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ANSWERS 2002-01 (Jan)

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Todd Jensen writes...

The posting of the FAQ (thanks, Bishansky and JEB!) and your comments on them (including the "Weird Macbeth" part) prompted a question about this unmade two-parter from me.

We know that you had planned the following casting choices for this episode:

Macbeth as himself (or, more accurately, as his Shakespearean counterpart).
Demona as Lady Macbeth (the role that she was hatched to play :)
Goliath as Macduff
Elisa as Lady Macduff

Do you remember any of the other casting decisions for this story (i.e., who was to play Duncan, Malcolm, Banquo, Fleance, the Porter, etc.)?

Greg responds...

Hudson was Duncan, I believe.

The rest I don't remember off-hand, largely because I don't think I had done much casting. It never got past the premise stage, unfortunately. It was the one story that I wanted to do that upper-management wouldn't approve. Even then, they were willing to approve it for a single episode. But I felt I couldn't do it justice in 22 minutes. So in essence, I'm the one who kiboshed it.

That really says something about the creative freedom we were given on the show. 66 episodes. And only one semi-rejected premise.

Response recorded on January 22, 2002

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Sheryl writes...

In the questons I keep hearing about this Gargoyle movie, but I have not herd about it anywhere else. Is there a reason? Or is it just because my T.V stinkin isn't working rite now?

Greg responds...

Last time I checked, which was right before the Gathering last June, Touchstone was still hoping to develop a live-action movie based (maybe only loosely based) on the TV series. At that time, they still did not have a screenplay that they were happy with. I'll try to remember to call them again soon.

Response recorded on January 19, 2002

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Bruno writes...

Hi, Greg,

Some little questions about TimeDancer:

1a-When does Brooklin finds Mary and Finela, in old Scotland?

1b-They timedance together to which year in 20th century?

2-When does Xanatos and Demona first met?

3-How old are Katana, Nashville, Tachi and Fu-dog, rigth after the Timedance?

4-A tricky question: If the Phoenix Gate is out of control, why is it always popping in front of Brooklin?


Greg responds...

1a. You mean what year? Late 995 or early 996.

1b. I'm not saying.

2. By 1993.

3. Katana is Biologically 40.
Nash is 19 (bilologically 10).
Tachi is an egg.

4. Why indeed?

Response recorded on January 18, 2002

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Jim R. writes...


"How many gargoyles does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"

A team of Disney writers, artists, animators, as well as one great executive producer to make sure it gets done.

I'm not sucking up, am I?

Greg responds...

Maybe just a little.

Okay, on file 'til I someday get to the end of September. Maybe in 2198, at this rate.

Response recorded on January 16, 2002

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Todd Jensen writes...

A question about the Master Matrix Computer. When somebody asked you who made it, you replied (I'm quoting from memory here) "Nobody exactly created it. It evolved."

That description of its origins got me wondering if the Master Matrix is something other than mechanical/non-organic, since the notion that it "evolved" and that nobody exactly "created" it certainly doesn't sound quite like the origins of a conventional machine. (In fact, "evolved" makes it sound almost alive, in a sense). This question is a little difficult to ask, admittedly, since I'm trying very hard to avoid the "no-ideas" clause, but is the Master Matrix entirely or mainly a machine, or is it something much more unusual than that?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 16, 2002

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Do Peter Pan, Tinkerbell and Neverland exist in the gargoyles universe? (I think their copyright has expired and they've become public domain, btw)

If so, did you have any plans for them which were more specific than "Eventually, everything."? ;-)

Greg responds...

I'd have to WELL CONFIRM the public domainyness of the property before I would dare to answer this question in print.

Response recorded on January 16, 2002

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Entity writes...

Hi Greg,

1. Where do you suppose Macbeth acquired the Will-O-The-Wisp he used in "Pendragon"? b. Had he had it in his possession for long?

2. Are they still around in some abundancy, or was the one Macbeth had a definite rarity?

3. They don't seem to be sentient, but they do as they are instructed, and possess sensory abilities, right? Do they possess cognitive abilities as well?

4. Where did the Will-O-The-Wisp evolve from, Earth or Avalon (acknowledging that the two are linked)?

5. If the answer to No. 4 is Earth, what caused the Third Race to assume Avalon? b. If the answer to No. 4 is Avalon, were the Will-O-The-Wisps able to then go in between Avalon and Earth?

6. Did the Will-O-The-Wisps possess any kind of community?

7. We know the Third Race is the youngest, but what about the Will-O-The-Wisps? Do they predate gargoyles?

Thank ya.

Greg responds...

