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matt writes...

if you don't mind i'm going to shorten the Gargoyle Minority Protection Act to GMPA for simplicity.

1. did any countries that contained gargoyle clans object or refuse to comply with the GMPA? i'd imagine that America, Britain, and Japan would pretty much whole-heartedly agree, but i'm not sure about China, South Korea, and particulary Guatemala.

2. did France agree to have a gargoyle clan instated at Notre Dame before or after the GMPA? did they agree at all or did the gargoyles just move in? i guess Canada was in ok with the QFI clan, huh?

3. did the United Kingdom have a lot of weight in the decision to instate the GMPA since they have two native clans, another being created (Wyvern), and at least four other clans in the world have United Kingdom origens?

oh, please feel free to correct me if any of my info is wrong, i'm sure you will though :)

Greg responds...

1. Nothing is simple.

2. You're talking about years past 2198. France bid for the clan.

The Haida people own Queen Florence Island. They made the offer.

3. Nothing is simple.

Response recorded on July 03, 2001

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matt writes...

by 2198 are all the 12 clans "full" clans, as you've called them? what i mean is, are all the clans roughly the size of 1996 London or Ishimura clans?

Greg responds...

Roughly. Or larger.

Response recorded on July 03, 2001

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matt writes...

1. at the end of "City of Stone" in the flashback Demona glides off to "search for her kin". did she find any gargoyles after that point?
2. at that point, were there still some clans around that are not around today? what i mean is, when was the last entire clan wiped out leaving only the clans we know survive left to today?

Greg responds...

1. Not in Scotland, at least.

2. Not revealing that now.

Response recorded on July 02, 2001

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matt writes...

are there any other titles and positions in gargoyle clans besides leader and second in command? perhaps like rookery-guard, gargbeast-keeper, shaman, etc.?

Greg responds...

Not universally.

Response recorded on July 01, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

1.What peculiar features do the gargoyles in New Olympus have? By peculiar I mean by such features as the London clan with its animal heads and feathery wings and the Guatemalan clan with Zafiro and his more serpentine features.
2.What peculiar features do the gargoyles in Pukhan have?
3.What peculiar features do hte gargoyles in Xanadu have?
4.Do the gargoyles in Loch Ness have any peculiar features?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not going to character design them here in writing.

2. Ditto.

3. Ditto.

4. I suppose.

Response recorded on June 29, 2001

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matt writes...

besides the New Camelot clan, were there ever any other clans living in Antartica?

Goliath said there were once clans all over the world, were they widely seperated from each other?

how many clans do you imagine there once were? closer to 50, 100, 1000, 10000?

Greg responds...


Define "widely".

I don't know. Lots.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Did gargoyles originate from Asia? Afterall half of the eight clans originated there and in east Asia there is about three clans presently living there meaning that there might have been a large abundance of gargoyles clans living there and also the people in Ishimura don't fear the gargoyles meaning that gargoyles must have lived there quite along time for the humans to get use to them.

Greg responds...

I'm not saying at this time. But in any case, you're logic above doesn't wash.

The survival of three clans in Asia hardly proves anything, as each clan survived for very specific reasons. And every one of the seven old clans have been in place for centuries. And at one point or another, all got along with humans. The Ishimurans managed to maintain the relationship, but it hardly suggests or guarantees a geographic origin in Japan.

After all, two clans also survived in Great Britain -- a much smaller area than all of Asia -- so by your logic, we might assume that Gargoyles originated there.

But I'm not confirming any of it. Asia, Britain or somewhere else? I'm not saying now.

Response recorded on June 10, 2001

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matt writes...

in the London clan the feathered wings were the most common, and in the other clans the Goliath and Demona type wings were quite common, among the clans we've not see (Loch Ness, New Olympus, Xanadu, and Korea) are Lexington's wing type the most common? or are Desdemona's?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to tie my hands by quantifying that at this time.

Response recorded on May 30, 2001

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matt writes...

i'm not asking for numbers or anything, but in 1996 what order, in terms of population, are these clans, most gargs to least:

Ishimura, Japan
London, England
Xanadu, China
Pukhan, Korea

Greg responds...

Don't know. They're all full clans.

Response recorded on May 09, 2001

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matt writes...

you've said that the Guatemalan, Ishimura, and London all had rookeries with eggs when Goliath and co. visited, why didn't you decide to show that any of these clans had eggs on screen? i think it would've been great to see that gargoyles do have a future and their not slowly dying out. was the problem time constraints? how hard is it to show some eggs in the background of certain scenes?

