whole.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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chirco1999@aol.com writes...

My 4 year old son abosolutely loves Gargoyles. We can no longer get him to go to bed early. He has to stay up and watch Gargoyles at 10pm. He even acts out the opening as Goliath breaks out of his stone and growls. A pretty awesome sight when you get to see it. Anyhow, my question is: were there ever any action figures made and if so, would you know how my husband and I coulf get ahold of them? Thank you Susanne Chirco

Greg responds...

Thanks for writing Susanne,

Yes, Kenner did make action figures. Finding them these days might be tough. Have you tried e-bay? Or one of the comment rooms?

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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matt writes...

you said that Yama is blackmailed into joining The Redemption Squad cuz the Director knows the secret of Ishimura. now obviously Yama at least partially still wants to "come out" to the human world about gargs, you've even said that in a way Yama is right about that, but is the Director as un-trustworthy as Taro was? would the Director really reveal the secret? or does Yama want to be revealed to the world, but wants to get back in the good with Sora and his clan?

Greg responds...

Yama is done making decisions FOR his clan. At least in his own mind. He's more interested in protecting them, in restoring his honor, etc.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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matt writes...

1. did Sora know about the theme park thing and Yama's involvement in it?

2. was she esspecially mad at Yama for his betrayal of the clan?

3. their relationship is going to be a rough one isn't it? what with him betraying the clan and getting outcasted and all...

Greg responds...

1. No.
2. Yes.
3. Uh, duh.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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Denis writes...

Hello, Greg!

Sorry that I didn't got to attend the Closing Ceremonies, last monday, at the Gathering. Anyway, to the question.

During the Auction, I bought the script of the ROSWELL CONSPIRACIES' pilot, and frankly I loved it! WAAYYY better than the one that was aired!. My question is purely 'technical' and concern one of the terms used in the script:

when you write "OTS on <Character's Name>", what does mean the OTS? And how does it translate on screen?

Thank you for your time


Greg responds...

OTS stands for Over The Shoulder. It means the Camera is placed at an angle looking over the characters shoulder onto the subject of the shot. (It foregrounds said character and puts him or her in relation to the action or background).

And I'm glad you liked the Roswell script!

Great to see you at the Gathering again, by the way.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Future Tense:
1 Why didn't Goliath just let Puck have the Phenix gate?
2 Why didn't Puck just ask for the Phenix gate?
3 What would be so bad about Oberon having time traval acsess?
4 How was Goliath able to create the phenix flame above him instead of around him?

Greg responds...

1. Would you after what you had been through?
2. Not in his nature, and it wouldn't have worked.
3. What would be so good about it?
4. He used the Gate.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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matt writes...

i'm going to try to guess the date you're reading this and i think it'll be a bit less then the current two month wait cuz i bet you'll try to catch up before the next contest so: is it August 8? lol, do i get another prize if i'm right?

by the way, your most recent batch of questions was extremely interesting and hilarious, as usual. esspecially Arthur's other Avalon adventure, and (LOL) masturbating gargoyles. its been a while since i've laughed that much!

ok, question time:

1. you recently said that if a gargoyle slept in caves for day after day after day they would begin to have ill effects from lack of sunlight, but you've said that the Korean and Loch Ness clans live in caves. so, did you mean that they sleep outside the caves, i guess?

2. do gargoyle eggs need sunlight ever or are they fine spending their ten year incubation in caves and rookeries?

maybe i'm just really tired or something and kinda giddy, but i'm still laughing about masturbating gargoyles. interesting you won't tell us about gargs going to the bathroom, but you'll tell us about them masturbating! LOL

Greg responds...

Not even close. July 17.

1. I love it when people are DETERMINED to trip me up.

2. I'm not committing.

Shows where my heads at, I guess.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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Mary Mack writes...

I was just skimming through the Garg Science archive, and I ran across a post by Faieq asking about colored irises, and whether or not gargoyles had them. She came to the conclusion that gargs had no irises, since the dim moonlight would be enough for them. I don't think that works, biologically, because sophisticated animals (humans included) have irises-- involuntary sphincters which control how much light enters the eye, constricting to prevent damage from too much light and expanding to let in more light in darkness. Gargoyles, like cats, probably have excellent night vision, being all noctournal and stuff, so they HAVE to have irises.

Maybe their eyes are just predominantly dark, like horses and dogs, with light blue eyes cropping up occaisionally.

Dunno why I went on so long. I was actually just checking for your next Gathering ramble (It's still June at this writing), and for some reason I just had to mention the horse/dog/iris thing.

Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

Thank you. Sounds reasonable.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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matt writes...

you said gargoyle fetuses turn to stone inside their eggs to store energy. what do you mean? i doubt they would store energy collected from the sun seeing as how they are inside eggs deep inside a cave and probably don't see much sunlight. what energy are they storing?

Greg responds...

thermal. And the shell is also made of that same organic stone.

(Like I know, geez.)

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

When Brooklen became leader for a short time, did he choose a 2nd in command from Lex or Broodway?

Does Katana have a beak like Brooklen?

Greg responds...

Not saying.

