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Vashkoda writes...

Let's see how lucky I can be:

London, Ishimura, Guatamala, New Olympus, Avalon, Manhattan, Paris, Easter Island, Loch Ness, Wyvern

(I foresee a lot of 1/2 points here:) clones, China, not on Earth but within our galaxy, Antarctica

Greg responds...

Nine full points.

Two half points.


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

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Michael Norton writes...

Another 14 clan guess.

1) Manhattan
2) Clones
3) Ishimura
4) Guatemala
5) London
6) Avalon
7) New Olympus
8) Mt. Everest
9) Mt. Olympus
10) Wyvern, Scotland
11) Loch Ness
12) Camelot
13) Valley of the Kings, Egypt
14) Mt. Kirkpatrick, Antartica

Greg responds...

Eight full points. Two half points.


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

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Faieq Ali writes...

My guess at the 14 gargoyle clans:

1. Avalon
3.The Labyrinth
5.Ishimura, Japan
6.New Olympus
7.London, England
8.Loch Ness, Scotland
9.Paris, France
10.Bejing, China
11.Athens, Greece
12.Rome, Italy
13.Dublin, Ireland

Greg responds...

Nine full points and two half points.


Response recorded on June 30, 2000

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Ambrosia writes...

Here's my try for the 14 clans, Greg:
1. Manhattan
2. Avalon
3. London
4. Guatemala
5. Ishimura
6. Mutates/clones
7. New Olympus
8. the Coldtrio
9. India
10. Paris
11. Ireland
12. a Space Station
13. China
14. Camelot

Thanks for your time!

Greg responds...

O.K. Once more. "Mutates/Clones" isn't a place. "Coldtrio" isn't a place. I won't say whether the Mutates/Clones and/or the Coldtrio represent an entire clan or not. But we're looking for locations here. LOCATIONS. PLACES named with as much specificity as they've been named in the show.

For example, saying "Japan" would get you only a half point, because we've been more specific. Saying "Ishimura" would get you a full point. Saying "Ishimura, Japan" would get you that same full point, because the "Ishimura" implies the Japan, so you haven't added anything. On the other hand, saying "Guatemala" also gets you a full point, because in that case, we've never been more specific. But saying "Obsidiana, Zafiro, Turquesa, Jade and some eggs" as complete as that is, would get you ZERO points, because they are the Mayan clan's POPULation, not its LOCation.

(Sorry, Ambrosia, I didn't mean to pick on you. I just want to make sure everyone gets the rules. And I don't want to have to explain them again.)


Seven full points. Two half points.

Response recorded on June 29, 2000

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Bud-Clare writes...

14 clans:

1. London
2. Ishimura
3. Guatemala
4. Australia
5. New Olympus
6. Loch Ness, Scotland
7. County Clare, Ireland (I just like the name)
8. Avalon
9. Manhattan
10. Clones (Labyrinth)
11. Easter Island
12. Camelot (Somerset, England)
13. Paris
14. Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica

Greg responds...

Nine full points. Two half points.


Response recorded on June 29, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Clan contest
3.Labyrinth with clones
8.New Olympus with halflings and gargoyles coexisting
9.mountains of China
14.Region around St.Florence island

Greg responds...

Eight full points. Two half points.

But this is another pointless Anonymous entry. If you were right, how could I reward you. You may say you're not in it for the reward, but that would frankly be a bit TOO anti-climactic for me and everyone else. I want to see someone WIN this thing.

So, Todd and Gore, I'm giving you official permission to delete any and all ANONYMOUS entries to our contests.

No tyca for this one.

Response recorded on June 27, 2000

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Shari B writes...

My second try at the 14 clans contest...

1 - London, England
2 - Ishimura, Japan
3 - Guatemala
4 - Antarctica
5 - China
6 - New Olympus
7 - Loch Ness, Scotland
8 - Avalon
9 - Manhattan
10 - Labyrinth
11 - Camelot
12 - Greece
13 - Paris
14 - Valley of the Kings

Greg responds...

Nine points. Plus three half points.


Response recorded on June 26, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

1) Without stating my obvious suspicion lest it be interpreted as a new idea, who will Bronx's mate be? 2) What gender is/are the gargoyle beast/s on Avalon other than Boudicca? 3) Do you have any specific plans for that big red beast we saw in "Bushido", or was it just thrown in by the artists? 4) When the Guatamalan clan's eggs hatch, will there be any beasts? 5) Are all gargoyle beasts land-bound?

Greg responds...

1. Boudicca, of course.

2. Male and female.

3. We get to everything eventually.

4. Yes.

5. Pretty much. (If I get your meaning.)

Response recorded on June 23, 2000

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Warrioress writes...

Did you have any children planned for Gabriel and Ophelia? If so, what are their names?

Greg responds...

Yes. I haven't named them yet.

Response recorded on June 23, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

You mentioned before about how the original ending of "The Goliath Chronicles", which you stopped them from doing, had the gargoyles abandoning New York and all scattering. I hope that you don't mind my asking another "Goliath Chronicles" question (in this case, I consider it a special case), but:

What alarmed you more about it? The fact that it had the gargoyles abandoning their protectorate, or the fact that it had the clan all splitting up, scattering it? (Both definitely felt altogether out-of-character to me, although the former was what I noticed and felt alarmed by first).

Greg responds...

Do I really have to prioritize my disgust? Really it was all just a bad, bad idea. You mentioned the two main, awful reasons. But I'm sure there were more. (But don't make me relive it.)

Response recorded on June 23, 2000

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Chris writes...

1)Do Goliath and Demona have any other children besides Angela? And if so, do you mind if I ask who?

2)Since there's no chance of Goliath and Demona ever getting back together, will they ever be friends again, or at least not at each other's throats?

Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Biological children? No. Rookery children? Yes. The entire Avalon clan, including Gabriel and Ophelia.

2. They will, on occasion, be allies again.

Response recorded on June 23, 2000

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Michael Norton writes...

Yet another 14 clan guess

1) Manhattan
2) Clones
3) Avalon
4) London
5) Ishimura
6) Guatemala
7) New Olympus
8) Wyvern, Scotland
9) Loch Ness, Scotland
10) Camelot
11) Egypt
12) Mount Olympus
13) Easter Island
14) South Pole

Greg responds...

Eight points. Plus three half points.

I guess that's progress.


Response recorded on June 23, 2000

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Michael Norton writes...

Another Guess at the 14 clans.

1) Manhattan
2) Clones
3) Avalon
4) Ishimura
5) London
6) Guatemala
7) New Olympus
8) Wyvern
9) Venice, Italy
10) Lochness
11) Camelot
12) Island of Cyprus
13) Easter Island
14) Egypt

Greg responds...

Eight full points. Two half points.


Response recorded on June 23, 2000

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Bengali writes...

Another Try For The Clans Contest!

1.Manhatten, USA
2.London, England
3.Ishimura, Japan
4.Guatemala, Guatemala
5.Labyrinth, USA
6.Avalon, Who knows?
7.Paris, France
8.New Olympus, Somewhere in one of the Oceans
9.Loch Ness, Scotland
10.Easter Island, Pacific Ocean
11.Xanadu, China
12.Camelot, England
13.L.A., California
14.Queensland, Australia

{This ones your hardest contest yet!}

Greg responds...

("Guatemala, Guatemala"? Gee, where in Guatemala is that?)

Ten full points (including Guatemala).

And maybe a quarter point.

Response recorded on June 23, 2000

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Shari B writes...

Hi Greg!
Thanks so much for answering (one way or another) all of our questions, I really appreciate all the extra time you have put in here. I don't have a question right now, but I am going to participate in the clans contest. Here is my first guess at the 14 clans...

1 - London, England
2 - Ishimura, Japan
3 - Guatemala
4 - Loch Ness, Scotland
5 - Greece
6 - New Olympus
7 - Camelot
8 - Avalon
9 - Manhattan
10 - Labyrinth (Clones)
11 - Paris, France
12 - Antarctica
13 - Shang'rala
14 - Giza

Now I just have to wait and see if my score actually helps me figure anything out!

Greg responds...

Good guess.

Nine full points. Two half points.