1. There's a story in that, I'm sure.

2. Relatively rare. But not unique.

3. Everything's relative, right?

4. Probably Avalon. (But I think you have some prepostion confusion in there.

5. Yes, clearly. Since the only one you ever saw wasn't on Avalon.

6. You need to view them as the magical equivalents of what humans call animals (when they aren't including themselves). In that context, many animal species have communities of a sort.

7. Maybe. Probably. Haven't thought about it.

Response recorded on January 16, 2002

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Shan writes...

Matt asked re: "Leader of the Pack":

2. what does "snakes to a nest" mean anyway? from what i know of snakes, they all abandon their eggs completly or stay with their eggs until they hatch.

Greg responded:

2. Ask the writer. I was just the producer.

Shan contributes:

When I hear this phrase, "like snakes to a nest," it makes me think of snakes rushing to the nests of *other animals* to eat their eggs. There are some types of snakes that prefer only the eggs of other animals -- at least according to my Microsoft Encarta (R).

This sounds like a Southern (United States) phrase, but I'm not sure. My mother's from south-eastern Alabama, and I know they have do have some unusual turns of phrase in that part of the country.

The problem with this interpretation is that it gets muddled by the context, since Lex is theorizing that the Pack will return to familiar haunts. Which leads to the way Matt read Lex's comment (i.e. about snakes' own nests), which might have been the opposite of the writer's intentions. Since the Pack members can definitely be equated with "snakes" I can see how one would get Matt's reading.

Steve Perry's the writer, Michael Reaves Story Edited this episode. I confess I don't know too much on the non-professional background of either person, so I've got no clue where either person would have picked up that phrase.

Just thought I'd share my thoughts. Doesn't change the story any, but possibly of interest...

Greg responds...

Yeah. I took it the way Matt did, being ignorant of the behavior of snakes. Maybe snakes behaved differently in medieval Scotland?

Yeah, that's the ticket.

Response recorded on January 16, 2002

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Scott Iskow writes...

How old was Fox when her parents divorced?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on January 15, 2002

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Richie Rich writes...

HEY, I'm back...and I came back with some milk to wash that cookie down. Santa came early to my house, but I wrestled the cookies away from him to give to you, he's getting big anyway. Mrs. Clause agrees with me. But afterwards Santa and I made up and had a cookie snack together. He told me that you've been a good little boy, Greg, and he's going to give you a big present in December for such great work you've been doing on this web site. He thinks that since you take time out of your valuable schedule to talk to complete strangers is a very noble idea. He's told me to tell you that. He sends his best and can't wait until December rolls around. HO HO HO.

Greg responds...

Which Santa?

Response recorded on January 15, 2002

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Richie Rich writes...

wuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz up, Greg! Just writting to tell ya that this site is da bomb! You have your hands full with a lot of questions here, some quite philosophical, if I'm reading them right. You're DA MAN!!!!! Keep of the great work and maybe sometime I'll give you a cookie for such great work. SEE Ya!!

Greg responds...

Uh... bye. Thanks.

Response recorded on January 15, 2002

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FanForLife writes...

Hi, Greg, me again. I want to ask specifically WHY you won't tell us what Titania whispered to Fox...that's all. I'm not asking what she said (I know you won't say) but WHY won't you say? Thanks a lot and keep up your fantastic work!

Greg responds...

Multiple Choice:
a. I think some things are more fun if they are left mysterious.

b. Some of you might like the one true answer, but invariably some of you would be left disappointed. And my fragile ego couldn't handle that.

c. I have to keep some secrets.

d. Nobody's asked the question in such a clever way that made me want to give it up.

e. I keep thinking of halfway decent smart-ass responses.

f. All of the Above.

g. None of the Above.

Response recorded on January 15, 2002

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Creamy writes...

1. Is Hunter's Moon a specific day or week of the year?
2. If so could you give us the date(s)?

Greg responds...

In 1996, Hunter's Moon was on Saturday, October 26th. I doubt it's on the same night every year, since we operate on a solar, rather than a lunar calender. Anyone else know how this works?

Response recorded on January 15, 2002

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matt's boyfriend writes...

Why didn't Alisa ever get to learn any magic? or any of the gargoyles?

*matt adds that its Elisa, not Alisa*

Greg responds...

No aptitude. Not their style. Not that easy. Etc.

Response recorded on January 15, 2002

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Anonymous writes...

Is the Holy Grail powered by fay magic? If not what?

Greg responds...

Two AA's.

Response recorded on January 15, 2002

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Galvatron writes...

1.Why didn't Kenner make any action figures of the characters that we saw in the World Tour? They might have made some money with Griff, Arthur, Nokkar, Cuchullain, Golem or Fara Maku figures so why didn't they?
2.Whose idea was it to have the World Tour?

Greg responds...

1. They only wanted to make toys based on characters who appeared in a large percentage of episodes. And sometimes, not even then.