Not saying.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Gathering questions:
1a) Why does Oberon need a tracker to find Puck(a fellow fey), when both Titanya and the Wierd Sisters were able to locate the Gargoyles in the clock tower? b)Why could Oberon sence Titanya and not Puck? c)How was Budicca able to track Owen from the Park to the castle? Had Owen been frolicking in the park earlier?

2a)Did Titanya want things to end up as they did from the begining? b) If she did, how was she sure Puck would of shown up? c) If she didn't, then should I assume she wanted Gargoyles to help take the baby, and it wasn't reverse pyicoligy?

3)Why were nither Rinard, Vogel, nor the Gargoyle's put to sleep? Am I right in thinking Titanya protected them?

4)How did Rinard know about the danger? Did Xanatos or Titanya ask him for help?

5a) Why would the people of manhaten, think this was all a midsummer night's dream, with all the car crashes, injuries and, probably, deaths that occured? b) Would not all that damage break the non-interferance law?

Good luck with these, for all our sakes.

Greg responds...

1a. He was in the mood. Besides, Puck is better at hiding.
1b. Puck is not his wife/soulmate.
1c. It's a magic flute, man. Just flow with it!

2a. So she says.
2b. Intuition?
2c. I'm not going to interpret it for you.

3. Renard and Vogel were not in Manhattan when the spell was first cast. Also they had an energy field around the bridge.

4. Yes. Xanatos informed him.

5a. That's Oberon's interpretation.
5b. From his point of view, he didn't cause the damage. He was merely taking the mortals out of a conflict that would have interfered with their lives. The damage was a minor repercussion.

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

You recently (as of June 29) mentioned that New Olympus is a representative democracy. However, in the television episode, the New Olympians (during the scene where Elisa is on trial in the Senate-house; I believe that it's Ekidna who says it) describe their homeland as a kingdom. How do we reconcile these statements? Was there some sort of change in government system since New Olympus was originally founded?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

In the Gathering, part 1, how did Goliath feel, upon returning, when Elisa called Broodway "Big Guy"? Why did Elisa use Goliath's nick name on Broodway? I'm not to conserned, just curious.

Greg responds...

"Big Guy" is Goliath's nick name?

Response recorded on July 17, 2001

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On Friday the 13th, July 2001, the staff and etc. of Disney's Team Atlantis was informed that the series was being scrapped. Being a freelance Voice Director, I wasn't at the meeting, but I've been told that the company is disappointed with the box office of the Atlantis film and have decided not to spend additional monies on a series.

(There may still be a direct to video sequel. That had not been decided as of Friday.)

So basically we're all unemployed and all the work that we did up to this point just gets tossed into a file cabinet. WHOOPIE!

On the plus side, as long as I continue to be involved with killed projects we will never lack for Radio Play materials at future Gatherings.

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Nieuws writes...

What clan did demona link up with after Goliath and the others were frozen? When she lead them to stealing food. In "City of Stone".

Greg responds...

It was a remnant of multiple decimated Scotish clans.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Shan (formerly SEM) writes...

Pardon the parenthetical, I'm transitioning myself to the moniker I'd prefer on the boards and the comment room. (Greg, I wanted to be able to ask you questions in near anonymity while I was in your class and I thought since "Shan" matched the email I had on file for class you might figure it out...)

Anyway, to the question: did you have any plans to feature Jeffrey Robbins (Hudson's visually impaired friend) in the future?

Greg responds...

Yep. (And you worry too much. I'm not paying that close attention.)

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Scott Iskow writes...

Since you liked using actual locations in "Gargoyles," I was wondering if you mapped out the clan's patrol routes. If you did so, would you care to reveal it?

Greg responds...

No, I didn't. I'm not even sure they were consistent. I'm not sure that would be productive.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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The Souldier writes...

What's Broadway's Favorite food?

Greg responds...

What isn't?

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Demoness writes...


Did you ever have a name for Oberon's mortal form that we see in "The Gathering"? If so, what is it?

Is that his latest form he used while living in the 20th Century, like Anastasia Renard is for Titania?

Greg responds...

Not at this time.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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matt writes...

ok, i'm finally clear on the amount and sexes of the beast on Avalon! two females, including Boudicca, and one male, so:

1. are the other female and male beast mates?

2. are either of them related to Bronx?

3. if there are three beast, and Angela said she had fifteen rookery sisters, that means there are seventeen male gargs in the Avalon rookery (3 beasts + 16 females + 17 males = 36 gargoyles) am i wrong?

Greg responds...

1. They will be eventually, if not already.

2. Haven't thought about it.

3. Doesn't appear wrong.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

1) How many children will Gabriel and Ophelia have?
2) What are their names?
3) Will any of their children become involved with any of the children of Manhattan clan?
4) Will the Avalon clan raise their eggs collectively or individually by the biological parents?
5) Will any of Gabriel & Ophelia's children appear in GARGOYLES 2198?

Greg responds...

