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RESPONSES 2001-8 (August)

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Shan writes...

By Shannon (Shan) Muir

I'm a first-time Gathering attendee who played the roles of both attendee and panelist, who also lived locally and didn't stay in a hotel, hoping I can give some kind of useful perspective to Greg and others. I also tend to ramble and like asides, hopefully I've kept both to a minimum.

My boyfriend Kevin Paul Shaw Broden and I showed up around 11 Friday. Everyone was gathered around a large screen TV opposite the registration desk watching "Enter Macbeth," though I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't recognize it at first. Hadn't seen GARGOYLES on anything larger than maybe a 15" inch screen to that point. (I've only been a real fan since 2000, though I saw a smattering of episodes before then, too busy in college). Anyway, we got our tags and gorgeous shirts and, social butterflies we are (not!), took the tram to CityWalk for a meal instead of meeting people. Grabbed a brunch at Jerry's Deli.

We didn't attend either of the noon panels. Mainly because Kevin knew I wanted to audition for the radio play and we didn't want to rudely leave in the middle of the contest readings, which is where we would have gone. So that's when we scoped out the Dealers' Room and I briefly chatted with Tim Morgan. Saw Christine's books but didn't pick them up (all three) until later that day. That was all I bought, frankly I could barely afford to come to the Gathering and the banquet. Then right at 1:30 I was one of the first six in line for the auditions. Came in to see Greg and Thom (who I'd met when taking a screenwriting class from Greg at UCLA), and also Jordan who was new to me. Took a shot at Elisa, mainly because it was the new "side" to me. We'd done mock auditions in the class and I had done Demona, and frankly - sorry Greg - I've never liked the Angela "side." Elisa's "side" hadn't been a choice then. But mic-trained me got too much into what I was doing and forgot to project at one point. In the end I wasn't cast, but at least I got to try the experience again with new material.

Having gotten out much earlier than planned, I picked up Christine's books and then we went to Meredith Patterson's 3PM reading. Very good but also very graphic, a little above my poor weak tolerance level (I can't, sadly, watch 3x3 EYES either for similar reasons. It sucks.). Meredith noticed, but took it all in stride - it means she did an effective job, so that's a compliment! Afterwards, I introduced myself and Meredith escorted Kevin and I to the Con Suite where we met the Wittenbergs, Wingless, and some others whose names I didn't catch. After Greg, Thom, and Jordan arrived to discuss casting, we left and eventually had a light dinner of pizza.

Got back in time to see the Opening Ceremonies, actually a little earlier. Talked briefly to my friend Monique Beatty - we used to work together at Sony Animation - and she introduced me to Tuppence McIntyre, the Deputy DA who had helped Greg with his Scottish research. I'm really glad Tuppence in particular took the time to come out. Monique introduced Kevin to Tuppence as Kevin Paul Shaw Broden, then looked at his name tag and saw only the "Kevin Broden." It was just a funny moment as everyone who knows him in the industry knows him as "the man with too many names," as one fairly well known writer dubbed him. Gathering Staff, no worries, we figure it was just the software limitations even though he put all four names. Heck, ComiCon always files him under Shaw, thinking he has two last names.

At Opening Ceremonies, I recognized most of the folks, but it was neat getting to see many of the voice actors for the first time (especially Bill Faggerbake; he voiced Alan on the JUMANJI series I worked on and I always wondered what he was like in person). I'd previously seen most of the tapes Greg showed in our class, but the GARGOYLES "preview reel", as were the pitches for the spinoffs (which was the most fun tape of the evening, BTW). The BAD GUYS leica reel made far more sense, since I didn't really those characters the first time I saw it. It like an "OK" action-adventure series on the surface with lots of potential before, but now that I understand who the characters are, it's really fun.

Kevin and I bailed for the evening after that. Not that events like "MYST"ing GARGOYLES wouldn't have been interesting, but I needed to grab something for dinner at that point rather desperately and it was easier just to call it a night and hit the Carl's Jer. a block from my apartment.

So Kevin dropped me off and headed home to Fullerton. (He didn't crash at my place overnight for complicated reasons outside of the scope of this journal… though it would have arguably been easier if he could have!)

Greg responds...

Keep those reports coming, Shan.

Response recorded on August 14, 2001

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

I woke up and showered (wow, just like every other morning ;), and came down, and was sad. Things were being cleared out and that was the sign that the Con was practically over. I chatted with Montana Joe Lawson briefly before the next panel started.

