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ANSWERS 2002-01 (Jan)

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matt writes...

when was the Gargoyle Minority Protection Act signed? if you won't tell the exact year can you tell if it was within 10 years or so of 2198 or was it in Elisa's lifetime or somewhere in between?

Greg responds...

I'm not saying right now.

Response recorded on January 23, 2002

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Galvatron writes...

1.You've said that there was someone prior to the archmage who joined together the grimorum, phoenix gate and eye of odin so when did this happen?
2.How did he integrate the grimorum into it? I know he didn't swallow it.
3.What did he do with the power?

Greg responds...

1. Not saying.

2. That was only necessary for our Archmage because he was entering Avalon.

3. Entertaining stuff, I tell you.

Response recorded on January 23, 2002

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matt writes...

matt writes...
is the Labyrinth that the clones and mutates live in really a labyrinth? it didn't seem too much like a maze whenever we would see it in the series, and lots of characters went down there and didn't get lost or anything.

Greg responds...

It's mostly just a name. But there are tons of corridors, tunnels, etc. Some of them hidden, like the one where Fang found the old Cyberbiotics weapons cache. So you could get lost and you could call it a maze.

And honestly, matt, doesn't this question seem a bit nit-picky?

recorded on 09-11-01


ok, i'll admit that sometimes i DO nitpick at things, but generally my questions do have a point. since you asked i'll tell you that i asked this cuz i really did want to know if it was an actual labyrinth or just a name. and now knowing that its just a name mostly doesn't bother me or anything. i just like to know the little details alot of times. its not nit-picking, its just being complete and precise, i guess.

Greg responds...

Ehh, you may have caught me in a bad mood. There was a point where everyone seemed to be submitting questions with the intent of making me look foolish in some way. My apologies.

As for the Labyrinth, we largely stuck to two or three main areas. But the implication was that between the old subway tunnels and the cyberbiotics build-outs, that the place was fairly maze-like. You looked at my answer and concluded it was just a name. But --and now I'm being nit-picky -- that wasn't my answer. It was mostly just a name. But it was accurate as well.

Response recorded on January 23, 2002

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LSZ writes...

By 2198, how much of New Olympian history is known to human scholars?

Greg responds...

It's been years since I read it...

I think his historical and mythological background work is VERY helpful. I loved it.

But his interpretations of the plays seem very one-dimensional to me. In particular, he regards Hamlet as ambitious. He seems ONLY to regard Hamlet as ambitious and won't acknowledge that one of the most complex characters in Western Culture might have other aspects to his personality.

Mostly, I'd leave these things for individual readers to judge, but Asimov's name carries so much weight, that I felt a caveat was necessary.

Response recorded on January 23, 2002

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Todd Jensen writes...

You mentioned that you could only recommend Isaac Asimov's book on Shakespeare (I assume that you mean his Guide to Shakespeare, which I have a copy of) with reservations. I was wondering if you could tell us a little more about those reservations of yours about it.

Greg responds...

Boy, I must have been really touchy on September 10th.

Let me just say, it's weird to be looking at these questions, asked early in the morning of 9/11, clearly before the events of the day. (Or at least before people became aware of those events.) Puts everything into perspective, you know.

Anyway, Merlin and Oberon have a thorny relationship to say the least. I can't really answer your question in any more detail at this time. I half regret revealing that Oberon was M's dad.

Response recorded on January 23, 2002

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Todd Jensen writes...

You've mentioned earlier that Merlin isn't considered one of "Oberon's Children" (by which I mean the Third Race, rather than Oberon's biological offspring). I recently began wondering over the reason for that, i.e., what reasons Oberon has for not classifying him as such.

The only other "halflings" we know of in the Gargoyles Universe at present are Fox and Alex, and we know what criteria Oberon had for deciding whether they could be considered "Children of Oberon" or not. He viewed Fox as human rather than Third Race because she had shown no sign of manifesting any magic (at least, at the time of "The Gathering Part One") and Alex as Third Race because he still had the potential of developing magic.

Now, moving back to Merlin; he clearly did learn how to use magic, so obviously Oberon used a different criterion for classifying him as human rather than "Oberon's Children" than he did with Fox. So my question is, what is this different criterion?

(And don't worry; this isn't one of those "trying to trip you up questions" that you mentioned being unhappy with recently. I'm just genuinely curious about this).

Greg responds...

Boy, I must have been really touchy on September 10th.

Let me just say, it's weird to be looking at these questions, asked early in the morning of 9/11, clearly before the events of the day. (Or at least before people became aware of those events.) Puts everything into perspective, you know.

Anyway, Merlin and Oberon have a thorny relationship to say the least. I can't really answer your question in any more detail at this time. I half regret revealing that Oberon was M's dad.

Response recorded on January 23, 2002

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puck<40> writes...

You know that comment one of those peepers made about Oberon's children and fear of death etc? I found it very very interesting. It makes me wonder just a little about Puck. Now I know your not him... But considering most of the gargoyles characters share a little of your own opinion...