1. Not telling.
2. Won't, Tell and You.
3. Can't say.
4. Collectively.
5. This was JUST asked!

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

1) Is Zaphiro from GARGOYLES 2198 the same age as Samson and Delilah? I think he is, but you never said for sure.
2) Will the ORIGINAL Alexander Fox still be alive in 2198?
3) Besides Coyote X, will any members of the Pack (or Super Pack) appear in Gargoyles 2198?
4) What is the environmental state of Earth by 2158? Now that the revamping is over.
5) Would any descendants of the London clan be major characters in 2158? For that matter, would any descendants of any of the clans we've seen so far be major characters? Besides Zafiro. Now that the revamping is over.
6) Will any of Gabriel & Ophelia's children appear in GARGOYLES 2198?
7) Before who is the leader of the Manhattan clan in 2197 (a year before 2198).

Greg responds...

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Not saying.
4. By 2158? Why that year? By 2198, it's not a disaster, but there are still dangers.
5. Are these 2158s typos, or are you making some distinction I'm not getting? I've already mentioned the MAJOR characters in the contest results. Those ARE the MAJOR characters. Minor characters will come from all over.
6. Not saying.
7. The same guy who was leader in 2198 until he was captured in March.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

Is Puck one of Oberon and Titania's children? Keep in mind; if you say something like I can't tell or won't say, I'll take that as an affirmative answer.

Greg responds...

Well, Gipdac if you take every "not telling" as an affirmative you're just going to be wrong a lot.

But I will answer this. CUZ I'VE ANSWERED IT BEFORE!!!

No, Puck is not one of Oberon and Titania's children. What even gave you that impression?

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Blaise writes...

Hi Greg!
This is about two days after the Convention, and I just wanted to say how great it was seeing/meeting you and the rest of the cast and crew of GARGOYLES (or at least a sizable portion of them) in person. I also enjoyed seeing the various pitches you had (I LOVE Sphinx's design--though I doubt that was at all final), and hearing the stories surrounding the various aspects of the show.

Kudos to you, Jennifer, Patrick, Kathy, and the rest of the Con staff, volunteers, and guest for making this an extremely memorable Con.
(Of course, by the time you read this it will have been MONTHS in the past, but the good feelings are still that strong.)

Greg responds...

Well, not months. Just weeks. And it's hard to believe even that much time has passed. I had a great time too. It was nice to finally meet you, and thanks for being Matt for an evening.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Regina writes...

I have been a gragoyles since the beginning just like the x-files. I just wanted to say that the gragoyles was the best and is stille the best show around. It hasthe x-files appeal to it plus it is just cool liek ed the sock chao

Greg responds...

I lost you at the end there, but thanks.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Was there a reason that so many of the world tour eps were about locals learning to accept thier responcibility and or heritage seriously (ie. heritage, hound of ulster, cloud fathers, golem)?

Greg responds...

Yes. Absolutely.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What exactly is the dreamtime? Is it like the astral plane?

Greg responds...

Uh... sure.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Demoness writes...

Where is the Eerie Building located exactly in New York? I would like a general idea of where its located. And if you could give the street name its on, thats fine too. If not, how close to the Empire State Building, Crysler Buidling, Center Park, World Trade Center, or Hudson River is it?

So...to help you on this. Your standing on the promenades of the Observatory of the Empire State Building.

North of you is Center Park and the Crysler Building
East of you is the Hudson River (i think)
West- dont know whats west of the ESB
South of you are the twin towers of the World Trade Center.

Greg responds...

East would be the East River. West would be the Hudson River.

And it's CenTRAL Park and the Chrysler Building.

Anyway, it's on Central Park South, I believe. Directly across the street from the park. If you look at a map of the city it should be pretty clear.

And it's Eyrie Building. Not Eerie.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

What presinct does Peter Maza work at if not the 23rd? He is still a cop right? What was the name of Peter's dad?

Greg responds...

Yes, as of 1996 at least, Peter was still a cop. A desk Sergeant at another precinct, which I have not, to date, numbered.

Peter's father was Carlos Maza.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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matt writes...

ok, a beast generally lays more than three eggs in a lifetime. and you are being difficult (as always) and not being very specific... ok, we know that beast mature and can mate a generation before other gargs, and we know that beast live about the same length of time that other gargs do, but can beast continue having children after other gargs stop? if not then garg beast can have about 4 eggs, if so, they could have alot of eggs, i think.

so, how many eggs can a female garg beast generally lay?

Greg responds...

The world may never know.

(That smart-ass response was a reference to an old tootsie-pop commercial. Anyone old enough to remember it has my sympathy.)

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

1) You've said that Bronx will have children. How many children will he and his mate (Boudicca, right?) have?
2) Will they have names?
3) If the answer to two is yes, then what are their names?
4) Will they be raised on Avalon or in Manhattan?

Greg responds...

1. Not saying.
2. Yes.
3. Not and Saying.
4. Not saying.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

How does Jon Castaway (Canmore) die?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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The Souldier writes...

When a gargoyle walks across a hard wood floor do they leave claw marks in it?

Greg responds...

I have no more funny answers to this question.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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matt writes...

so you've confirmed that Atlantis definitly existed or exists in the Gargoyles Universe. are the Gargoyles Universe and the "Atlantis"/Team:Atlantis Universe compatible or the same universe?

Greg responds...

