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Me again :), lemme get one more question on before i head off to work.
1)Does Goliath still feel anything for Demona , or is he just filled with hate for her ?
I liked that female clone , I think if she lived her and Brooklyn would have made a great pair.
Gargoyles Forever !
1. Goliath's feelings (and he has many) for Demona are decidedly mixed.
I have other plans for both Brooklyn & Delilah.
Hi Greg.
I 2 have a question about the Delilah of 2198. If Delilah is a decendant of the first Delilah.
1. Who was Delilah's mate.
2. How and when did Delilah escape from her stone sleep virus type thingie?
3. Is the original Delilah still around during 2198?
1. Not telling.
2. I don't consider that canon.
3. No.
Here's another wild guess at the date: Father's day, 2003?
And now for the questions.
1. How does subliminal education offset the accelerated growth of clones? Does it go something like this perhaps?
Money is good!
Stop growing.
Power is good!
Stop growing.
Control is good!
Stop growing.
Profit is good!
Stop growing.
Protecting those you care for is bad!
Stop Growing.
Blackmailing people (with the exception of your father) is good!
Egon Pax.
Egon Pax!
Or was it something else?
2. Were Burbank's, Malabu's, Brentwood's, Hollywood's and Delila's fast growth turned off the same way, by programing in: "obey Thailog" and "don't thing for yourself"?
3. Who created the Elisa clone we saw in "Protection", and what happend to her?
Thanks for putting up with me once again.
Closer to Valentine's Day 2004.
1. I don't understand the question AT ALL. Big "Huh?" on this one.
2. What does their accelerated growth have to do with their programming? Two separate processes.
3. What? What Elisa clone?
You're pulling my leg, aren't you?
1.Would two age accelerated clones of the same gargoyle have the same coloring?
2.If Delilah(I) was grown naturally what would her coloring be?
3.Does Delilah of 2198 have the same coloring as her ancestor? If not mind telling us what her coloring is?
1. Assuming all else is equal, I'd say yes.
2. Good question. Depends what pieces of DNA Sev used for skin tone, I guess.
3. I was thinking yes, but the characters aren't designed and I won't be held to that.
Hello, Mr. Weisman,
I am curious about the Delilah of Gargoyles 2198. You mentioned she is a descendant of the Delilah clone in the original series. How many generations removed is she from the original Delilah? Is she more or even less human than the first Delilah (given the first is around 90% Gargoyle, as you aforementioned)? That's all. Thanks!
Legitimate questions, but ones that I'm not answering at this time.
when cloning a gargoyle, is there any way to predict how the coloring will differ, is there any order to it or is it completly random coloring? i mean does Lex's parent or grandparent have the same coloring as Lex's clone or what?
The color differences, according to Sevarius, are a result of the forced growing procedure. If you clone a garg and allow it to age normally, the coloring should be the same.
I believe that the color changes are predictable. They tend toward the photo-negative, I think.
If given the chance to revive the Gargoyles series, what role would you personally give to these mostly underused and/or underrated characters:
1. Fang- My favorite character, I wonder if he would be given the chance to become one of the typical " one-liner spitting good guy with bad attitude" character (something I would like) or become a mayor villain.
2. Maria Chavez- Would she ever meet the gargoyles?
3. Claw
4. Wolf
5. Delilah
Also, I would like to know how old Talon, Maggie, Claw and Fang are.
What follows is not meant to be all-inclusive, but just a sampling of my plans...
1. Fang was destined to join "BAD GUYS". That is he was forced to either join Bad Guys or serve a life sentence in prison. He chose the former. For more info on BAD GUYS see the Bad Guys Archive here at ASK GREG, or come to next year's GATHERING in Montreal to see the Bad Guys' story reel for yourself.
2. Ever's a long time. But I had no immediate plans to change either her position or her role within the show. We would have learned more about her home life though, including her daughter.
3. Claw would have remained a mainstay in the Labyrinth, though he also would likely have guest-starred in BAD GUYS.
4. Wolf would have joined the Ultra-Pack.
5. Delilah would also have remained in the Labyrinth. She and Goliath would attempt to "date", but it wouldn't work out.
Finally, my timeline shows the following birth years:
Claw - 1954
Fang - 1968
Talon - 1970
Maggie - 1975
Hi I love the show Gargolyes but do plan on bringing the show back. If u do will it be a revamp of the show(Same charecters?) Or a new clan hopefully with Deliha.
I'd love to bring the show back, as I've stated many times before. Take a look at the "Bringing Gargoyles Back" archive here at ASK GREG.
I like Delilah too, by the way.
How can Thailog and the Clones be cured of the clone virus when they're solid stone, and incapable of intraveneous injection? If science is a kind of magic, as Titania mentions in 'The Gathering' two-parter, no mage could meddle with it.
1. Don't take what Titania said too literally. She was making an analogy, not writing a treatise.
2. Keep in mind, you're talking Goliath Chronicles.
Will the Clone Wars happen in the future? You mentioned them in Future Tense.
It was, of course, largely a throw-away. An in-joke reference to Star Wars and a quick way for Puck to explain his lack of knowledge of Thailog's relationship to Demona.
But -- without making too big a deal of the name "Clone Wars" itself, as I don't want to get sued -- we'd have ourselves some Clone Wars down the line, yes.
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