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Anonymous writes...

I read in a previous response that you don't read fanfics because of "frivolous lawsuits". Wouldn't the 1st Amendment protect you from such lawsuits? Even if it didn't, aren't you the least bit curious to read what some of your fans have done with your creation(s)?

Greg responds...

The first ammendment doesn't protect me from lawsuits at all. Not of this kind. Not at all actually.

(Not to be snide, but did you read the example at the head of ASK GREG?)

If someone believes that I've read something in THEIR work that I used later in MY work in some form, they can sue me. In fact, ANYONE can sue me. There's no law against sueing. (And fighting even a frivolous lawsuit is extremely expensive and time consuming.) And of course if they can prove that I stole from them they can win. And win HUGE.

But if I have a blanket NO EXCEPTION policy against reading fanfiction, then it's much harder to win a lawsuit, which of course makes people much less likely to sue.

As to my curiosity... if you've read the FAQ, you'll know that I have very mixed feelings about fanfiction. It is tremendously flattering. But as I'm quite territorial about GARGOYLES, it's also tremendously disconcerting. So the truth is, I don't want to read the fanfiction. I am certain there are indivdual fanfics that I'd enjoy. (I'm particularly sorry that I haven't been able to read any of the more erotic stories based on the series.) But even in the best fanfic there's bound to be something that annoys me -- because in my vision of the series it's bound to be off the mark.

So when you combine that ambivalence with the legal risk issues, you can see I have very little incentive to change policy.

Response recorded on February 03, 2006

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Tabitha Ann McFarland writes...

Dear Mr.weisman,

please allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is Tabitha McFarland 18 of Oklahoma and I ould realy like to ask you a couple of questions if that is fine by you.
My first question is why did you stop making the movies and the television show?what happened that made you stop?Was this the fault of Disney? Or the fault of someone else?
My second question is if you had the chance to make Gargoyles come to life again on television,would you do it?
I hope these questions are OK with you, I donot mean to pester you with all of these things,but they have been on my mind since I discovered that Gargoyles had been canceld.But if you do find the time to answer these questions, could you possibly email me at:dragonhunter2005@yahoo.com I would appreciate it if you would.if you do not wish to answer them that is fine with me as well. I thank you for your time in allowing me to ask these questions. If you do get the chance to put the show back on the air, I wish you good luck and good fortune. If disney or anyone else will allow it to be retelevised. Thank you very much.

Greg responds...

All of these questions have been answered in detail before. And it is against this site's policy to e-mail answers directly. If I did it for you, I'd have to do it for everyone. I feel vaguely churlish, since your post is so sweet, but if you're still around, I'm going to direct you to the archives.

Response recorded on November 21, 2005

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Edi writes...

Hey there Greg. First, I wanted to congratulate you for creating such an incredible cartoon. Also, this is my question for you, I know It may have been asked, but I can't help but ask it to the man: <i>What exactly inspired you to create Gargoyles?</i>

Greg responds...

Many things. And I'm going to refer you to our copious archives for many, many more detailed answers.

Response recorded on September 22, 2005

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Siren writes...

Once again, a question about what Titania whispered to Fox. I know you won't answer it directly or indirectly, so far.

So will you take it to your grave? Or will your have it etched on your tombstone? ;-)

Greg responds...

Maybe the former. Definitely not the latter.

Response recorded on September 21, 2005

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Cronyx Ravage, cronyx@alltel.net , ICQ@308946 writes...

First time poster, long time lurker (web and IRC since like 1996)

In response to the following quoted Q&A, what would the legalities be concerning your prosuing Gargoyles fanfic personally? I remember that you were an english major as an undergrad, so even if script writing is a bit different from a more formal novel format, I have no doubt you'd be the best damned fanfic writer around. Of course, given exactly who you are, calling it fanfic would be a bit of a misnomer... <g>

RenegadeEXER writes...
I there a way that you can continue the series in some form or fasion or obtain the rights to use the series from disney

Greg responds...

Sigh -- I have never stopped looking for ways to "continue the series in some form or fashion", but so far I have met with no success. I'm still trying. Cross your fingers.

Greg responds...

When you say "prosuing" do you mean "pursuing" or "perusing"?

