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REPLIES 2003-04 (Apr)

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Vashkoda writes...

I've never bother to question any of the following, and I still pretty much accept it as "just the way things are", but I figured I'd still ask about it just in case it led to any interesting revelations:

1) Why *do* gargoyles assume threatening poses while they sleep? You've mentioned that gargoyles have a similarity to scarecrows. Also, one explanation for building gargoyles on medieval churches was to scare away demons. But what's the "Gargoyles-Universe" explanation? Is it really that effective in scaring away predators (and what kind of animal would attack something made of stone, anyways?). Even scarecrows lose their effectiveness over time, once birds get used to them.

2) In Japan, where the clan said that they face inward as a sign of trust to the humans, they still strike frightening poses. Is this "pose-behavior" therefore something instinctual?

3) Similarly, why did the trio, Hudson and Bronx assume threatening poses as the Magus's sleep spell took place? I'm not sure the gargoyles even understood what was happening, or identified the Magus as a threat (Lex says, "What's he talking about?" and Hudson asks, "What's all this?" just before the spell). As they see the magic swirling around them, I think they get suspicious, but it still seems odd for them to assume attack poses at that moment (I would have expected them to be confused or afraid, but not violent, especially if they haven't had time to understand what's going on). I was wondering whether the fact that they were becoming stone had triggered their instinctual pose-behavior, or were they indeed getting ready to attack the Magus?

Greg responds...

1. Partially, it's just tradition. Keep potential enemies away. A reminder to any potential attacker of what they might face.

2. Possibly. You're in a state of relative vulnerability. The pose might lend some sense-of peace-of-mind.

3. That's possible too, although I always assumed that they were on the verge of leaping into action at the attack when they got caught in it.

Response recorded on April 11, 2003

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julio writes...

sorry greg about my last question's I mess up on them so
here they are again

1.where they any gargoyle beast in wyvern besides bronx before the wyvern attack

2.if they where any other beast how many where there

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. I don't have an exact number in mind.

Response recorded on April 10, 2003

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Peter Mason writes...

received from on Monday, September 3, 2001 11:32:32 PM
Anonymous writes...
3.Why is there a gargoyle in Avalon named Azrael? I mean it's the name of the Muslim angel of death hardly Christian.

Greg responds...

3. You try naming thirty-six kids in one sitting.

recorded on 10-17-01

But in christian mythology there are like hundreds of angels surely Catharine, Magus and Tom could have remembered thirty-six angels out of the hundred?

Greg responds...

I'm tempted to follow a question based on a smart-ass response with another smart-ass response, but I'll demur.

I'm NOT an expert on angels. I named all the ones I could think of, and that included Azrael. There would be research done before I actually named them on air, but I'm not necessarily backing off the Azrael name. The Magus may have made that choice for reasons of his own.

And you tell me that there are hundreds of angels in "christian mythology". Hundreds that have been named? Really? Can you name 36 for me? I'd appreciate it. And please, do not count Saints and or other virtuous humans.

Response recorded on April 10, 2003

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Galvatron writes...

Since Jean Valjean exists are there any other literary figures from the 1700s- 1800s that actually existed in the gargoyles universe?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 10, 2003

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Todd Jensen writes...

This covers much the same ground as one of my posts in the Comment Room on the night of October 25, but I thought that I'd post it here as well, to give you all the better an opportunity of reading it.

I was quite intrigued with your remark that you'd decided long ago that Jean Valjean existed in the Gargoyles Universe. The reason for that was that, up until now, whenever "Gargoyles" made use of "pre-existing" fictional characters, it was almost always people from literature, at latest, in the early modern period (as in Shakespeare's characters). The Gargoyles Universe is certainly rich in characters from myth and legend, and early literature such as Shakespeare's plays. But so far as I could tell, nobody in literature post-dating Shakespeare's time period found their way directly into the Gargoyles Universe. Some may be alluded to (such as Sherlock Holmes in "The Hound of Ulster"), or have "Gargoyles Universe" analogies (such as the Frankenstein monster with Coldstone), but none had yet shown sides of being actual characters who were real instead of fictional in that universe. (Well, maybe Dracula, whom you had mentioned intending to include in time, but since Bram Stoker based him on the historical Vlad the Impaler, he's not entirely a product of the 19th century).