Response recorded on June 23, 2000

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Golem writes...

14 clan contest
7.New Olympus

This was accomplished with a lot of logic.

Greg responds...

So is the correct answer.

You got eight full points and one half point.

Response recorded on June 21, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Here is my guess on the 14 clans.
1.Avalon(Gabriel and Co.)
2.Manhatten(Goliath and co.)
3.Labyrinth(Deliah and the Clones)
7.New Olympus
12.China(mentioned in the season 1 bible)
13.Scone,Scotland(one clan left in Scotland and it is probably not the clan at Loch Ness or they would have been seen in Monsters)

Greg responds...

Eight full points. One half point.

But if you list yourself as Anonymous, then how could you win even if you got the answers right.


Response recorded on June 21, 2000

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F.A writes...

Whatever happened to the Guatamalan Sun Amulet? The last time we saw it Broadway was holding it when he turned to stone.

Greg responds...

Broadway still has it. But eventually I would have had Zafiro come and get it. (Or maybe Jade & Turquesa en route back from Avalon.)

By the way, Elisa Gabrielli who played Obsidiana on Gargoyles is the voice of the Doll Demon in 3x3 EYES, which I just finished voice directing for New Generation Pictures and Pioneer. Watch for it on video and DVD. (And sorry for the plug.)

Response recorded on June 14, 2000

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Craychek writes...

Well, here's a guess at the 14 clans. I don't think all of them are right, but this list is the best I can come up with right now.

1. Manhattan*
2. Wyvern, Scottland
3. London*
4. Guatamala*
5. Avalon*
6. Ishmara*
7. New Olympus*
8. Clones*
9. Xanadu
10. Camalot
11. Loch Ness
12. Cold Trio
13. Paris
14. Rome

Greg responds...

Does spelling count?

Anyway, nine full points and three half points. tyca

Response recorded on June 13, 2000

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Chapter XIII: "Reawakening" (background rambling)

I'm trying something different with this ramble. And because of recent difficulties, I'm going to break the Ramble into two parts. My thoughts on reviewing the episode last Friday night will need to be recreated from scratch. And I'll get to that as soon as I can.

But first I thought you guys might appreciate a little background. What follows is a long memo that I wrote to Story Editor Michael Reaves after receiving the first draft of writer Brynne Chandler Reaves' outline on our thirteenth and final episode of the first season. Pay careful attention to the date of the memo and the title of the episode. I'll comment on both sometime in the next few days...

THE MEMO (unedited):

To: Michael Reaves Date: 4-10-94

From: Greg Weisman Ext: 7436

Re: Notes on "The Awakening" / Outline for 4319-013 of GARGOYLES

This is a tough one, because in this episode, we have a very specific mission, which is to remind Goliath of his. In order to accomplish this, I'd like to focus both our efforts and Goliath's soul-searching. These aren't simple concepts but I'm gonna try and go through them in baby steps. This is less for our benefit than for the benefit of our audience & Goliath. (Remember, Goliath is a determined thinker if not a quick one.)

Goliath spends the episode searching for the true meaning behind the gargoyle motto, "A gargoyle can no more stop protecting the castle than breathing the air."

We begin by defining our terms. Goliath first needs to understand the following equation: "Castle = Home = Family = Community". He more or less learned the Castle through Family section in "ENTER MACBETH", but we'll need to reiterate the lesson in some way for our audience. Then we need to take him the final step from Family to Community.

After that (or perhaps simultaneously), he needs to decide on what is meant by "protect". Protect what? The physical structure he lives in? No. Again, Home leads into Family which leads into Community.

Protect why? To survive in a hostile environment? Ultimately and by the end of the episode Goliath decides/remembers that to survive is not enough. Coldstone and Demona provide cautionary proof; both of them are abominations of a sort, created in the name of "Survival". Survival ("breathing the air") is important, but clearly survival isn't enough. Goliath and his clan need purpose. They need to return to the mission: Protect the castle (i.e. protect the community).

This dovetails nicely w/Elisa's mission as a cop: "To protect and serve." And leaves us, at the end of our first season, with a more pro-active group of heroes.

Just a few specifics that aren't covered in the beat outline that follows.

Page 1.
--The trio saw snow last episode. Let's make the winter weather the backdrop to the action. Not part of the story.
--I don't think we want to light any fires in the clock tower.

Page 2.
--We no longer need Madame Serena in this story. Plus she adds another new element to a pretty full plate.
--Remember this is one of the spells that Demona ripped from the Grimorum back in "Temptation".

Page 3.
--Coldstone wouldn't name himself. It's not gargoylean thing to do. And he hasn't been awake long enough to know he needs a name. Let Demona do it.

Page 7
--I think we can fit the action of this story into one night, so this is kind of a moot point, but I don't think Demona would risk sleeping as stone in Xanatos' castle. She doesn't trust anyone that much.
--Let's not overplay Matt's conspiracy fettish. It's o.k., but we don't want him to come off as a "babbling".

Page 11
--Remember, unless we're getting biblical here, Gargoyles weren't "created". They have very strong territorial and protective instincts. These instincts are as strong as their survival instinct. But I want to make sure we don't imply that they were magically created by someone or something who gave them a mission.

Finally, if I could recommend a title change... how about "Re-Awakening" instead of "The Awakening". I think it's a bit more appropriate all the way around.

1. Prologue #1 - Present Day Manhattan - All-Nite Grocery - Winter Night
--It's snowing in Manhattan and will continue to snow until the last scene.
--A lone thief holds up the owner of a small and otherwise empty All-Nite grocery store.
--Thief tells the owner: "I guess we just live in dangerous times.

2. Prologue#2 - Flashback to 994 A.D. Scotland - Castle Wyvern - Night
(Note this scene happened off-camera during part one of the five-parter, somewhere around page 24 of script #4319-001.)
--Goliath informs Hudson that they must leave to harry the vikings far away.
--He'll need Hudson's tracking skills.
--Demona and "pre-Coldstone" gargoyle (Goliath's rookery brother) are also present.
--Magus comes thru and says or does something obnoxious.
--Demona, secretly desperate for Goliath to bring them all along, asks why they bother protecting the human's castle at all?
--Pre-Coldstone agrees: "Let them keep the castle, we can survive anywhere."
--(We see he is of a semi-simlar mind-set to Demona, which explains why she uses him 1000 years later for Coldstone.)
--Hudson firmly states the gargoyle mission statement: "A gargoyle can no more stop protecting the castle than breathing the air..."
--Goliath instructs his rookery brother to stay w/Demona and protect.

3. Present Day - Winter - Clock Tower - Night
--Goliath's been daydreaming (at night) about old memories.
--Trio are going to a movie; they invite Hudson along.
--Hudson's a couch potato. He'll wait to see it on cable. Besides he's got to guard their home.
--Trio: We live over a police station. What could happen? We don't have to guard the place every night.
--Hudson tosses off gargoyle truism: "A gargoyle can no more stop protecting the castle than breathing the air..." (But that's just an excuse to be left alone.)
--Goliath reacts silently, realizing their mission has lost meaning for the gargoyles, even Hudson. Maybe even himself.
--Trio leaves ("We don't even live in a castle anymore...")
--As Elisa enters.
--She wants to know how gargoyles are "surviving" the cold weather.
--G says they're fairly immune... to the elements.
--Elisa starts to leave for her shift w/offhand remark: "Time to do a little of the old 'Protect and Serve'."
--G stops her to find out what she means.
--Police motto.
--But what does it mean? Protect who?
--(Maybe Elisa can get us from Castle to Family here.)
--Goliath decides to accompany Elisa on the night shift.
--Which is a bit problematic now that she has a partner.

4. Castle
--Demona has talked a reluctant Xanatos into another attempt to destroy Goliath.
--Xanatos & Demona use science & sorcery to revive creature made from cybernetics and mismatched gargoyle parts. (The head is that of Goliath's rookery brother, our pre-Coldstone, augmented by cybernetic-eye & etc.)
--Demona names him Coldstone.
(--Perhaps she represents Xanatos as her servant. Perhaps he allows it.)
(--Note: in this episode, I think we want to sense a tension between X & D, but I don't think we want to bust them up here. It's distracting and we have enough to deal with.)
--Coldstone's confused. Last thing he remembers is Goliath & Hudson leaving the castle. Then came sunrise and oblivion.
--Demona: "Goliath abandoned us to the mercy of humans."
--He has been seduced by their beliefs.
--It is because of him that you look like this....
--It's mirror time.
--Does audience see him or do we save that revelation?