I suppose I have as much right to write fan-fiction based on Gargoyles as the next guy or gal. But as with the next guy or gal, I can't get paid for it. And when push comes to shove, I have to write EVERY DAY to feed my family. It's my job. Doesn't leave me a lot of time, energy or desire to pursue writing as an unpaid hobby. Yes, I wind up writing a lot of stuff "on spec", i.e. a lot of stuff that I don't get paid for, but which I have reason to believe will wind up earning me some money down the road.

I realize that might sound mercenary. But I hope not. It's just the facts of my life.

Having said all that, I do hope to someday work on GARGOYLES again in some medium. Given that, I'm protecting myself from future lawsuits by not perusing the original works of other writers (fans) who are dealing with my characters.

So, in summary, I won't be pursuing or perusing fanfiction any time soon.

Response recorded on May 06, 2005

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Francois Ferland writes...

Hello again Greg! You know, this is getting addictive...

A Titania question, one I hope has never been asked, or at least not the way I'll be asking it...

I am, of course, refering to Titania's secret whisper to Fox. Since I got the hint long ago that, barring extreme circumstances, you'll take the content of her secret to your grave, I'll ask you something else.

I know you know what she told Fox. Now, my question, depending on your answer, has the potential of getting people off your back and have them never ask that damn question again.

1. Is Titania's secret to Fox of any value to us? Wait, let me clarify before you say something like "Define value". It has the potential to be a big revelation ala "Luke, I am your father", or it could be something simple of no real value to us fans except to satisfy our curiosity, like "Take care, child".

See, if it's not important for us to know, you can just answer no and be done with that question forever.

But if it IS of value to us, you'll probably just answer something non-commital and we (meaning other fans, not me) will just keep on pestering you forever...

Of course, knowing you, you could just as easily answer "Not saying" either way to keep us confused, since I'm beginning to think you like playing this game of leaving us in the dark, dangling a carrot in front of us to keep us moving foward just a bit further but never letting og of it :)

Anyway, thanks for the answer, no matter what it might be, and take care.

Greg responds...

The truth is, as I've mentioned before, is that the question has been built up WAY beyond any potential "value" as you put it. That's not to say it has no value, but I have a strong feeling that the answer would now be anti-climactic. Disappointing. In it's original context, it was probably kinda cool and neat and clever and, above all else, right. But I don't think the answer now lives up to the hype. That's the MAIN reason that I'm still reluctant to reveal it. In your minds, it's still very cool... in the not knowing, it's still very cool. Presented with it as words on a screen... maybe it's just an "eh".

Response recorded on April 19, 2005

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jillvevea@hotmail.com writes...

Why did they end gargoyles? I mean, in the late show,after they save the train and everone see their point of of view and then LOVE them. But why did they conution on from their?

Please e-mail the anwer's...I don't know how or when to get back here to see my anwer.

Greg responds...

I'm just going to refer you to the archives. I'm not going to e-mail you. That's not what this forum is for. And I'm not going to answer a question that I've answered over and over again, particularly for someone who basically had no intention of checking back even assuming she would still check back two years later.

Response recorded on March 31, 2005

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bassiste bourre writes...

where i can find gargoles picture? (i'm french sorry for my english) :-)

Greg responds...

Your English seems fine, but I don't have any pictures for you. Check in the comment room.

Response recorded on March 28, 2005

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Lawrence Matheson writes...

Hi I was wondering even though you don't read fan fic what your opinion on the idea is?

Greg responds...

You mean the general idea of people writing fanfic?

As I've said MANY times before, I have mixed feelings. It's very gratifying that people are that into the characters and series to want to create their own. But I'm also a bit territorial, so I also find it disconcerting.

It works out well, then, I think, that I don't read the stuff. But keep up the good work!

Response recorded on March 28, 2005

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Gothic Cowboy writes...

One last question, if you don't mind. I'll keep it brief. Did you ever give any thought to bringing the Gargoyles, or any of its spin-offs, back as a novel series? Frankly, it seems like the easiest way to do it, and if the books sell well, it would be easier to convince the good people at Disney that there's a market for the Gargoyles.

Greg responds...

Sigh. Yes. Novels. I'd love to. Need a publisher.

Response recorded on March 07, 2005

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Jelspeth writes...

