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Ruthann writes...

Do you know if the second half of the second season is coming out? I have looked for any news but have found nothing re it.

An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

I'm still hoping that BVHE will release Volume 2, but frankly I'm not holding my breath.

Response recorded on January 23, 2007

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Jonny Modlin writes...

Hi Greg,
I am getting worried about the release of Gargoyles Season Two, Volume Two on DVD containing the remaining 26 episodes of Monsters to Hunters Moon Part 3 and need to complete the series of Gargoyles Season One and Season Two, Volume One and Two on DVD that makes 65 episodes. Will Gargoyles Season Two, Volume Two be released on DVD this year? Thank you.


An Ask Greg Helper responds...

Greg Weisman says:

Volume Two is not scheduled.

Response recorded on January 22, 2007

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Nick Piers writes...

Hey Greg,

I've been a longtime Gargoyles fan since it first aired when I was in High School. Being both a comic book geek and a literature geek, I've fondly remembered the show for as long as I can remember. I remember when the episode revealing Owen in Puck (I believe it occured after the World Tour), I was in shock for days and geeking out with my friends about it.

Sadly, as I live in far Eastern Canada (New Brunswick), I won't have a Gathering 2006 report. If I had the money for such a trip, I would absolutely love to attend one of the Gatherings. Maybe someday!

So, a couple of questions:

1) The first is regarding Volume 2 of Season 2. I picked up Vol.1 as soon as it was released and devoured the episodes within days. From your comment about Vol.2, I'm worried if we'll ever see its release. Would it be safe to assume that Volume 2 would be the final set for the series? I remember you listed how, ideally, you'd like to release the sets but I can't remember their set up.

2) An additional question regarding Vol.2. I loved the Gathering feature in the first season collection. Do you think that, should Vol.2 be released, that another Gathering feature (perhaps of 2004 or '06?) could be added?

3) Since "The Journey", the first and only episode you were directly involved with TGC, would it be safe to assume that it may be included in a future DVD collection? The rest of TGC, I understand, would not, but just the one leaves me curious.

Lastly, I'd like to say that I picked up the first issue of the Gargoyles comic and enjoyed it greatly. In many ways, it felt as if I was watching the show all over again. My only complaint, which I'm sure will disappear once the first 2-issue arc is completed, is that it feels a lot like a re-hashing of "The Journey". Did you want to alieviate concerns about whether that episode was canon or not by telling your own version of the story? I'd be curious to hear some comments on that if they haven't already been answered.

Thanks for all the fond memories, Greg. To me, Gargoyles was far too short but clearly has a power all on its own to last longer than any spell an executive could cast upon it.

(Also, if someone could maybe e-mail me either to answer some questions that Greg doesn't necissarily need to answer...or maybe inform me when these questions are answered, that'd be fantastic. My e-mail, done in long hand to avoid spam, is nick underscore piers at hotmail dot com.)

Greg responds...

1. I'm not sure I understand your question. I'm still hoping that BVHE will release Volume 2, but frankly I'm not holding my breath. Beyond that, THEY may want to release the Goliath Chronicles, but that's not something that I'm going to fight for.

2. No way to know. But there is a "been there, done that" feeling that even I get, extras-wise.

3. I have no idea. It wouldn't be included in Season Two, Volume Two, as it was part of Season Three. My feeling is that now that the Journey has been adapted into "Nightwatch" and "The Journey", i.e. the first two issues of the new GARGOYLES comic, I don't feel the need to have it out on DVD. But that may just be me.

4. It's not a rehashing, it's quite consciously an adaptation -- though an adaptation that restores scenes that were cut from the televised version, cuts narration that was added to the episode (and not by me), reorders scenes back to the way I originally wrote it and adds some flashback material to help bring new readers up to speed. The main reason to do this was because I felt STRONGLY that I needed to find a good entry point into the universe for new fans and/or old fans who haven't been obsessively watching and rewatching the episodes for ten years. Also, I felt that this was a good story that deserved better treatment, and ALSO I felt that since I would finally be doing MY third season of the series in comic book form, I wanted to start it with the story that began that season. And, finally, yes, I see "The Journey" as canon. Now, it's clear. Canon consists, in my mind at least, of the 65 episodes that make up the first two seasons of the series and the two published issues of the SLG comic book. Other stufff, like Goliath Chronicles (including now "The Journey" as televised), the Marvel comics, the Disney Adventure comics and whatever else might be out there is NOT canon. And any hints or flat out spoilers I've given or revealed in ASK GREG or at Gatherings or wherever is AT BEST, canon-in-training. It reveals my thought process more than final product. So it's not real til it's real.

