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RESPONSES 2001-9 (Sept)

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Sexy Queer writes...

Greg, I am so sorry to hear about Team Atlantis getting dropped before it even hit the air. This Demona and Fiona Cammore story did sound pretty interesting.
Hope you get another voice directing jod or somthing else soon.

Greg responds...

Thanks. Me too.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

Count me as another person who's sorry to hear that "Team Atlantis" won't be coming out after all. From what I had heard about it (especially at the Gathering), it had sounded good (and not just because Demona was going to guest star in it). Such a pity.

Greg responds...

Yep. Put a lot of people out of work too.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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zakhur writes...

This is more a comment than a question! I've been a Fan of Gargoyles for a long time, since it first aired on the Disney Afternoon! and after it stopped airing, I started looking in the internet, to see if the show would keep going, I mostly saw some fanfics, but it never was quite the same.
Although I was amazed on how many fans the show had, and more so that most the of the fans were adults.
now, when I rediscovered gargoyles on toon disney, and finding this site again, and actually asking questions, and joining the comment room.
I find myself so intrigued not only on how great the show is, but how many other people enjoy it and find so much entreteiment in it, and how wonderfull gargoyle fans are, they are very loyel and really care about Gargoyles.
So my question is, how does it make you feel, As one of the creators, that after the show has been cancelled for 5 years, so many people love and keep it alive in their hearts, through the internet and reunions such as the gathering?

Greg responds...


I mean, duh. GREAT!!!!

It's very gratifying. The Gatherings themselves are tremendously wonderful for me. Feeds my ego enough to last me a whole year.

Mostly, I'm just glad that the show reached people and that they largely responded to it as we all hoped.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Monzo writes...

How do you feel about male actor given there voice to female character in cartoons? How about the other way around? Do you thnik it would work in gargoyles?

Greg responds...

These decisions would all have to be made on a case by case basis.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Mary Mack writes...

Where can *I* buy a copy of Cree Summer's CD?

Everyone eat Round Table pizza!

Oh! And sign up for G2002!

And write to Disney asking for Gargoyles DVD's! (Greg, you can tell Mr. Fukuto that I'll by Gargs on DVD, and I don't have a DVD player.)

Greg responds...

I love Cree's CD. Have you tried a record store?

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who exactly were Mab's parents?

Greg responds...

Archie and either Betty or Veronica.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

will there be any non-permanent members of the Redemption Squad? maybe those joining only for an episode or a multi-parter.
if so, do we know them, and will you tell us who they are?

Greg responds...

Yes. Some. No.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Todd Jensen writes...

During the course of the series, New York was struck by a number of events of a decidedly "unusual" variety, and ones which obviously weren't completely covered up (even if the true cause of them wasn't known to its citizens). Gargoyle sightings were the obvious part, but also so were the "missing nights" in "City of Stone" and Oberon putting everyone to sleep in "The Gathering", for example. By the time that the gargoyles were revealed to the public in "Hunter's Moon", therefore, New York had experienced two years' worth of Fortean activity.

While the obvious main reason for the public panic over the gargoyles in "Hunter's Moon" and "The Journey" was simple fear over them, do you suppose that the cumulative aftereffects of the two years' worth of weirdness (especially from "City of Stone" and "The Gathering") could have been a factor as well? After all, in real life, unexplained ongoing problems can often lead to people looking for scapegoats, and persecuting minority groups thereby (as in the case of persecutions of the Jews getting more severe in 14th century Europe during the Black Death). Do you think that some of that could have been at work here?

Greg responds...


Weirdness can in fact have a cumulative -- not simply a momentary -- effect.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

You idiot, do you actually think he'll answer everyone of those questions. If he actually gives straight forward and clear responses for half of these then I'm a monkey's uncle.

Greg responds...

Wow. Anonymous. Looks like you've got a new moniker.

Ladies and gentlemen, "A Monkey's Uncle".

I love being unpredictable.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Aris Katsaris writes...

You wrote: "Sentient races are few and far between in the Gargoyles Universe. Not commonplace."

I have to say that I found this somewhat funny (both haha-funny and weird-funny). You've placed the origins of *four* sentient races on a single planet, but say that sentient races are nonetheless few and far between...

[As a sidenote I have to say that this seems like a distinction between science fiction and fantasy - most fantasy does indeed place many sentient species on the same planet - science fiction tends to be more conservative in this regard...]

So... is there any special reason/explanation that Earth gave birth to so many sentient species or is it just an amazing statistical fluke?

Greg responds...

My explanation is that habitable planets are few and far between.