I'm not gonna go into detail, but Atlantis did exist in the Gargoyles Universe. The Garg Universe and the Team Atlantis Universe overlap in Paris in 1920. (Didn't I answer this already?)

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Tynne writes...

I remember a while back you wrote about enjoying Scott McCloud's recent Zot! Online revivial.

Do you currently enjoy any other comics (whether online, newspaper, or print books).

Thank you.

Greg responds...

I read the entire L.A. Times Comic section everyday -- even the ones I hate -- out of habit and compulsion. I still love Doonesbury. Dilbert's amusing. I like Get Fuzzy a lot. The rest range from pretty good to just awful.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
This one is a personal question:
In this year, we had and we will have some great movies, and we have a new trend: Movies about computer games. My question is, wich of these ones will/have you seen, and what do you think about them?

Almost Famous
Tomb Raider (game)
Resident Evil (game)
Final Fantasy (game)
Lord of the Rings
Harry Potter

Ok, Thank you for awnsering. have a nice day:-)

CU, John

Greg responds...

I enjoyed Almost Famous a great deal. I also enjoyed Shrek.

Haven't seen the rest, and some of them aren't even out yet. I'm not sure what you expect me to say about a Lord of the Rings movie that I couldn't possibly have seen yet? If you're looking for me to pre-judge something, that ain't gonna happen.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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DougJoe writes...

You once said that Duval formed the Illuminati to "make things right". As of "The Journey", does Duval feel he's achieved any degree of success? Or does he feel things have gotten worse? Or maybe a little of each?

Greg responds...

He feels he's generally on track.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

1) How long do female gargoyles carry their eggs?
2) Could a female gargoyle ever have a miscarriage while they were pregnant for their egg? Or if their egg dose not hatch is that considered a miscarriage?

Greg responds...

1. About six months.
2a. Yes.
2b. I'm not sure that's the appropriate term, but the emotional result is the same.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

"I'll meet by moonlight" questions:
1 How does that name apply to the episode?
2 Why did Titanya and Oberon bother to make such a grand entrance? Or was that Avalon welcoming them back?
3 When Goliath, Gabreal and Angie fall into that water being filled filled by very hot lava, should not the water be too hot to swim in?
4 When Oberon made Goliath & his clan immune to his arts, was this some sota spell to make Oberon and his childern's magic not affect him, or was he saying he wouln't use his magic agenst them, or what?
5 By the end of the Gathering, did Oberon renew his promise about Goliath and clan being immune to his arts?

Greg responds...

Not "I'll meet". "Ill Met". Very different.

1. It was an ill meeting under the moon when Oberon meets our gang. It's also a Shakespearean reference from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" the scene where Shakespeare introduces Oberon and Titania.

2. They do everything grand.

3. Stop calling her Angie.

4. Both.

5. He didn't have to. His word is law.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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LSZ writes...

Where was the island of the Tempest in the Gargoyle universe? Does it still exist?

Greg responds...

See my previous response.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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LSZ writes...

1) In the Gargoyles universe, what happened to Caliban at the end of the Tempest?
2) Chronologically, where are the events of the Tempest placed in the Garg universe?

Greg responds...

1. Not telling how the Tempest will be integrated.
2. See 1.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

How did Xanatos know what Iago and Desdemona looked like when he desined their robots?

Greg responds...

I could have sworn I've answered this. He accessed Coldstone's memory banks.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

Okay, originally someone asked you what made Anubis connected to death. Your answer was "Fay are tied to the pure magic of Earth. Individual fae have different 'connections', just as individual humans have different talents, etc. Anubis and other "death gods" come by it naturally". My question is this:
1) Does Alex have any special connection? Any particular magical talent that comes naturally to him?
2) If so, what are they?

Greg responds...

1. Too soon to tell, isn't it?
2. See 1.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

1. In "Journey" you introduced John Castaway. Would he be involved in any way, in any of your spinoffs? The reason I ask is, I know he won't be alive in 2198. (Maybe his great grandson or some relative) But other than 2198 are you planning anything more with him?

2. Since I know you only worked on one episode of TGC, would you personally (should your spinoffs come back to TV) ignore what has taken place in the remaining episodes of the TGC seeing how you were not involved in their creation? Or were some of the TGC episodes ideas yours which you were planning before your contract ran out? I don't think some episodes can be completely ignored. However I hated that in TGC, they killed off the clones. What is your take on this?

3. By the way, since the Gathering 2001 is over, may I ask if there was any petitioning done to jumpstart Gargoyles and make it TV-borne again? If so, how'd it go?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I've answered this before too. My current thinking, which is not etched in stone, is to ignore what I don't consider canon. Enough time has passed and any new episodes would need to stand on their own two feet anyway. If anyone's confused about contradictions between TGC and the new stuff, they can check out the internet site that we will have to clarify all this stuff.

