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RESPONSES 2001-8 (August)

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zakhur writes...

Was the archemage influenced by someone, apart from his future self, to take the three talismans and his plans to take over avalon and the world? sorry if this is a weird question, but I was wondering about that for a long time

Greg responds...

He had wanted the three items of power for some time because he had read about their joint use before.

The Avalon take-over seemed the idea of his future self. But of course that future self only learned it from his future self. So one might ask, who came up with the actual idea. Was it born of the time stream, whole?

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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matt writes...

1. as gargoyles in Japan have been living with humans for centuries, have they been using names throughout most their history, or all of it?

2. was there ever a time that the Ishimuran clan didn't use names? if so, when?

3. did Katana have her name when Brooklyn first meets her?

Greg responds...

1. "Most of their history" would be a hell of a long time. But some of it.

2. Yes. Long ago.

3. Not saying.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

As I'm now looking through the notes I took during the "Research for Writers" panel at the con, I remember Reaves and the others mentioning a large board where you guys would pin up index cards with different story ideas, and then ask who wanted to write the episode for each card. They mentioned that you had cards for another Central/South America story, another Africa story, and one about the Wendigo monster.

1) Would you kindly divulge anything about these poor stories that never got made into episodes?

2) Do you still have these idea cards?

Greg responds...

2. I have all the idea cards. But some of them were nothing more than that. A notion. A thought. A word. So...

1. There aren't any STORIES extant with the exception of the Himalayas story, as I wrote that for the Marvel Gargoyles Comic Book, which got cancelled before the story could be published. The others are in varying degrees of existence in my head depending on how much brain time I've devoted to them. There's a bit more on the Korea story, as I've given thought to the Pukhan clan. But not much. Etc.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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zakhur writes...

I've been hearing a lot of someone called Nimue, who is she? sorry if this question been asked, but I haven't seen it in the archives

Greg responds...

Then you haven't looked in the Pendragon section.

Or read much of anything on the legends of King Arthur.

Nimue comes directly from that mythology.

Response recorded on September 01, 2001

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Jacob writes...

I've got a few questions about the wings of a garg:

1) Are there bones inside the wings? Or instead of bones cartilage? Or anything else?

2a) If the answer to 1) is the former, does it mean then that the wings are something like a second pair of arms?
b) But that doesn't seem to be right, because nothing on the wings looks unflexible, in especially when they are "not in use" and laid round the body, or have I just not looked carefully enough to notice anything else?

3) Their wings don't seem to be very thin and light, but more thick and heavy. Is this to prevent major damages like a big hole? Has it any other advantages?

(BTW: How's my English? Because I'm not sure that everything is understandable)

Greg responds...

1. I assume there are bones. But I'm no biologist.

2a. Yes. Most gargoyles have seven limbs (including the tail).

2b. I'm not sure what you mean here.

3. I'm not sure I can confirm your premise here.

But your English seems pretty good to me, generally.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

I think you said that the loch ness clan live in caves and Grottos. If you didn't, then sorry. If you did, how do the gargs get their solor energy? The same for Demona's clan in 1020 who spent a lot of time in caves.

Greg responds...

Heat absorbtion. (Like I know.)

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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matt writes...

1. how long in advance did Nokkar know about the Space-Spawn invasion or was he completly surprised also?

2. was Nokkar still on Easter Island when the Space-Spawn attacked? if not, where was he?

3. between 1996 and 2198 has Nokkar had any communication or messages from his people or anyone on his side in the Galactic War?

4. was Nokkar still hiding from the bulk of humanity up til 2198 or was he known to exist by many humans? did the United Nations know of him? did Alexander Xanatos?

5. after 2198 will he be known to humnas or will he be fighting in the resistance while still hiding from the humans he is protecting?

Greg responds...

1. Surprised.

2. Yes.

3. No.

4. He was still largely hiding.

5. He's not holding a press conference, because he's wanted by the Space-Spawn who are controlling things. But more and more people will come to know him... until he takes off into space with Demona, Zafiro etc.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Why do Cu Culen's eyes look so wierd?

Greg responds...

I don't remember them looking weird.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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matt writes...

when Rory's father tells him, "The blood of heroes flows through your veins!" :

1. how does his father know that? does he know for certain?

2. is Rory a descendant of Cuchallin himself or just other (and probably more recent) heroes?

3. is he descendended from these heroes on his mother or fathers side?

Greg responds...

1. It's Dugan family legend.

2. Good question.

3. Father's for sure. Maybe mother's too.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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Phil writes...

Hi, Greg

A few questions about "The Hound of Ulster"
1) What is Rory Dugan's father's name?
2) Where is Rory's mother? Did she live with them and we just didn't see her in that ep, or is she separated from Rory's father, or maybe dead?

Greg responds...

1. Mr. Dugan.
2. Intentionally, not answering at this time.

Response recorded on August 30, 2001

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