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Anonymous writes...

Lost clans
What ever happened to the Irish clan?
What ever happened to the Egyptian clan?

Greg responds...

Without getting into specifics for any particular clan, nearly EVERY now-defunct clan was defuncted by humans ala Wyvern.

Response recorded on November 13, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

1.How many clans do the Illuminati know of in 1996? All ten? If not which ones do they not know about? Do they know more clans than Demona? How did they find out?
Are there any gargoyle members of the Illuminati?
2.How many of the ten gargoyle clans does Demona know of? Which ones does she not know?

Greg responds...

I'm not answering any of the above at this time.

Response recorded on October 17, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

When did you decide there were gargoyles living in New Olympus and Loch Ness?
When did you decide there were gargoyles in Xanadu and Pukhan?
When did you decide that there was going to be a gargoyle clan in New Camelot?
When did you decide that Paris, Queen Florence Island and Wyvern were the sites of future clans?

Greg responds...

Years ago. By 1996 at the latest.

Years ago. By 1995 at the latest.

Years ago. By 1996 at the latest.

Years ago. By 1996 at the latest.

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Justin writes...

Do you have the names of the leaders of these clan's in 2198?



Loch Ness







Greg responds...

Some but not all. And you're welcome.

I am curious as to why you were only curious about eight of the twelve though.

Response recorded on September 09, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Are there any other types of gargoyles besides the aquatic loch ness gargoyles, the animal headed gargoyles of the UK. the serpentine ones in Guatemala and the generic gargoyles of New York and Ishimura? If so could you describe a few of the unknown gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Problem is I don't consider either the Ishimura or the Wyvern gargs generic.

Response recorded on August 15, 2001

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matt writes...

so the Haida people invited a gargoyle clan to Queen Florence Island and later France would make a similar request? i guess i was thinking that a country would generally not want a gargoyle clan cuz of all the politics and possible trouble that would come of it.

when the so-called Gargoyle Nation said it was going to create a new clan do most countries around the world invite the Gargoyles to their nation or are Canada and France only two of the few countries that invited a clan?

why did the French goverment and Haida people want a clan?

Greg responds...

Two VERY different situations we're talking about here.

The Haida people had a long-term relationship with the Gargoyle Nation, which I don't want to get into at this time.

YEARS LATER -- years after the initial Space-Spawn Invasion -- many cities would vie for the shot at welcoming the 14th clan. Paris' bid would win.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Hi Greg, If Dark Ages ever goes through, would there be any type of relationship between different clans, for example would the Wyvern Clan know the existence or be in contact with the Loch Ness clan?

Greg responds...

Yes, eventually. And other clans too. Clans that didn't survive into our century.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Hey Greg, thanks for a terrific show and still having hope for a return, Since first watching Gargoyles when it began, I really loved the show, but I was kind of "worried" that the show wasn't very uplifting, because the main characters (the manhattan clan) were the last of their kind, and with only one female gargoyle, that didn't really look like she wanted to start being the Eve of her kind, It almost looked kind of bleak, and after I learned how slowly it takes for a gargoyle to have children,, well it didn't look very good for the species.
So when you started introducing new gargoyles to the picture in the World Tour (wich were great by the way, it expanded so much the horizons for the show) It started to make more sense, as to why the gargoyles work so hard to protect, ant to make a better world, because even though they're trying to have a better and more tolerent world, now it made more sense, because all that hard work was to leave a better world for the next generation.
and even more hopeful was the fact that we know now that in the future, there would not only be thriving colonies, but there would be new clans of gargoyles.
Well all this talk does bring me to a question.
We know that some clans needed the help of other individuals of other clans so there would be a diverse enough genetic pool for a viable clan, as you stated in the 2198 contest so:
1) Wich clans will need that other clans member join them? (my guess would be guatemalen and Goliath's)
2) How would this process come about, will the individuals choose to go to other clans, or there will be a election process?
3) If for example the guatemalan clan wich oly consists of 4 adult gargoyles and from 20 to 40 eggs, is that enough to make a viable clan?
Thanks for your time and pacience
PS. Sorry if I made to many errors, but I haven't writen in English in a long time

Greg responds...

1. I'm not going into these specific details now. None of you have the background for it.

2. Ditto.

3. It's enough to start one if those youngsters have time to grow.

You're English seemed pretty good to me.

Response recorded on July 06, 2001

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matt writes...

if you don't mind i'm going to shorten the Gargoyle Minority Protection Act to GMPA for simplicity.

1. did any countries that contained gargoyle clans object or refuse to comply with the GMPA? i'd imagine that America, Britain, and Japan would pretty much whole-heartedly agree, but i'm not sure about China, South Korea, and particulary Guatemala.

2. did France agree to have a gargoyle clan instated at Notre Dame before or after the GMPA? did they agree at all or did the gargoyles just move in? i guess Canada was in ok with the QFI clan, huh?

3. did the United Kingdom have a lot of weight in the decision to instate the GMPA since they have two native clans, another being created (Wyvern), and at least four other clans in the world have United Kingdom origens?

oh, please feel free to correct me if any of my info is wrong, i'm sure you will though :)

Greg responds...

1. Nothing is simple.

2. You're talking about years past 2198. France bid for the clan.

The Haida people own Queen Florence Island. They made the offer.

3. Nothing is simple.

Response recorded on July 03, 2001

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matt writes...

by 2198 are all the 12 clans "full" clans, as you've called them? what i mean is, are all the clans roughly the size of 1996 London or Ishimura clans?

Greg responds...

Roughly. Or larger.

Response recorded on July 03, 2001

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