My roommate Laura and I attended the Starship Troopers panel, and I watched an episode (before the panel started) for the first time ever... it was shown for only a few days in New York apparantly and in a horrible timeslot so I missed it. I did like what I saw, and having only seen one episode, I still found the panel interesting and entertaining.

I next had to take a journey to the Post Office which went on even longer than I anticipated and missed a panel I myself was supposed to sit on. I bought a dagger in the Dealer's Room the previous day, and since I only had carry-on luggage, I knew I'd get in trouble if I tried to bring it on the plane, and the post-office near by took forever to get the thing actually mailed.

I came back, to find out when I should leave for LAX, since my plane was leaving at 3PM, and I learned I had to leave before the closing ceremonies. I found you and said good-bye, and said good-bye to Jen and thanked her for the great weekend before my roomates and I left and dropped me off at the gate to the airport, where I had a pleasant flight home. Read the scripts I bought at the auction and watched this movie that starred Freddie Prince Jr and involved fashion models and an episode of Third Rock from the Sun on the plane before landing at 11:30 PM and talking non-stop about the con.

It was a great weekend, and I made some great friends and met some great new people. I'd like to thank you for being so great at the con, and putting up with my company for longer than you had to at previous Gatherings ;)

It was a pleasure Greg, and I look forward to seeing you next summer.

Greg responds...

Greg, it was a pleasure seeing you again as well. Thanks.

Response recorded on August 14, 2001

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Gabriel writes...

Oie, i didn't keep a journal, so I have to go from memory.
Day 1:
I left Houston at around eight, tired from lack of sleep and hungry from hurrying to airport and only eating a quick cup of cerial. During the flight they served these nasty snacks that were really greasy; they call it sausage, I call it a waste of money. The flight took about three to four hours; I slept most of the away. I arrived in LA upset due to two factors: 1. On the way, I looked down at all the sand and desert, and out of nowhere all these ontological ramblings poured into my head. Did I have paper? No. Could I even write anything legible on a bumpy airplane? No. So there went a slew of ontological and time-continuum ideas right out the window. I shrugged it off and went on. 2). In LA, I got stopped by some Harr Kreshna guy who gave me this book to read about his religion. I thought, "cool" and tried leave; but he stopped me and hounded me for money. After repeatedly telling him no, he took the book back and gave me a pamphlet instead. JERK, I thought. I shrugged it off and went on.
Well, I got to the hotel--after almost diying (is that spelled right?) on the way there because of the driver who kept telling all the passengers stories about his Fatherland (Germany) and whole bunch of other stuff I didn't care for while he was NOT paying attention to the road--and found my friend Ryan from Dallas.
Well, because of this mix-up with our rooms, they wouldn't give us the keys, so I had to go find the guy whose name the room was under (Sean "Brooklyn X" Donagher) so he could prove to the clerk that we were supposed to be in the room. We decided to get our badges for the Gathering first, and, to our surprise, Sean was volunteering to give out the badges. He got us our keys, and we went down (not up where everyone else was) to our room.
After throwing everything on the floor, I wasted no time in blowing my money on junk I really don't need (cards, a CD, a place mat, a puzzle, this wierd french game with a marble, and a color print of Gabriel).
After throwing all that with my other crap I went back to audition for the radio play. I had no idea what I was supposed to do, and so I was really panicky. Of course, all the ontological mumbo-jumbo came flooding back in like burst damn...and I was reading the script, second in line--what luck. After skimming the script, I get called in. As soon as I walk in, I see Greg and start thinking, "If my being is met with bad-faith---oh crap, it's Greg Weisman, uumumum--but then my being is thus permeable to the I-it--sh*t, who am I gonna' read---oh crap, it's Thom Adcox, uhuhuhuh--quick, sit down!!" After sitting down, I was told to stand-up.
"OK, who are you going to read for us?" Greg asked. Sh*t, you didn't even decide who to read. Goliath--no. Brooklyn--maybe. Elisa--ha! Xanatos--no. Goliath--no. Xanatos--might as well.
So I read; I thought it went fairly well.
"Uh, do you think you could read that first paragraph again," Geg asked me, "except louder this time?"
"Uhhh, yeah, I guess." Damn him! [No offence, Greg:)] I read louder.
"Stop. You need to project." I read even louder. "Project!" Ah! Damnit, I bet that was too loud, I thought.
I finished. I felt better after barking like a dog and wimping out of my cheesy Celebrity Jeopardy Sean Connery impression.
The rest of the day went by like a flash. All I remember is getting Fabberbakke's autograph on my Gargoyles poster, some of the opening ceremonies, wondering when Yama became a bad guy, being happy at being an understudy, working-out at their crappy gym, and hating Bush for not putting a price cap in California since I had to pay 2.50 per night for electricity. I didn't talk to anyone since I really didn't know anyone; so I mostly just kept to myself, thinking, "So that's what you look like," anytime I saw someone's name I recognized off the 'Net.
I read a little bit of The Fall that night and decided I was just too tired to read any; so I went to bed, eager to jump into the next days activities.