Greg responds...

Harder than you obviously think.

Cause for starters you're limiting my ideas to eggs.

Every episode was (at least in my opinion) bursting with ideas. As many as we could fit in and do justice too. Certain things were explicit. Some were implied. And some were just logical extrapolations of what was explicit or implied.

There was NEVER going to be room for every notion, every facet of everything. We put in what would fit and what we felt we NEEDED.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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matt writes...

oh, and also in the age of characters list you said that Yama is 29 and Sora is 19. their mates, and i thought there were never mates from different generations, Broadway and Angela being the exception. i figured that gargs mated among their rookery siblings because that way they wouldn't find a mate in a close (i.e. brother and sister) biological relative. so is it common for gargs to mate between generations? or are Broadway/Angela and Yama/Sora very different from the norm?

Greg responds...

Broadway and Angela are a very unusual case for OBVIOUS reasons. (He was asleep for 1000 years. She grew up on Avalon. As a result they are nearly the exact same age biologically.)

Yama and Sora are atypical. But their love is not unheard of.

I don't ever recall saying that gargs from separate generations couldn't or wouldn't mate. It's just not particularly common.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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matt writes...

since Cuchalin had a garg beast, is it safe to presume that there was once at least one garg clan in Ireland?

if so, what was this clans relationship to the feud between Cuchalin and the Banche if any? was the clan not involved, Cuchalin's allies, etc....

Greg responds...

Yes, at one point there was an Irish garg clan. No more details are currently forthcoming.

Response recorded on April 17, 2001

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matt writes...

are the English gargoyles the only gargoyles that resemble mammals? all the other clans we saw resembled medieval demons, not that they are demons or anything...
hmmm, i don't think your going to respond to the question in the way i intended, but i'm not sure i know how to rephrase it.

Greg responds...

Your premise is faulty.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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matt writes...

you said that Katherine, Tom and the Magus imitated gargoyle customs, which the Magus had knowledge of, when raising the eggs. what did they do to raise a hatchling in gargoyle fashion?

Greg responds...

As much as they could and knew how to.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Justin writes...


I am sorry that you misunderstood me. Here was my first question...

Justin writes...
Quick question,

You have mentioned that not all of the currently existing clans have names. So by the time of The Journey, how many of the clans have names? ( Not including London, Manhattan, Labyrinth, Ishimura, Avalon and Guatemala.) And which ones?

To which you replied,

Greg responds...

Huh? I'm not sure what you mean by names?

1. The London Clan. London, England.

2. The Ishimura Clan. Ishimura, Japan.

3. The Mayan Clan. ChacIxChel, Guatemala.

4. The Korea Clan. Pukhan, Korea.

5. The Xanadu Clan. Xanadu, China.

6. The Loch Ness Clan. Loch Ness, Scotland.

7. The New Olympian Clan. Mount Thanatos, New Olympus.

8. The Avalon Clan. Oberon's Palace, Avalon.

9. The Manhattan Clan. New York, U.S.A.

10. The Labyrinth Clan. New York, U.S.A.

recorded on 03-02-01

When I asked about the names what I meant to ask was how many of use names other than the clans I have mentioned above.

Off the record I really enjoyed the information you gave though :)

Thanks again man!

Greg responds...

Uh, you mean how many of the Gargoyles in those clans use names? I'm not answering that now.

Response recorded on April 08, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What legends were the Korean clan based on?

What legends were the Xanadu clan based on?

What legends were the Loch Ness Clan based on?

Greg responds...

It's not quite that straight forward.

And also, I don't want to tip my hand.

Response recorded on March 29, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who is going to the gargoyle leader of the labyrinth clan?

Greg responds...

In what era?

Right now, Talon is the leader.

Response recorded on March 29, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Why didn't we see the Loch Ness clan in Monsters?

Greg responds...

I was saving it.

Response recorded on March 29, 2001

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matt writes...

do the pendant wearing gargoyles in Guatemala have to sleep as a human does to rest their bodies or does the pendant's magic cover that too?

Greg responds...

They have to rest periodically. Sometimes they nap as humans do. Sometimes they take off the pendants and sleep as stone. But the magic also helps compensate. SO ALL OF THE ABOVE, I guess.

