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John writes...

And again, hi Greg,
I've read the news about Devlins script at corona, (for annyone who is interrested in it: http://www.corona.bc.ca/films/details/gargoyles.html) and DAMN, THIS ONE REALLY GIVES YOU A SCARE. Try to imagine, what would have happenned, if they would have taken the script. Brrrrrrrrr!
My question: Are you still co Producer of the movie, or whatever it will be?
CU, John

Greg responds...

If the movie is made, Michael Reaves and I are forever attached as Co-Producers. This means nothing really. We'll get a modest check and no involvement.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Demoness writes...

In your opinion, if Gargoyles ever became a motion picture, out of the well known actors, who do you think might best play Macbeth?

I say Sean Connery. He's got the looks (well use too, stick some hair on his head and he's fine), the accent, and he's played a King and warrior before. :)

Greg responds...

We just had this discussion here. Check out the Ask Greg Archives under Macbeth, or Live-Action Movie or Voice Talent.

Response recorded on July 01, 2001

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
I`m back (not as if annyone is interesting:), and here comes my question :

Jason Barnett writes...
You've stated that you'd like to see the people who voiced the characters portray them in a live action movie. However John Rhys-Davies would make a fairly poor MacBeth because of his size. So excluding him who would you like to see portray MacBeth?

your awnser:
I don't know. Connery? He's probably too old now. Guess we'd have to hold auditions. :)

Actually, I'm not sure I agree with you about John.

Well, now that is the first time, you say, wich Hollywood actor you would like to see in a gargoyles live action movie becides the voice actors. Are there anny more Hollywood actors, you would like to see in a G. movie?
Hope, you`ve understood me. It feels great to be back:)))
CU, John

Greg responds...

Welcome back, John.

But I don't really understand. Are you defining "Hollywood Actor" as something different from our cast, most of whom have acted "in Hollywood"?

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Robert D. Powell writes...

When this show first aired years ago, I was only about ten or eleven years old. Being without cable, the only Gargoyle episodes I ever watched were the "Goliath Chronicles" on ABC. I am now 16 years old and I have since began watching the re-runs of the ORIGINAL series on Toon Disney. The stories have intrigued me and I am eager to watch the next episode one after the other. Before I get to my question, I want to say that characters like Macbeth, the Weird Sisters, Xantos and Demona make for an ever-changing and developing story line that keeps me coming back for more. Now my question is this, if you did make a movie (which I believe is still possible even today), would the story line be closely based on what we saw in the original series. Would it take snippits from the original series to explain the main plot, but be a completely new adventure? Would you base the plot of the movie around items such as the Phoneix Gate and the Eye of Odin?

Greg responds...

If _I_ made the movie?

Yes, it would follow the series closely, but not religiously -- unless it were an animated movie sequel or prequel to the series. In which case, I would be religious about it.

But I'm not the one making the movie. Touchstone is. Don't know what they have in mind.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Dracolich writes...

One more thing, I visited the Coming Attractions website, which mentions the Gargoyles movie. It had a plot synopsis that was written when Devlin was in charge. In my opinion, I'm SOOO glad it was rejected. For all fans who are curious, check it out <http://www.corona.bc.ca/films/> , but be warned. It is BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!

Greg responds...

Uh, thanks, I guess.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Chris Taylor writes...

What are the chances of Gargoyles being made into a movie anytime soon?

Greg responds...

Depends on how you define "soon".

Touchstone is developing a live-action picture. But they don't yet have a script that they fancy. They're still working on it though.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Greg-- in the undying hope of Gargoyles being turned into a movie, did you ever consider Sean Connery for Macbeth? I know you said that John Rhys-Davies would be an idel match, and this just popped into my head.

Oh, best wishes for the upcoming series Atlantis!!!!

Greg responds...

I've mentioned Connery for Macbeth before.

Response recorded on June 20, 2001

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Jason Barnett writes...

