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Clones, The

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Zeliard writes...

Hi mr. Weisman! Yet another ASK GREG question...

I was wondering about what Sevarius said in Metamorphosis. He says that a geneticly engineered creature will take years to develop, so he created a mutegen to inject on human host.

1.Just how long does it take to create genticly a creature?

2.Did you ever plan to have artificial creatures created by mankind in Gargoyles?

Thanx, and have a nice day!

Greg responds...

1. As I've said before, I'm not big on quantifying things.

2. Eventually. The clones were a first step.

Response recorded on April 07, 2000

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Gargfan writes...

Ok, it's a silly question. But that big Iron Cross looking armband that Malibu wore really stood out. Did it have any significance?

Greg responds...

Not to me. But it looked cool.

Response recorded on March 31, 2000

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Michael Norton writes...

Dear Greg,

1) I am sure that Brooklyn's infatuations with both Maggie and Angela were BOTH hormonal and emotional. But which did you feel that it was more of?

2) It almost seemed out of character that Brook didn't react to Delilah with some interest. Did you ever toy with the idea?

3) Does Brooklyn's clone share his weakness for the opposite sex?

Greg responds...

1. I'm not big on quantifying emotions.

2. No. For starters, I think all the clones sorta creeped the Trio out. And the whole Elisa/Delilah thing was just too wierd.

3. Most heterosexuals share that weakness.

Response recorded on March 21, 2000

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Anonymous writes...


Did you think about expanding the Thailog/Delilah relationship beyond the master/slave idea?? After all, combining Demona's and Elisa's DNA had to make Delilah more inteligent than Thailog realized. It just seems that since Xanatos has Fox, Thailog may need/want a Delilah. A father like son situation.

Greg responds...

Thailog/Delilah wasn't over from my POV.

Response recorded on March 17, 2000

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Kyle writes...


Did you ever consider bringing the clones back to life; perhaps with the aid of Xanatos and/or Alexander?? It just seems this could be another way for the Xanatoses to repay Goliath and the clan.

Greg responds...

Who said the clones were dead?

Response recorded on March 17, 2000

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Vashkoda writes...

Hi Greg! #1) Are any of the Labirynth clones going to have children? #2) Will Thailog? Thanks!

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Good question.

Response recorded on March 08, 2000

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Celano writes...

Is Delilah (my favorite clone!)capable of reproduction, or is she a mule due to her having both human and Gargoyle DNA? If she can have children, can she have them with just Gargoyles, just humans, or could she possibly have offspring with both?

Greg responds...

Delilah is genetically much more Gargoyle than human. She is capable of laying a gargoyle egg. Thailog would have insisted on that. But she couldn't mate with a human without some scientific or magical help.

Response recorded on January 25, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

Does Thailog have an Oedipus complex? I mean, the combination of his effort to kill his "fathers" (Goliath, Xanatos, and Sevarius), and his choosing for a mate first Demona (Goliath's original mate) and then Delilah (a combination of Demona and Elisa, Goliath's past and future mates, with this feature being his idea) does get me wondering whether he could have such a feature.

Greg responds...

That's a fair assessment.

Response recorded on January 24, 2000

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shogun raptor writes...

Greg, I was the one who asked about the Demona/macbeth link carrying over to delilah, namely because if Delilah was created from half of Demona's DNA, would the link be part of her DNA or would it be connected to her in another way, like through her soul?

Greg responds...

I don't see any connection existing there.

Response recorded on January 24, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Since Delilah's DNA comes partly from Elisa, does that mean some of her biological characteristics will be human in nature (in essense Delilah being the first half-human half-gargoyle) or were Elisa's contributions to her genetic makeup only cosmetic in nature (face, voice and so on) making Delilah a "normal" Gargoyle biologically?

If the former what kind of biological differences to normal gargoyles would Delilah have because of this?

Greg responds...

Delilah is clearly more gargoyle than human. So I'd say she's more of a biological gargoyle than a half-breed. She definitely turns to stone during the day, for example. But Sevarius was mucking about with forces he can't have fully researched. So who knows?

Response recorded on January 19, 2000

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Wing writes...

Hey Greg,
Eyes hurt. Reading old Archive. Ow.
Should've wrote What were your plans on prev. Questions. So I will.
What were <some of> your plans for the Clones?

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but as I've said before, this is not the forum or format for me to give novel-length responses to impossibly huge questions. Suffice to say, I had lots of plans for them extending to 2158 and beyond...