3. I didn't see any petitions. Feel like starting one? I'd focus on DVD's for now.

Incidentally, your post here should theoretically have been broken up into three posts, since your questions were on three separate topics. I haven't reminded people of that in a while. I ignored the rule breaking this time, but don't make a habit of it.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Have you noticed, in "Metamorphesis", when Brooklen is in the ally trying to save Maggie, and a tranquilizer hits him, he shouts "Argk" or something, but it sounds quite a lot like "Fuck". I think there is an other instant in Gargoyles where this happens. So I was wondering if you or anyone else had noticed it and if there were any problems or conflects in releasing it.

Greg responds...

I have not noticed that. Neither did anyone else at Disney or it would have been corrected. Is it at all possible, my Lord, that you have a dirty mind?

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

I was wondering, in making Gargoyles, was there some rule that you were not aloud to show someone getting getting fataly stabed? Though there is much use of swords, when someone dies, it is almost always from falling from high, or (in Broodway's case) being shot. I guess it would probably be too graphic, but could you give comfrimation?

Greg responds...

We could not show a stabbing on screen, no. Macbeth got stabbed, but not on camera. We did have a rule about not demonstrating imitatible behavior to children.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Why does almost every episode of Gargoyles take place under a full moon? Does every big event just happen to happen every 28 days?

Greg responds...

No. That was artistic license. No other possible explanation.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Steven L. writes...

In general, did you enjoy telling stories that all ages could relate to, or were there times when you felt frustrated that you had a great idea for a more adult story or issue to explore, but couldn't due to the restraints of being a "children's show"? A bit of both?

Greg responds...

I loved what I was doing. I do occasionally have a dirty mind. But I'm happy to fill it with details left off screen. All the themes I wanted to address I could. I did. At least through the first 66. Down the road? Who knows?

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Yttrium writes...

Why is the second season so long in comparison to the first and TGC seasons? What I mean is, could you not have you divide up the fifty-two episodes in the second and said they were several seasons, each the size of the first? It makes it sound like a short series when you say it only had two (or three) seasons to it.


Greg responds...

These were business decisions -- not emotional or "how it sounds" decisions.

Initially, Buena Vista only ordered thirteen because Gargoyles and "Action Friday" was an experiment.

Keep in mind that the first season's thirteen episodes represents thirteen weeks of airing the show once a week. That's enough to fill "one quarter" of the year. (52 weeks in a year divided by 4.)

For the second season, they decided that they wanted the series to air FIVE days a week. So multiply 13 weeks by five episodes/week and you get a total of 65 episodes. We had 13 made already. So subtract 13 from that 65 total and you get the second season order of 52.

The third season wasn't produced for syndication. It was aired on ABC's Saturday Morning. And for ABC, it was going to be a bit distinct. (Thus the Goliath Chronicles title and the little sermons Goliath gave at the head of each episode. Neither of which I cared for.) So they started over. Saturday is once a week, so they ordered 13 episodes to cover the 13 week quarter.

Now the obvious question is why 13 weeks? What's so magical about one quarter of the year? Why not 1/8 of the year or 1/2? I don't have a good answer for this, but at that time the conventional wisdom was that kids needed new material in the fall through Christmas. After that, stations could get away with airing reruns.

It's actually gotten worse since. Five-day-a-week series used to be 65 episode orders. Now they've dropped to like 39. It's not so much that conventional wisdom has changed -- rather the economics have gotten so bad, that 39 is the lowest number that networks and studios think they can get away with. Until recently it was forty. Eight weeks of five new episodes a week instead of the old 13 weeks. We did 40 Starship Troopers, for example. (More or less.) But Team Atlantis only ordered 39. There's NO rhyme or reason to that number that I can see other than the fact that it is one less than forty. Thus having mentally adjusted the audience to 40 down from 52 down from 65, they've now chipped one more episode off the total order.

It sucks.

What was your question?

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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John writes...

And again, hi Greg,
I've read the news about Devlins script at corona, (for annyone who is interrested in it: http://www.corona.bc.ca/films/details/gargoyles.html) and DAMN, THIS ONE REALLY GIVES YOU A SCARE. Try to imagine, what would have happenned, if they would have taken the script. Brrrrrrrrr!
My question: Are you still co Producer of the movie, or whatever it will be?
CU, John

Greg responds...

If the movie is made, Michael Reaves and I are forever attached as Co-Producers. This means nothing really. We'll get a modest check and no involvement.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Hi Greg, If Dark Ages ever goes through, would there be any type of relationship between different clans, for example would the Wyvern Clan know the existence or be in contact with the Loch Ness clan?

Greg responds...

Yes, eventually. And other clans too. Clans that didn't survive into our century.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

Do the members of the Avalon clan celebrate their hatch-days the same way we celebrate our birthdays? I know hatch-days aren't important to Gargoyles, but humans raised them, so.

Greg responds...

They all hatched together over a two or three day period. It's a community celebration.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

How does Cyotie 1.0 have enough rocket fuel in his head to take him back to Xanatos? It seems like quite a feat, isn't his brain supost ta be in there somewhere to? It still looks very cool though.

Greg responds...

I think you've answered your own question.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

1) Besides Coyote X, will any members of the Pack (or Super Pack) appear in Gargoyles 2198?
2) Who is the eighth member of the Pack, that will be added after the Pack gets up-graded to the Super Pack? Just a name would be nice. Please.

Greg responds...