Response recorded on March 29, 2001

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matt writes...

i was wondering what your thoughts were on the fact that the English rid their lands of gargoyles before many other gargoyle/human relationships fell apart. in Scotland, Japan, Guatemala, and probably other clan locations, humans and gargs were getting along alright in the 1000's but the English got rid of the gargs, why? what really bugs me about them doing this is that like in many other places in the world, gargoyles were having an effect on myth and culture, more so in England than many other places. gargoyles seemed to have been a very positive influence in England because lions, unicorns, griffons, etc. all became English symbols of honor, strength, courage, and power, why use and keep these symbols when banishing the people who influenced them, the gargs? unless somethng happened in England to make them hate gargs alot, i don't understand how a people could honor a people and then turn around and banish them...

Greg responds...

England considered itself more civilized. They weren't the only "nation" (and I use the term loosely and anachronistically) to get rid of their 'goyles. And England did a worse job than most.

Response recorded on March 29, 2001

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J.R. writes...

What are all the names of the gargoyles on avalon.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

what are some of the other names of gargoyles on Avalon? i'd imagine most biblical angel names were used, but Opheila, Angela, and Boibekka all have other types of names, what were some of these?, if you know any

Greg responds...

Boudicca, not Boibekka.

I've answered this. I believe that Katharine did attempt at least to use all the standard Angelic names...

Gabriel, Michael, Azrael, Raphael, Uriel, etc.

Plus some variations like Angela.

But they had more gargs than angels.

So we get Ophelia, etc.

Anyway, I don't plan on tying my hand by naming a bunch of characters I haven't yet explored.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Pyro X writes...

I am a little confused on Gargoyle Generations... let's see if this is correct.
Hudson - Gen 1

Goliath/Demona Gen 2

Trio/Bronx Gen 3--|
| |- from same gen, but different hatching
Angela Gen 3------|

Samson (Is that his name?) Gen 4

1) Is this basically a correct assumption?
2) Does a Gargoyle ALWAYS find a mate in his hatching? IE) did all the Avalon Gargoyles pair off?
3) If the above is not true, then, would a Garoyle look to the next hatching, or would they be too young?

Greg responds...

1. No, not at all.

2. Not necessarily.

3. It depends when he or she is looking. Yama and Sora are from different generations. But they didn't get together when she was a kid.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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matt writes...

1. will Tom and/or Katherine live to see Gabriel, Opheila, and Boudikka and the other Avalon gargoyle's eggs hatch?
2. will the Avalon clan continue the naming of the hatchlings?
3. will they have a rookery or will they raise their eggs and hatchling's individually as humans do?

oh, and i was thinking about the Earth rythmn and its effects on gargs reproductive cycles on Avalon and i thought that maybe Avalon produces its own rythmn that may mimic or duplicate the rythmn of the Earth so that Opheila and the rest still lay eggs and hatch as if they were in the real world. afterall, from what evidence we've seen in the series and that you've given us, Avalon doesn't seem to be a place you can locate on Earth, just a theory...

Greg responds...

1. Not gonna answer that.
2. Yes.
3. Rookery. They know that much.

The cycles tie together. The math is excruciating for me, but I've managed it. I think.

Response recorded on March 12, 2001

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matt writes...

among the British gargs would a female gargoyle that has the lion genes still have the mane that Leo has? i would think she would because Leo is not a lion and while he looks like one probably shares very few of the same characteristics of a lion.
i've also noticed that Maggie the Cat has lion genes and is the only mutate with hair and i assume this is because of the animal she was mutated from but of course Leo wasn't created from a lion...

Greg responds...

There is a chameleonesque characteristic (metaphorically) to the various superficial gargoyle differences that seem so pronounced. That might suggest a female of Leo's type might look lioness-esque as opposed to Lion-esque. But it might not. I hate to tie my hand frankly, or rather I hate to tie the artists hands in advance.

Response recorded on March 08, 2001

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Justin writes...

Quick question,

You have mentioned that not all of the currently existing clans have names. So by the time of The Journey, how many of the clans have names? ( Not including London, Manhattan, Labyrinth, Ishimura, Avalon and Guatemala.) And which ones?

Greg responds...

Huh? I'm not sure what you mean by names?

1. The London Clan. London, England.

2. The Ishimura Clan. Ishimura, Japan.

3. The Mayan Clan. ChacIxChel, Guatemala.

4. The Korea Clan. Pukhan, Korea.

5. The Xanadu Clan. Xanadu, China.

6. The Loch Ness Clan. Loch Ness, Scotland.

7. The New Olympian Clan. Mount Thanatos, New Olympus.

8. The Avalon Clan. Oberon's Palace, Avalon.

9. The Manhattan Clan. New York, U.S.A.

10. The Labyrinth Clan. New York, U.S.A.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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Justin writes...