First of all I want to thank you for creating the Gargoyles. Even after all these years I still enjoy revisiting them.
I was, of course, very disappointed when the show was cancelled and I would love to see a movie made but I will not hold my breath for waiting. My question for you is this:
If the movie ends up never coming to light, would you ever consider publishing a full length novel? I know that there is a lot of fan fiction out there but there is something about a real "live" book that is so much more satisfying. That and the fact that, as with many other fans, I am avidly curious as to your master plan.
I apologize if you have answered this question before, I browsed through the archives if the answere is there I missed it.
Thankyou for your time.

Greg responds...

Yeah, you must have missed it -- several times over.

Anyway, yes, I'd LOVE to write a novel (or eight) based on GARGOYLES. All I need is an interested publisher. Know any?

Response recorded on December 01, 2004

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Kazmeroni writes...

where can I go to get good pictures of the gargoyles?( I would like to draw some of them)

Greg responds...

Ask the fans in the comment room. I don't know.

Response recorded on June 11, 2004

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CMW writes...

This has probably been asked already, but why was Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles cancelled? it was such a great show and also are there any talks of continuing the epic saga of the Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

Gargoyles ended after 65 episodes in syndication, because 65 episodes is a standard syndication package.

Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles ended after 13 additional episodes on ABC, because of poor ratings and (I think) a generally lower quality of product.

I'm always talking about bringing it back, but I don't think anyone at Disney takes me seriously. However, if the DVDs sell well, that could change.

Response recorded on June 07, 2004

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Erin writes...

Have you made any progress on getting the new gargoyles series up and running? If so then when can we expect it? Also, if this series does get going, will you disregard what happened to the characters in the goliath chronicles?

Greg responds...

No real progress, no. Though I think some positive steps include (1) the fact that they're now airing reruns in the Jetix block on ABC Family and (2) the coming release of the DVD.

As to your second question, I've answered it many, many times before. It will depend on the situation of our pick-up.

Response recorded on May 04, 2004

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ArAgOrNaS writes...

Hi Greg ,
I wondered if you know where one can
find a chronological listing of
all gargoyles-episodes

Greg responds...

Oh, I'm sure I've posted this somewhere.



Response recorded on April 27, 2004

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Arystella writes...

Hi Greg!
Me again! I hope I'm not being picky or anything, but I wanted to ask you a question about Hudson's sword. . . sometimes when Hudson turns to stone, so does his sword, but other times it doesn't.
Why is this?
(What sorcerey is this!?)

Greg responds...

This is in the archives over and over. At the time of transformation, if Hudson is thinking of his sword as part of his uniform, it will turn to stone with the rest of his clothes per a spell cast during the time of Caesar Augustus. If he's thinking about it as a separate weapon (or whatever) it won't. He doesn't even have to be conscious of the decision.

Response recorded on April 22, 2004

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Justin Beard writes...

Will there ever be a new Gargoyles television series? Ever?

Greg responds...

I hope so.

Response recorded on April 20, 2004

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tristan writes...

um is there going to be an new seies of gargoyles? also i dont know if you have any say in this but are you going to make any gargoyles toy action figures?

Greg responds...

I have no say, of course. There are no current plans for a new gargoyles series, but if the DVD sells well enough to shock even me, who knows?

Response recorded on April 19, 2004

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George writes...

Hey Greg, I was just wondering, if you had the opportunity to start up Gargs again would you start it from the end of the Goliath Chronicles or from the end of Hunters Moon III

Greg responds...

I've answered this MANY times before. But the short answer is: it would depend on the circumstances and requirements of the renewal. How we were developing the restart.

The Archives will have a more complete answer.

Response recorded on March 30, 2004

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Jeremy Masters writes...

Where can I find free downloads for Gargoyles episodes? And where can I find the compleate history of Goliath?

Greg responds...

I give up. Where?

Response recorded on March 11, 2004

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John writes...

Oh, yeah, another question:
Whats your favorite EP?
CU, John

Greg responds...

EP means episode, right?

I've discussed this before too. I like them all, especially the multi-parters, but if I had to pick the single episode where I think we fired on ALL cylinders, I'd have to choose: "The Mirror".