You've stated that you'd like to see the people who voiced the characters portray them in a live action movie. However John Rhys-Davies would make a fairly poor MacBeth because of his size. So excluding him who would you like to see portray MacBeth?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Connery? He's probably too old now. Guess we'd have to hold auditions. :)

Actually, I'm not sure I agree with you about John.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Jim R. writes...


I found this today regarding the live-action movie, check it out and tell us what you think. Here's the website:


Greg responds...

The site still hasn't downloaded, and I don't want to waste time waiting.

Response recorded on May 02, 2001

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Vic writes...

I'm just wondering if you know anything about the fabled Gargoyles movie project. Last i heard it was mired in development hell. Has it moved up to purgatory or down to something more hopeless, like ohio?

Greg responds...

I hear they have a script they like. But I haven't seen it. I don't know anything else, but hope to have more info for the Gathering.

Response recorded on March 13, 2001

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Siren writes...

If they make a live-action movie of Gargoyles, do you plan/hope they put in songs, besides a score. I don't mean, the Gargoyles get up and sing...God please no!!!! I mean, some song(s) in the background. Or simply at the beginning or end credits. A theme, besides the instrumental theme. What I am getting to here is, if they did, do you have any band(s) and/or song(s) in mind? Or would they be written solely for the movie?

Greg responds...

You're just so WAY ahead of me. I don't know anything about the movie they're planning. In tone, in mood, etc. Answering this question would require more info that I currently don't have access to.

Response recorded on March 07, 2001

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Tk writes...

Hey I'm Back, not that it really matters much.
Anyway,ok i hav eto ramble about something and i hope it won't affend you or anyone who reads this.
The rumor of a live action movie has been around. (don't get annoyed i haven't said anything yet) I think that great,great that the story is being (excuse the word) resurected.(not that is was ever gone in the eyes of the fans)But does it have to be a live action movie. I just think that kind of ruins the story we (as the fans) have come to love.unless you were going to have the same cast for the parts as you did the voices. Sound is a big memory trigger and for all the people who watched it before want it to be like they knew it. I personally hate it when a story continues however it does and the voices or character change. I don't know maybe it is just me. I just think that there would be nothing wrong with an animated one, I mean the show was animated to begin with. I also really feel strongly on the voice thing. Voices should stay the same.I think that a live action might reck the story. Like (and forgive me for using this example some people can't stand it)the Harry Potter thing, brilliant books that the world fell in love with ,but the movie is going tobe live and i think that recks it. We no longer can imagine what the character are like because we will be told. I don't know, am i making any sense? Please tell me what you think, what are your views on this, what do you hope for the movie, what do you hope doesn't happen, what do you want. And please tell me if what i'm saying makes sense, please rip it apart and criteac it.
Thank you so much for listening.

Greg responds...

I'd love to do an animated movie that CONTINUES the story. But that's not being presented as an option.

So instead, I believe, they are planning a Live-Action movie that ADAPTS the story (at least to some degree). Sometimes this works. (Superman the Motion Picture). Sometimes it doesn't. (The Shadow.) So in theory, I have no objections, and in fact am rooting for the picture, for both its creative and commercial success -- if for no other reason than it increases the odds of the animated tv series coming back.

As to the actors, well, I would hope that they cast Keith as Goliath, Marina as Demona, Salli as Elisa, Jeff as Brooklyn, etc. Assuming all those characters are still in the movie script. Of course, I have no control over that, but I can dream...

Response recorded on February 08, 2001

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Jim R. writes...

What's the status on the live-action movie from Touchstone pictures?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Still in script development, I guess.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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JENN writes...

Dear Greg, 12/27/2000

Why was the Gargoyles series canceled and why aren't their any reruns to be seen? Is there going to be a movie on the Disney's Gargoyles?


Greg responds...

1. Long story. But the short answer is that it didn't perform well in the ratings in its third season.

2. Reruns do air on Toon Disney.

3. There is a live action Gargoyles movie in development at Touchstone Pictures. I hear they have a script that they like. But I haven't seen it.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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Sabs writes...

