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Aris Katsaris writes...

You must have reached this point in your timeline: When were Griff, Leo and Una hatched?

Greg responds...


And no, I haven't gotten to M.I.A. either in the present. But because I knew it had a flashback scene, I actually did the 1940 stuff before I started on the other episodes. That lead to figuring out their hatchdate.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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matt writes...

I was looking through the archives and i found that you had said a LONG time ago that Yama was in his late twenties (biologically) in 1996. doesn't this mean that he already has had the oppurtunity to mate (at 20)? also, how many generations older is Kai than Yama and Sora?

Greg responds...

I'm still working on my timeline revision, and I haven't gotten to these details as yet. I'm currently working on December of 1995, so I haven't yet dealt with the episode Bushido in any detail, and thus the ramifications of that episode -- even those that predate 1995 -- still haven't been accounted for in the revised document. Instead of guessing, I'd rather you give me the next six months to figure it out correctly once and for all. My goal is to be done by the next Gathering in Los Angeles.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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JADE writes...

I was wondering, you know all the Gargoyles on Avalon? Would they every rejoin the Gargoyles in New York? If so for what reason?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean by "rejoin".

Response recorded on December 21, 2000

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Phil writes...

Clan questions:

1) In the Egyptian episode, "Grief," Angela suggests that the sphinx looks like giant gargoyle. We know from the clans contest that there is not currently a clan in Egypt. Was there at one time an Egyptian clan that died out or was destroyed?

2) On a related note, you said that the New Olympus gargoyles left Greece with the New Olympians. Again from the clan contest we know that there is not currently a Greek clan. Assuming there was once a Greek clan, did they all go to New Olympus, or did some stay behind to die out or be destroyed?

3) I'm not asking you to tell the stories now, but do you have them planned out for use perhaps in Timedancer?

(Note: I'm thinking about gathering a list of "untold stories" you've hinted at. [Greg replies: "I know, but I'm not telling now."] The more unanswered questions I come up with, the more eager and impatient I am for the return of Gargoyles.)

Greg responds...

1. Possibly.

2. The latter. Though not all the New Olympian gargs came from Greece. Some came from other mediterranean locations.

3. Which stories?

Response recorded on December 07, 2000

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matt writes...

why do gargoyles eventually colonize Queen Florence Island? is it because their numbers are so small that if they don't all group together they'll go extinct?

Greg responds...

It's actually out of the successful rebounding of the species that they decide to add a new clan. They have largely maxed out the capacity of the twelve sites they have.

Response recorded on December 01, 2000

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matt writes...

did the gargoyle clans in the americas migrate over the bering strait from asia with the humans or did the get there some other way?

Greg responds...

You mean the Mayan clan? Yes, probably.

Cause the Manhattan clan was shipped over in boxes. The Labyrinth clan was cloned from the Manhattan Clan, and the Queen Florence Island clan will someday be made up of Gargs who colonize it from all over the world. (But that won't be for a while.)

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

About when did the London clan first open the magic shop? (If you don't know the exact year, then the general period in English history that you see it take place - i.e., Tudor, Stuart, Georgian, Victorian, etc.)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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KW Keller writes...

Ishimura Clan questions:

1. After seeing the memo recently posted on naming schemes used in the series, I was wondering if any specific pattern was used with the Ishimura clan?

2. I don't know how involved you were with the individual names of the Ishimura clan, but what does Kai's name mean? Sora and Yama have only one kanji character associated with their names (yama: "mountain, hill, knoll," sora: "sky, heavens, air"), but there are over 40 kanji characters that are pronounced "KAI".

Greg responds...

1. I believe so. Yama means mountain, and I vaguely recall that the other names Sora and Kai meant something too. Can't remember what anymore, though. Sorry.

2. Oh. So Sora means sky. That just leaves Kai. Might it mean "Leader"? I just can't remember. But you can ask Story Editor Gary Sperling at the 2001 Gathering in Los Angeles this June.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

Which Gargoyle clan excluding the Manhatten, labrinth, and Avalon clans have the largest population of Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

I haven't counted.

Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Does the stuff in the gargoyles bible saying that gargoyles are dragons in China still true?

Greg responds...

thats not exactly what the bible said

Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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Vasy writes...