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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Airwalker writes...

How does Talon feel about raising a Gargoyle/Human hybrid who looks and sounds exactly like his big sister?

Greg responds...


(What did you expect me to say?)

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

In the time the clones have been living with Talon in the Labyrinth, have they evolved at all beyond their programming or would they run back and "Obey Thailog" at the drop of a hat if they saw him?

Greg responds...

That would make the premise of a good story don't you think?

At any rate, that was my plan.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Niner writes...

Dear Mr.Weisman,
I have a kazillion questions but I'll try to keep from going over five.

1)What did you have planed for a)Max Loew and the Golem?

2)Would King Arthur have recruited any more new knights besides Griff?

3)Would Sora, Taro, Vinnie, Talon, or the Pack have appeared in "Bad Guys"?

4)Finnaly, would the Clones become more intelligent or would they stay dirt stupid?

Thank you very much.

Greg responds...

These are kinda all on separte topics, but....

1a. No immediate big plans, but I had some adventure stuff in mind.

1b. Adventure and romance.

1c. See 1a.

2. Eventually, but not right away. I didn't want the cast of a quest show to grow too big or unwieldy.

3. Sora and the Pack definitely. Taro & Vinnie, maybe. Talon. Doubtful. (At least not in my immediate plans.)

4. They were never dirt stupid. They were dirt ignorant. There's a huge difference. And in my plan, they would have been educated.

Response recorded on December 16, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

How would you describe the clones personality-wise? (I know that this sounds like a volume length question but what I mean is for example Lex can be described as a techno-Geek, and Brooklyn can be described as thrill seeking second in command, etc. So if you were describing each clone in one line like that, how would you describe Brentwood, Malibu, Hollywood, Burbank, and Delilah?)

Greg responds...

Trouble is I wouldn't describe Lex as a "techno-geek" or Brooklyn as a "thrill seeking second in command".

Must you humans name everything? It's not real to you 'til you've named it, defined it, given it limits. Does the sky need a name? Does the river?

Response recorded on September 05, 1999

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Anonymous writes...

How come the spell linking Demona and macbeth didn't carry over to Delilah to a lesser extent?

Greg responds...

Why would it?

Response recorded on September 05, 1999

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Jackson writes...

Me again! Since I tend to think up questions one at atime, your request is one I can easily handle! Anyway:

1. Does Thailog have a certain attraction to Elisa? His behavior in "Double Jeopardy" and "The Reckoning" Seem to indicate this (the way he speaks and acts toward her in "Double Jeopardy" and the fact that he mixed her DNA with Demona's instead of making a ordinary clone of Demona to create Delilah in "The Reckoning"). If he does, is it because of the fact that he was created with Goliath's DNA? Or does he just naturally find something about her attractive?

Greg responds...

Thailog clearly finds Elisa attractive.

Now as to the cause....

Well you could attribute it to Goliath's DNA. But that sounds extremely unlikely as Goliath wasn't physically attracted to Elisa until he saw her transformed into a Gargoyle in "The Mirror".

So you either have to attribute it to some facet or facets of Xanatos' programming...

Or to the knowledge of Goliath's feelings for Elisa.

Or both.

Or something else.

Response recorded on August 22, 1999

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Alaxk writes...

Greetings Mr. Weisman, one more question

1. Concerning the Clones (the clones of the clan excluding Thaliog), do you feel that all of the clones cluttered up the story? Are they just a plot device?


Greg responds...

They weren't just a plot device. I don't think they cluttered up the story. I had plans for them.

I gather you weren't a fan.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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*The Bride of Ringo* writes...

Hi there Greg... welcome back! Lemme jump right on in:

1) Ok, we know that demona felt love for thailog (or at least as much love as she's able to feel), however, what exactly were Thailog's feelings for her? Was he really only using her for money and (I'm assuming sex also)? Or did he ever feel genuine that was something close to love?

2) What are Delilah's true feelings towards Thailog? i mean, does she Love him (or even really like him?) or is she only following her programing?

Greg responds...

1. Gotta say that Thailog doesn't get the whole "love" concept yet. Not exactly programmed for it, and nothing in his experience has taught him that lesson. It's easy to forget that he was practically born yesterday.

2. Delilah was born even closer to yesterday than Thailog. Asking her to distinguish between her true feelings and her programming at this early stage in her development (i.e. at the time of "The Reckoning") is tough.

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