You have mentioned that there is a clan in Korea.
1)Where in Korea is this clan located?
2)Who is the leader of the clan?
3) Have they had a massacre recently? Or do the Koreans in the area even know they exist?
4) In 1998 did the clan have a rookery?
5) Will any Korean gargs play a part in future story lines?
6) Of the 12 Existing clans; how many is the Illuminati aware of?


Greg responds...

1. Pukhan, Korea. This clan lives in tunnels and caves that run through the mountains along the Pukhan River.

2. Don't know yet.

3. No full-scale massacre, if that's what you mean.

3a. There are legends.

4. Yes.

5. Yes.

6. In 2001, there are not 12 existing clans. There are 10, including Avalon, Manhattan and the Labyrinth. And the Illuminati probably know about fewer than you think.

Response recorded on March 02, 2001

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matt writes...

in "M.I.A." Griff mentions that Goliath looks like scottish stock.
did Griff know about the Loch Ness Clan in Scotland?
did he figure that Goliath was a member of this clan?

Greg responds...

The London Clan has a library.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Justin writes...

Hey a few more questions.
1) Who is Kai's mate?
2) By the time of the Journey how old is Kai biologically?
3) How many children have Kai and his mate produced? And what years did they hatch?
4) Have Yama and Sora had a child yet?

Thanks again

Greg responds...

1. No one that we've really met.
2. The same age as Leo and Una.
3. Biological children?
4. No. Sora's too young.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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matt writes...

when garg clans were all over the world did the clans ever have "clan protectorate" boundry lines the way we have national borders? i'm mainly refering to the clans of the British isles since there seemed to be more clans there and they are closer to each other, like the Wyvern, break-off Wyvern, Loch Ness, and London clans, and i'm sure there were once many more, so did they ever have boundries between their protectorates?

Greg responds...

More like vague territories.

Response recorded on March 01, 2001

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Justin writes...

Dear Greg,
1)Why are the London gargoyles only limited to lions,horses and birds? That seems kinda silly.
2) How many eggs hatched to the London clan in 1998?
3) How many beasts does this clan have?
4) How many children do Leo and Una have?
5) Will Griff find a mate?
6) Why is Una the leader?
7)Shouldn't one of the younger generation take over?


Greg responds...

1. You're thinking about this backwards. You might as easily ask why are the Wyvern gargoyles limited to what you've seen of them? And at any rate, you've got it wrong. The London gargs vaguely resemble various combinations of Griffin, Winged Lion and Winged Unicorn.

2. I'm not going to answer this at this time.

3. Ditto.

4. Many clan-children.

5. Not telling.

6. That's complex. Why is Goliath the leader? It's how things turned out. I will say, that she's highly intelligent, and has done a good job at keeping the clan safe.

7. Eventually. What's your hurry?

Response recorded on February 26, 2001

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michael regan writes...

dear greg.
as i am in england,our flipping(tm)english t.v studios have not show the intire series,so i missed out of half the gargoyles,i never even got to see goliath and elisa kiss.
i am intrested in the characters kai and his clan,could you tell me what kai is like as a person,and his clan
thanks you forever for thinking of this wonderful cartoon

Greg responds...

Kai is a dedicated leader of the old school, literally. He is Bushido master in Ishimura. His clan has lived in peace and secrecy with the humans of Ishimura for centuries.

What else do you want to know?

Try to be specific.

Response recorded on February 26, 2001

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Sapphire writes...

In gargoyle society we see how males and females are considered equal like in Goliath's clan but is there
a gargoyle clan in which males are dominant?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 26, 2001

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matt writes...

by "Ill met by Midnight" are Gabriel and Opheila allready chosen mates or do they decide that later? seeing as how Tom and Katherine are human and raised the gargs as brothers and sisters in a human fashion what is T and K's reaction to the coupling of the eggs? if i am wrong in how they were raised than correct me, please, but neither Tom nor Katherine was very knowledgable in garg customs, were they? did they raise the gargs in a garg way as best they could or just as they would human children and garg instincts took over for the rest?

Greg responds...

Moonlight, not midnight.

You're mostly wrong. I think Tom and Katharine and the Magus realized that these eggs represented an entire generation, not just a bunch of siblings. Relationships developed. Some fraternal, others romantic. The humans attempted to mimic gargoyle customs, which the Magus had some information on.