5. Manhattan Streets / All-Nite Grocery / Rooftop across the street.
--Elisa & Matt are driving in her car.
--Goliath is following them from above. (She's given him a walkie-talkie or headset or something. She's basically wearing a wire so that he can be on her shift with her.)
--They investigate All-Nite grocery store robbery from scene 1. (Not a crime in progress. Remember, they are detectives, not beat cops.)
--While Matt questions the owner...
--Goliath, watching from above, is able to talk quietly w/Elisa.
--We get from Family to Community.
--Elisa: No one wants to live a prisoner of their own castle anymore. We live in a community. The whole community needs to work together...
--G: "To survive." (He still hasn't gotten it yet.)
--Radio call: "All available units."

6. Times Square.
--That tortured soul, Coldstone, is going bonkers.
--(He hated "Cats". No, wait... he hates humans.)
--(Physical strength only. No robotic weaponry yet.)
--Morgan and other cops are just securing the perimeter, keeping people clear.
--From a distance, Goliath surmises another Xanatos robot ploy. (He sees the occasional metallic glint. The rest is in shadow.) He won't be dragged into another of Xanatos' schemes.
--Elisa & Matt don't have that luxury. They approach the thing. Tell it to cease and desist, etc.
--Coldstone prepares to throw a small car at them or something.
--As Goliath reacts, we fade out.

7. Times Square.
--With Elisa endangered, Goliath doesn't hesitate to intervene and save her and a flabergasted Matt.
--Now Coldstone really goes ballistic. Literally. Barrel rises from robotic arm and fires.
--Goliath dodges or maybe he is hit, but Coldstone is too shocked to notice. --He didn't know he could do that.
--(Xanatos had a pre-programmed battle mode built-into his circuitry.)
--While C is figuring this out, Goliath comes in and smashes him.
--It's only in close that Goliath realizes he's not fighting a robot.
--(Is this the audience's first full look at Coldstone too??)
--And it's only now that Coldstone recognizes G.
--But all this convinces Coldstone that Demona was telling the truth.
--Goliath is attacking his own rookery brother to defend a human.
--But Goliath is out-matched, and soon losing.

8. Inside Orpheum Theatre (Times Square).
--Trio are watching movie from balcony.
--(As Broadway did in "Deadly Force").
-- "There sure are an awful lot of explosions in this movie."
--But are those explosions coming from outside?
--Suddenly movie stops. House lights come up.
--On ground level, Morgan is ushering people out the back entrance, calmly and for their own safety.
--Trio exit to see what's going on.

9. Times Square.
--Trio arrive in time to save Goliath from Coldstone.
--Coldstone surrounded by all four gargoyles.
--Looks like the tide of battle might have shifted.
--We see gargoyles thru Coldstone's robot POV.

10. Castle.
--Matchcut to Xanatos office monitor.
--Seems he gets a direct feed on whatever Coldstone sees or hears.
--X to D: Looks like sonny-boy's having trouble making friends.
--(No indication that they're going to help yet.)

11. Times Square.
--Goliath does not attack; he's still trying to put everything together.
--Could this abomination really be his rookery brother?
--At first, Goliath doesn't talk to Coldstone, rather he speaks about "it".
--Which of course doesn't endear him to Coldy one bit.
--G tries a kinder, gentler approach.
--Might even be starting to reach him.
--G: What happened to you, pal?
--From off-screen Demona says: "We did."
--Goliath, trio and Coldstone turn to see Demona, Xanatos in Gargoyle armor and a Steel Clan Robot. Fade to black.

12. Times Square.
--Demona: If you're going to bring your whole clan, you can't expect me not to bring mine.
--G: You call that a clan?
--Coldstone is torn, confused. What should he do?
--Demona: "Destroy Goliath. Destroy him, and we survive."
--Coldstone looks down at his cobbled-together form: "Is this survival?"
--Demona tells him not to be fooled by appearance.
--Goliath and the others have been corrupted by humans.
--"We are the only real gargoyles left."
--Travis Marshall pulls up in newsvan.
--While cameraman is setting up, Elisa uses "wire" to warn Goliath.
--Goliath appeals to Xanatos
--(Probably doesn't yet know that Xanatos IS one of the robots.)
--(G thinks he's talking by radio-link via the robots.)
--G: It's your city, X, shouldn't we reconvene someplace less fragile.
--Demona doesn't like the idea, but Xanatos insists.
--(She's not ready to sever their partnership yet).
--Xanatos quietly names a spot that only Goliath (and Elisa via their wire) can hear.
--The eight combatants fly off, severally.
--Marshall only gets the tail end on camera.

13. Clock Tower.
--Hudson sees Marshall's report on t.v.
--Discusses dilemma (theoretically w/Bronx, but he's really talking to himself).
--Goliath told them to stay and guard the tower.
--What should he do?

14. George Washington Bridge.
(Or whatever bridge is closest to Times Square.)
--Your basic battle royale...on the bridge, in the air. Among other things...
--Brooklyn goes after Demona.
--He's still mad at her from "Temptation."
--Which allows Goliath and Coldstone to continue their face-off.
--The Steel Clan robot is destroyed.
--Xanatos is forced to unmask.
--But generally, the bad guys are winning, if barely.
--Coldstone & Goliath plunge into the icy river.

15. The River.
--Coldstone's got a built-in breathing apparatus that extends over his mouth and nose automatically.
--As they struggle underwater, Goliath's losing air and consciousness.
--G. hears Hudson's voice: "A gargoyle can no more stop protecting the castle than breathing the air."
--Suddenly, Goliath is pulled out of the water... by Coldstone.

16. An Ice flow.
--As G. gasps for breath he sees that a battered Demona and Xan have the drop on an even more battered Trio. The fight is over; the good guys lost.
--Demona's glad Coldstone saved G. for her to finish off.
--But Coldstone wants some answers first.
--Coldstone: "You said if Goliath dies. We would survive."
--Again, he indicates himself: "Is that all there is... surviving?"
--Demona's almost tender with him, but what she says is something like: "That's all that counts."
--But Goliath has finally figured it out. Surviving is not enough. To merely survive at all costs is not the gargoyle way. Gargoyles protect the way gargoyles breathe. To forget that leads to true corruption. Not the corruption of humans, or even Coldstone's metallic corruption. But the bitter fanaticism of Demona's corrupt soul. Or something like that.
--Of course, Demona's not just gonna sit there and let Goliath speechify forever.
--She takes aim.
--Coldstone leaps between them, takes the blast and is blown off the ice into the water. He does not resurface.
--Goliath immediately dives in after his brother.
--Demona fires into the water at both of them.
--She is furious at Coldstone's betrayal.
--Trio try to take some advantage of situation, but Xanatos won't allow it.
--Suddenly, the ice seems to be hit from above by a cannonball that sends everyone reeling.
--That was no cannonball that was Bronx. Hudson dropped him from on high.
--Again, the tide has turned. And it's all Xanatos can do to grab Demona and rocket her out of there.
--Goliath comes up for air. There's no sign of Coldstone.
--Goliath has lost his only surviving brother.

17. Epilogue #1 - Bridge.
--The six gargoyles are climbing back up the bridge. (They'll need some height to glide home.)
--Hudson apologizes for abandoning their home, the clock tower.
--Goliath points toward Manhattan and says something like: "The clock tower is where we sleep. But our home is that island. Our castle is Manhattan. And gargoyles always protect their castle... and anyone, human or gargoyle who resides within."
--Elisa pulls up in her car. It took her awhile to get clear of Matt.
--Are they o.k.? Do they need anything?
--Goliath: "I need a detective."