All right, first off, it's the Ultra-Pack, not the Super Pack.

Eighth member? How are you counting?

I just answered question 1 about five minutes ago.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Nieuws writes...

What is the thing on Fox's Eye and where did it come from?

Greg responds...

It's a tatoo.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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shadowwarrior writes...

1) what year was demona hatched?
2) was demona biologicaly younger in 994 ad or 1040 ad after the deal with macbeth and the weird sisters?

Greg responds...

1. 938.

2. 994. In 994, she was biologically 28. In 1040, after the bargain, she was 35 (Macbeth's chronological age). She still looks great though, doesn't she?

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
I've read your awnsers on my last two questions today, but unfortunately, you havn't understood them both. So, now I will explain them again:
Let's take the question with the actors first. Well, if there will ever be a movie, and if you will be able to work on it, I know, that you will do almost everything to get the voice actors in it. But, what if the pruducers or directors will tell you, that the movie needs some stars, who will get people in it, who are new to the show. I know, that all this will probably never happen, but use your imagination...
And for my second question, I meant an ep, in wich you will show, what would have happened, if the gargs would have allied with demona, or what would have happened, if ..., well, think about it
hope you'll understand
CU, John

Greg responds...


1. I get it. I'm just not interested. It's a hypothetical based on a hypothetical based on a hypothetical. That stuff doesn't grab me.

2. Another "What if..." story. I get it. I understand. I just don't care.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Christy Williams writes...

I was just wondering, had the show continued, what was to become of (my personal favorite gargoyle)Demona? In "Future Tense" she had obviously reformed, but that could have just been Puck's trickery.
The last time she is seen (Generations) a tear falls as she watches the clan fly off. I assumed she is remorsefull about the way she hurt her relationship with Angela, or perhaps it was the first real time she had realized what she lost by betraying her clan. I would like to know if Demona would have remainded vengeful, or if she would have eventually come around.
Thanks for reading.

Greg responds...

Generations isn't canon in my book.

Check out the G2198 contest results in the archive at this site to see where she stands as of the year 2198. If you want to know what happens to her beyond that, you'll just have to wait until I'm in a more revelatory mood.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

) Will there be any romantic feelings between Brooklyn and Demona in GARGOYLES 2198, like the Puck's "Future Tense".
3) Will Macbeth play apart in GARGOYLES 2198? If so, in what way? Now that the revamping is over.
4) How do Demona and Macbeth feel about each other by 2198? Now that the revamping is over.
5) Does Samson know that he is a descend of Demona? If so, does he consider Demona as his great-great (or how ever many greats they are) grand mother?
6) Does Demona know that Samson is a descend of her?

Greg responds...

). There'll be feelings. Not saying what kind.
3). You keep repeating "now that the revamping is over". What does that mean to you? Does it have significance? Do you mean now that the contest is over? Anyway, I've answered this. Macbeth will show up eventually but not right away.
4). Now that the revamping is over, I'm not telling.
5) He knows. And to some degree, yes.
6) Yes.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

A little query that recently occurred to me about the "feeling each other's pain" part of Demona and Macbeth's link. Where does Macbeth feel the pain when Demona receives an injury to her wings or her tail?

Greg responds...

Back or butt.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

1) Will Angela and Broadway raise their kids like humans, by only two parents, or will they be raise like gargoyles, in a collective rookery?
2) If so, will that trend continue into the future?
3) What about Brooklyn and Katana's children will they raise their children collectively or individually?

Greg responds...

1. Like gargs.

2. Generally.

3. Nash will be raised individually, initially, or communally if you consider that his TimeDancing parents represent the complete community of adults. Tachi will also get some individual rearing, because B&K will be the only parents in range. But both kids will get a lot of community parenting from the Manhattan Clan.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Stacey writes...

Hello Mr Weisman!
First of all, congeratulations on such a great show, it's the best cartoon I've ever seen, I've loved it since I was a kid!
Just a quick question. I asume that Demona eventualy finds out about Goliath and Elisa's relationship. How does she feel? I always thought that she retained feelings for him - despite her best efforts - and there's the fact that she probably hates Elisa more than anyone else alive.
When you outlined the space spawn/Samson/2198 or something storyline, there was no mention of Goliath and Elisa ever having children, grandchildren etc. I know that biologicaly speaking, there was very little chance that it would ever happen (unfortunantly), but I always thought that they would find someway of adopting. You don't have to say if you don't want to, but Goliath and Elisa without kids is heartbreaking. They would make such wonderful parents! I know that they would help raise the clans children, but its not quite the same is it? I mean Goliath has taken up the role as sole parent to angela, and Elisa is human anyway. Please give me hope!
Anyway, sorry. I didn't mean to rant on for so long. I need my gargoyles fix.
Good luck for the future.

Greg responds...

Thanks, Stacey.

You'll worry less if you stop thinking like a human. There will be plenty of children. And Goliath and Elisa will be parents to them. I've discussed them having their own children before. Hinted at it. Check the archives if you want.