Response recorded on January 21, 2007

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WOLFBANE^_^ writes...

r u hopeing 2 do audio commentary on season 2 vol. 2 when it comes out? (i love the commentary bye the way!)

Greg responds...

Of course.

Response recorded on January 15, 2007

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Phoenician writes...

Hey Greg, I'm back to make my review of the Season II - Volume I DVD!

I've been waiting to do this since I bought it on the day of release - I'm actually a tad surprise it took so long, as opposed from last year . . .

But getting to the point: Season II, Volume I ROCKED! Several of my favorite episodes are in this DVD, including the City of Stone 4-Parter, the Avalon 3-Parter, and probably my favorite in the entire DVD: The Mirror!

My favorite bonus feature was the episode introductions, and I really wish now that Season I had them as well. They offered more behind the scenes info than I think I expected. I really did love the Gathering of the Cast and Crew: I have only seen Keith David, Johnathan Frakes, Mirina Sirtis and Sally Richardson (and you, of course) in my history of Gargoyles, so it was nice to finally attach some faces to the rest of the cast and crew as well. I loved Jeff Bennet's 3-Voice demo. Absolutely amazing and hilarious at the same time!

I loved the commentary on City of Stone. Out of the two multi-parters we got, I'm happy this one at least got the commentary. The back-story of Demona and Macbeth is perhaps the best memory I have of watching Gargoyles when I was six. Never before (and I think you mentioned this on the commentaries) had I seen the bad guys in a point of view that got me feeling sorry for both of them! The music by Carl Johnson in the Part IV (Where we see Demona in the forest fire) is definitely what I reminisce most in the four-parter. Simply legendary.

By the way, after I had watched the City of Stone four-parter commentaries, I was driven to look up the entire "Macbeth" Family Tree. I finally found the historical version, and with the knowledge of what I knew of Princess Katherine and her dad Prince Malcolm, I think I worked it all out all the way to Luach (I know, I know . . . Lulach. But I'm used to it!) and Canmore!

I don't know if it was you or someone in the Gargoyles team that did it, but I love the fact that the cover says "We Live Again." Simple, but powerful for anyone who remembers the series.

I wish Avalon had a commentary as well, but that is why I appreciate the Introductions so much.

I can't wait for the next DVD. I can't wait to have The World Tour (which I had always called the 'Avalon Odyssey' before I started going online) to my collection. So many stories in so many places . . . I love them all!

Thanks for the series, Greg. From the season premire I was lucky to witness up to today, this show STILL remains my favorite show of all time!

On to Volume II!

Greg responds...

You're very welcome.

In House at Disney, we started calling it "The Gargoyle World Tour" as a joke. Like we'd make concert t-shirts with all the stops. (HEY, THAT'S A GOOD IDEA!!)

Response recorded on January 05, 2007

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Tina Y. writes...


I'd been eagerly awaiting Season 2, Vol. 1. Last month I finally got it and have been throughly enjoying it. So many of my favorite episodes were on here and to finally get a chance to view them again, cut and without the commericals has just been like a dream to me. I loved the commentary for City of Stone. It's always a treat to hear your thoughts and comments on these episodes. I laughed so much. I can't wait for the next volume.

I also wanted to thank you for another reason. A few months ago my dad was doing some family history and I noticed one of the names he had in the history. Malcolm Canmore. Needless to say I was greatly surprised. I knew that name, but only from Gargoyles. For a while I did a little research on him and now feel a little closer to my roots. I'm extremely grateful to you and your staff for bringing a bit of history into your show. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have looked into my history at all. And never would have known more about the interesting people who have been in my family.

I'm also eagerly waiting for your comic series to be released.

There's nothing I really needed to know, but I just wanted a chance to thank you for all you do and the amazing effort you've poured into releasing this series. It meant a lot to me when I was younger and it still draws me in even now. Thank you so much!

Greg responds...

Your thanks are much appreciated. So you're a Canmore, huh? No masks with three slashes on it in your sock drawer, are there?

Response recorded on January 04, 2007

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Noah writes...

Re: The Season 2, Volume 1 DVD set.

One word: AWESOME! As a long-time Gargoyles fan who never got to see quite a few of the episodes (sigh...stupid Canadian TV) this set was a real treat. I received it as a Christmas gift and finished watching every episode within 3 days.