18. Epilogue #2 - All-Nite Grocery - Dawn.
--The thief from scene 1 comes in again.
--The owner is scared at first but the thief is very contrite.
--He gives back all the money and asks the owner to call the police so that he can turn himself in.
--When the flabbergasted owner asks why, the frightened thief replies: "Six monsters and a cop told me to."

19. Rooftop across the street from the All-Nite Grocery - Morning.
--In the cold early morning wind amid hazy sunlight, Elisa stands on the roof across the street from the grocery store amid six horrific stone gargoyles.
--Elisa watches, as Morgan (at the end of his shift) takes the thief away in his squad car.
--Elisa: "Well, it's a start. Xanatos, Demona, you two are next."
--The sun breaks through the clouds, shining brightly on a beautiful winter's day in Manhattan.
--E: "You know, guys, the city feels safer already."
--She leaves them there to sleep and heads home after a long night.

End of memo. My real Ramble should come soon.

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Lexy writes...

Hey Greg!

OK so you planned on making Sora Yama's mate?? well then..

1) I know that you stated that there wasnt anything really in the episode Bushido to show that one way or the other. But I did notice that When they went to roost, Kai and Sora were next to eachother while Yama was way on the other end. Was that just an accident? Or at the time were you (or others) leaning twords her being Kai's mate?

2) Since you were planning on for sure making Sora Yama's mate, then how do you think you would have explained the fact that Yama was going to leave to do the whole 'BadGuys' thing? Was he just gonna be like, "Well, I gots to do what I gots to do, seeya babe." Or..would she come along for the ride or..?:)

and 3) Dose Kai have a mate?
3.5) Did we see her in the Ep?
4) Or was she just ..well not designed yet?

Oh..and if something like this was explained during that lil pencil animated thing at the gathering (for Badguys) forgive my stinky memory. Thanks

Greg responds...

1) No. I was never leaning toward Kai being Sora's mate. Kai is one of her rookery-fathers. And Yama was just in a bad mood.

2) Yama was banished by the clan as a result of "Bushido"... until he could redeem himself. ("The Redemption Squad" was my original name for BAD GUYS.) That enforced distance between Yama and Sora would create some nice romantic obstacles. It makes for good stories.

3) I'm not sure.

3.5) I'm not sure.

4) I'm not sure.

Response recorded on April 07, 2000

Bookmark Link

Michael Norton writes...

Another guess at the 14 clans

1) Manhattan
2) Clones
3) Ishimura
4) Guatemala
5) London
6) Avalon
7) New Olympus
8) Moray Scotland
9) Berlin
10) New Zeland
11) China
12) Mexico City
13) Easter Island
14) Nigeria

Greg responds...


half points: two...


Response recorded on April 07, 2000

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Michael Norton writes...

Another guess at the 14 clans

1) Manhattan
2) Clones
3) Ishimura
4) Guatemala
5) London
6) Avalon
7) New Olympus
8) Moray Scotland
9) Greece
10) France
11) Ireland
12) China
13) Australia
14) Norway

Greg responds...


half points: three...


Response recorded on April 07, 2000

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El Kevino writes...

1.Goliath and Gang(manhattan) 2.Ishimura 3.Guatamala 4.London 5.Clones 6.Avalon 7.New Olympians 8.Babylon(good old Pyramus and Thisbe) 9.Underwater 10.Scotland 11.North Pole 12.Greece 13.Africa(Nigeria perhaps?) 14.Australia
(Yet another feeble attempt to combat with your wonderful imagination, I'd appreciate a number rating, please, even though it will be low, but oh well)

Greg responds...

REMEMBER, I'm looking for clan LOCATIONS, not who's in them.


half points: three...


Response recorded on April 05, 2000

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Lexy writes...

..you get the idea

1) Manhatten
2) Avalon
3) Guatemala
4) London
5) Ishimura
6) New Olympus
7) Clones
8) China
9) Italy
10) Paris
11) Greece
12) Rome
13) Scotland
14) Easter Island

*apologies in advance if you are only allowed to guess a certain number of times*

Greg responds...

Lexy, you can guess as often as you like. But if you don't wait for feedback. I'm not sure how your guesses will get any closer.



half points: three...

(See. It doesn't seem to me that your getting any closer. And since Rome is in Italy, where specifically did you have in mind for your Italy guess?)

Response recorded on April 05, 2000

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lexy writes...

Nuther clan guess..

1) Manhatten
2) Avalon
3) Ishimura
4) London
5) Guatemala
6) New Olympus
7) China
8) Clones
9) Paris
10) Rome
11) Greece
12) Italy
13) Camalot
14) Easter Island

Greg responds...


half points: three...


Response recorded on April 05, 2000

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Lexy writes...

Dear Greg,

When you say 'clans' you mean a clan right? In other words..you are not ONLY including Gargoyles right? I mean, when Goliath invited Derek to join his clan, Derek responded saying that he now had his own. And The New Olympions have gargs..but they arent pure either. I just was wondering if it was within the bounderies of the contest to ask this question. Define clan for this contest. Gargoyle only?

Greg responds...

Gargoyle clans.

That doesn't mean that these clans don't have honorary members (as Elisa is to the Manhattan clan).

But I'm not sure what your referring to with regard to the New Olympians. Unpure?

Response recorded on April 05, 2000

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Stupid aka lexy:P writes...

AHHHHHHH!!! DISREGAURD my last post on the clans..GEEZ I thought I put Ishimura down..what a dork..

OK here we go again!!

1) Manhatten
2) Avalon
3) ISHIMURA (geez)
4) New Olympus
5) London
6) Gutemala
7) clones
8) Paris
9) Greece
10) Rome
11) China
12) Italy
13) Camelot
14) Scotland

Greg responds...


half points: four...

tyca. But check your spelling.

Response recorded on April 05, 2000

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Lexy writes...

For the Clans contest..

New Olympus
Easter Island
Lochness, Scotland

Greg responds...


half points: three...

Response recorded on April 04, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

another try:
London, Ishimura, Guatamala, New Olympus, Avalon, Manhattan
Paris, Camelot, Easter Island, Loch Ness (Scotland), Antarctica, Wyvern (Scotland), Rome (Italy), Mars

Greg responds...

(I do know that Rome is in Italy.)

Full points: Nine.
Half points: Two.


Response recorded on April 04, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

14 clans?:
London, Ishimura, Guatamala, New Olympus, Avalon, Manhattan
Paris, Camelot, Easter Island, Loch Ness, Antarctica, Wyvern (Scotland), Clones (Manhattan), Rome

Greg responds...

I'll give you a full point for Guatemala, even though you misspelled it.

Full points: Nine.

Half points: Three.

The best score yet, I believe.


Response recorded on April 04, 2000

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Brandeewine writes...

Another guess at the 14 clans:

1. Manhattan
2. Avalon
3. Japan
4. London
5. Guatemala
6. Mutates
7. Scotland
8. Clones
9. Steel Clan
10. China
11. "Cold" trio
12. Australia
13. Africa
14. New Olympus

Greg responds...

Full points: Five.

Half points: Four.

(Is this the exact same guess from two posts ago?)


Response recorded on April 03, 2000

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Brandeewine writes...

Here I go again...
14 Clans:

1. Manhattan
2. Avalon
3. Japan
4. London
5. Guatemala
6. Mutates
7. Scotland
8. Clones
9. Paris
10. China
11. "Cold" trio
12. Australia
13. Africa
14. Steel Clan

Greg responds...

Full points: Five.

Half points: Four. Again, "Japan" receives only a half point, because what we know is more specific than that.

And "Clones" -- c'mon kids, that's not a location. I've been giving it a half point, but I really shouldn't even be that generous.

(I'm giving more hints, cuz this contest is so impossible.)

Response recorded on April 03, 2000

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Jay writes...

A guess at the clans:

4.New Olympus
5.Xanadu, China
10. The Labyrinth (Mutates & Clones in Manhattan)
11. Steel calan New York
12.Journeying around the globe (Cold Stone, Steel, & Fire)
13.Easter Island

Greg responds...

Erin responds:


You did a good job, but you got some wrong. Although you got many points.

Greg responds:

Nine full points. Good job. tyca

Response recorded on April 01, 2000

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Brandeewine writes...