So it definitely raised my eyebrows when you mentioned that decision on your part about Jean Valjean. I don't know if you'd actually reached the point of planning to have him appear somewhere in the series (a lot of it, I imagine, would depend on whether "Les Miserables" is in the public domain or not as yet), but it certainly surprised me.

Greg responds...

I'm just assuming that Les Miserables is in the public domain. Obviously, I'd have to check that before going forward with any plans.

I don't have a specific story in mind for ol' Jean, but I do have a pretty clear handle on how I'd interpret the character.

And it shouldn't surprise you too much. As I've stated before, given enough time and episodes, the plan has always been to include -- one way or another -- everything. (At least everything that's in the public domain.)

Response recorded on April 09, 2003

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Tmansdc writes...

Where there any Gargoyle episodes that were made but never aired? Because if there are, I hope that some television channel can show them.

Greg responds...

No. There were a couple scenes here and there that were written and recorded, but never animated. But there were no episodes of the series that were made and not aired.

There was one entire episode of Team Atlantis that featured Demona that was written and recorded but not animated or aired. We did a radio play version of it at the last Gathering.

Response recorded on April 09, 2003

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Galvatron writes...

Which side in the galactic war has more troops?

Greg responds...

I haven't counted.

Response recorded on April 08, 2003

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A. Goodman writes...

Before I get to the questions, I'd just like to say how much I enjoyed the show and how amazed I am to find that I'm not alone in wishing to see a return to that universe. Having said this...on with the questions!
First, is it possible to obtain recordings of some of the episodes, particularly "The Mirror"? On the subject of "The Mirror" I must say that I was somewhat disapointed that subplot (the sparks of romance) between Goliath and Elisa never reached the level of developement I was expecting (or did it?). I honestly thought Elisa made a very good gargoyle, and I always wondered if that might also have been addressed in some way. Thank you once again for everything!

Greg responds...

1. The first season was released on video, though you'd probably have to haunt e-bay to find copies of those tapes. Otherwise, the only thing I can recommend at this point is to record the eps off Toon Disney.

2. Well, I think the subplot was advanced in episodes like "Sentinel" and "Hunter's Moon", among others. As for Elisa being a gargoyle, that was always temporary in my mind.

Response recorded on April 08, 2003

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matt writes...

1. on March 21st 2198 when the world leaders, clan leaders and gargoyle eggs are kidnapped by the Space Spawn, were the eggs also put in stasis as the leaders were, or did the go on to hatch in the hands of the Space Spawn?

2. about how many world leaders were present and kidnapped?

3. could you give a rough guess on how many eggs were taken? 100? 500? 1000?

Greg responds...

1. Stasis.

2. Almost all.

3. More than 100, fewer than 1000, I think. But don't hold me to it.

Response recorded on April 07, 2003

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Galvatron writes...

Is this third mysterious race involved in the galactic war allied with the Space-spawn?

Greg responds...

Again, I assume you're referring to the fact that I mentioned that prior to the entry of Humans and Gargoyles into the conflict their were three major races involved in this centuries-old dispute. The N'Kai, the Space-Spawn and a third race that I've given no details on.

Still, by definition, their involved.

Response recorded on April 07, 2003

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julio writes...

hey greg ibeen watching gargoyles for seven years and I
to thank you in your great work with gargoyles any way
I have some question's about gargoyle beast

1. how many gargoyle beast lived in wyvern before the massacre besides bronx

Greg responds...

1. I don't have an exact number in mind. More than four. Less than ten. Or so it seems to me at this moment.

Response recorded on April 04, 2003

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Vashkoda writes...

The grant of immunity to Oberon's magic is a great gift to Goliath and his clan (even if it *is* subject to Oberon's interpretation).

1) You've explained that Elisa still fell prey to Oberon's sleep spell because he didn't consider her part of the clan. a) Why is this? Did Oberon not recognize how close Goliath and Elisa were back on Avalon? Did he automatically dismiss the idea that a human could be adopted into a gargoyle "clan"? b) Just a comment here, but I think it would have been a nice touch if Elisa *had* been granted immunity from the sleep spell, kind of as a way to symbolize her relationship to the clan. c) At some future point, do you see Oberon extending this immunity to Elisa as well?

2a) Do you have any specific ideas for future moments when the clan will once again get to take advantage of their immunity from Oberon's magic? b) When you introduced Oberon's gift to Goliath in "Ill Met by Moonlight", were you already thinking ahead to "The Gathering", realizing that that the clan would need this immunity? Or was it simply something you figured you might make use of eventually in a future story?