1) Do you think Puck had any sort of 'rude awakening' mortality feeling in City of Stone since he almost shattered? I'm sure Xanatos would've probably mentioned it.

2) Or... do you think Puck is more of a "what happens happens" type of person? (one of the reasons he didn't really care too too much in "The Price" about his hand)

3) Personally I think that he's one of those 'always out to experience new things' type of persons, and mayyyybe at first it would just been like. "Le meeps! For a second there I was almost not able to have fun." And when mayyyybe Oberon limited his powers, himself to the mortal form, and exiled he might've been. "uh oh, this really isn't too good... nuts".

Of course! Maybe it doesn't actually hit him, until 2198 when Alex vanishes and he has no outlet to turn back into Puck. In essence leaving him in a possibly permanent mortal form. Because up until then, he always had a sense of immortality to him.

4) Do you think in 2198 if Owen, always being one step ahead of everything (even Xanatos and Oberon both in "The Gathering", a none too easy feat)... actually has doubts about rescuing Alexander? Or a thought go across his mind that he may never be the Puck again? Especially if its uncertain if Alex is alive?

5) Do ya think Puck prides himself on being called "the" Puck? One single word, but emphasizing as much title as "Lord" does to Oberon, for the enjoyment of things he does himself.

Well anywhos. =) just some questions on personality of my favorite trickster. wheeeee!

Greg responds...

1. Perhaps. But Xanatos may not have mentioned it. And Puck as Owen may be quite wired as Owen, which would tend to smooth out any internal crisis.

2. Well, the hand is a different issue. Owen can afford to lose something like that (particularly before Gathering, Part II) because he knows he's Puck and can get it back at any time he feels like it.

3. I think there's truth in everything you're saying.

4. I don't think he has any doubts about rescuing Alex, who he helped raise from infancy. His own self-interest undoubtedly crosses his mind. That happens to all of us, I think. But I think he genuinely loves Alex as something akin to a son. Or at least a favorite nephew.

5. Probably.

Response recorded on January 22, 2002

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Monzo writes...

All Batman (animated) questions:

1.What are your favorite episodes in "Batman: The Animated Series"?

2.a)What do think of the episodes in "The New Adventures Of Batman And Robin" compared to TAS?

2.b)What do you think of the change from Robin to Nightwing and the arrival of Robin II?

2.c)What do you think of the design (look, costume, voice cast, etc) changes in mostly all the characters compared to the 'TAS'?

3.What do you think of the episodes in "Batman Beyond" compared to the two previous series?

4.a)Have you seen any Batman animated movies "Mask of the Phantasm", "Sub-Zero", "World's Finest" and "Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker"?

4.b)Any favorites among them? What's your opinion?

5.What do you think of Harley Quinn (I think she was first introduced in the Batman universe through the animated series)?

6.What do think of Mark Hamill's performance as the Joker?

Greg responds...

1. God, it's been SO long. And there were so many in those first 65, particularly after Alan Burnette took over as Producer. It was great stuff though. And I loved Mask of the Phantasm.

2a. I don't think I saw any of those.

2b. Didn't see how they handled it. Never loved it so much in the comics.

2c. See above. I didn't see them.

3. I've only seen a few Batman Beyond. And while I think it's well-made I don't quite love it. I guess the new Batman reminds me too much of Spider-Man. I like Spider-Man, but I don't really want to see Batman acting like Spider-Man.

4a. I've seen the first and the uncut version of the last.

b. I liked them both, actually. But Mask blew me away.

5. She's fun.

6. Amazing.

Response recorded on January 22, 2002

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The Cat writes...

Hey Greg,

Just out of curiousity(I hope to what ever god/dess that I spelled that right.) I was wondering why Sevarius did gene splicing to make the Mutates? I watched this thing on one of the educational channels and it said that humans have little bits of DNA from every animal in their DNA codes. So, why didn't Sevarius just activate the exsting genes in them? Or, did he by that gene splicing?

Well off to homework, "yeah".

Greg responds...


Anyone with a scientific background want to field this? Come up with an explanation that justifies what we put into the show?

Be my guest.

Response recorded on January 22, 2002

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matt writes...

on Fox and David Xanatos's Marriage certificate/license, who signed as witnesses to their marriage? i mean, traditionally its the Best Man and Maid of Honor, but we can see why that wouldn't work...
did Owen sign it? did Petros?

also, i apologize if this was asked before, but, was Halcyon Renard or Anastasia invited to the wedding? if so, why didn't they come?

Greg responds...

1. Owen, probably.

2. I think not. Partially, because Fox was semi-estranged from her father at least. But MOSTLY because of the instructions Xanatos got from himself. Neither Fox or Xanatos are sentimental enough (at least not that they'd admit) to risk having either of Fox's parents there, when potentially they might interfere.

Response recorded on January 22, 2002

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