The 14 Clans:

1. Manhattan
2. Avalon
3. Japan
4. London
5. Guatemala
6. Mutates
7. Scotland
8. Clones
9. Paris
10. China
11. "Cold" trio
12. Australia
13. Africa
14. New Olympus

Am I anywhere close?

Greg responds...

You get six full points. Plus three half points -- including a half point for "Japan", since a more complete answer would be Ishimura.

Response recorded on March 31, 2000

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Pyro X writes...


1) Manhattan
2) Ishimura
3) Guatamala
4) London
5) Clones
6) Avalon
7) Xanadu, China
8) Paris
9) Lochness
10) Greece
11) South Pole [Antarctica]
12) Australia
13) Space somewhere
14) Isreal

Hmmm... someone's gotta win this soon...

Greg responds...

I think you meant to head this entry with the word "Clans" not "Clones". Cuz there aren't that many clones out there.

Anyway, eight full points and two half points for a total score of nine.


Response recorded on March 31, 2000

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Michael Norton writes...

Another guess at the 14 clans.

7)New Olympus
11)Loch Ness

Greg responds...

Very good guess. Nine whole points. Two half points. Three complete misses.


Response recorded on March 25, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman

1. Did you give names to ALL the Ishimura gargoyles?

2. At the time of the shows stoppage, (season 2) Ishimura was the best of the 5 clans population/stability wise?

3. Is ishimura the oldest Clan? If not, What is? 'sides manhattan

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Not necessarily.

3. What do you mean by "oldest"?

Response recorded on March 24, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg...

Topic Doggoyles Beasts:

1) Did you plan to have an Ep all about Bronx?

2) What was the name of the Beat in Ishimura?

3) Was there a beast in Guatamala and London?

Greg responds...

1. You mean in addition to "Hero of Ulster"? Yeah, sure.

2. I don't know.

3. Not in Guatemala, but yes, in London. (Or rather, just outside London.)

Response recorded on March 24, 2000

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Michael Norton writes...

Greg, thank you for your time and patience.

1)when Kai yells at Yama and Goliath "Gargoyle must not fight Gargoyle!", was he just expressing his personal belief or a Gargoyle custom?

2)If it is a custom, is it a custom of the Ishirmura clan only?

Greg responds...


2. No, theoretically, gargoyles would frown on this everywhere.

Of course, the main thing we were doing there was echoing the "Ape has killed Ape" line from Battle for the Planet of the Apes.

Response recorded on March 24, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Clan thingy guessing game...

For hardness, on a scale of 1-10, is this contest a 10 for hardness?

1) Manhattan
2) London
3) Guatamala
4) Avalon
5) Clones
6) Ishimura
7) Xanadu, China
8) New Olympus
9) Australia
10) Ireland
11) Wyvern
12) Space somewhere
13) Under Da sea
14) Upstate California

Just guesses!!!

Greg responds...

I think this contest is all but impossible. But I'm not big on quantifying things.

Oh, by the way, you scored an 8.5. :]


Response recorded on March 24, 2000

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Tana writes...


I was just reading some of your responses, and came across one response which made me crack up:

"I think Angela was a virgin even at the time of "The Journey". (Broadway too for that matter.) Not so sure about Ophelia. "

I don't know how many other fans have read Hamlet, or even seen it performed (personally I think reading should be done before viewing). But as it's one of my favorite plays, I found the comment about Ophelia absolutely marvelous. Now I don't read fanfiction, nor do I really write it (I am working on one story as more of a roast towards Stephen Sobatka and Wyrmwolf); but I tell you that one little comment does get the ideas flowing. Like who is our young "hamlet"??

I've always enjoyed all of the Shakespearian refrences, and this little one about Ophelia's purity has definately made a good day out of a bad week. Thnx!

Greg responds...

Uh, Ophelia's mate is Gabriel. Haven't I mentioned that?

Response recorded on March 22, 2000

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Madison writes...

Were you eve planing on putting any other gargess's on the show besides Demona and Angela?

Greg responds...

You mean besides Ophelia, Obsidiana, Sora, Turquesa, Una, Tachi, Delilah and Katana?

Response recorded on March 22, 2000

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Lawrence Stone writes...

Another guess on the 14 Clans
7)New Olympus

Greg responds...

Six full points. 3 half points.


Response recorded on March 21, 2000

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Michael Norton writes...

Is it safe to assume that there are more Gargoyles in London clan than the three that have appeared so far? If so could you give us a ballpark figure of how many there are? Thank You

Greg responds...

There's a whole clan living on an estate just outside London. It's a good-sized clan.

Response recorded on March 19, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Something that I recently realized and which quite puzzles me. There is a very sharp "overall appearance" difference between the Scottish gargoyles of the sort that produced the Wyvern clan, and the English gargoyles that we met in "M.I.A." The former look like "conventional gargoyles" with leathery batlike wings; the latter look like heraldic animals with feathered wings. This very radical difference in physical appearance is astonishing, given that these two varieties of gargoyles live so close to each other, on the same island, in fact. Indeed, the difference in physiognomy between Scottish and English gargoyles is much greater than that between Scottish and Guatemalan or Japanese gargoyles, which is all the more incredible given that Guatemala and Japan are much further away from Scotland than England is.

So how did the English gargoyles, living right next door to Scotland, develop such a dramatically different physical appearance from their Scottish kin?

Greg responds...

Uh... Odd migration patterns.

I'll figure out the details some day. (It feels like one of those things that'll come to me eventually, as further proof that I'm tapping into the Garg Universe.)

Response recorded on March 19, 2000

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Michael Norton writes...

Why didn't the gargoyles on New Olympus reveal themselves to
Goliath and Angela? The rare discovery of other clans was my favorite part of the series so I would have loved to see them.

Greg responds...

Good question. And I'm honestly not sure I have a good answer, other than the truth that there wasn't time in the episode to cover THAT too.

Eventually, I'd have had to come up with an answer. Were they present at Elisa's trial? Do they live "in town"? Is they're leader unprepared to make contact with three gargoyles who are making a LOUD point to defend a human being? I haven't decided yet. But now you've got me thinking.

Response recorded on March 17, 2000

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Zeliard writes...

If it's not to late, the 14 clans contest.

6.New Olympus

11.Loch Ness
12.Valley of Kings in Egypt

Greg responds...

nine points


Response recorded on March 17, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

What's the general feeling among the Avalon Gargoyles concerning Oberon and his children's coming to the island? I'd expect there'd be quite a bit of resentment, especially given Magus' death at the hands of the Sisters...

Greg responds...

I think that there's much uneasyness both ways. But I also think the Children like having a few mortals around. And the clan may simply be glad that they have both a roll (i.e. honor guard, i.e. protection) and the support of Oberon.

I tried, in that little scene in GATHERING PART ONE between Oberon and Katharine to indicate that a pleasant detante had been reached.

Response recorded on March 11, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

3.Lady of the Lake
5.Garlon (the invisible knight from Le'Morte de Arthur)

Greg responds...



Response recorded on March 11, 2000

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Triston Pethybridge writes...

Are there any plans to add clans not corvered in the first four seasons?

Greg responds...

Four seasons?

And, yes. Check the "Clans" archive below.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Una and Griff, as we know, look very much like a unicorn and a griffon. In your opinion, are there actual unicorns and griffons out there in the Gargoyles Universe, or were the legends about them founded on sightings of London gargoyles of that sort?

Greg responds...

Probably the latter, unless some fae were goofin' on folk.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

With everyone trying to guess at the survivors (ofcourse I hope I have already discovered them :-) let me now try to guess at the clan again...
4.New Olympus
5.Greece (yay! :-)
6.Xanadu, China
11.Loch Ness
13.Easter Island
14.Bermuda Triangle

Not much hope I'll be close... but hopefully we'll get an extra clue... :-)

Greg responds...

10 points. Or rather nine full points and two half points.

(I really give too many clues to these things.)

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Lawrence Stone writes...

How large would the clan be by 2158?

Greg responds...

Which clan?

Response recorded on February 24, 2000

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Michael Norton writes...

How are the two Gargoyles and the vegetation from Guatemala faring on Avalon?