As for Demona, I don't think this will come as news to her. And she already doesn't like it.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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matt writes...

if you havn't launched the next contest by the time you get this, when are you going to? what is it going to be?

can winners of other contest still try to win upcoming contest? i don't want to win if i should let it go to others... hmmm

Greg responds...

I'm taking a much needed contest break for awhile. But don't worry, we will have another one.

Past winners can enter.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Mary Mack writes...

At some point at the Gathering, I overheard you telling some lucky fan or fans when Brooklyn learned to read. I was dashing off somewhere, probably trying to chase down Kanthara again (whom I finally caught on Monday-- Hi Kanth!), and I didn't get to eavesdrop on the whole thing. It sounded fascinating, and like part of a larger question about which gargs learned to read when. I sure wish I knew the answer, and I'd bet money that your other faithful readers want to know too. So...

We know when Hudson and Braodway learned to read-- they started right after "Lighthouse on the Sea of Time." When did the other members of the Manhattan clan learn to read?

Thatnk you for your time and I hope everybody pre-registers for the Gathering 2002-- I did!

Greg responds...

Thank you, Mary. I believe Brooklyn learned to read shortly after awakening in the twentieth century. I believe Goliath learned from Demona in the tenth century. I believe Demona learned from the Archmage. I believe Lex learned in the tenth century too. Angela was taught by the Magus.

(Lots of fun tidbits always get revealed at the Gathering.)

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

In "Deadly Force", the trio describe "Showdown" as a "new movie", but it's a black-and-white film. Were the trio using the word "new" in a comparative sense (the same way that Lexington described Shakespeare as a "new writer" in "Enter Macbeth"), or was it genuinely a recent film that happened to be shot in black-and-white rather than color?

Greg responds...

It was either the latter or a restored rerelease of an old film. Either way, it was new to them.

Hey, Todd, I hope you'll post a Gathering Diary here. I'd like to read it.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Hi Greg, do you think this year's Gathering will help get Gargoyles one way or another?

Greg responds...

Help "get" Gargoyles? I'm not sure what you mean. I do think it helps a lot. Plus it's fun.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Would you say that, through Gatherings, fanfic and reruns, gargoyle's popularity has increesed since the time it was canceled? By how much would you say?

Greg responds...

I'm in no position to evaluate that. But I'm gratified that you guys are all still around and that new people do still seem to show periodically.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Sloth writes...

I seem to remember hearing that the Wiverin clan is about 40 or something members(although I could be wrong). If there were 36 eggs, that means there would have to be at least 36 females, who were old enough to lay an egg, and each of them would need a mate (unless they share them). So I guess my question is, how big was the clan?

Greg responds...

Approximately half the clan left to colonize a new location some time before the massacre. There were about 40 or so gargoyles at Wyvern at the time of the massacre.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Were Leo and Una sorta treated as outcasts by the other english Gargoyles when they abandened their duties of protection?

Greg responds...

No. The whole clan had lost "the way".

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

What was the 1000 years of sleep like for the Gargoyles? How consious were they of the passing of time? Did it seem like a 1000 years or was it over in a snap?

Greg responds...

Dreams went on and in and out, etc. Thus on one subconscious level there was an awareness of time.

But on the conscious level, they woke up and the massacre seemed like yesterday.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

How the heck did Odin survive the Twilight of the Gods? He got swallowed by the Fenrir wolf who got pulled asunder by Vidar.

Greg responds...

Yes, I know the story. I'm just not going to give you the Garg Universe version of Ragnarok in this format.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Hi Greg, my question is, by 2198, would the Avalon Clan be still in Avalon, Or would they have gone into diferent clans by that time, to help build up the gargoyle population?

Greg responds...

The Avalon Clan is still in Avalon helping to build the population from there.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Carl Gouveia writes...

I would like to know if Gargoyles has been released on DVD; I loved the show when it first aired and I would love to be able to own the entire series. I'm a begin fan of Shakespeare and I enjoyed how you intergrated many of his characters into to the Gargoyles plot lines. I also enjoyed all the other cultural storys you used in your stories (ie. bushido, lockness, griffins). I hope one day you will be able to create new episodes. Good luck.

Greg responds...

Thanks. At the moment the series is NOT available on DVD. But Jay Fukuto, Disney TV Animation's VP of Creative Affairs is checking into the possibility for us. (I'm glad someone asked him at the Gathering. Sounds a bit self-serving, coming from me.)

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Have you ever seen Babylon 5? It's quite good and could give Gargoyles a run for the money.

Greg responds...

I saw the pilot and didn't care for it. Later, people I respected told me the series was great. So I tried a couple more times to watch. But I just couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on.

It's a concern I have for Gargoyles as well. Tried to make each (non-multi-part) episode stand alone. But maybe people had trouble coming into the middle of our stuff too.

All I know is that I had no luck finding an entry point on Babylon Five. And no way to go back and start over. That doesn't mean the series wasn't great. Just that I missed the boat at the beginning and couldn't find my way aboard later.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Did you have Characters for Gargoyles planed to use the the voices of: Patrick Stewert, Lenerad Nemoi, William Shatner or any other characters from star trek?
BTW, Gates McFadden isn't the voice of Fox is she? I don't think so, but I can't find her name on any credits, and that would be a good part for her.
Also, why were so many Star Treak actors used as voices, besides that most of them did great jobs(puck)?