And Gabe and Ophelia were certainly romantically involved by Ill Met.

Response recorded on February 26, 2001

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matt writes...

do all the clans of 1996 have beasts, or at least beast eggs?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 15, 2001

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matt writes...

i have a question about gargoyle customs. you've said that Opheila is Gabriel's second in command and for a time, Demona was Goliath's second, is it common among gargs to choose their mate as second? if so, isn't that unfair to the other gargs hoping to become second, or am i thinking too much like a human?

Greg responds...

You're generally thinking too much like a human.

The bigger issue over time is age. A second should be in a position to be groomed to take over for his leader, either in case of an emergency (as when Brooklyn took over for Goliath during the World Tour) or in the case of succession, as when the older Hudson stepped down in favor of the younger Goliath.

Had things gone differently at Wyvern, eventually either Demona would have stepped down to allow a new second to be chosen from the younger generation (most likely Brooklyn) OR Goliath would have stepped aside to allow Demona to lead and chose a new younger Second (again, most likely Brooklyn).

It's largely a meritocracy otherwise. Hudson chose Goliath as his second based on a myriad of positive qualities but primarily integrity, intelligence, natural leadership abilities and a genuine ferocity in battle.

Goliath in turn selected Demona for the same qualities. *He was just mistaken about the integrity.*

As for Avalon, the situation is a bit different, as all the gargs there are of the same generation. Originally Gabriel was chosen as leader and one of his many rookery-siblings Angela was chosen as his second. When Angela left, Gabriel did select his mate as his second, at least for the time being. But you can bet Ophelia was qualified -- look how she performed even when wounded in Avalon Part Three -- or he would not have chosen her. Does nepotism play a part. Possibly. But I'd think that the qualities necessary would have to be even more obvious to avoid charges of nepotism.

In London, Una is the leader of the clan. Her second, whom we have not yet met, is of a younger generation and generally runs things at their more rural (or at least suburban) estate.

In Japan, Kai was the leader. Yama, of a younger generation, was his second. After Yama's banishment, Yama's mate Sora was probably chosen as Second (though don't hold me to that). Again Sora's chosen for her attributes and (relative) youth. Someday -- short of a catastrophe taking place -- she will lead the clan in Kai's place.

In Guatemala, Zafiro is the leader. His second is not his mate Obsidiana, but Turquesa, Jade's mate. They are all of the same generation, but they are also the only gargs alive down there at the moment. (Not counting the eggs.)

Response recorded on February 07, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

Happy New Year, Greg. My question focuses on the Chinese clan. You mentioned that Fu Dog came from there, and that he was named that because he looked like a foo-dog. In case you were unaware (though I seriously doubt it), the foo-dog is actually a representation of a lion. Lions aren't native to China, but their image was present on gifts given to the Chinese Emperor. Lion statues were then built at the entrance of temples, tombs and official buildings to guard them and ward off evil. They became associated with Buddha ("Fo" in Chinese) and were also called "lions of Korea" and "shismi dogs".

So my question is (in three parts):
1a) Does Fu Dog really resemble a lion? (you said in a post once that you had "a fairly clear idea" of Fu Dog's design).
b) If so, do the majority of the other members of the Chinese clan also resemble mammals, as the London clan does?
c) If your answer to "b" is no, would their general physical structure be closer to Goliath's, or Zaphiro's, or something all-together different?

Greg responds...

Keep in mind, legends always have a basis in truth. That doesn't mean they are wholey accurate. Fu Dogs were probably based (in the gargoyles universe) on Chinese gargoyle beasts.

1a. There may be some passing resemblance to a lion.
1b. You're jumping to conclusions, which I'll neither confirm or deny.
1c. My answer to b wasn't no.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Justin writes...

Hey Greg,
1)Who is the leader of the London clan right now?
2)Who is his/her second? Now.
3)In M.I.A. we only saw three gargoyles that belonged to this clan. What other types of animals could these gargoyles look like? Say Gorillas? Llamas? Dogs? What?
Thank you

Greg responds...

1. Una.

2. We haven't met that garg yet.

3. No. What you saw is what you get.

Response recorded on January 31, 2001

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(The Guppi) writes...