Greg responds...

I imagine the vegetation is fairing well. But Jade and Turquesa are no longer on Avalon. They were needed back on Guatemala, so I think they left Avalon A.S.A.P. Of course, we all know that Avalon sends you where you need to be. So I'm sure they had a few adventures of their own. But I imagine their back in Guatemala by now.

Response recorded on February 20, 2000

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Joshua writes...

Ok, Clan Contest

1. Manhattan
2. Ishimura
3. Guatemala
4. Avalon
5. New Olympian
6. London
7. The Clones (I'm guessing they count)
8. The Bermudian triangle clan ! =)
9. Loch Ness clan
10. China
11. A station revolving around the earth
12. the moon
13. mars
14. Underneath the ocean

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 20, 2000

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B5 Mark writes...

Ok, here's my guess for the clans contest:
This post has 2 lists, one with my reasons, and one straight list in case my reasons are too close to story ideas.

Known Clans:
1. London, England
2. Ishimura, Japan
3. Guatemala
4. New Olympus
5. New York
6. Avalon
7. The clones

8. Tibet (It's full of rocks and secretive monks)
9. The Congo (Where Mokele-Mbembe supposedly lives)
10. The North Pole (you said you had a story to tell about Santa Clause)

2 new clans by 2159:
11. Scotland (it has close connections to the N.Y. and Avalon clans)
12. California (why not)

2 new clans by 2259:
13. Underwater (75% of Earth's surface: yeah it's vague, but it's all I could think of)
14. BABYLON 5!!! (Our last, best hope... for Gargoyle-kind) <G>

London, England
Ishimura, Japan
New Olympus
New York
The clones

The Congo
The North Pole

2 new clans by 2159:

2 new clans by 2259:

Greg responds...

What good is publishing these two lists on the same post. If one got kicked, they'd both get kicked. We can't kick half-a-post.



Response recorded on February 20, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

A guess at the clans...

4.New Olympus
7.Xanadu, China
13.Easter Island
14.South Pole

Greg responds...

9.5 points, which doesn't mean you got nine completely right and one half right.

Response recorded on February 20, 2000

Bookmark Link

Michael Norton writes...

My guess at the 14 clans.

1) Manhattan
2) Manhattan (Clones)
3) Ishimura
4) Guatemala
5) London
6) Avalon (from Wyvern)
7) Avalon (from Guatemala)
8) Moscow
9) Rome
10) Paris
11) Athens
12) New Olympus
13) Los Angeles
14) Jerusalem

Greg responds...

7 and 3/4 points.

Thank you; come again.

Response recorded on February 17, 2000

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lisa writes...


My guess's for the 14 clans

4.montreal, canada
5.venice, italy
6.outer space
7.illuminati clan {having something to do with the illuminati}
10.moray, scotland
12.paris. france
13.loch ness, scotland
14.cairo, egypt

Greg responds...

seven points

try again...

Response recorded on February 17, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Is Boudicca the only gargoyle beast of the Avalon clan? And does the fact that gargoyle beasts seem even rarer than normal gargoyles mean that their species is in an even worse danger of extinction?

Greg responds...

No, she's not. But the beast species is, generally, in even greater danger of extinction than gargoyles.

Response recorded on February 10, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

How did the Avalon gargoyles learn how to glide? After all, their human foster-parents were obviously in no position to teach them themselves how to do it.

Greg responds...

Trial and error.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

Bookmark Link

Scott Iskow writes...

Questions about future clans:

Are any of them derivative from clans that "currently" exist? For instance, do members of the new clans have roots with Clan Avalon, Manhattan, London, or whatever?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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MAui writes...

Hi there ;)

Just wondering...where did you guys come up With the Name Bouhdicca? (sp?) thanks alot, have a ncie day ;)

Greg responds...

Boudicca was a Celtic female warrior. I don't actually know that much about her. Brynne Chandler Reaves and/or Lydia Marano chose that name.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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lisa writes...

in 2158 who would be the leader of the wyvern clan?

Greg responds...

Define "wyvern clan".

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Is Demona aware of the existence of any gargoyle clan other than that of Manhattan and (after The Reckoning) the ones in Avalon and the clones?

Greg responds...

Probably. (Haven't I answered this before?)

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

Bookmark Link

Aris Katsaris writes...

A guess at the clans:

4.New Olympus
5.Xanadu, China
6.Loch Ness
13.Easter Island
14.(a wild guess) Bermuda Triangle

Greg responds...

Ten points.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Catwoman writes...

Okay, I've noticed that the contest of the remaining clans is still open so here are my submissions:
1.Manhattan (the castle)
2.The Labyrinth (Mutates & Clones in Manhattan)
8.Cairo (Eygpt)
10.Southeastern Canada
12.Journeying around the globe (Cold Stone, Steel, & Fire)
13.Scotland (Wyvern)

Greg responds...

You scored eight.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

Bookmark Link

Aris Katsaris writes...

Okay, a clans guess. (it IS a hard contest...)

1. London
2. Ishimura
3. Guatemala
4. New Olympus
5. Paris
6. Xanadu, China
7. Greece
8. Avalon
9. Manhattan
10. Clones (California)
11. Camelot
12. Loch Ness
13. Antarctica
14. Easter Island

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Heather N. Allen writes...

I'll mention here that I've reintroduced myself to Gargoyles only this summer via fan webpages and I've managed to get Toon Disney for only a month. Therefore, while not completly updated on every detail of each episode, I do remember quite a bit from the original airdates of them. And if this question has been asked before, forgive me, but I've only frequented Ask Greg for three months. If it's in the archives somewhere, just point the way. SOOO, without further ado...

I remember in a past question where you mentioned recycling characters. (Morgan, Margot and Brendan, Vinnie, etc.) While watching the AVALON episodes, I noticed that many of Angela's rookery sibs were identical to those gargoyles seen in Demona's renagade clan from 2nd century, right down to the clothing. As I understood it, she collected THEM from other clans that were destroyed throughout Scotland. No way for their eggs to end up in Wyvern's rookery, or even on Avalon for that matter.

So, here's the question: were these gargs mearly another batch of recycled characters? And if so, why use them on Avalon? Did you see any kind of conflict coming from this? Or is there another reason altogether that I'm missing entirley?

By the way, I REALLY envy you for having created such a great story, with all these fictional and factual elements mixed in to create the best animated series ever. Wish I'd thought of it :)

Greg responds...

If you're looking for the "Behind the Scenes" answer it's pretty obvious. We couldn't afford to design multiple clans of background gargoyles everytime we did a flashback story or went to Avalon. So we reused the models, figuring most people wouldn't notice.

But there's also a within the Universe explanation that works for me. When a Gargoyle clan gets too large for it's location, it splits and colonizes. The Wyvern Clan had been living in relative peace under Prince Malcolm. In my mind it got up to about 100 or so Gargoyles and Beasts. That was too large a number for Wyvern to sustain, so approximately half of the gargoyle population moved on to found a new colony, start a new clan. But all the eggs were left behind in the established Wyvern rookery. The new colony obviously didn't fair any better than Wyvern ultimately, but Demona collected up a few of its survivors, during the Maol Chalvim/Duncan era.

But some of those survivors left eggs behind at the Wyvern rookery, which explains why there are some look-alikes on Avalon.

As for the clothes.... Give me a break.

Response recorded on February 03, 2000

Bookmark Link

Aris Katsaris writes...

This is more of a comment/correction rather than a question. I think that you've miscalculated a date. In a previous Ask Greg question you had said that you had once calculated that the gargs both in Avalon and in the real world will lay eggs at 2008. I think that must have been a mistake on your part: I believe that gargoyles lay egg in their 50th or 49th year (biological 25). That would mean that in Avalon-time 50*24=1200 years. The gargs at avalon should lay their eggs only 1200 real-world years after they were hatched. That in turn means that if they were hatched around somewhere around year 1040, they shouldn't lay eggs until 2240 or something like that...

Anyway thought I should mention this...

Greg responds...

No, that's not right.

God knows it's been years since I did this math, however I think you are operating on faulty assumptions.

Yes, the Avalon eggs hatched in 1044.