Response recorded on March 10, 2004

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
I think this post should come out around 2003 ;) Have you ever thought about hiring an assistance for awnsering the questions?
Well, two more hard questions for you:
1. What story part/episode/character etc. would you change if you could remake Gargoyles?
2. Is there an scene/episode, you are really p*ssed off today? (just asking because some people in a gargs chat were cursing about the EP with the alien on the easter-island, don't remember it's name)

So then, greet your familly. May Disney release Gargs on DVD :D
CU, John

Greg responds...

Try 2004.

Hiring an assistant isn't necessary. I have plenty of volunteers offering to help.

We just need to change the whole system, and that's up to Gorebash, who owns and operates the site.

I like all the episodes from the first two seasons. I'm okay with "The Journey" from Season 3, though I wish they hadn't re-edited it. I don't like the rest of the Goliath Chronicles.

There are little errors, probably in every episode. A couple of minor story points which I got wrong, I think, but which I've already discussed in some detail.

But overall, I've got no major complaints.

Response recorded on March 10, 2004

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Noorie writes...

What channel is toon disney?!?! my friend told me it's either 78 or 39 or something like that! is it?! ahh! o i wanna know! ;(

Greg responds...

Check your local listings. Newspaper. TV GUIDE. Whatever?

You're not even telling me WHERE you live, even assuming I was inclined to do that research for you, which I'm not.

But I guess the fact that you've been waiting (yeah, right) nearly two years for an answer as to how to tune your tv is punishment enough.

What do you think, guys? Too sarcastic?

Response recorded on January 30, 2004

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christopher pagan writes...

what channel is toondisney

Greg responds...

It's a cable network. Check local listings.

Response recorded on January 28, 2004

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Mark: PRJibaroPapi69@aol.com writes...

Hey Greg! Long time fan first time posting! I was wondering, you said that Gargoyles is the total property of Disney. Does that mean that even though you are the creator, you can't do anything with the series unless they give the okay? If so, does that mean your unable to buy ALL the rights to the show? If not, do you ever plan to reair the show with all new episodes in the future? The reason I ask these questions is because Disney was stupid in pulling the plug on the series just because they wanted to move on to something new. But if your able to buy the rights, I'm sure there's more than enough studio's out there who are so eager for ratings that they'll finance the reintergration of the show back to television. The WB would definatly welcome the show to it's programing as it was aired on that station in New York. Is there anyway that, at the very least, you can create a book series of Gargoyle novels that bring a close to the storylines that were never closed while the series was on the air? I just think that if Gargoyles will never make a big TV come back that comic books or novels should be made in it's place that bring a big close to the universe once and for all. Well... an official close because we all know that Gargoyles will always live on in fanfiction. That's all I guess. Thanx for writing such a wonderful series. One more questions, although it's not documented, in your most best thought opinion since the Gargoyles are the guardians of Manhattan, how do you think they reacted when, upon waking up from their stone sleep, they saw a big gapeing hole and a huge smoke screen on what used to be the world trade center on September 11th??? I, and alot of the fans, would really like to know.

Greg responds...

Yes. Again. Disney owns 100% of Gargoyles. They don't sell their properties, and even if they did -- WHICH THEY DON'T -- the cost would be way prohibitive.

I don't know if they were stupid to pull the plug after Goliath Chronicles. I'm not sure they exercised much smarts in pushing me out the door prior to Chronicles, but that's a VERY complicated story and in any case, should be attributed to individuals who no longer even work for the Mouse. Including me.

I also think, unfortunately, that you're wrong about other networks like the WB wanting the show. It's a moot issue, because Disney won't sell, but I see no indication that there is a single network out there looking for something like Gargoyles. No indication at all. Gargoyles has the greatest fans in the world, and I'm hoping that the DVD release will make enough of a splash and attract fans, both old and new, to wake people up to the possibilities that the series represents.

In the meantime, I haven't given up trying to get the property up and running again in some way, shape or form, and publishing (comics or novels) is something I'm extremely interested in.

As for the fans, the best thing they can do -- at least until the DVD's release -- is to come to the Gathering (our annual Gargoyles Fan Convention), this August, 2004 in Montreal.

Check out their website:


The more fans that show up to the convention, the greater our collective voice, the more likely that Disney takes notice.

Finally, I've answered the 9/11 question many times. Check the archives.

Response recorded on January 28, 2004

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