Did gargoyles ever travel to india

Greg responds...

Ever? Sure. Migrated.

Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Is the survival of the Loch Ness monster and the Loch Ness Clan has anything to do with each other?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 14, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

In the episode Bushido Yama told Goliath that the ishimera clan has been hiding from the outside world for centuries. In a way Yama really wants his clan to be revealed to the outside world which is very foolish since there are humans out there like the insane psychopath Jon Castaway that have dedicated their lives to the destruction of gargoyles my question is why do some gargoyles want their race to be reveiled to humans even they know it is very dangerous to do so?

Greg responds...

Because ultimately hiding is equally dangerous, with no chance of there being any positive change. It is a game of diminishing returns. The irony of Yama's position is that he's generally right, but he got the specifics wrong. Specifically, he trusted the wrong human.

Response recorded on November 13, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

Questions on the London clan of gargoyles

1) How did the London clan aquire the occult shop "In to the Mystic"?

2) How did they get the mansion that the clan is primary based in?

Greg responds...

1. Long story.

2. Another long story.

Response recorded on November 13, 2000

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matt writes...

any reason why there are so few clans in the southern hemisphere??? or were there alot of clans "down there" and they all happened to be wiped out?

Greg responds...

There used to be more clans everywhere. But most were wiped out.

Response recorded on November 13, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Where exactly in China is Xanadu? If you can't tell us that could you give us a general location like what province it is in?

Greg responds...

Xanadu is hidden amid the rocky northern mountains of China.

Response recorded on November 13, 2000

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warrioress writes...

How many Gargs were in Demona's clan when she was allied with MacBeth(in the years after he had become king, I mean)? Any beasts? Offspring?

Greg responds...

I don't think there were any beasts. There were quite a few gargoyles at different times. As for off-spring, I'd have to look at my timeline, which I don't have with me. Maybe.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Where in Korea is the Korean Gargoyle Clan?

What legends inspired you to put a clan there?

Greg responds...

1. As I mentioned a few posts ago, I don't have that infor here with me now.

HOLD ON. I take that back. I do have it.

The Korean Clan of Gargoyles is located in tunnels and caves that run through the mountains along the Pukhan River.

2. One that Frank Paur told me about.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Faieq writes...

Some questions about the Korean clan:
1)Whereabouts in Korea do the clan live? North or South?
2)What role did they play in the Korean War? Did they help as a clan or did only a few gargoyles help individually like Griff in WWII, presuming that the gargoyles did help in the war.
3a)Do they interact well with the humans that live in Korea (b)Do the humans in Korea know about the gargoyles living there?
4)How well is the clan doing in numbers? Strong, weak, in the middle?

Greg responds...

1. I don't have that information with me. And I wouldn't want to get it wrong.

2. Individuals played a role. But not the role of warriors.

3a. That's a matter of opinion.

3b. There are legends.

4. Middle.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
Now I got you :)! In "City of stone" we see, that Demona is the leader of a little clan, that is robbing scotland. The first time I saw the ep, there was nothing strange on it. But then, I saw something verry, verry weird: One of the Gargoyles is 100% identical with one of the Avalon clan (Its the gargoyle with the brestplate. In "C.o.s." he is arguing with Demona, and in "Avalon, pt.2" he sits in the castle). That he lives on Avalon must mean, that his father is from the Wyvern clan and, so we all thought, is dead. But in "C.o.S." we could see his father alive. So he must be a survivor of the Wyvern massakre...
Well, maybe you could bring some light in that.
CU, John

Greg responds...

No. You're forgetting that a few years before the massacre, Wyvern's Gargoyle population was larger than the location could sustain (or than the humans of the castle would tolerate). Many of those gargoyles left Wyvern to form a new clan, that ultimately didn't fair much better than Wyvern did.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Faieq writes...

When you said that the gargoyles on New Olympus were never converted to NO religions and the fact that we never saw any gargoyles (except Goliath, Bronx and Angela) in the episode 'The New Olympians', and that you also said that the gargoyles on New Olympus wouldn't reveal themselves to the world immediately after the New Olympians do, does that mean that the gargoyles on New Olympus live away from the bulk of the New Olympian population?