Thus by 1995, Angela, Gabriel, Ophelia, et al. would all be biologically twenty years old. That's way past Gargoyle puberty in my book. So what remains is for their internal clocks to be in sync, so to speak, with the natural rhythms of the Earth that would put the females "in heat" (for lack of a better term). That would next occur sometime in late 2007 or early 2008.

That easily puts, say, Ophelia in synch with Angela and Obsidiana out in the real world. The difference comes twenty years later in 2028, when the latter two might again lay eggs. But to Ophelia she would have only just laid her first egg a mere 20 months ago. I don't know whether that's enough recovery time for her, enough time for her own internal cycle -- but in any case her first egg certainly wouldn't have hatched yet.

It's also worth considering whether Ophelia and Angela might have been "in heat" in Avalon in 1988? Maybe they were, and maybe Katharine was preaching abstinence in a major way.

Suddenly, I feel like this is Christine's show. :) [No, I haven't read her fan-fiction, but boy have I heard rumors.]

In any case, for those of you with dirty minds, I think Angela was a virgin even at the time of "The Journey". (Broadway too for that matter.) Not so sure about Ophelia.

Response recorded on February 02, 2000

Bookmark Link

Aris Katsaris writes...

Here's another try at the clans contest...

5.New Olympus
6.Xanadu, China
7.South Pole
11.Loch Ness
13.Easter Island

Greg responds...

Ten points if I'm generous.

Response recorded on January 25, 2000

Bookmark Link

Scott Iskow writes...

First, let me say that it is a truly amazing accomplishment to create a show that spawns so many questions. I think the only other franchise with such a rich mythology is "Star Wars." What intrigues me the most about both, are the characters and events that we never get to see.

What I'm most curious about (at least, right now) are the Avalon gargoyles.

1) How many other Avalon gargoyles (besides Gabriel, Ophelia, Boudicca), do you know the names of?

2) What are some (if any) of those names?

Greg responds...

There's Raphael, Uriel, Michael and Azrael.

(I'm quite sure that Katharine would have gone through all the Archangel names she could think of -- including the name Archangel itself.)

Response recorded on January 24, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

What inspired you to give the names "Ophelia" and "Boudicca" to the female triceratops-crested gargoyle and gargoyle beast on Avalon? I can easily guess as to why the choice of the names "Angela" and "Gabriel" for the other two named Avalon gargoyles, but why did you choose the names of Hamlet's girl-friend and the ancient British Iceni queen for these two? (I might add that I did like the names, which were part of that very literate tone to "Gargoyles" that I enjoyed).

Greg responds...

I didn't choose Boudicca (though I approved of the choice). Her name was picked by either Lydia Marano or Brynne Reaves or both.

As for Ophelia, I'm not sure who picked that. It might have been me, further pandering to Shakespeare. Or it might have been one of my editors or writers, further pandering to me.

Of course, now that these names are chosen, it suggests story ideas, that I'd like to some day capitalize on. Even if the real reason the names were chosen is more prosaic.

Response recorded on January 24, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Did Goliath, Angela and Elisa understand that there are gargoyles in New Olympus?

Greg responds...

I don't think so.

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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Derek writes...

In the RECKONING, Demona said that she knew every living Gargoyle. When she said this, was she assuming Goliath's clan was all that was left, or did she know of the London, Ishimura and other clans?

Greg responds...

I don't think she knew about Guatemala.

And she definitely didn't know about Avalon.

I'm on the fence about Ishimura.

But I find it hard to believe that she didn't know about London.

But to be honest, I haven't decided.

Response recorded on January 06, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

In Japanese mythology, there's a race of winged beings called tengu who sometimes taught humans bushido. Was this a partial inspiration for the Ishimura clan in "Bushido"?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

How much input did you have in the designs of Gargoyles outside of the main Manhattan clan like Gabriel, Ophelia, etc? Did you just suggest a general design that got fleshed out by the rest of the production team or did you have a detailed picture in you head that you wrote out and submitted to them?

Greg responds...

I wouldn't say I had a detailed written description. But I had some ideas, many conversations and co-final approval (with Frank).

I was more specific about Leo, Griff, Una, Gabriel, Angela and Zafiro then about some of the others.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Siren writes...

I keep thinking of more things...
On Garg evolution...I think the most likely would evolve from dinosaurs.Birds also evolved too, from what I believe. They just took 2 different ends of the spectrum. Birds becoming smaller and more lightweight, gaining feathers and loosing scales. Gargs get are smaller dinosaurs, just not as small as birds. They are built with more muscle and kept
the pteridacyl wings ('scuse my spelling). Brooklyn is obviously evolved from one of them thingies I can't spell. Plus you have the South American Clan, they deffinetly look reptilian. And Ophelia, she looks much like a triceratops and any other horned/crested dino (which I absolutly love on her!!!!)
But also into consideration, the Britian Clan...Where did they come from? Are they too evolved
from dinosaurs???? Doubtful. They are set so far apart from the others, more mammilian. Are they
more evolved mammals? Is Griff just an evolved eagle that looks like a griffon or an evolved griffon? Is Leo an evolved Lion?
And is that Una's real horn or jewlry? Is she an evolved horse or unicorn?
Which brings something else to mind about gargoyles...How do their babies eat? Are gargoyles
mammals? I would deffinetly say, warm blooded. And they do seem very mammilian. So does that
mean, that if Demona had the chance to raise Angela, she'd be fed on breastmilk? If so, how did
Cathryn, Magus, Tom, and his mother feed 36 hatchlings?

Greg responds...

Uh. It would have helped if you had numbered your questions....

In my head, Gargoyles are a separate classification which (in the past) I've nicknamed "Gargates". Both Gargoyles and Gargoyle Beasts evolved from this grouping, just as Primates include both humans and various apes. The Gargate-ancestor species go back to the time of the dinosaurs, so to answer your first set of questions, I'd have to ask you how you are defining the word "Dinosaur"? Colloquially, i.e. to include all species that existed during what we popularly think of as the age of dinosaurs, or are you using the term in a scientific sense, which would leave out a number of species that we generally think of as dinosaurs?

As for the various clans, appearances are superficial and can be deceiving. Leo has much more in common biologically with Goliath than he does with a Lion. Zafiro has much more in common with Griff, Leo, Una and Goliath, etc. then he does with a snake. All are Gargates. None are Mammals or Reptiles or Marsupials or Birds, though they may share a few characteristics with one or more of those groups. They are, I believe, warm-blooded, for example.

Una's horn is her horn. It's not jewelry. Though it was decorated.

Garg babies generally would drink milk from clan-mother breasts.

And yes, that did present Tom, Katharine and the Magus with a problem. Fortunately, they were on Avalon. And Avalon provided. Some trial and error was probably involved, but a replacement for breast milk was found...

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Bud-Clare writes...

All right, here are my guesses for the clans:
(Some of them are pretty bizarre, but I'm tired of thinking about it. ;)

1. London
2. Ishimura
3. Guatemala
4. New Olympus
5. Greece
6. Loch Ness, Scotland
7. Ireland
8. Avalon
9. Manhattan
10. Clones (Labyrinth)
11. Camelot
12. Wyvern, Scotland
13. Paris
14. Mars

Greg responds...

No. Sorry. But since this contest is obviously so hard, here's a clue.

You scored "10.5".

Response recorded on October 11, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

Goliath basically commited suicide at the end of AWAKENINGS 2 and also abandoned his children. Why hasn't anyone ever brought this up to his face? It's not the same as Demona's betraying the castle but it is just as bad. He abandoned his unborn children and while he did ask Katharine and the Magus to care for them, they didn't exactly have a great record dealing with Gargoyles up to that point. For all he knew they could have done anything after he was frozen.

What are the feelings of the Eggs on this? I understand that Guardian, Magus, and Katharine cared for them, loved them and raised them as their own children but some of them must have some sort of feeling about being abandoned by Goliath. (I know that this sounds like I'm asking for 36 (technically 35, we can't really count Boudicca) individual responses but I'm really interested specifically in Angela, Gabriel, and Ophelia's opinions and only what the general concensus is among the others.)