[1] The first time I watched _Possession_ I pretty much took it for granted how much Coldfire and Coldsteel resembled 'Desdemona' and 'Iago'. It makes sense when you're used to half-baked comic book logic (not to disrespect your own fine work in the field), but Gargoyles takes great pains to create a more, erm, well-done and realistic (or at least snarkily pseudo-scientific :P) universe. On later viewings, I was compelled to contemplate further. The techniques used in creating the Steel Clan wouldn't apply here, I think. The techies at Scarab Corp. (or wherever) probably had lots of old security tapes of Goliath to pore over as much as they liked, but it's hard to imagine how that'd work with the Legionnaires. Was the likeness of design only in animation, then?
[2] Likewise, with the the WWII statue in London, which off-the-bat was recognizable as being of Goliath and Griff. Was its sculptor working solely off of Sir Douglas' accounts? (Pilots are generally more observant than the average bear, and from the impression he made on you as a kid, he musta made one heckuva eyewitness. It still is kind of a stretch, though...)

Greg responds...

1. You're forgetting Puck. And various memory chips inside Coldstone.

2. I always thought that that statue was funded by Leo and Una. Ostensibly as a memorial to the Battle of Britain, but really as a memorial to Griff and Goliath.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Justin writes...

Dear Greg,
You mentioned that Bronx and Boudicca are mates, and that they will mate again. Will any from the Avalon clan (Including Boudicca) go to Manhattan?

Greg responds...

Boudicca's already been once.

There may be exchange programs worked out in the future.

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

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Justin writes...

Dear Greg,
When do suppose the New Olympian clan will make there presence known? You have mentioned that they are somewhat isolationist even with the New Olympians, so it seems unlikely that they would willingly venture into the outside world.

Greg responds...

It'll be a while.

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

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matt writes...

Griff was going to be Una's mate but dissappeared before they could and she ended up mating with Leo, correct? if so, isn't that quite wierd for all three of them now that Griff is back, he obviously must've had feelings for Una and now her and his friend are together. would all this have anything to do with the reason Griff decided to stay with Arthur and not return to London?

Greg responds...

Yes. And yes.

Response recorded on January 03, 2001

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matt writes...

okay, Zafiro and Obsidiana are mates, and Jade and Turquesa are mates, correct? were they all mates before the Guatemalan clan was destroyed or after? i ask this cuz i wonder if they became mates with each other for the continuation of the clan (after the massacre) or it was coincidence that the four pendant wearers were also mates.

Greg responds...

Maybe not coincidence, but they were already mates.

The not coincidence part is that if you are thrown together often enough, something might spark.

Response recorded on January 02, 2001

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matt writes...

is there a clan leader of the Avalon clan? is it Gabriel or do they consider Goliath to be their clan leader?

Greg responds...

Gabriel is the leader.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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matt writes...

how many eggs are in guatemala in 1996?
what year were the other clan members destroyed?
having the ability to function in daylight, wouldn't it be a top priority for the pendant wearers to watch over the pyramid, clan, and amulet during the day? why then were ALL four of them away the day the pyramid was raided and the clan destroyed? were they tricked?

Greg responds...

I don't think they were intentionally tricked, but it worked out that way.

I don't have the chronology solidified yet, but I figure there are between twenty and forty eggs.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Sapphire writes...

1)What is the world population of gargoyles in 1996 excluding gargoyle beasts?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know exactly.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Kam-Ra Cru writes...

Do the trio have any blood-siblings on Avalon>

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

You must have reached this point in your timeline: When were Griff, Leo and Una hatched?

Greg responds...


And no, I haven't gotten to M.I.A. either in the present. But because I knew it had a flashback scene, I actually did the 1940 stuff before I started on the other episodes. That lead to figuring out their hatchdate.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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matt writes...

I was looking through the archives and i found that you had said a LONG time ago that Yama was in his late twenties (biologically) in 1996. doesn't this mean that he already has had the oppurtunity to mate (at 20)? also, how many generations older is Kai than Yama and Sora?

Greg responds...

I'm still working on my timeline revision, and I haven't gotten to these details as yet. I'm currently working on December of 1995, so I haven't yet dealt with the episode Bushido in any detail, and thus the ramifications of that episode -- even those that predate 1995 -- still haven't been accounted for in the revised document. Instead of guessing, I'd rather you give me the next six months to figure it out correctly once and for all. My goal is to be done by the next Gathering in Los Angeles.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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JADE writes...

I was wondering, you know all the Gargoyles on Avalon? Would they every rejoin the Gargoyles in New York? If so for what reason?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean by "rejoin".

Response recorded on December 21, 2000

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