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I've been trying to answer at least five questions a day here, every weekday, for quite a few months running. I'm still nowhere near coming close to emptying the queue.
But, as I'm certain some of you have noticed, the questions are, well, starting to grind on me. To get on my nerves. To tick me off.
Sometimes it's folks asking questions that are clearly answered by the material itself. On screen or on the page.
Sometimes it's folks asking for story spoilers, when that's clearly something I'm not going to reveal.
Sometimes it's folks ascribing motives for what I do that they can't possibly know.
Sometimes it's folks demanding that I acknowledge that my show sucks, with intense explanations for why I should do that. I'm okay with people not liking my stuff - wish they did, but you can't please everyone, all the time - but I resent people trying to convince ME that my stuff is bad. Maybe it's all in the phrasing, but it is, frankly, infuriating. Besides, I like my stuff.
I don't know if I've just hit a bad batch recently, but I think what's more likely is that I'm just burned out on it. That I'm reading negativity into perfectly innocent or at least neutral questions and statements. It's very possible I'm over-reacting.
Either way, my responses recently have been ire-filled, and I don't like that. It's not what I want ASK GREG to be. It's not, generally, what I think it's been for the last couple decades plus. (Give or take a tirade or smart-ass response, here and there.)
I took a few days off, posting Hercules premises, and thought that might help. And it did, a little. But clearly not enough. So I'm going to take an extensive break.
I'm tempted to close the question asking function for a time. But Young Justice: Targets is still coming out. And the new Gargoyles comic launches in December, and I want folks to be able to respond to those. So I've decided to leave the function alone for now. I realize that means that the backlog is going to continue to grow. But such is life, I guess.
I'm hoping that in a month or two, I'll be ready to come back. But for now, I need a break. Thanks and sorry.
Mr. Weisman,
On occasions when you say "NO SPOILERS" in response postings, is that your way of saying, "Some questions have a way of answering themselves if you wait and observe"?
Hi this is just confirmation for the YJ wiki but Bart Allen/Impulse was A014 right? And I was wondering if there was any discontinued designations that current individuals affiliated with our heroes have that you could confirm since it is implausible that they will be revealed naturally if that makes sense? I agree that having it revealed naturally is the best way so just trying to get the ones that don't have a real chance to get revealed if that makes sense?
Bart was A-14. (There's no zero in there.)
I basically agree with you. If a designation is outdated - or as you put it "discontinued" - I don't have a problem revealing it here. I DO have a problem revealing which designations are outdated/discontinued before it becomes obvious. So folks here are going to have to ask on a case by case basis, after the BASIS for the question has been revealed in canon.
Well, it took me YEARS, but I finally have cleared the ASK GREG queue. I'm going to take a bit of a break now, but we'll open the question asking function for DC FANDOME on October 16th. I honestly don't know what YJ will be doing for Fandome, but I assume we'll have some presence of some kind, and by then I should have had enough of a rest to jump back in.
Thanks for your patience.
hello i couldnt find this question and im not sure if you even log onto this site anymore but oh well
when making Gargoyles I've heard you had some regrets with broadways relationship with angela is that true?
No. Never. Where did you hear that?
And it took me long enough, granted, but ASK GREG back!
Dear Greg,
You are really amazing!! I love how you have all made this! Sorry for my bad English, because I come from the Netherlands and english is not my mother launguage. Sorry.
I have a lot of questions. My first question is: How was your first day working here?
Thank you for your time!!
Your sincerly,
Working... where?
I'm sorry. I know English isn't your first language - though you're doing better than I would do at ANY other language, but I don't know which series you're referring to. Or whether you're talking about ASK GREG.
Good day, Sir.
This is more of a question regarding your policy than one regarding your shows. Your policy regarding not spoiling the details regarding future seasons/episodes of your shows is well documented. But I'm wondering whether or not you feel a freedom to discuss details that haven't yet been depicted on-screen but that have already transpired in-universe and that you likely won't revisit. For example, in between Young Justice Seasons 1-2, there was a substantial time gap in which plenty of untold (to viewers) story unfolded. Viewers got a hint regarding some of what happened, and some more was explicitly stated. But do you feel a freedom to--if asked--go into detail regarding events that occurred during that period but that will clearly never be depicted on-screen or even in the comics (especially considering that Young Justice season 3 looks like it'll occur after yet another time gap)? Do those details count as 'spoilers,' considering that they won't be relevant to future episodes and will likely never be depicted in future seasons?
As always, glad to see the Young Justice comeback and hoping for a season four too.
You're assuming those things will never be depicted. But, well... FLASHBACKS HAPPEN. So, yeah... SPOILERS.
Hi. This is not a question. This is a comment about the literally hundreds of posts about Miss Martian and especially Beast Boy on this site. I understand that I am not the owner or moderator of this site, so I understand, Greg, if you feel the need to tell me off for my presumption.
There is one person posting these questions under hundreds of different pseudonyms. Yes, it is one person. I refuse to believe that the Garfield Logan fan club has descended upon this site. To make matters worse, the vast majority of these questions are variations on one, two, or three different themes. How did the team react to learning Miss Martians would outlive them? When did Garfield start living at Mount Justice?
To the poster of these questions: this is incredibly annoying. It's great you are such a huge fan of Young Justice and of the Beast Boy and Miss Martian relationship. As a fan, I understand what it is like to become preoccupied and even obsessed with some aspect of a show that may not be important to the main story. I also get the impression English is not your first language, but there is no country on Earth that this is not considered rude and inconsiderate behavior! Maybe you should try writing some fan-fiction as an outlet for your particular enthusiasm. You could write a series of vignettes of every single character in the Young Justice universe reacting to the news that M'Gann will outlive him or her.
Now I know I'm going to get a Weisman lambasting. Yes, I know it is not my place to write this letter. I know I have no right to elevate myself as a spokesperson for all the fans that frequent this site, and knowing that I did it anyways. Let the snark commence!
No snark.
I did notice the similar themed questions, including actual repeated questions. And, without a doubt, it's annoying. But since I'm three years late answering, I'm not feeling too judgmental.
How long does it normally take you to answer a question on this website?
Uh... I'm not sure if there's a typical answers. It took me nearly four years this time. I've been faster in the past. I may also have been even slower in the past. But I hope not.
Just wanted to let people know that at the end of this month, we're going to shut down the ASK GREG a question function for the time being. I don't have anything new coming out any time soon, and I believe everyone has had time to respond to (or question) my latest output. And in any case you've got a little more than a couple weeks yet to get your burning questions in.
I've been very busy working on Season Four of YOUNG JUSTICE, and I simply haven't had times to answer questions at the rate any of us would like. And the back-log has just gotten ridiculous. So we'll cut off questions for the time being, and I'll try to cut down on some of that back-log in time for the release of YJ S4.
I'm not on Twitter that much these days either... and I've even cut down on convention appearances, but I still jump on Twitter when I'm at loose ends, so you can potentially find me @Greg_Weisman.
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