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Hello, Greg! Well, this is my first query, so I hope I start off on a good foot (I haven't finished reading the archives, but I'm pretty sure these questions haven't been asked). Here we go:
1: Are the Gargoyle Clones still being affected by the Accelerated Growth Process (are they still aging at an accelerated rate), or are they aging normally?
2: Why does Brentwood(sp?) and Hollywood look alittle different (besides color) from Lex and Broadway? I have ideas, but I'm not sure. Is there a reason for this?
3: Why do the 4 clones (besides Thailog and Delilah) have digitized voices?
1. Out of their tubes, they are now aging normally.
2. They're biologically older.
3. Do they? I don't remember that. Are you sure? In "The Reckoning"?
Mr. Weisman,
I had a couple of questions regarding the double date you said you planned on sending Elisa and Goliath on.
1)In your mind, would Goliath have been dating Delilah out of any real interest in her as a person, or would it only have been a superficial attraction based on her resemblance to Elisa?
2)Obviously, Elisa wouldn't be thrilled about the idea of Goliath dating anyone. Do you think, however, that she would resent Goliath (either consciously or subconciously) for dating Delilah, who basically looks like a gargoyle version of herself? I ask this mainly due to the events of "The Mirror." Goliath's statment about not recognizing her beauty when she was human, coupled with his reluctance to answer her question as to whether he thought she was ugly, could be interpreted to mean that he only found her beautiful when she had a gargoyle's form.(Granted, I think you stated previously that this wasn't what you meant for him to be saying, but it could be interpreted that way)
3)You said you were considering Jason as a potential date for Elisa. Given the fact that Elisa told him in Hunter's Moon 3 that there was someone in her life who would always come before him, wouldn't it be uncharacteristically cruel for her to then turn around and make him think he had a chance with her after all?
1. I think it would have had a lot MORE to do with the fact that Elisa WANTED him to "see other people, gargoyles, whatever..." Delilah is the only real option in NYC at this time.
2. O.K., for starters, saying "they're dating" is pushing it. Rather, Elisa and Goliath experiment with not seeing each other. Their dates (for this one night) are basically being used a bit. So, yes, I think seeing Goliath with Delilah would disturb Elisa. And frankly, seeing Delilah period is just disturbing for Elisa. But seeing Elisa with another man would also disturb Goliath. They're trying to make the best of their mutual decision that seeing each other is impossible. But let's just say the date does not go smoothly.
And by the way, you're misrepresenting me with regards to "The Mirror". I think in fact that Goliath did NOT find Elisa sexually attractive until "The Mirror" allowed him to see her through a gargoyle's eyes. There was always chemistry there. But it was based on (a) her physical attraction to him and (b) a strong emotional and spiritual connection. After "The Mirror", Goliath also maintained a physical attraction to Elisa. He was no longer blinded by her human characteristics.
3. Would it be any crueler for her to go out with Morgan, who had no idea about her relationship with G? At least Jason wouldn't be blind-sided. Anyway, she isn't trying to be cruel. This is a sincere attempt. As far as her rational mind is concerned, the guy might really have a chance if things work out. I'm not saying there's no potential for cruelty involved. Welcome to the world of dating. But in any case, it's one date. A first date. So let's not over-react.
Here's my try for the 14 clans, Greg:
1. Manhattan
2. Avalon
3. London
4. Guatemala
5. Ishimura
6. Mutates/clones
7. New Olympus
8. the Coldtrio
9. India
10. Paris
11. Ireland
12. a Space Station
13. China
14. Camelot
Thanks for your time!
O.K. Once more. "Mutates/Clones" isn't a place. "Coldtrio" isn't a place. I won't say whether the Mutates/Clones and/or the Coldtrio represent an entire clan or not. But we're looking for locations here. LOCATIONS. PLACES named with as much specificity as they've been named in the show.
For example, saying "Japan" would get you only a half point, because we've been more specific. Saying "Ishimura" would get you a full point. Saying "Ishimura, Japan" would get you that same full point, because the "Ishimura" implies the Japan, so you haven't added anything. On the other hand, saying "Guatemala" also gets you a full point, because in that case, we've never been more specific. But saying "Obsidiana, Zafiro, Turquesa, Jade and some eggs" as complete as that is, would get you ZERO points, because they are the Mayan clan's POPULation, not its LOCation.
(Sorry, Ambrosia, I didn't mean to pick on you. I just want to make sure everyone gets the rules. And I don't want to have to explain them again.)