One of the best things about the DVDs (aside from the episodes themselves) was the episode introductions. This is something I've never seen before, and they were great! It's really interesting to hear, even briefly, about the thought that went into each and every episode. I enjoyed and appreciated them a lot more. Oh, and thanks for the spoiler warnings - I'd forgotten about a few plot twists and it was nice to have them as a surprise again!

For the next DVD release, I would heartily encourage you to do the intros again - make them a bit longer, if possible! The special feature with the cast and crew was also really neat.

Also, from a technical standpoint, I thought the DVDs were very well done - good menus and excellent picture and sound quality.

All in all, a fantastic release! I'm loaning out my Gargoyles DVDs to my friends to get them hooked as well. I'm looking forward to the next set! Thanks Greg for all your effort on the DVDs and here on the website too (which makes an excellent companion for the DVDs - I read your rambles and the memo(s) after each episode). Cheers,


Greg responds...

You're very welcome!

Response recorded on January 03, 2007

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Gabriel writes...

Hey Greg,
You asked for thoughts on the new DVD release. In short it's great to have so many eps on one release.
A few things that really impressed me:
The disk art is stunning- especially the Demona pick on disk one.
I love that while we couldn't get commentaries,Since budget,disk space and your personal time are issues, we still get episode intro's for all the eps.
Thanx for the spoiler alert in your intro to Outfoxed, turns out I knew the spoiler, but I really didn't remember the episode before I watched so that was cool.
The main menu's are also great- so much going on.

A few little things that could make it (or a future release) better
Chapter stops in the episodes
I prefer keep-case style packaging like season 1. All the artwork potential is cool on cardboard-plastic packaging, but I like the durablity of keepcase.
I realise those aren't content related, but the only content comment I would make is that it was a pity that Marina Sirtis or John Ryhs-Davies weren't on the CoS commetary (though I've heard report that Marina was asked but unavailble so you guys tried) Other than that I'm completely satisfied with the disks' content.

Really looking forward to S2 v2. Here's hoping for commentary on both "The Gathering" and "Hunter's Moon" (It's five eps like on the season 1 release) And I'd absolutly love to hear from Jonathan Frakes- Xanatos is still one of my all time favorite characters! Looking forward to seeing MIA, Golem, Future Tenses, and the one ep I've never seen Grief.

Thanx for reading
Keep up the good work
You're an insiration for those of us looking to do great things in the entertainment industry.


Greg responds...

Just to be clear, my "personal time" was never an issue regarding the commentaries. I would have donated as much time as necessary. It was all about budget. (Which also explains the lack of chapter stops.) And the budget was not my call.

Carol Wagner invited Marina and John and Jonathan and Keith and Salli to participate in the commentaries and extras. None, unfortunately, were available.

Response recorded on January 03, 2007

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Jonny Modlin writes...

I wanted to know when will Gargoyles Season Two, Volume Two on DVD with the final twenty six episodes of Monsters to Hunter's Moon in what month/year? How were the sales for Gargoyles Season Two, Volume One on DVD? Thank you.

Greg responds...

This has been answered before. Please check the archives.

Response recorded on January 02, 2007

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Torvik writes...

Hey Greg. My sister and I have NO PROBLEM shopping for each other at Christmas. We just get each other the latest Garg DVD release. (We won "Best Couple" at the Montreal Gathering ~ Fox & Xanatos a la 'Eye of the Beholder'.)
Watched/listened to the 'City of Stone' commentary last week. I think the BEST part was hearing you laugh. There was something about it that showed you 100% at ease. You were comfortable, and everything you were saying flowed unhindered from within you. No masks. No false pretenses. It was clear that you were really enjoying yourself, and that helped me to enjoy what you were saying so much more. Even if I had never met you, I bet I'd feel some sorta weird kinship with you, just because you were so personable. Every time you laughed, I couldn't prevent a smile from creeping across my face.

Thanks for the great work!

(The only thing I haven't really enjoyed from the 2 releases are the cheese-zoid 'animated' menus. Maybe the designers are gearing for a younger age, but I would be even happier with something more tasteful and simple, ya know? A bit more understated. But, that's just me :)

Greg responds...

I kinda liked the menus myself. Maybe I'm just immature. ;)

Anyway, thanks for the kind words. We were having fun.

Response recorded on January 02, 2007

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