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RESPONSES 2001-11 (Nov)

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Anonymous writes...

Are the weird sisters the Horare? Hesperides? Fates? Norns? Morrigan?Harpies?Graces?

Greg responds...

I think I've answered this.

They are the Fates/Norns and the Furies and a third thing that I've chosen not to reveal at this time.

Response recorded on November 29, 2001

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Vashkoda writes...

You've said that the timeline is "'done' for now" and that the last date you have listed is in 2198. Because I would assume that the liberation of Earth is a big event that you would have planned and included in your timeline, does this mean that the invasion lasts less than a year? (because it started already in March 2198)

Greg responds...

No. It just means that I haven't yet decided how long it takes before the liberation occurs. It's certainly longer than one year. Beyond 2198 or so things are quite vague in my head... The only things that I know happen after liberation is the formation of the Liberty and Notre Dame Clans.

Response recorded on November 29, 2001

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Jacob writes...

Like you, I'm not a biologist, but this thing about a garg's wings bug me. You said that there are bones inside the wings, though you were not sure. But if there are some, then they can't be like the ones inside the arms or legs. Just watch one episode and you should notice what I mean. To fold them over the shoulders with only two large bones, they must be made of rubber, but that seems pretty unlikely. I would say that either instead of two large bones there are many vertebras, or instead of bones something else like cartilage.

I hope you understand what I mean.

What do your thoughts about it?

Greg responds...

I have bones in my arm and it still bends at the elbow.

Response recorded on November 29, 2001

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Lord Sloth writes...

I already said this in the comment room, but you may not have read it. I just wanted to say sorry about how I put a bit too much attitude into some of my past questions (though at the time it felt more like righteous outrage to the way you answered questions). You were quite right in how you aren't obliged to answer for anything for us. This is your domain and your time you are putting out, and sometimes I and other people take that for granted. So in the future I will try to be more respectful.
That having been said, the reason I talked like that was I didn't see why making a small mistake in the question, was any reason not to answer. I didn't (and still don't) understand what you want when you avoid a question. You could want to not answer it at that moment, or it could just be a secret you don't want to get out (which I am quite willing to respect). So:

1) How can I tell which smart-ass response means what? As in When does it mean that you don't want to answer ever, you don't feel like answering now or you just don't want to answer because my spelling is getting aggravating.

2) Would you please be so kind as to grant me the knowledge of why Goliath, Angela and Gabriel weren't burned horribly when they fell into that water mixed with hot magma? By now I do have my own theory about this, but I would like to hear your answer.

And as for my spelling, since both you and Todd Jenson have told me how hard it is for you and him to read what I have to say, I have been making quite a fair effort to keep it clean (and the response as been fairly good in the CR). It seems people can change someone for the better, thanks for the incentive.
BTW, I was just slightly amused when I looked up "Pendantic" (which was what you called on of my questions) in the dictionary and couldn't find it. It was only when I asked my mom, that I found out it is spelled "Pedantic". But still, It's a cool word and thanks for teaching it to me.

Many thanks.
The Lord of the Sloths.

Greg responds...

1. Honestly, you probably can't in a vacuum. If you hang here long enough, you may get a better sense of my rhythms, I suppose. But I still maintain that I don't have to explain myself. I just have to keep it fun for (a) me and (b) enough of you guys to make doing this worthwhile. I think the smart-ass stuff is part of the fun. Certainly for (a). And hopefully for a large enough percentage of (b).

2. I'd have to review the scene in question. It's been awhile.

Your spelling is much improved and it is much appreciated. I don't myself claim to be a brilliant speller, and, hey, typos happen. I know how to spell pedantic, so that one was a typo. All I asked is that you make a bit more of an effort. You have. I'm grateful.

Response recorded on November 29, 2001

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matt writes...

can a female gargoyle born, raised and living her life on Avalon generally have more than three eggs in her lifetime if she wanted to?

Greg responds...

Potentially, I think.

Response recorded on November 29, 2001

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Lord SLoth writes...

1.By the time of the Journey, has Jeffery Robin's finished "the Sword and the Staff"?
2.If yes, was it a sucses?
3.Has Hudson read it? What did Hudson think?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know. It could easily take an author a year to write a novel of any substance.

Response recorded on November 29, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Do the N'kai have gods? What about the Space-Spawn?

Greg responds...

1. I don't know yet.

2. They have two gods.

Response recorded on November 29, 2001

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shadow warrior writes...

was Hudson's hair/ beard always grey/ white, like Brooklyn's? or did it change at some biological age like Demona's

Greg responds...

I honestly don't know yet.

Response recorded on November 29, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

What are the muses in the GU?

Greg responds...

The muses got stuck in the gu a long time ago. It took intensive showering to get it out of their hair.

Response recorded on November 29, 2001

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Vic writes...

What shows or properties did you work on before gargolyes?

Greg responds...

Many, many. All the Disney stuff, primarily DuckTales and Darkwing Duck and Bonkers and Raw Toonage, but most of the rest in some capacity or another too.

Before that I was at DC Comics, where my main claim to fame (though not much fame) was Captain Atom.

Response recorded on November 29, 2001

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