2. Mine, largely.

Response recorded on January 15, 2002

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Creamy writes...

Yeah I knowm, stupid questions but...

1)When Gargoyles hatch are they infant or toodlers?
2)When first hatched can they crawl right off?
3)At about what time(month)of the year do they hatch?
4)You said that gargoyles nurse. So do the females take turns nursing all the hatchlings or just one?
5)For how long?
6)What age do gargyles usually learn to glide?
7)What did gargoyles do with hatchlings that were deformed or were found to have a mental retardation later on in life?

Greg responds...

1. Right when they hatch? Closer to infants.

2. No.

3. Generally, around Spring Solstice.

4. It's communal.

5. I'm not sure.

6. I'm not sure of this either. Something I wanted to explore in the future.

7. The clan takes care of its own.

Response recorded on January 15, 2002

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Other than the Space-Spawn, the N'Kai and that mysterious third race that has a major role in the war, do you have plans/specific ideas for any other alien sentient species?

If yes, then how extensive are those ideas? (e.g. just a few names of species or entire biologies/cultures/histories figured out? :-)

Greg responds...


I've got a loose but fairly clear idea about what I want to do with the Space-Spawn, the N'Kai and the other alien species. And I'm not ruling out the notion that there are more than just these three (plus our Earth born races). But I haven't taken the time or effort to develop those. And I probably wouldn't unless I found a format for telling Garg Universe Outer Space Stories. I've got the arc down. The specifics would be left to story telling.

Response recorded on January 14, 2002

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Shan writes...

Greg said:

It's a bit of fluff, but I remember really liking it. Fun fluff. (It probably didn't hurt that in rehearsing the kiss between Antiope and Theseus, Elizabeth and I sort of discovered that we liked each other. As a result, we were boyfriend and girlfriend throughout my senior year of high school. So, as you can imagine, my memories of the play are rather fond.) Elizabeth also recently reminded me that David Schwimmer, now of FRIENDS, played Giganius the Herald.

Shan asks:

I don't mean to pry too much but does Elizabeth = your wife Beth? (You don't usually refer to her as Elizabeth)

I think this the case, but there is the possibility you dated a different Elizabeth that you still talk to and need to distinguish the two. (This is coming from someone who dated two different people named Robert, one was my first relationship and the other my ex-fiance.)

Thank you.

Greg responds...

No. Elizabeth was my high school girlfriend.

I met my wife Beth (which isn't short for anything) in graduate school.

But Elizabeth and I are still friends, though I haven't actually laid eyes on her in years, because we live on opposite ends of the country. But we exchange e-mail periodically.

Response recorded on January 14, 2002

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Entity writes...

Someone brought up the distinctive coloration of Thailog again, and I thought I'd throw in my two cents. You both agree, basically, that the idea to give Thailog a unique 'color scheme' was a good one, because it nulled the possibility of Thailog and Goliath being mistaken for each other, a very bad cliche. If you'd kept Thailog looking identical and just NOT done that cliche, we the viewers would simply be waiting for it, so the coloration difference was the best way to actively put it to rest.

You ask what the rest of us think about the general direction you and the other writers took Thailog. I'd just like to say that IMHO you guys played him BRILLIANTLY. And I mean it. So many shows bring in clones seemingly just to screw with the hero's identity. But in GARGOYLES Thailog plays such a more profound role. He is Goliath, but with a different soul. And that is what makes him disturbing. Also, in most shows, the clone remains the instrument of his creator, until perhaps he eventually dies, either slain or martyred. But in GARGOYLES Thailog breaks free of his creators in his very first appearence. Right off the bat, Thailog makes it clear that he is his own character, and that although his origin is as a clone, that isn't the extent of his profile. He is something never seen before in science fiction: a clone who so well establishes himself that the description "clone of Goliath" just sounds ignorant and pitiful.

Greg responds...

Wow. Thanks. I'm very glad it (all of it) worked for you.

Response recorded on January 14, 2002

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Aris Katsaris writes...

How old do you think a hatchling would need to be before the Manhattan clan allowed him/her to take part in the patrols around the city? Would 13-year old Nashville (of the older conception) take part in patrols? The 9-year old one of the current conception?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Honestly. I think that gargoyles (traditionally) as in most quote-unquote primitive societies expected children to take on adult responsibilites at an earlier age than we generally do these days. But I haven't thought that out.

Of course, the interesting thing about Nashville is the notion of permission. You have a kid who's spent literally his entire life as a virtual temporal fugitive, it's going to be a little difficult to get him to just sit at the castle once he's in the relative safety of a static environment surrounded by an extended family of protectors.

That tension interests me. But I won't pretend to have worked out the details yet.

Response recorded on January 14, 2002

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