Greg responds...

There's almost no way under those circumstances that you could have been TOO loud.

Yama's paying for a mistake he made by the way. The original title of Bad Guys was "The Redemption Squad". I was told that sounded too religious and not catchy enough. The execs at Disney wanted to call the show "Bad Boys". I refused. Bad Guys seemed like a good compromise.

Response recorded on August 14, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Given the Space Spawn's reputation in 2198, am I right that Nokkar will have a bad rep to for just being from space? Or will he not have revieled himself to the public yet, and just work in secreat at HQ? What has his chain of Easter Island friends turned into by this point?

Greg responds...

Nokkar's still largely a secret in February, 2198. I'm not saying more than that right now.

Response recorded on August 14, 2001

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matt writes...

at any time in history, lets say 0AD to 2200AD, were there ever wild garg beasts or packs of wild garg beasts running around somewhere? i mean like garg beast that were not attached to a clan of gargoyles, just on their own, or have beast always been domesticated pets of gargoyles?

Greg responds...

By Zero AD they were domesticated.

Response recorded on August 14, 2001

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matt writes...

ok, you've said that Angela would say the spell to reach Avalon after each adventure. well, at the end of "Bushido" its daytime and Angela is asleep, but yet the travelers still disappear into the mist, and i mean they really vanish, not just fade into the mist. at first i thought maybe Elisa could've said the spell, but if you watch the episode shes talking to the Ishimuran guy and herself as the travelors dissapear, so SHE didn't say the spell either. so how did the travelers dissappear without saying the spell?

sorry to try and trap you like this, but its only fair the way you dodge our questions! LOL, kidding! :) if you don't have an answer its ok!

Greg responds...

I'd have to look at it again. Elisa may have ALREADY said the spell. Or maybe that fog was just thick Japanese fog. And she said the spell after the fade.

I would think that Angela would generally be the one to say it. But after Goliath and Elisa had heard it over and over, I don't see why they wouldn't be able to do it too.

Response recorded on August 14, 2001

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Jacob writes...

If someone would bring a gargoyle by plain very far into eastern or western direction during he's stone, would his internal clock notice that or would it be a way for him to be awake at day?

Greg responds...

It might be. Honestly, I'm not sure. We thought about that in our pilot when the gargs were being moved from Scotland to New York. But it was a non-issue there.

Response recorded on August 14, 2001

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Hi Greg, I have a few more questions about 2198, and Demona's role in it. Surprise, surprise ;)

How does she get along with the following characters?

1. Delilah?

2. Nicholas Natsilane Maza

3. Nokkar?

I would imagine that her relationship with the first two would be quite tense given their bloodline.

Greg responds...

Initially, she doesn't get along well with anyone. ANYONE.

Response recorded on August 14, 2001

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Curious writes...

in "the mirror" or what ever it's call puck says that demona is still "carrying the torch" for goliath.so why does she always try to kill him? why does she not try to make him love her again?

Greg responds...

She has a problem with "owning up" to things.

Response recorded on August 14, 2001

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Shan writes...


OK, I do realize the banquet was SUNDAY night. (I've been home sick which doesn't help with my sense of time, especially not right after a holiday.) I'm also used to going to Friday-Saturday-Sunday events where awards dinners, etc. happen on Saturdays. Have GATHERINGs generally been three day affairs, or does it vary from year to year?

Greg responds...

Varies, as I recall.

Personally, I like it when it's a four day event because the result is you get TWO REAL DAYS. Friday and Monday people are arriving and departing. Saturday and Sunday they are THERE.

When it's a three day event, you only get ONE REAL DAY. It's still fun, but I like to milk it.

Response recorded on August 14, 2001

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