Greg responds...

They are somewhat isolationist, yes. But I hesitate to make generalizations about any group.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Do any of the gargoyles of New Olympus practice any of the New Olympian religions?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

After the events in "Hunter's Moon", the Manhattan gang are the first gargoyle clan to be revealed to the general public.

1a) Which clan will be revealed next? b) Will it willingly reveal itself, or will it be discovered?

2a) When the New Olympians reveal themselves to the human world, will they also reveal that there are gargoyles living among them? b) Will the majority of the New Olympian gargoyles be open to starting relations with humans themselves?

Greg responds...

1a. Don't know.

1b. Don't know.

2a. Not right away.

2b. No.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Skylar writes...

1. When I asked if there are any Gargoylebeasts whith wings you said they involved without. So if it is all an evolving thing and if there are only two kinds of gargoyles (the human like and the beast like), how does it come, that some gargoyles look totally different to the others and seem to have other bones, a much different skelleton?
For example Lexington looks much different (for example his bones in his wings) and a much more distinct example is Zaphiro. He seems to have no legs at all.

1b) How should I imagine Zaphiros skelleton? Is his "foot" exactly like a part of a snake or have the two legbones grown together into one?

2. Are there any other gargoyles out there that look much different than the rest? (as much as Zaphiro does)

3. How about feathers? Have some gargoyles feathers at their wings? Is that normal? Or is it maybe a genetic characteristic you find just in the genetic resources of the gargoylepopulation of some specific lands and not all over the world?

4. Do all Ishimura-Gargoyles have black hair? Is it normal, that in all countrys where the hair color of the native population is black, the hair color of the gargoyles is black, too?

4b) How about the Guatemala-Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

1. I think I said "evolved". You've never seen Zafiro's skeleton. The differences are superficial. The limb count is the same. Even Beasts, may have small vestigal wing bones, I suppose. But that doesn't mean there are flying beasts.

2. Yes.

3. Some have feather-like things on their wings, for example Zafiro and Griff.

4. Not all.

4b. What about them?

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Skylar writes...

Once again I took a look at the old clan contest, but some things make me think.

1. If I understood it, the 10 currently existing clans are the following: Manhattan, Labyrinth, London, Ishimura, Guatemala, Avalon, Xanadu, Loch Ness and New Olympus - is that right?

2) So what´s the thing with London? Does it mean, that not only the little clan which met Goliath&Co at their journey lives in london, but that the bigger clan they came from (which we where not introduced yet) is also located in London? Does it mean all Gargoyles, that are living in England, are living in London?

3. What is the thing with the Labyrinth? I didn´t get it. Which labyrinth is meant? The one the Minotaurus was locked up? Or the hedge labyrinth? Or another?
- PS: Ooooh, now I´ve got an idea: Could it be, that you mean the Labyrinth in Manhattans Underground? (I never thought of it as a Gargoyleclan, cause there´s no real Gargoyle living in, but just human mutates.)

5. If the Loch Ness clan is currently existing, why didn´t they help the Nessies, when they where in danger?

6. England, Japan, Guatemala, China, Korea - in all these countrys are Gargoyles already living in the Dark Ages, aren´t they?

6) About how many clans where in each of this countrys?

7) In which countrys have in the Dark Ages also been clans, but totally stamped out or expeled during the following centuries?

8) When the englishmen hunted their gargoyles and drove them out of their land, how did it come, that one gargoyleclan survived and that they didn´t find them during all the centurys?

9) Did any of the english gargoyles flee into another land, when they where hunted? If so, what happened to them?

Greg responds...

1. You forgot Korea.

2. As I've mentioned before, the clan lives in London's suburbs. The store which is manned by a small contingent from the clan, is in Soho.

3. Well, if you saw the series you should know (or perhaps recall) that the Mutates and the Gargoyle Clones lived in what they called "The Labyrinth" underneath Manhattan's streets with a bunch of homeless humans.

4. You didn't have a 4.

5. Who said they didn't? We just didn't see them.

6. (The First 6). Huh?

6. (The Second 6). One each.

7. Lots. And lots before the Dark Ages too. Assuming I understand the question.

8. They hid in plain sight for the most part.

9. Maybe.

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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