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"How many gargoyles does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"
Just one,
get it!
Uh, no, actually, I don't. But you're entered.
How many gargoyles does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
If k gargoyles can change a light bulb, and if one more simply watches them do it, then k+1 gargoyles will have changed the light bulb.
Therefore, by induction, for all n in the positive integers, n gargoyles can change a light bulb.
Logically speaking, of course. Does this sound familiar?
Not really. But consider yourself entered into the contest.
1) Are there always two female pendant wearers and two male pendant wearers?
2) You said before that the gargoyles that have the name of the color aren't always necessarily that particular color. But do the gargoyles named Zafiro and Jade have two be male and the gargoyles named Obsidiana and Turquesa have to be female?
3) Is one of the pendant wearers always the leader of the clan?
1. It's a tradition. But it's not etched in stone. (Pun intended.)
2. No. There can be male forms or female forms of all four names.
3. It usually works out that way, but it's not a hard and fast rule either.
Do you know if Artus, Gwenyvere, and Lancelot will have mates? If so, I highly doubt any rookery in the Manhattan clan will be large enough to support multiple gargoyles pairing up, even by 2058 ( which correct me if I am wrong is Lance's birth year)
So will they mate outside of the clan?
Not answering this at this time.
Sorry I only asked about eight of the twelve clans.
Do you know the names of any or all of the twelve clan leaders in 2198? If so, what are they?
I know some, not all. But I'm not telling at this time.
Can the Phenix Gate be used to go foward in time into the future??
Would we have seen the World Trade Center if you revive gargoyles?
It depends, obviously, on WHEN the episodes were set. GARGOYLES: THE DARK AGES would probably not include the WTC.
I'm glad to see your OK greg. I don't know if you still live in New York(since all of your stories are based there), so I feared for your saftey when I heard about the attack. I'm quite relived now. My sympaties to you and all the american people.
Aside from the occasional trip, I haven't lived in NYC since 1987. I'm an Angelino, born and raised and now returned.
I don't pretend to know what it felt like to live in Manhattan on 9/11, but it was pretty awful being a whole continent away, so I can just imagine.
Thanks for your concern though.
Being a Canadian I am horrified of the thousands of our American cousins murdered in New York today, I hope that the terrorists are caught soon and be made to pay for their hidious crime. I just want to let all Americans who read this that Canada mourns with America and has always considered America as a very close friend and wishes America well.(including you too Greg)
Thanks. It's gonna be a little weird dealing with questions and comments about 9/11 here and now on Valentine's Day.
I may have very little to say.
Hey Greg,
I'd figure since I just got a call back from Jeff Bennett that I'd better check on you. If you are ok could you tell me how Bill(Broadway) and Thom(Lexington) are doing? I'm really conserned about how ya'll are doing and now more than ever. I know that sometimes the actors go to New York to work and Jeff got a hold of my answering machine, so he didn't elaberate(hope I spelled that right). Well, how have you been let's say between November of 1999 to present day? Since I met you, Jeff, Bill and Thom in November of '99 through Make A Wish.
Well I got homework write ya later, Bye.
Hi Cat,
I've been fine, basically. It's sweet of you to be concerned. How are you?
Thom is fine. Playing a lot of tennis. Doing a ton of radio commercials, at minimum.
I haven't talked to Bill or Jeff since (either) the 2001 L.A. Gathering or when I used each of them on the now defunct Team Atlantis show -- all this past summer. But I'm sure they're doing well, or I'd have heard.
Keep in touch. (Any chance we'll see you at G2002 in Virginia this summer?)
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