Hey Greg I basically found your site by accident I was looking for either more gargoyal fanfic to read, or a Toon Disney timeline to see if the reruns of all seasons are on(by the way are they?) Anyway I read that a live action movie is in the possibility of being made, aand if this is true trust me I'll see it. What I want to know is the movie going to be based on "The Awakening" with a likeness in plot and diologue, or will it be completly seperate from any episode?

Greg responds...

I don't have any info on the live action movie beyond that it is still in script development.

As far as I know, Toon Disney is airing at least 64 of the first 65 episodes of the original series. I think that they (or Disney Channel) occassionally airs the thirteen Goliath Chronicles episodes as well.

Response recorded on January 17, 2001

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John Edward writes...

Hey Greg,...I am a Gargoyles Fan, and i wanna know about some future proyect, you know, like a movie or more Chapters of the serie......Thanx a million

Greg responds...

There's a live-action movie in development at Touchstone Pictures (a division of the Walt Disney Company). I hope to bring the series back in one form or another some day. And I'm working to that end.

The best way you can help is by attending the Gathering 2001 in Los Angeles.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Amberie writes...

You mentioned earlier that Simon Kinberg was writing the latest script for the movie and that he'd be done by October. So, since it's just about November, have you heard anything so far?

Thanks so much...for your efforts and for all those wonderful contests. I'll definitely be there for the 2001 Gathering!

Greg responds...

I haven't, which isn't surprising, as they aren't great about keeping me informed. I'll try to remember to check in with them next week.

And I'll see you in June.

Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
What would be your favorite cast for a real-live-Hollywood-Gargoyles-Movie? I mean actors, director, artists on the Soundtrack... all that little things. Ok, maybe that is never going to happen, but use your fantasy.
CU, John

Greg responds...

Well, I'd love to see Jonathan Frakes direct it. He knows and cares about the property. And I liked his work on FIRST CONTACT. Plus, I like him.

As for cast, I'd love to see many of the voice actors reprise their roles.

Elisa - Salli Richardson
Demona - Marina Sirtis
Goliath - Keith David
Morgan - Keith David
Owen - Jeff Bennett
Brooklyn - Jeff Bennett
Hudson - Edward Asner
Lexington - Thom Adcox
Matt - Tom Wilson
Broadway - Bill Fagerbakke
Bronx - Frank Welker
Angela - Brigitte Bako
Margot - Marina Sirtis
Coldstone - Michael Dorn
Puck - Brent Spiner
Coldfire - C.C.H. Pounder
Chavez - Rachel Ticotin

Etc. Not that all of these characters would all be in the first movie, but eventually. *HEY, you said fantasy!*

As for soundtrack, my priority would be to get Carl Johnson to do the score.

Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Robert writes...

hi Greg,
have youconsideredusing a combination of CGI and robotics fo the Gargoyles? because I've been thinking about this movie for awhile now and I figure the best way to do the Gargoyles is with a combination of CGI and robotics with the actors doing the voice overs. some people have suggested having the actors in costumes, but I think that sounds kind of cheap.
has there been any progrees on the movie lately? such as a submition of a new draft of the script or anything like that?

Greg responds...

I'm not involved with the movie, except as a nominal Producer. I'm rarely informed about their progress, and I'm certainly not included in their strategy meetings.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
Ok! On my question, for what charakter you would chose what actor, you just awnsered me with some names of the speakers. Ok, thats all right. But I mean, what HOLLYWOOD actors you wanna take like ... umh ... Michelle Pfeifer for Coldfire. Hope that time it is a bit harder.
CU, John

Greg responds...

I'd choose C.C.H. Pounder for Coldfire. You may have seen her on ER among a hundred other things.

I mean define HOLLYWOOD ACTOR. If you're limiting your casting choices (of even minor characters) to HUGE BUDGET MEGA-STARS you are NOT going to wind up with a very well-cast movie.

Just my opinion.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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John writes...

Hi Greg,
Now, here comes a hard question! If you could choose the cast for Gargoyles-The Movie, which actors you would take for which person??? I hope, that keeps you thinking a little time. CU, John

Greg responds...

Let's see, that is a toughy...