Greg responds...

1a. Largely, I don't think he's that observant. Gargoyle clans. He's thinking gargoyles. No doubt, Elisa was regarded as an ally, but I don't think it occured to him to actually consider her to be part of the clan.

b. Well, it's nice and symbolic, but I just think the spell has to come from Oberon's PoV, and it seems out of character to me for him to include her. This isn't something I missed. This is something I considered and made a conscious decision about.

c. I doubt it.

2a. Not specifically at this moment.

b. Yes and yes.

Response recorded on April 03, 2003

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Peter Mason writes...

Anonymous writes...
The Weird Sisters had Demona and MacBeth steal Coldstone so Goliath wouldn't notice the disappearance of the Eye of Odin, the Phoenix Gate and the Grimorum and so he wouldn't go looking for them, but what I don't understand is why were the Weird Sisters afraid that Goliath would go looking for the talisman? I mean he'd never find them considering that the Sisters would have taken the talismans to the Archmage on Avalon where Goliath could never reach them.

Greg responds...

But Goliath did reach them, so the potential was there.

In fact, one could easily argue that the Archmage's greatest mistake was delaying for Goliath's arrival.

recorded on 10-17-01

Are you saying that the Sisters through their connection to fate foresaw the possiblity that Goliath would come to Avalon and had MacBeth and Demona steal Coldstone to try to prevent it from happening?

Greg responds...

Not that I'm disagreeing -- because your not off the mark -- but I think you're overthinking it.

Goliath presented a potential threat, so he was misdirected.

Response recorded on April 03, 2003

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Colleen Thompson writes...

Could you translate Shakespere's sonnet 116?

Greg responds...

Without looking, I'd still hazard a guess that it's in English. So pick the language you want me to translate it to... and pretty much no matter what, I'll tell you that I don't speak that language.

Response recorded on April 02, 2003

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Michael Gibbons writes...

First off Gargoyles is a fantastic show. Back in college I used it for many media research theses and got stunning results. Thank you.

I'm not filled with questions regarding continuity, what if, or whatever happened to, rather I'm more interested in technical production.

Is there a resource that offers animator's model sheets from the Gargoyles production?

Again thank you for your work and dedication.


Michael Gibbons

(Feel free to edit)

Greg responds...

Thanks for the kind words, Michael.

Unfortunately, no, I can't think of a resource offering model sheets from the Gargoyles production, though samples have occassionally been on display at the Gathering.

Response recorded on April 02, 2003

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Mara Cordova writes...

Hi Greg! Sorry not for posting anytime soon after you commented on the lack of my Gathering Diary's presence. Actually... if you wanted to see what my Gathering experience was like, read Aaron's. Couples are cool that way.

(BTW, we both think you knew about our relationship before we did. You rule.)

Anyway, since you lurk in places you should not (because of their creative imput problems) you probably know about the bid for 2003 for NEW YORK CITY. As Goddess... no, sorry, as Vice Con Chair, I'm willing to bribe you with a big honking diary thingy if you use your influence as GOD to help assure us VICTORY. (Visualize me suddenly posing dramatically, making V-for-Victory signs)

Um, yeah. So you can archive this under... hmm. I guess Gathering 2003, and let it be a lonely entry for a LOOONG time.

Also, if you could be a darling, would you give some idea of what the process of choosing a con bid is all about, so we can start with the whole making promises speal.

"Cheetos and bjs for all my men!"- Drew Hayes

Greg responds...


The dangers of letting the queue get old.

As most of you know, Mara and her fellows did wind up bidding to get the 2003 con. And their bid won.

For more information on what I'm sure is going to be a kick-ass convention back where it all began in Manhattan, check out:


I'll be there. Hope to see you guys too!

Response recorded on April 01, 2003

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matt writes...

1. i'm guessing since you have called the Paris Clan the Notre Dame Clan that the clan there does in fact live on Notre Dame Cathedral, correct?

2. at the time this clan is created, is Notre dame Cathedral still a Catholic Church? and if so, what does the Catholic Church think of having a gargoyle clan living on one of their churches?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Obviously, they were okay with it -- since Paris and the Cathedral had to bid for the clan.

Response recorded on April 01, 2003

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