Greg responds...

This is a great, but VERY complex question.

Even answering just for Angela would require a term paper.

But one thing you need to understand right off the bat is that the "Eggs" were taught their GOLIATH history by Katharine, Tom and the Magus. I doubt Goliath came off as a "bad dad who committed suicide" in their telling of the tale. (Though, that's exactly what happened of course.)

In fact, we have evidence that the clan thought of Goliath as a mystical savior. A Sleeping King who would one day awaken and return when his clan needed him. And isn't that exactly what happened. Tom himself, only a boy when all the bad stuff went down, seemed to feel that finding Goliath would solve all his Archmage problems. (Lucky for him, Elisa and Bronx went along for the ride.)

When you consider the guilt that the Magus (and I assume Katharine) were not shy about revealing, you can see how the story could easily be colored in G's favor.

Now, I'm not saying that every individual garg bought the party line. But, gee, when Goliath did finally show up, things turned out pretty well. With the Archmage, with Oberon. Even the skeptical might have been convinced.

Which really only leaves us with Angela. I feel that after their Nigerian adventure, Goliath would have begun to open up more honestly with her. To reveal truths that he himself might not be conscious of. (After all, she's very intuitive.) She may now know the truth. But to her -- well, my God, there were so many extenuating circumstances. And her life has been so darn great, how's she supposed to complain or feel bitter? It doesn't seem her style.

Anyway, that's what I figure...

Response recorded on September 21, 1999

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Sean Regan writes...

My sister and I have taped most of the episodes from the original series and we watch them daily. We came to the episode named "The Green" where Goliath and company reach the Guatemala clan. Now in that episode, the Guatemala clan never turn to stone. So I was wondering how they could still be living if the Gargoyles get their energy from the sun's ray's in the day? Thanks for your time.

Greg responds...

Clearly, the magic of the pendants compensates in some way.

Response recorded on August 31, 1999

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Vashkoda writes...

Hi Greg. I'll give the clan contest a go (I'm assuming that naming the country is close enough?): Manhattan, London, Ishimura, Guatamala, New Olympus, Labrynth, Avalon,
China, Egypt, Norway, Italy, Scotland, India, moon base

Greg responds...

Naming the country isn't always close enough. Be as specific as possible, the next time you try to win. (Cause you didn't win this time.)

For example, saying U.S.A. would not be close enough for me to give you credit for the Manhattan clan.

On the other hand saying "Guatemala" is close enough for you to receive credit for the Mayan clan.

Each guess needs to be as specific as the show would dictate. AND YES, I KNOW THAT MAKES IT HARDER.

Good luck.

Response recorded on August 22, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

In the AskGreg Archive, you wrote: "I expect Angela, Sora, Ophelia, Boudicca, Obsidiana, and Turquesa to all lay eggs in 2008." You said that females share a common cycle and you also said that you wondered if Katana would rejoin that cycle or not. You also said that with Angela, she would. But Boudicca and Ophelia live on Avalon, so in 2008, shouldn't they be out of synch with the real world?

Greg responds...

Actually, no. It's literally been years, but back in 1995 I did the math. It works out that 2008 would coincide with the cycles of both Avalon and the outside world.

Response recorded on August 21, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

Yet another Guess at the 14 Clans:

New Olympus

Easter Island
Outer Space/Another Planet

Greg responds...

Nope. Try again.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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Lawrence Stone writes...

New guess on the 14 Clans

1) Manhatten
2) London
3) Guatemala
4) Ishimura
5) The Avalon Clan
6) The clones
7) New olympus
8) Scotland
9) Rome
10) India
11) Noreway
12) China
13) Salem Mass.

Greg responds...

Sorry, L.S., try again.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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Lawrence Stone writes...

My guess on the 14 clans

1) Manhatatten
2) the clones
3) Ishimura
4) Guatemala
5) the Avalon clan
6) New Olympus
7) London
9) India
10) Irland
12) Germany
13) Egypt
14) somewhere else in America

Greg responds...

Sorry, Lawrence, try again.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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Aris Katsaris writes...

My clan guesses:
1.London 2.Ishimura. 3.Guatemala. 4.Avalon 5. New Olympus 6. China 7. Alaska 8. Egypt
9. Manhattan(our guys) 10. Clones
11. Scotland 12. New Camelot
13. Easter Island 14. A space station

Greg responds...

Sorry, Aris, try again.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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Stephen R. Sobotka, Jr. writes...

Greetings Greg! (Thanks for signing my Guest book on my site!)

Hmm... First a question, then the contests:

If the purpose of the Hill of the Sleeping King was to maintain Arthur Pendragon's health and age until the time of Britain's greatest need (esentially a "stasis chamber" of some sort), wouldn't the hill also be working on the Magus, since he fell on the cairn there after defeating the Weird Sisters?

Now, the contests:

Arthurian Survivors:

1. King Arthur
2. The Lady of The Lake
3. Merlin
4. Morgana le Fay
5. Lancelot
6. Galahad
7. Gwenyvere
8. Nimue

The 14 Clans

1. Scotland
2. England
3. Ishimura/Japan
4. Guatemala Rain Forest
5. Isle of Avalon
6. Manhattan/New York
7. New Olympus Island

8. India
9. Egypt/Africa
10. Amazon Rain Forest
11. Ireland
12. Ozark Mountain Range
13. Orbital Colony/Earth
14. Australia

Hope I get at least some of them right. :) Thanks for talking to us Greg! See you in the CR!

Maintain and Check Six!

Greg responds...

Hey Stephen.

As to the Arthurian survivors -- Sorry, try again.

As to the clans, you need to submit them on a SEPARATE POST to even get a response. (I gave that admonition on the first day -- so NO SLACK.)

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

14 Clan Guesses:

New York
New Olympus


South America/Amazon

Another Clone Clan
Outer Space/Another Planet

Greg responds...

Sorry, try again.

AND GENERALLY, you need to be more specific.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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The Clan Contest...

Contest #2 (This one's all but impossible)....

At the time of "The Journey" there were ten clans extant in the Gargoyles Universe. Some were flourishing, some barely surviving.

By the year 2158, all ten would be in much better shape and two more clans would have already have been launched.

In the century that followed, two more, for a total of FOURTEEN clans, would also be launched.

Name the location of all 14 clans.

Same rules apply as in the Arthurian contest. Name all 14 correctly if you want a response. No hints for partial or partially correct answers. Guess as often as you like, but always on a separate "question" post to ASK GREG.

There will be a prize of some kind.

Good luck...

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Tana writes...

Well, I'm not asking any questions to clarify anyfacts for a fanfic...since I don't write fanfic. Not that I'm not a good writer, just that I don't think I could do justice to the show you've created Greg. I watch it on Toon Disney and I still watch it with awe. Gotten my nephew (he's 2) into the show so much that he goes into my room to steal my toys!!

Anywho, as for my questions, I'm an artist and I'm working on some pics of the characters you created for possible inclusion in the Gathering's Art Show, so my questions pertain to stuff about those pics:

1)I'm working on a pic of the Ishimura Gargs (Kai, Yama, and a few others) performing the japanese tea ceremony, and for refrence, I wanted to know if the two females (one purple, one brown) that appeared in "Bushido" had names. If they do, what are they?

2)What situations or events would you find it interesting to see your characters in? Like some situations that happened appart from what we saw.

3)And since I ALWAYS want to know what ppl think of some of my art, if you can please look at these two pics that go together, of Brooklyn, Elisa, Lexington, Goliath, Angela and Broadway and tell me what you think!!
http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/9210/swim.jpg and
DON'T look at the other pics in that directory, they're original characters and that's something I know you're not supposed to do.

Domo Arigato! Thank you very much for your wonderful show and all the continuing effort you've put into keeping us fans happy and entertained!!! And good luck on any upcoming projects!

Greg responds...

1. The female gargoyle (Yama's mate) who had a few lines of dialogue was named Sora. The others don't have names as of yet.

2. What wouldn't be interesting?

3. I'm sorry. I can't look and hold onto your question at the same time. Why not post a link for me in S8 comment room, and I'll try to get over there.

Thanks, Tana.

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