For Goliath... Keith David.

For Elisa... Salli Richardson.

For Brooklyn... Jeff Bennett.

For Lexington... Thom Adcox.

For Broadway... Bill Fagerbakke.

For Hudson... Edward Asner.

For Demona... Marina Sirtis.

For Owen... Jeff Bennett.

For Angela... Brigitte Bako.

For Coldstone... Michael Dorn.

For Matt... Tom Wilson.

Gee, that wasn't as hard as I thought...

Response recorded on September 09, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

There was a discussion in the comment room last week on the original plans that you and Michael Reaves drew up for the Gargoyles live-action movie (which were rejected), and one element of it got a particularly interesting bit of attention that I thought that I'd ask you about. You mentioned that in the movie plans, Macbeth would be the lord of Castle Wyvern back in the medieval period, before Goliath and the other gargs were placed in their stone sleep.

The question that got raised was whether it would have been that advisable to introduce Macbeth into the movie in such a role. Unlike the bulk of the other major characters in the series (certainly the ones whom you mentioned in your plans for the story), Macbeth exists outside of "Gargoyles" as a very well-known Shakespearean figure. This raised, therefore, the question as to whether his appearance in the movie in the role that you and Reaves had planned for him might have been a bit distracting, on account of his literary connotations. Of course, we don't know as yet if you and Reaves ever managed to get to that part before your idea for the movie was rejected, but I thought that I'd ask you about it anyway.

Greg responds...

I think his NAME value would have been worth something. And it would have -- in success -- set us up to use him further down the line.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Sixshot writes...

Hello mr Weisman!

I read the basic plot for the movie in your ramblings. Of course, it will probably change during time.

1.Should they make a Gargoyle movie, what do you think of sequels? In the past, Hollywood had very little success with sequels, particurly action/sci-fi/fantasy movies. Also, actors tend not to stay for next movies.

2.What do you think of directors? Do you think they'll alter the story, characters, etc?

3.Do you think Touchtone will be true to Gargoyles? Movies companie tend to do it the Hollywood way, the-very-predictable-not-so-impressive-way.

4.Would like to direct a movie someday (not only Gargoyles, but anything you like)

Greg responds...

1. In success, you hope for sequels. But really this has nothing to do with me. If you read that rambling, you know they didn't go for my approach.

2. Most do, or so I understand.

3. It's a worry.

4. I don't have any ambition to.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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stevo writes...

i found this at www.darkhorizons.com......
Gargoyles: 'AnimatorGuy' over at The Flik Spot landed this interesting bit about a project which was once ditched and now may be coming back to life:

"In 1996 there was talk of a live action version of Disney's "Gargoyles", Dean Devlin and Roland Emerich were apparently interested in helming the project, but things fell through and they decided to do "Godzilla" instead, wow, great choice! Well I can tell you that 4 years later, things are starting to heat up again concerning "Gargoyles", apparently there is actually a completed script ready and waiting! So the project is far from dead, and things may start happening sooner than we think. He tells me that everything was haulted back in '96 because the cost of creating the CG Gargoyles would have made the budget huge, but now bringing the gargoyles to life won't be so budget draining as it would of back then, so it looks like the project is far from dead!"

Greg responds...

I've seen this before, and I believe I've commented on its innacuracies. Check the archive.

Basically, the Touchstone people didn't like Devlin's script. Or so they told me. They never stopped developing it. Certainly not because of CGI costs. They've gone through a number of writers. Six that I can name. They have a new writer now, but no script. They expect to get the script in October.

Response recorded on August 22, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

I read your ramble on your and Michael Reaves' original plan for the live-action movie, and liked it. The bit that intrigued me about it was that in your plans for it, Lex's name was to be short for "Alexander" rather than "Lexington", in light of Lex's friendship with Alexander Xanatos in the series. I don't know if that was even on the planning board for the series when you and Reaves were working on that story for the movie, but it was fun to see it there anyway.

Greg responds...

Yeah, I think it was all being done simultaneously.

Response recorded on August 21, 2000

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