Seven full points. Two half points.
Are the clones the same physical ages as the Manhattan Gargoyles? I don't think you've answered this before. Brooklyn, Broadway and Lexington are younger Gargoyles. Would their clones be older and stronger to give them an edge. Would Hudson's clone be younger? How about Delilah? Basically, what are the physical ages of the clones? Hmm...I could've just asked that. Ah well, shouldn't waste good typing. Have a nice day/night!
Malibu, Brentwood, Burbank, Hollywood and Delilah were all aged to the same age. Mid-twenties (in human years). That makes the trio younger physically then their clones. Hudson older than his.
Today you revealed that "Thailog/Delilah wasn't over from my POV". Were you planning on having them get back together early on, before Delilah became educated and understood that Thaylog was trouble? (In other words, she would go to him because she was still controlled by her programming and not because Thaylog won her affection legitimately?)
You're question makes so many assumptions, there's no way for me to answer it simply. And I'm not prepared to go into the ENTIRE story here. Try breaking the question down a bit and resubmitting it.
At any rate, it's not as simple as your alternatives suggest.
Hi Greg! You've previously mentioned having big plans for the clones that extended to 2158 and beyond, and today you confirmed that some would have children. 1) When you mentioned having plans that extended far into the future, did you mean the present clones or their children? 2) If it's the former, how would they survive that long? 3) Are the clones' children going to remain a separate clan, or will they merge into other clans? 4) Are you going to try to completely nullify what TGC did to the clones, or have you incorporated it into your future plans for them? 5a) Do you have any plans for moving the clones out of the Labyrinth? 5b) If so, where will they move to and why? 6) Will the clones be able to produce genetically normal gargoyle offspring? 7) If you've given this any thought, would the offspring have a parent clone's backwards-coloring or that of the gargoyle one or either of the parents was cloned from? 8) What was Elisa's reaction to finding out she had a clone? 9) If Delilah has a child, how would Elisa react to it?
1. I'm not sure I understand the question...
2. See the answer to 4.
3. I can't answer this while the clan contest is ongoing.
4. Honestly, I haven't decided yet. Though I didn't care for the episode, it's absolutely one of the easiest to fix. Seems to me the clones could wake up at any time. So if the series came back in the present, I could wake them then. Or I could wake them anytime before 2158. But I figure with Goliath Chronicles it's going to be an all or nothing thing. So I can't make this specific decision in a vacuum. Right now, I'm leaning toward ignoring all post-Journey continuity. But I haven't made -- and probably can't make -- a final decision until I know in what form the series will resurface.
5a. See the answer to 3.
5b. Ditto.
6. Sure.
7. Being color-blind, it's not the first thing I think about.
8. On the surface, she was annoyed with Demona and Thailog, but open to being friends with Delilah. (She had seen the effect Goliath's harsh reaction had with Thailog.) Underneath that think the whole thing made her anxious. I do not think as of "The Journey" she had as yet gone down to meet Delilah.
9. Whoah, you're getting ahead of yourself...
Hi mr. Weisman! Yet another ASK GREG question...
I was wondering about what Sevarius said in Metamorphosis. He says that a geneticly engineered creature will take years to develop, so he created a mutegen to inject on human host.
1.Just how long does it take to create genticly a creature?
2.Did you ever plan to have artificial creatures created by mankind in Gargoyles?
Thanx, and have a nice day!
1. As I've said before, I'm not big on quantifying things.
2. Eventually. The clones were a first step.
Ok, it's a silly question. But that big Iron Cross looking armband that Malibu wore really stood out. Did it have any significance?
Not to me. But it looked cool.
Dear Greg,
1) I am sure that Brooklyn's infatuations with both Maggie and Angela were BOTH hormonal and emotional. But which did you feel that it was more of?
2) It almost seemed out of character that Brook didn't react to Delilah with some interest. Did you ever toy with the idea?
3) Does Brooklyn's clone share his weakness for the opposite sex?
1. I'm not big on quantifying emotions.
2. No. For starters, I think all the clones sorta creeped the Trio out. And the whole Elisa/Delilah thing was just too wierd.
3. Most heterosexuals share that weakness.
Did you think about expanding the Thailog/Delilah relationship beyond the master/slave idea?? After all, combining Demona's and Elisa's DNA had to make Delilah more inteligent than Thailog realized. It just seems that since Xanatos has Fox, Thailog may need/want a Delilah. A father like son situation.
Thailog/Delilah wasn't over from my POV.
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