Greg responds...

It doesn't work that way. We create characters first. Then we cast. We did try to get Patrick Stewart for a couple of parts, but he was too expensive for us.

Fox was voiced by Laura San Giacomo, who currently is part of the cast of "Just Shoot Me" on NBC.

And the reason we had so many Trek actors was because:

a) Marina auditioned for us and nailed the part of Demona.

b) Jonathan Frakes auditioned for us, and after us ****ing around for awhile, was cast as Xanatos.

c) After that when we were casting guest rolls, it was only natural to think of Trek actors since we already had two of them sitting in the booth.

d) I was not unaware of the publicity value, but we never cast a Trek actor just for the sake of casting a Trek actor. If they didn't seem right for the roll, we didn't consider them.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

You said that Mab the mother of Oberon was connected to Chaos like many of the other first gods in mythology such as Tiamat, Ymir and Gaea who were created from chaos or were chaos incarnate and like many of these gods Mab is overthrown by a younger god who is descended from her and in our case it's Oberon. So did you have Mab be Oberon's mother not his sister or cousin just to fit the myth of older/chaotic god being overthrown by a younger god?

Greg responds...

I'm sure that held influence. (Although I'd argue against Gaea being a chaos figure. I might also argue against Ymir too.)

Also, it just seemed right.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

When the Goliath & co. finished the egypt ep, they just calmly turned to stone in front of the spinx. Since they weren't sure what happend to they pack, weren't they being a bit careless about where they slept, or were they confident that Elisa could protect them from Wolf, Jackel AND Hyena?

Greg responds...

Choose your own interpretation. Just keep in mind... nothing happened.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Apart from world domination, what do the Space spawn aquire from invading earth, by their standerds we would be a pretty primitive world even by 2198, what was so special in earth, or was it more, like just because they could do it?

Greg responds...

It was just more territory, as their empire expanded. We weren't considered special particularly. Leastways not at first.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Do you consider the Gargoyles show to have come to enough of a close to be carried on by Spin offs, or would you want to tie off more lose ends? Basicly I asking if the show came back, would you rap up Gargoyles, or go straight to Timedancer or Pendragon?

Greg responds...

Well, for starters I'd take what I could get. I'd love to do more Gargoyles AND TimeDancer AND Pendragon AND etc.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Why is it that the Magus, whose trained all of his life for using magic, could not cast spells without the grimorim (except for tapping it from Avolon), while Tom (and I assume Goliath to) can easily use the incantation to get to Avolon?

Greg responds...

Memorizing one simple incantation is hard enough. The Magus was certainly capable of that.

But without the Grimorum to harness, focus and inform his efforts, managing much else was impossible.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

Just saw and recorded Sentinal, an episiode I origanally didn't like very much, when I thought aliens and Olimpians were too fantastic. But now that I've read the layout for the new spin off, and I can see where all this space spawn stuff is heading, I found it much more intreging!
Some questions though:
1)When Nokar first appeared and toke Elisa away, why did he just knock out Bronx and wait till latter to catch him all over again?
2)Nokar had a bunch of small rat like droids running about his ship, what were their purpose?
3)Why did Elisa chose the name tiny for Goliath?
4)A)When Goliath destroyed the control panal, which in turn destroyed that big central thing, how much did that hurt the space ship? It was still able to rise outa the ground and fire that cannon. B)Will Nokar be able to repair it?
5)A)How is Nokar getting on with his new friends? B)Has he made any more?
Thats all for this fun Ep. Nice work!

Greg responds...

1. His priority was getting Elisa to safety.

2. Multi-fold.

3. She was being sarcastic. (Sloth, why did you think?)

4a. Some.
4b. Yes.

5a. Not saying.
5b. Not saying.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

How did Elisa explaine her jump of the building in "The Silver Falcon" to Matt?

Greg responds...

He didn't see it.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Any plans on retconning parts of Hound of Ulster?

Greg responds...

No. My only regret there is that I didn't put Cu Chullain's armor and skeleton in the Cairn with Goliath, Angela and Elisa.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Jacob writes...

Hi I'm back.

One time I asked you "Are gargoyles at day really heavier than at night? If they are, where does the wheight come from?", and you answered "I never said they were."

Actually, I got this information from a collection-card I found in the internet, and it says, at night he weighs about 130 and at day something about 900 kg.

1. Does it mean that this information is wrong or

2. Don't you want to say it this time?

Greg responds...

1. Doesn't sound right.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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zakhur writes...

How did you come up the idea for Queen Mab, was it before or after Oberon first appered on the show?

Greg responds...

After. But not long after. Mab's in Shakespeare, sort of. In a speech by Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet. So she was a natural addition to our ensemble.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

I was reading your rambles on "OutFoxed", and you mentioned that there was a clue that hinted Fox was Halcyen's daughter by the fact that his last name is Rynard. Could you explane how there is a connection between the words rynard and fox, cause I can't see it. I don't even know what rynard means.

Greg responds...

In French, "renard" means "fox". See, learn something new every day.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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