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Gargoyle Biology

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

oh, heres one. someone asked about how much Demona could bench. you gave a smartass response. without giving specific numbers, i had always assumed gargs could basically bench twice the poundage as a human of similar mass. again that goes back to the "gargs are made out of different stuff than humans are" theory. please comment? *expecting smartass response*

Greg responds...

I'm not good with numbers. It's more of an intuitive thing, deciding what she (or any of them) can or cannot do.

Response recorded on August 22, 2001

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

o.O im a little miffed that im spending so much time in the archives, and yet ppl are still asking questions that are RIGHT HERE... yeesh. sorry if im being annoying asking so many questions, im just in the mood. SO...

1. I noticed that hudson is the only wyvern garg with a scottish accent. why dont the other gargs have one? all four guatamalen gargs have 'guatamalen' accents.

2. the bushido gargs look japanese. the slanted eyes and general face shape, for instance. would you attribute this to perhaps "external forces of the area" forcing both gargs and humans to develop similar facial traits? or something else?

Greg responds...

1. "Ever" is such a big word.

2. Uh, sure. Just an opinion.

3. got me...

Response recorded on August 21, 2001

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

oh look, Im at it agian, with yet more science questions (beware, im going thru the smartass archive next ;P)

1. can gargs eyes EVER turn a different color than white or red? i hope so.

2. do all garg eggs look like the wyvern clan's, i.e. purple speckly? (i know youre colorblind, but just give me your opinion :)

3. this stems from a conversation MANY moons ago on IRC, where a large group of fans were trying to decide some garg physiology. we speculated that:
a. they must have bones made of a stronger, lighter material than ours
b. same with muscle, since muscle is so HEAVY
d. perhaps instead of being carbon based with iron blood, they could be based on some other element, with another metallic blood. octopi have copper based blood. its green. it doesnt carry oxygen very well, so they get tired very easily. maybe there is something that works the other way :)

Greg responds...

1. "Ever" is such a big word.

2. Uh, sure. Just an opinion.

3. got me...

Response recorded on August 21, 2001

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

just another FYI

I was watching discovery, learning about human relationships. a theory says that way back when humans were hunter/gatherers, a pair would mate, and stay together long enough for the offspring to no longer "burden" its parents. then the pair would split, and find new mates, therefore keeping a large range of genetic possibilities.

the theory further stats that modern humans seem to have kept this behavior somewhat, which explains the trouble so many humans have staying with a life mate.

another part of the theory says that humans generally have three marriages: the first for sex, the second for children, the third for comanionship.

so gargoyles combine all three into one. cool. but again, that hurts their genetic diversity :)

Greg responds...

I suppose, but only when you put it that way. If humans are only mating once for kids, then they are no better off.

Response recorded on August 21, 2001

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

again, looking thru the science archives, someone asked
"3. *DO* the other gargs need to shave? "
and you responded
"3. Not Angela. "

does that mean gargoyles grow ONLY facial and head hair? no underarm hair or leg hair for females to shave? or do they grow such hair, and not shave because theyre not under the same "social obligation" (i can think of no other term for it) as human females?

Greg responds...

MAN, Kelly!!!!!!

I was only talking about facial hair. I have (currently) no comment on the rest.

Response recorded on August 15, 2001

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LeFay182 writes...

I haven't seen the show like a million years. But, I still remember loving it. I just had one question; Do Gargoyles eggs turn to stone in the day time? Thanks

Greg responds...

The shell is permanently stone like after the first day. The insides transform back and forth like gargs.

Response recorded on August 15, 2001

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

I was just reading the "scientific posts" and Im wondering about something. You make several references to "whateveryone considers to be dinosaurs" versus "what are really dinosaurs." so lets classift: there are the protomammals, which include demitridon (which Im not sure if im spelling that right), the sprawling legged reptile-esque creature with the large sail on it's back. Dinosaurs didnt actually evolve anywhere near demitridon's line, as he eventually became rodents (or so say scientists, due to the structre of its skull). there are also the "swimming reptiles" which lived at the time of the dinosaurs, and the "flying reptiles" which also lived at that time. SO, given that Ive just split the group into its perspective parts, where to gargates fall in? protomammals? something else that wasnt actually a DINOSAUR, but existed before the dinos, and from which dinos didnt actually evolve?
(okay, you found my other obsession, i give in.)

Greg responds...

No, I give.

Look, I'm not a scientist. I'd need to research this in much greater detail than I currently have to answer this in the kind of detail you all seem to want.

I haven't yet. Sorry.

Response recorded on August 15, 2001

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Kelly L Creighton/Kya White Sapphire writes...

Im sure someone must have asked this before, but there is no "stone sleep" section in the archive, so:

do gargoyles dream when in the stone sleep?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on August 15, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Did the gargoyles contributed to the mermaid legends considering that there are actually amphibious gargoyles?

Greg responds...

There are no literally amphibious gargoyles. But in answer to your question, maybe.

Response recorded on August 14, 2001

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