And four isn't that big a number in the grand scheme of things.

The statement you quoted is relative. I meant, don't expect to see a scene with 100s of alien species walking around.

But mostly, the reason is I want to keep the galaxy semi-quantifiable. Instead of constantly bringing in more and more random elements, I'd like to, in essence, create political situations and play with them. I'm not sure that's clear. But as you may have gathered, I like things defined so that the storylines have boundaries to push and bend and break. If you constantly feel like ANYTHING can happen, then I believe it hurts the drama.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Did Oberon have any relationships with members of the third race after marrying Titania? If so care to name a few? Did he have any children from these relationships?

Greg responds...

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who exactly were Anasi's parents?

Greg responds...

Pops and Mr. Weatherby. (I'm gonna run out of Riverdale characters any minute now.)

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Care to give us the name of Oberon's father? Does it begin with a consonant or a vowel? I really like to know.

Greg responds...

Oh, so you already know?


Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Who was the first fay to gain sentience?

Greg responds...

Fay Furillo?

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Is there more variety in the New Olympus clan than there is in the other clans?

Greg responds...

Yes, every sunday they do three shows on the main stage, but no kids at the 11 o'clock performance, please. "It gets a little blue."

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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JEB writes...

JEB writes...
Is there a direct connection between the Director and the terrorist from "City of Stone"? (Yes or no is fine.)


Greg responds...

Define "direct".

OK, I define direct as "being in relation by meeting (i.e. knowing one another or knowing OF one another) or by blood."

That clarify? :) Yes or no is still fine.

Greg responds...

Define "Yes or no".

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

In the Gargoyles universe, which alian race was it that came down in area 51?

Greg responds...

I think it was mostly celebrities, drug dealers and super-models.

Oh, wait. That's Studio 54 not Area 51.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What exactly were the sirens in the Gargoyles Universe(GU)? Halflings? Children of Oberon?

Greg responds...

I'm not telling you.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Seeker of Knowledge writes...

In the Gargoyles Universe, are vampires afraid of crosses and other holy symbols, as they are in in Transylvanian myths?

Greg responds...

You were just waiting for this weren't you: All things are true.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Entity writes...

Since you're so close to catching up, I figured I'd clear up what I meant when I said there was a difference between your "pre-LA and post-LA responses." It just felt like, right after The Gathering, you got reinvigorated. Your responses have been more frank, conversational, and for lack of a better word, peppier. Or perhaps I should reference Ed Asner on that last one and use the word "spunk." :)

Greg responds...

Really? Cool.

Certainly, I believe the Gathering was invigorating.

But I wonder if you still feel that way...

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

Sorry, I clicked Submit too soon. This goes with my previous post.

And do you consider Gargoyles your cobblestone, milestone or somewhere in between? Meaning, do you think Gargoyles was your first series to become as great as it has, or do you think that you'll never do anything even close to what an impact Gargoyles has had on people like us fans, or are you still full of high hopes to possibly out-do yourself someday?

Greg responds...

Geez, this is a depressing question.

I try NOT to think this way, period.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Did the FBI boot Matt from the burough, or was it the Illuminati, wanting to limit Matts resources into finding out about them.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

Had Elisa ever meet Either Xanatos or Owen berfore awakening part 3? If yes, when?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Acheron writes...

hey there

Has it ever been proposed to you to purchase the rights to Gargoyles from Buena Vista TV? Perhaps start a fund the fans could contribute to in order to raise the money. After all, they sure don't seem to be doing anything with them.

Call it a suggestion I guess, but since it's not story related it's okay, right? ^_^; Just a thought.

Greg responds...

It's been suggested many times. Often right here at ASK GREG. Check out the "Bringing Gargoyles Back" archive.

It's not realistic. First off, Disney doesn't sell off it's animated properties -- EVER!!!

Second, if they did it would cost a fortune.

Third, they ARE developing (slowly) a live action movie. Whether or not that ever sees the light of day, you can see that Disney hasn't completely lost interest in the property.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Jimmy writes...

Sorry about all the questions, I just discovered the world of Garg fandom and am curious to learn about one of the best cartoons of my youth. But last one this month, I promise:
If Disney goes under, what would happen to the Intellectual property rights over "Gargoyles." And are there any other people (cartoonists, producers, Disney execs) that are as enthusiastic about bringing back the Gargs as you?

Greg responds...

There are a lot of pros who would love to bring it back. If Disney 'goes under' (a fairly ridiculous notion) than the property becomes one of their assets. Maybe after the bankruptcy court is done I can get it for a song, eh?

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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