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RESPONSES 2001-9 (Sept)

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Concerning where the Weird Sisters' loyalty lies, you replied: "Their tri-part mission."

Um... Revenge, Protection and Weirdness? ;-)

Greg responds...

Fate, Revenge and one thing I'm not revealing yet.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Demoness writes...

"1) Did Oberon have any help in defeating Mab?
2) Did Oberon use trickery?

Greg responds...
1. Yes.
2. Some. "

1: Who helped Oberon against Mab? a. Everyone minus Mab's followers? b. Titania? c. The Weird Sisters? d. if non of the guesses above, then who?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to answer this now.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Demoness writes...

Why does Queen Mab not approve of Titania?

Greg responds...

Many reasons, including the fact that she thought Titania was a spoiled brat and beneath her son.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Is Titania or Odin close to matching Oberon in power?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

my brother got married toda.. er yesterday and they are off to Maine for their honeymoon. they plan to stop in Bar Harbor (Xanatos's birthplace) if for nothing else than to get me something to add to my Gargoyles collection. pretty cool, huh?
question time:

1. in 2198, is the Eyrie Pyramid look like the Eyrie Pyramid in "Future Tense"? if so, what purpose does the pyramid that crowns the top serve?

2. in 2198, will gargoyles working for the NYPD actually have badges or just coordinate efforts with the NYPD?

3. why did the practice of gargoyles acting as peacekeepers in the UN end with the arrival of the Space-Spawn?

4. would the Dracon family still be running a Crime Syndicate in 2198?

5. will Macbeth still be living near NYC in 2198?

6. will the Clocktower be around still in 2198? perhaps they finally got it working? :)

Greg responds...

1. Not gonna limit the artists at this time.

2. Both.

3. Why do you think?

4. Not saying.

5. No.

6. Not saying.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Jacob writes...

Hi Greg
Hope you are not angry because of my stupid qustions.

In 2198 is it possible for Gargoyles to walk over a crowdy street without being stared at, or will more time have to pass for that?

Greg responds...

It's possible.

And I rarely get angry over ASK GREG questions. (Sometimes I'm mildly annoyed, of course.) It just may seem that way because you don't hear my tone of voice in a typed response.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

1. will Artus be alive in 2198?
will Gwenyvere be alive in 2198?
will Lancelot be alive in 2198?

2. will any of the Trio's rookery children make appearences in Gargoyles: 2198?

Greg responds...

Not answering this now.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

will any humans be living in Wyvern with the New Wyvern Clan? will they build some sort of structure or will they live on the cliffs?

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing this now. The exploration of the twelve clans is one of the fun things about 2198. I don't want to blithely reveal everything here.

You may trick me into answering more specific questions, but big large ones are sure to go down without a fight.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Hi Greg! When in 2198 the Matrix is taken by the Space Spawn, how will the New Camelot Clan adapt, if conditions on Antartica become like they were before, would they stay in the same place or would they have to move?

Greg responds...

That's a whole plotline. I'm not going to toss it off here in a couple of sentences.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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Laura Ackerman writes...

A few weeks back you posted an explanation for Goliath and crew speaking modern English that you had seen and liked. It involved Demonia casting a spell before they awoke. There are a few problems with that theory, (sorry, I seem to live for nitpicking).

The most notable problem is how to extend it past the original seven that woke up in Manhattan. Excluding modern World Tour characters, who, it can be argued might have spoken English and were being polite to the Avalonauts by using it, (a stretch, but not the worse one to make, especially after hearing how Bushido orriginally started;), most everyone else had some connection to Avalon. I would find it easy to argue that the magic of Avalon made different languages moot, but only while on Avalon. Though I have been raised a Trekkie, a Universal Translator without explanation doesn't really fit into the Gargoyle world (IMHO).

Also, if there was a magic that acted on the Island (maybe extending to the skiff on the way to and from) there could have been fun effects of Angela suddenly being heard in a Medieval Scottish French blend, which Goliath doesn't realize is incomprehesible to Elisa. If I wanted to get fancy I would say that the Avalon clan was raised by a noble and would then have french and germanic languages, as well as possibly Latin, and thus made modern English less difficult to pick up- but there would still be a time of confusion.

Basically, I wonder if there is a way to explain the language problem away, or is it best left as a known element of suspension of disbelief? [Sorta like the scale in the Cloisters in Temptation :)]

Greg responds...

Michael Reaves idea, which I only heard second hand, is pretty new to me. So I don't pretend to have fully thought it out. I feel like there's something in it. But I just haven't dedicated the time to doing that mindwork yet.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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