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RESPONSES 2001-7 (July)

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Anonymous writes...

Who leads the Quarrymen in 2198? Castaway's descendents?
What are Dingo and Robyn's descendents doing?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on July 02, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What is the Order of the Guardian? Who started it?

Greg responds...

Clan Ishimura, with some help from various individuals including Tom.

Response recorded on July 02, 2001

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Sloth writes...

in Heritage, grandmother states that Nick's dad and grand dad and so on, had to fight Raven on the volcano. I don't think Ravin is keeping that low of a profile by trying to take the Island every generation. Were their fights more of a meditative thing?

Also, why does raven wan't the island so bad?

Greg responds...

I just answered your last question.

And I'm not going to go into specific detail on your first questions. Battles were battled.

Response recorded on July 02, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

How much has Owen/Puck matured by 2198? A lot?

Greg responds...

Owen is. And Puck's not around.

Response recorded on July 02, 2001

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evagilbert@home.com writes...

I need 2 gargoyles for my daughters production number at dance. Either to buy or rent. I need them by Monday the latest, 3-4 feet high each. Could you help me???

Greg responds...


I'm not even reading this until July 2nd.

And we don't sell or rent gargoyles at this site. Goliath might take offense.

(I'm guessing this person will never read this response.)

Response recorded on July 02, 2001

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Jonny writes...

I noticed in your disclaimer that there's a spelling mistake in the word Television, where it's supposed to say: "...copyrighted by Buena Visa Television" you accidentally wrote television as "televiion". Just thought I'd make you aware of this.

Greg responds...

Thank you. I'm again going to lay that one on Gore. (Though it's possible it was me.) Again, I've been aware of the typos for awhile. But I don't have any means of fixing them.

Response recorded on July 02, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

Well, it's certainly a relief to have the Gargoyles 2198 contest finally over with; I'm amazed that it took us so long to get the last two answers right. Well, now for a few comments on "Gargoyles 2198"'s overall description.

A number of elements in it certainly surprised me. For example, while I had suspected for a long while that the Space-Spawn would be playing a major role in the spin-off, I hadn't expected that it would open with them actually conquering the planet. Likewise, I was certainly surprised at the reason for Owen being unable to become Puck in the series (Alex being in Space-Spawn captivity), though it did make sense (I'd had my own speculations for the reason for the "block on Puck" before the contest began, though I won't mention them here because of the rules - suffice it to say that none of them involved Alex being held prisoner by anybody).

Another element in the spin-off was one which I'd perhaps "half-anticipated", and which did strike me as logical, but which I hadn't been seriously expecting in "Gargoyles 2198"; the notion of Samson and Delilah working together. Now, before the contest had come out, I'd been speculating for some time over whether Samson would have some connection with Delilah - given their names, it would be almost impossible not to have something like that happening - but never gave it any serious thought since I obviously didn't seriously believe that the original Delilah whom we met in "The Reckoning" would still be around at the time of the spin-off (even when it was "Gargoyles 2158" rather than "Gargoyles 2198"). Of course, I hadn't counted on the possibility of a namesake descendant, but it certainly struck me as a good solution.

And I've got to admit, you found a way to have the Illuminati stoop to a new low in the spin-off; they certainly were shady even in the original series (deals with organized crime, the Hotel Cabal, supporting the Quarrymen), but now they've become out-and-out quislings.

All in all, the spin-off certainly looks promising. I don't know if you'll ever get it made, but it should be interesting.

Questions follow in a separate post.

Greg responds...

Thanks. I'm glad it intrigued you. I know you're more of a fantasy/myth guy then a Science Fiction Guy. Hopefully the show would still have a balance of both. But by definition that balance would lead more toward tech in this one.

Response recorded on July 02, 2001

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Jimmy_Q writes...

Now there's a HUGE difference between 994 Scotland and 1994 U.S. Wouldn't the differences in vocabulary, word usage, etc. between these times and places reflect that? If Goliath learned to read and write in 994 Scotland then how was it that he awoke in Manhattan seemingly capable of reading and comprehending modern day American literature? Did he somehow work on his literacy skills outside the series or what? I figured that, as the ultimate all-knowing diety of the gargoyle universe, you would know this.

Greg responds...

I do know this. You would too if you checked the archives.

Response recorded on July 02, 2001

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John writes...

Hi Greg,

YEESSS!!! The contest is over! Strike! Ok, so let me think for a question...
How will the future in 2198 look like? Dark (like in Blade Runner) or the shiny-super-hero-future with no wars, no deseases etc.?
Ok, thank you for awnsering. Hope you will read this before the Gathering ( Sorry, can't come :-(. The 23 June is my birthday, and to fly from Berlin to LA is a toooo big birthday present :-((((() Anyway, hope you have, or had, some fun there. Greet Jonathan Frakes from me ;-)
CU, John

Greg responds...

Jonathan was in Israel during the Gathering, so I didn't see him.

The future looked bright in March of 2198. Not perfect, but pretty shiny. With a lot preserved intentionally from nature and older periods.

Things took a dark turn with the arrival of the Space-Spawn.

Response recorded on July 02, 2001

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Yttrium writes...

What is the story behind the "Better than Barney" thing?


Greg responds...

It's a long story. A Gathering Story. I just told it, like five times, last weekend. Bit burned out on it now.

Ask me some other time. Or come to G2002.

(But the short answer is that it's something that Bill Faggerbakke once said in defense of the series.)

Response recorded on July 02, 2001

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